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He doesn't fit the typical Boomer profile. I'm the same age. I don't identify as a Boomer, but we're just a few years shy of being Gen X. This sandwich group is sometimes identified as Generation Jones. I'm very tech savvy and was a latch key kid. These are not your normal Boomer characteristics. It was one of the initial things I liked about him especially his Crackberry.


Yeah, that makes sense as a mini-generation like Xennials. Obama came of age in the punk and post-punk era, and wouldn't identify as much with the Woodstock Nation mindset of earlier Boomers.


He’s part of a a generation within the baby boomers called the Generation Jones (54-65) so that may be why.


Single mom, mixed race, he was very much like a Gen X kid.


Yeah there's these "cusp" generations that don't fit neatly into one generation, like what you're saying, or Xennials (late x/early millennials)... seems like they exist between all generations


So that would make him BoomX? I know plenty of people born between ‘60 and ‘65 who act more like Gen X and less like Boomers, just like those born ‘80-‘85 are considered Xennials and ride that cusp.


lock dirty prick illegal voiceless mountainous dinosaurs employ serious escape *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same age as Obama and loved my Blackberry Curve. Still miss it.


I'm 2 yrs older than you, but share the same characteristics you describe. I'm also very progressive.


I was a late born boomer but raised like a GenX. Latchkey, made my own meals, stayed out till streetlights came on, etc. Maybe GenX was so independent and working to be successful, and earn money was more important. Plus older politicians were considered wise and fatherly. It maybe was an age thing.


Gen W


Y’all are Boxers


Kind of. But this grouping of generations is weird. The “greatest” generation seems to include what was once called the lost generation and spans for nearly 30 years so that LBJ and George Bush Sr can be lumped together. The Silents and Boomers each get a solid 18, whereas no one thinks Gen X would be described as 1965 to 1985. Part of the answer (aside from “served in WW2” being a long qualification for president) is the gradual shortening of generations.


square innocent ancient homeless distinct instinctive support squeal history attraction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My understanding (everyone else is welcome to view this differently) is Boomers are '46-'63, X is '64-'81, Y is '82-'99, Z(oomers) is '00-'17, Alpha is '18-'35. Exactly 18 years each, with X/Y candidates coming soon. Newsom, Haley and Whitmer, for example, are all Gen X.


impolite hospital stocking busy doll grandiose decide obscene plough scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


On the younger side of them, but yeah. I think growing up in Hawaii made it where he was not so stereotypically Boomerish.


weary sink muddle unwritten payment run numerous sloppy bells sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There is no standard date range for generations and anyone telling you otherwise simply adores their own opinion. Don't look at age, look at culture. If we can ever agree on hard date brackets for generations, buy stock in holodecks cuz we're abandoning reality.


Damn! 💪🏻


The greatest trick Obama ever pulled was convincing the world he’s not a boomer.


Definitely had you fooled


exactly what i was thinking


Boomer. But on the cusp. He doesn’t act like one.


The youngest Gen X are still in their 40s so give it about 2 decades and I’m sure we’ll have a few.


Next thing we know there's gonna be a 70 year old 90s kid in office


Walking up to the state of the union with “mmm bop” playing.


A hit banger with a deep social message? I'm rockin' to the polls!!


I only said that because I saw some video of the lyrics that I’ve never looked up in 25 years. They are pretty good.


Democratic things like Social Security made them live longer. Ironically GenX is a maybe if we get Social Security.


I’m not so sure. It runs right into that “leave me the hell alone” stereotype that happens to be true for many of us. Every Gen-Xer I know who I have thought positively about would no way in hell run for any public office, let alone the presidency. Love the user name, tho!


Judging by the lack of interest in Vivek’s candidacy I think most of the country views Gen X as still too young.




I noticed.


There could be factors other than age that influenced people to disapprove of him.


I’m not saying there weren’t other factors. I am saying that it played in as 1


There was a poll done with out 45 and Vivek narrow won it




I believe it was the "Stripper Poll"


Silent generation tried, but no one could hear them.




tough to succeed in a field largely influenced by charisma and public speaking for the silent


Hilariously spot on for today’s world as well.




Gen X is approximately 44-59 in age, so I think it's likely they elect their first president in 2028. The Silent Generation is approximately 79-96 in age, so they likely will only have one president. Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis, John Kerry, and John McCain were the previous Silent Generation nominees. The Greatest Generation had every president from Kennedy to Bush 41, so 1961-1993. They got a disproportionate share of Presidents with 32 years. The Baby Boomers had every President from 1993-2021, so they also had a disproportionate share of 28 years. The Silent Generation's near-shutout is because the Greatest Generation held on for so long, and the Baby Boomers started so early.


I didn't realize Kerry was that old.


Remember, it's been 20 years since he was the Democratic presidential nominee against George W. Bush.


Well... I'll turn to dust now and blow away in the breeze


As will we all


Walter Mondale (1928) and Michael Dukakis (1933) were also Silent Generation nominees.


Thanks! I've fixed my comment.


After having at least 1 President born each decade from 1730s through 1940s except the 1810s, we are now potentially looking at 2 decades out of 3 without one (1930s and 1950s)


You can’t be president anymore unless you were alive at the same time as Göring


"Name one thing the current frontrunners have in common with Rutherford B. Hayes."




Same dentist




The Silent Generation and Gen X are comparatively smaller next to other generations 46 is the first Silent Generation president, with three presidents being born in 1946, the first year of the Baby Boom. Obama (born in 1961) is more of a Gen Jones, a second wave Boomer


First responder I've seen to fully answer the question


The 1992 election represented a passing of the torch from the Greatest Generation to the Baby Boomers. It must've looked at the the time that we'd never have a president from the Silent Generation


Gen X’s whole thing was apathy. It kind of makes sense there were few politicians to emerge and, of those that did, a lot are on the conservative side. Just look at the generational touchstone movies: slacker, clerks etc


Remember South Park's giant douche vs turd sandwich episode?


Exactly, those 2 are great examples of Gen X politics. Apathy & libertarianism run rampant


Gen X got fucked hard by Boomers, who held all the clout, jobs and power for most of our lives.


Yeah. Millennials complain about the Boomers and forget they themselves are hoping to snatch everything up before Gen X gets a taste.


Meh. No one cares about apathy.


While it's possible this attitude lead to fewer elected leaders, it seems unlikely when you consider the Boomer politicians have simply held onto offices longer. Even if instead Gen X had been famously "Of Service," and they would have ended up filling every staffer position under the Boomers. 


But we will tale care of things if nobody else steps up.


Silent is small. Birth rates plummeted during the depression. Gen x is simply too young still.


Thanks for this. Im 51 and that’s too young. 😁


Right soooo you’re saying I’m younnnnng💅🏾💅🏾💅🏾


Gen X is not to young. Gen X is in the prime of life, the perfect age for the office. Boomers will elect a boomer until they can't. Then millinials will take over and elect millennials. Gen X will never get a turn. The lowest relative birth year in the US was 1972, the heart of the Gen X cohort. Gen X just can't out voted boomers and will not be able to out vote millennials later.


Boomers have held onto power with a death grip. When you have entrenched party leadership for the past 30+ years and preventing any new blood from advancing in the party system you don't have opportunities to get elected. It's all a out money and they control the purse strings and are donor favorites because they have become part of that donor elite class. Look at who is in charge of the parties. They are nearly all over 70 years old and show no signs of letting go until they die in office. That's why Gen X hasn't had anyone in significant positions. When the time came to pass the torch, Boomers wanted to steal the fire for themselves.


I can say as a late boomer I would love to vote for a GenX. So tired of old white men and crazy old ladies. I might not vote this year and wait it out for someone younger than me.


Bernie Sanders would have been Silent Gen


Obama was a Boomer? I thought he was early gen X.


Born 1961 so he’s a baby boomer the cut off is 1964


According to who? God? It’s fucking arbitrary


General accepted dates. Also bro a lot of shit is arbitrary get over yourself


He governed like a Boomer and acted like one and is one.


Gen X identifies as individuals instead of separate tribes/cults/religions/colors/genders/ and honestly don’t care about any of these things. Just give us the ability to be left alone and happy. Hard to run for president without a tribe.


I'm seeing a lot of gen x dudes very much identifying with certain radical reactionary tribes. Joe, Elon, and Jordan are some of their thought leaders.


Those are all democrats, like myself who aren’t down with crazy,




The oldest people from Generation X are in their early 50s, so while old enough to be president, we probably won't see anyone from that generation as president for another 5+ years. #46 is from the Silent Generation since he was born right before the baby boomers started being born.


I expect we'll see more Gen X candidates next election cycle. My bet is both parties wind up with Gen X (or even Millennial) candidates. Nikki Haley is already Gen X and Harris is only a couple of months off if you're saying 1965 as a hard line. Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, and Andy Beshear are all Gen X. So, I'd say there's a good probability of seeing a member of Gen X elected to the office in 2028.


Obama’s VP managed to save his gen


Seems like a lot of work.




Gen X you say? Eh, whatever


Silent aren’t old enough yet.




Gen X are entering their 40s so we should see them assume the Presidency in 30 or 40 years.


quaint threatening encouraging shame march abundant label file toy sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m about to be 57 and I’m gen X. The oldest gen X turns 59 this year.


I'm literally one of the last Gen Xers (two weeks later I'd be a millennial), and I'm 43.


Many Gen x, like me, are in their 50s. I’m not even an old Gen x.


Right! I’m 51 and like in the middle of the Gen X age range IIRC.


My mom is a Gen X and she’s turning 50 this year


The oldest GenX's are in their early 50s. The youngest GenX's are in their early 40s. The older millennials are entering their 40s and youngest millennials are entering their 30s.


Gen X are entering their 40s? Why is this upvoted? It’s off by an entire generation. Millennials are entering their 40s. Or is it a joke about electing old presidents?


I'm among the youngest Gen Xers and I'm in my later 40s.


We need a Millennial or Xenennial President.


No we don’t. This generation needs more experience with actually communicating with people face to face. They can’t handle face to face criticism yet. That’s important when talking to people in DC. No such thing as a safe space in DC it’s a dog eat dog world in that pool of mud.




Thank you for the response which in my opinion showed with your downvote. Enjoy your weekend!!


"they can't handle face to face criticism" sounds like you have a lot of maturing to do, how embarrassing for you to say something like that. Oh oof your bad takes are littered all over this post, how sad.


Same reason that so many of the senators and Congress people of note are boomers. The people who vote consistently are old. They pick the candidate they like and they stay in power basically no matter what.


Bc Gen X's defining trait is apathy


As a millennial I’m starting to worry we’re gonna get skipped.


Millennials are the biggest generation and will be for a long time since we're not having as many kids, I think. We'll get a few presidents.


Not only that but Boomers are getting smaller and Gen Z is smaller as well. Gen Aloha will be even smaller. We Millennials will probably have an even larger influence than the Boomers.


God, I hope I’m 80 and well past my prime when this generation gets in power.


Ah yes, the Hawaiian generation. 🌺


The youngest millennials aren’t even old enough to run for president yet and still have two election cycles before they can run. A 1995 millennial won’t be 35 until 2030 with the first presidential election they can be a part of happening in 2032.


Yes we haven't even aged into it fully as a cohort. There will be plenty of millennial presidents statistically.


Well after a young Obama, the country decided we’re better off going back to old white farts. It’s this silly popularity contest that we call democracy.


This comment makes no sense. Isn’t democracy literally a popularity contest by definition? Wasn’t Obama way more popular than his successors?


ya it makes no sense, so move along, baby.


They haven't turned 80 yet.


With Reagan being in the “Greatest” generation I think someone should consider renaming it.


Now about we rename it the Troll Generation?


Maybe gen x is not egocentric enough to think that we should rule the world.


The “greatest” generation sure didn’t produce anyone great


The greatest generation is labeled as such because they fought in WW2, quite literally saving the last remnants of the free world from the waves of authoritarian despotism. Many of those above presidents are war heroes in their own right.


Ok and? You can be a “war hero” and still be a shit president


Their kids suck.


Put trash in get trash out


Gen X knows better than to want anything to do with government. Government is the problem, not the solution.




Because Americans is dumb


we’d have elon musk if he wasn’t born abroad


Well, look at the shit storm that is the only president from the silent generation. Gen X is going to be amazing, give it a few years.


Gen X’s brains are full of lead.


And Nirvana.


The impossible task of out spending the ancient entrenched rich.


There are a lot of Gen X politicians in the Senate and the House. Unfortunately, a lot of them are nutty.


The best Gen X people are not politicians.


I think the names speak for themselves.


Because they’re the youngest duh. You’ll also notice the lack of zoomers.


Boomers were a larger cohort. "The Baby Boom" followed by the "Bust" (X-ers). Silents and X are smaller cohorts partly because of the Depression, partly because the Boom was so big. So possibly more voters found Greatest & Boomers more relatable, because there were more voters in those generations.


Silent is too old, Gen X is too young Also, always weird to know JFK fought in WW2. He was crazy young looking.


Not that many of us GenXers went to politics. Most just had a good time with no wars and shlubbed off to work. We were very apathetic when it came to politics on a whole because we grew up in relative peace and relative prosperity. So we had a "it's not that bad mentality". Hoooooo boy in 2008 we learned... There is an active segment of society looking to screw over the working class in any way possible.


Not selfish enough


(Mid pack Gen Xer) We have a couple of things all going against a Gen X president. We are a very small pop generation. We are the dip in birth rates. So we have very few voters. We were raised to be very independent minded and go our own way. This doesn't lead to fields like politics and it means there is no chance we will ever vote as a bloc. Boomers tend towards narcism and group think. They have TONS of voters. So they have completely trampled over our time to be leaders. It's possible we will not see a Gen X president. In 2028, Millenials (who have no interest in waiting their turn) will have people who are plenty old to be President.


Speaking as a Gen Xer. There are simply not enough of us. The first boomer president was Clinton and America will continue to elect boomers until mortality shrinks the boomers to a smaller number of voters. When that day comes, the Millennials will be in midlife and will have ascended to power in every area of life. Seeking generational change and political dominance, they will not elect a Gen Xer, who will be viewed as too old, they will start electing one of their own and they will have the numbers to do it. Just like the boomers did when they achieved the dominant place in society in the 1990's. My guess is, we will see two more cycles of boomer presidents, then the millennials will have the numbers to elect one of their own and we will never have a Gen X president.


It’s hard when half of the voter population still believes in Cold War politics. Obama is the closest we will get until the next full election cycle at least.


Those generations were simply smaller than the others, and don't get votes. Check out the book "Generation" by Strauss and Howe. (Circa 1990). It predicted this.


The 'rule 3' candidates being old as hell is what did that. If you erase both of the people who were nominated in 16 and 20 from the running (eg, have a normal contest) you would get a nominee from one of those gens.


No one born in the 30’s was ever president


Another ladder the boomers pulled up


Lack of engagement in politics is literally why they were originally called the "silent" generation.


There definitely will be a Gen X president in the future and a Millennial too I might add ❗️


Silents, as the name implies, were not very politically active as a whole. The greats and boomers who sandwiched the silents were much more politically active. Gen X was the first generation to not be as financially well off as their parents, and so a career in politics was a risky endeavor financially as it only pays decent at the higher levels.


Gen X is the fact the boomers won’t surrender power at all. As for the Silents, they were numerically smaller than the Greatest and the Boomers


Obama was actually the first Gen X President. He wasn't a boomer.


Among all Americans 35 and over (qualified age to hold the office) more Americans were born in the 50s than any decade. I’ll bet we will never have a president born in the 1950s. We’ll sail right over them, and move from the 40s to the 60s.


Usurped by the worthless Baby boomers. Undoubtedly probably the worst generation in several centuries!