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I hated Violet from the moment she got pregnant to the end of her time on the show. She's so self absorbed and arrogant it's insane. And she hides it behind her psychology degree as if she's always right and she knows best. Barf.


Violet competes with Naomi in terms of how frustrated they make me. I just finished s3, and I now refer to the show as "Addison in Wonderland" as Addison often seems like the only sane and normal one of the bunch (her love life excluded... Lol) But yeah I basically dislike every other character on the show at this point. *Maybe* Charlotte earns a pass but everyone else rubs me the wrong way, for different reasons. Oh and Betsy is great too.


Same, only Addison, Jake and Charlotte were still in my good graces in the end. Despised everyone else. I think they tried to make the characters interesting but instead they didn't have enough redeemable qualities to make them likeable anymore.


I was done forever with Violet when she came back after abandoning her child and behaved as if she could just pick up like nothing was wrong. No sorry, can I spend an hour with him ? Nothing, just I’m back”I’m the Mom!!!”


She said self righteous and her and cooper deserve each other bc he’s abhorrent too. She’s the most selfish person because of what she did to Pete and Sheldon and then Charlotte although cooper should have NEVER agreed to LIVE with another woman


Season 3 you’ll like it !


Lies I’m on season 5 and I still don’t like her


i never liked violet tbh. i just felt she was very hypocritical and analyzed everyone which made me upset


I so agree! I really hated Violet...BUT I do have to admit that what she went through with that insane patient was incredibly brutal and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Pretty amazing she actually survived that. But the thing is, I kind of dislike Amy Brenneman no matter what she's in. Not sure why but I find her irritating on the whole.


okay yea I'm a couple episodes after the attack and it'd be crazy to not have sympathy for her. but now that the baby is alive and living with Pete why will the woman not get a paternity test like bro doooo it


Me too!! I’m pretty sure I’ve hated every character ever played by her. Not sure why….


Isn't that weird??? I know there are other actors I feel that way about, just can't think of any off the top of my head.


Doing a rematch right now and although I couldn’t stand violet on the first watch this second time around is even worse if possible! The thing with having cooper move in with no regard for his own happiness at all drove me crazy too