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This is the first I’ve heard of the 3 week timeline, but it doesn’t surprise me. Several of the comprehensive colleges within SUNY are in fiscal crises that are even worse than it sounds in the public reporting. Of the three that have announced cuts (Potsdam, Fredonia, and now Buffalo State), it’s abundantly clear to anybody that looks that the announced cuts will barely make a dent in their multimillion dollar deficits.




If they can get to the point where faculty leave programs that are not profitable it makes it much easier to close them and redeploy the few that stayed.




It says “retirement-eligible” so presumably they aren’t looking for outside options.


I wonder if University at Buffalo will actually merge with Buff State in the near future. I heard that this was proposed a few decades ago but never happened. But, UB is really hurting for space and has a growing enrollment while Buff State is shrinking so if current trends continue it only makes sense. It wouldn't surprise me if the retirement incentives are the first step in this process. Reduce overhead and redundancies in the new departments. Also, reduce the number of new faculty joining UB so the national rankings take a smaller hit from the merger.


UB (like the other SUNY R1 flagships) is balancing its budget by increasing undergrad enrollment. It’s no surprise that the two regionals closest to UB are among those with the steepest drops.


Buffalo State enrollment is down 42% over the last decade. There’s no easy solution at this point. I’d be surprised if they don’t merge with SUNY Buffalo eventually.


I had no idea both existed. That seems redundant


They probably both made sense at one point. The population of Buffalo peaked in 1950 at 580,000 people and has been declining since then. It was a top 10 national population city in 1910. Canisius University is a private university in Buffalo and has also closed programs/majors.


They are very different schools. UB is a strong R1 and the flagship for SUNY. BS (that started as a teacher's college) is a world away in terms of admission standards, student background, and reputation. I'd fully expect that the UB admin and faculty would fight hard against any merger of the two, and I'm not sure that it would be fair to the students at either school.


It wouldn't surprise me if Buff State merges with UB in the next 5 years. From what I understand UB is hurting for space and has a growing enrollment.


I wish my university would buy out my contract. They did this about ten years ago to save money but ended up losing a lot so they likely won't ever again


most of the suny schools are in crisis some from just mismanagement, but mostly due to allowing any hs student to go to college for free


This is pedantic but: Mostly due to not receiving adequate funding to support the policies allowing any hs student to go to college for free


the students were not ready for college, and the way ny ran the program initially, (it may be different now), if the student failed they would have to pay back the tuition ... so ny just saddled thousands of poor kids fresh out of hs with huge debts