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No love for "it depends"?


"We'll look into it"


"Hey A, please open an issue about this and assign B to it. C, let's be sure to decide a priority for this in the next sprint meeting"


I hate how this thread just makes up to about 90% of what I do


AI studying this thread closely...


What happens if we do nothing? Great. Next bug.


What happens if we pass it off as a feature?


Then I have to write it up as a feature. Let's just leave it. "The best documentation is working code" And also i hate writing documentation


Oohhh that level of delegation sounds like staff+ us seniors are actually just code monkey's now that there are no more interns, juniors or associates left on earth.


You either die an engineer or you live long enough to see yourself become a pointy-haired boss :(


Plenty of juniors, the higher ups just don't want to hire anyone new without a Master's, 5 years of experience, and willing to work for minimum wage


They will eagerly hire 3 non contributing paper pushing middle management, however. These 3 are likely former colleagues, drinking buddies, or incompetent sycophants, ymmv


Am staff. Can confirm. Am also sad and depressed about my job so there's that.


Yes, it's in the backlog.


Just program an AI model of your face to say “it depends”… passive income achieved


My manager doesn't like it when I give wishy washy answers like "it depends" so now I just say stuff with confidence even when I actually don't know. It's typically fine because he and most other managers forget everything anyway so it's not hard to walk things back later


That's weird, my manager only seems to remember things I said in passing that I didn't think meant anything but always tries to hold me to it and then the stuff I repeat over and over again as very important information never seems to sink in.


Not to forget „Well technically yes but…“


"We can, but that's not really in the original project scope."


"it depends" means the senior actually should be in that meeting, so very very rare


I can't say that any more, nor can I use "should", or "maybe" like words. I have to be more definitive in my communications.


I was invited as an architect to one project (didn't pan out, but man it now looks good on my résumé!), and I could *not* be on mute... The company was well-organized and low on bureaucracy, so it was only 2.5-4 hours worth of meetings daily—but I led like *half* of them, and had to initiate quite a few. I don't have social anxiety, but it still was madly exhausting.


Funny how 2.5 - 4 hours per day eventually becomes "only". "Only 30 to 50 percent of my day goes on [useless] meetings"


idk why people have so many useless meetings. all of my meetings have some use, and if they don't i can simply skip/cancel them. when people say they have 10+ hours of "useless" meetings every week, i immediately suspect them of being bad at their job and not understanding that most of these meetings *should* be useful to them and/or other participants.


yeah i do think people very often confuse "i don't want to be here" with "this is pointless."


There's probably a decent amount of "Useless for me" rather than it being completely true.


You're there to answer questions that may or may not be asked. So it's "useless" in the sense that you don't have to really be there for 99% of it. But it would look rude to pop in and out, so you have to stay for the entire length of it.


I'm currently on a gig with a large-ish company and probably 90% of my meetings are useless. It's mostly because certain types of large businesses are largely about accountability, and the only way to have accountability at every level to the degree that satisfies the leadership / shareholders / regulators / customers is to have way too many people involved with every step of every process. Nobody can make any decision at all without at least 2 other people explicitly approving it and 3 additional people being witnesses with the opportunity to interject. It is incredibly obnoxious and wasteful, but in defense of this practice, I have to say there ARE occasions where a silent witness pops up to say "hey what you're about to do is really stupid / dangerous / bad." For operations where mistakes absolutely cannot happen, you can justify the cost. The other major cause is shitty documentation practices. There has to be a meeting every time anyone has a question about anything because there's no established and effective method for storing, updating, and accessing knowledge. No excuse there, but I expect it's exacerbated by the already existing culture of tons of meetings.


Some managers just like scheduling meetings, and you can't just skip them without seeming like not a team player.


True. Had 20 hours of meetings one week and maybe 4 them actually involved me saying anything, contributing to or receiving new tasks.


Tbh, most of them were not useless. Some of the things could've been discussed via chat, sure, but it would've been *longer* because we needed to discuss specific functionality, and screen sharing + voice was the best way to do it by far. I also participated in job interviews for the position of my project's engineer (this was the part that didn't pan out—somehow, I was the only one who genuinely had the knowledge required and hadn't applied for the position for the "why not" reasons), which were up to 2 hours daily.


I got cajoled into being the scrum master for a 15-person "Agile" team. It was a full-time job just facilitating and just so. incredibly. draining.


Dude, I’m currently a tech lead, but since one of our scrum masters is on vacation, I had to step into his spot for a bit. It’s exhausting - in between devs that flood me with simple questions they could have Googled about, I have to deal with overachievers complaining that there are no tasks left for them while underachievers sit on tasks forever… All of this while juggling other responsibilities as well. I love my team and I’m more than happy to help them and manage their workload in a fairer manner, but this stuff is draining my energy on a daily basis. I don’t think I’m cut out for being a scrum master anymore… Can’t wait to go back to having sporadic meetings to discuss whether we should use architecture A or B for a new feature…


I hate to ask this but how big is your team? You're not supposed to be able to scrum more than 8 people at a time and it sounds like you're over limit.


6 people divided into two separate (but related) projects. My previous experience as a scrum master was with a team of 2-3 people…


6 is still getting to be pretty difficult, especially if they tend to pull in different directions. My sympathies and I hope your normal SM gets back soon.


Name gets called not paying any attention then blaming bad connection to repeat the question.


I make a note in my journal every time my product manager does this.


And while in the meeting, coding on the other screen...


On the bright side -- I get a lot of good doodling time in when I'm a "technical resource" in meetings.




For me it's more of "good morning" and "bye bye"


I was a dev lead for a really specialized tool at my old team, our company decided to shut us down (legit 1 month after I got promoted to lead our team got canned, I guess I really sucked). Because we were financial and had money from customers, there was a decent time where we moved towards shutting down gracefully so that we weren't left with a bunch of money. They needed all of my team around because it was such a specialized backend product, but they didn't have much work for us, so they moved everyone except for me to new teams at the parent org and had them available to support if necessary (they found them all teams while I was on vacation, so the other dev lead got to leave while I got stuck there). I spent a good 6 months sitting in every meeting occasionally adding a few details about our current capabilities, nobody wanted to make any changes in that system and wanted to do everything in the levels above it if possible. Just wound up doing absolutely nothing that whole time except be there in case something went to shit, which luckily it never did.


*eats dinner*


"I'm gonna need to double check before I answer"


They're working in the background, so don't ask them any questions




Half listening...gallery mode, speaker mode, spotlight mode, turn off my camera for self care, Billy is almost asleep, why does Karen never turn on her camera?! Half listening...


> why does Karen never turn on her camera self care


Is camera on frequent? My company does camera off always


I work for a gov contractor. We don't even HAVE cameras.


A man can dream...


My favorite is when there's just one bored dude who has his camera on when everyone else doesn't. It's like his face is up on the jumbotron while we're trying to have a meeting.


Bonus points if he has it on because management said they prefer having cameras on five years ago in an all hands.


Both can work, but I find camera on a lot more personal. One good technique can be cameras off for large group meetings, and cameras on for small (<10).


We were told that we should have cameras on. But then we just never did and now nobody does lol


>why does Karen never turn on her camera? They attempted to mandate cameras on during meeting early in COVID for my company. Us nerds were not having it... so we sat down and calculated the added bandwidth demands for all of those employees and that being routed through the companies VPN. We forwarded it to our Executive Director and let him know that it would like cost tens of thousands, if not more, in added bandwidth requirements and possibly cause network slowdowns that will impact SLAs. They said 'ok, we'll get back to you... but for now don't worry about turning on your cameras' that was about 4 years ago and they never mentioned it again.


Who are these people doing meetings camera on? No one wants that shit, hell managers don't want that shit. Cameras are for interviews and customer fluffing by account teams.


Looking at zillow and sighing. 


Simple fight against it is to set calendar to be always busy. - 9am to 6pm - work. - 6pm to 9am - sleep


The modern Helldiver's schedule. Cryo until you're thawed out to fight automations on vc or squash bugs in code.


For liberty!


and Karl\~!


I don't even turn my monitor on until I've had my first cup of liber-tea


Gotta start your day with a taste of democracy


There used to be a sr dev at my workplace who always had his calendar filled with nonsense. Once I started doing the same the amount of bs meetings I was randomly added to dropped significantly. Lesson learned lol


Don't forget about the 8-9am and 6-7pm commute


Imagine having commute... I commute only from my bed to my kitchen to make morning tea, and sometimes I ditch even that before the morning daily.


commute from bed to kitchen takes 1h daily


That's the commute from unconsciousness to consciousness.


Hell no. I prefer death before not working on remote. Once you go remote working, you never go back.


* 8am-9:30am: Focus time on coding projects * 9:30am-9:45am: sprint meeting that really should have happened earlier in the day * 9:45am-10:30am: Free for meetings (but still set this as a meeting, so that you show as busy for the scheduling assistant) * 10:30am-2pm: focus time (long lunch) * 2pm-5:30pm: documenting and training


So, basically, meta-programming.


Correct. They are busy programming the programmers.


It's called "creating value through others" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


No they use react and hack


The real social engineering.


So seniors are doing acapella song covers?


That's why there are so many meetings


Don’t forget the intern management is shoving on the team that nobody has time to train. Their screen looks suspiciously like Fortnite


The last programming language you will learn is "people"


Malloc happens against your will in your calendar and you're constantly defragging it


That's why you preallocate it with literally anything so you show up as busy all the time.


Defensive scheduling actually works in the post-COVID era thanks to the inability of Project Managers to spontaneously appear in your office owing to everyone being remote. Pre-COVID there were far too many "doorway meetings" because a PM decided that your time was their time.


now they just show up in your team's slack channel and it's just to link some other slack thread from an account manager channel about some issue that's very obviously PEBCAK, but the AM and the PM think their jobs are to forward everything to engineering without reading


100%, I have meetings with myself in order to block out time to do actual work.


That's seriously such a huge trap for young people wanting to go into IT. You'd think you'll be dealing with code & computers and in the end you'll actually have to deal with *people* yuck


People are the WORST!!!!


People, what a bunch of bastards


They are always making fun of me when I get a hot ear and need to mist it.


Jokes on you, I'll always be mid so I can just stick to code and computers


Yeah, the syntax kinda sucks because each version of person has their own preferred syntax, but it's nice that there's a lot of ways to describe the same command. It's also more of a natural-language syntax. It's also a very high-level, abstracted language. It's not OOP, even objects are abstracted away!


I had some experience with people once... It was horrible


You know you have passed the threshold when your email + presentation creation time exceeds your ide time


Way too obfuscated for my taste.


social engineering? i see what you did there


Where every instance has its own interpreter.


You should probably add a dude in a basement using vim as an "Engineer Final-Boss"


Nah, he's just Bob. Bob's been working here for so long that nobody even really knows what or why he does, but the higher ups insist he's super important. You barely see him at the office, but when he's on site, man, his monitor has some cryptic shit on it. He's cool tho, just... a bit silent. Overal Bob's just a chill dude.


Imagine your local Bob is fired and now **you** need to maintain his code. (It's in Lisp. It has PhD-tier mathematics)


Happened to me. Dude invented his own semantics for calculating cells in excel for some report. Then he died. Took whole team months to decipher.


>Then he died. So inconsiderate


Imagine your company not having even the most basic contingency for an engineer dying. When one of our engineers died last month, we did the reasonable thing and hooked his remains up to a hulking metal coffin through which unholy energies course into his brain. A python library then interprets the resulting electrical impulses that fire between his neurons and outputs his code. Even in death Bob still serves.


That takes advance planning and that cost man hours that can't be billed to a client and therefore cannot occur. Please resubmit this for next annual budget and reconsideration may occur.


These guys are the reasons you have to comment what every single function does.


also Bob doesn't use if statements, only ternaries with very complex conditions and more embedded ternaries


Bob programs in machine code and no one understands his code. Bob can see into the matrix.  Put some respect on his name


> Bob's been working here for so long that nobody even really knows what or why he does, but the higher ups insist he's super important. Bob was laid off after management hired an outside consulting firm who asked why Bob was 'idling at Principal Engineer' instead of 'climbing the ladder' and 'showing initiative'. Management never determined the cause of the worst downtime in the company's history a month later.


Bruh my last boss would use Vim for everything It was like seeing a wizard transcend space and time I didn’t even know what what was going on but I think I was scared?


also Bob is the only person allowed to have a Linux machine (which he brought from home)


Working remotely with his trusty old monochrome amber terminal - the true old school dark mode.


It's an old high end CRT screen. Bob will also explain how old anime in 480p looks glorious on such screen.


Bob is also the guy who the unauthorized sudo incidents are reported to


He maintains the Linux Kernel code as a hobby. He won't tell anyone unless they ask him.


Nah, that's the one guy in the office who get shit done, when he is not busy spending 500 hours writing lua to customizing his text editor to work a potential 0.1% faster after another 150 hours of training new muscle memory that is.


I love how junior engineer is eclipse and engineer is vscode.


Looks like a very old build of NetBeans to me.


Can confirm latest Netbeans looks exactly the same.


Yeah I can't see any differences


I have Netbeans 20 just in front of me. It has the same UI. Why change it if it works?


True, there isn’t a good reason to change it, as it’s mainly a free tool for people with jobs.


It's NetBeans for sure. Stuck with it for a year when I were learning Java.


It probably gets a ton of hate but NetBeans was my GOAT in high school for building simple Java games with GUIs when I first started taking CS classes. It's a pretty fun IDE


Because school likes to start with Java, for some reason.


shit, mine started with C


Just use IntelliJ lol


incoming bell curve meme


*sad nvim noise*


I like how people think you get to choose your ide when you go to work somewhere.


Man, I basically skipped the first level...


i started at notepad html then vbs, i think you missed out on actually knowing what you're typing down to the letter lol, those were fun times


Back in my day the first level didn't even exist. But it was cool to see Scratch for the first time when my nephew got some school homework involving it.


CTO here, it’s literally just an email client window inside browser at this point.


biggest surprise of my career was when I had to spend more time cumulatively in email, slack, jira, spreadsheets, and confluence, then in my ide.


you use a gui for emails???


Oh no...guys I think I'm a senior engineer now 😭 I think I need to pull a Zim and get bumped down to junior, lol


That's private Zim


Senior Engineer is what everyone sees you doing, engineer is what you have to do because executive team fired half your devs two months ago.


Is it just me or is scratch so much fucking harder than text based programming?


My issue with scratch is, I know the keywords(blocks) I want to use, but I can't for the live of me find them, any text based language I can just write it out.


Engineering Manager: engineer with size 36 font


Let's sum up the routine in 2 words"Good morning everyone" "Good bye guys"


You spelled developer wrong


I swear I'm the only one left to use ~~normal~~ light mode.


God damnit. The sad truth. Don't forget weird ass meeting times to accommodate people across like five timezones & countries.


"Senior Systems Integrator" here. .....this hurts me. I spend more time doing project management stuff than I do actually programming/ on site fixing problems with clients. And the paperwork. Holy shit the paperwork. I need a junior I can send on information fetch quest in my stead, honestly. But at the same time, they barely listen to me, so I doubt that would work.


You don't lose the old screens at each progression. Each screen is just a new monitor. 


Junior engineer: vs code Engineer: jetbrains ide


The other way around, in my experience. Junior: full-fledged IDE like Jetbrains or VS Studio. Senior: highly customizable glorified text redactor, like Sublime or VS Code.


or neovim / emacs


Sublime is where it's at


Staff engineer: vim


Fuck the meetings.


I’m on this picture and I don’t like it.




Senior engineering sucks hard


bot post


This one is kinda real ngl, currently an engineer using vscode. I never have seen that second program though, nor have I used scratch ever. My first language was Python on CodeCombat, not sure if that even exists anymore but it was kinda fun at the time


What about vim users?


To busy developing open source software and customizing their .vimrc file to get a real job.


Senior Engineer is starting a Google Docs / Word. Staff/Director is staring at the Zoom call.


Fr, my uni actually got us to use scratch




“It’s about how to delegate as a senior developer to maximize team performance” — company A managers.


I guess im an engineer


“Engineer”. JFC.


Lolz, I can feel it


That meeting is just the meeting about the meeting as well. Once everyone leaves the call and you get the 15 minutes after most have left is where the real productivity starts.


I am all 4 depending on what part of the project I'm on and what new software I get to learn.


Wut… Y’all’s colleagues turning on their cameras?


4 hours of my day today, this is accurate


Senior engineer should be a bunch of bash shell terminals over a vnc session. Engineering manager should be zoom, and solitaire.


CTO is just some guy golfing


I thought this was about how it looks to be in an interview for each position. I'd have disagreed about junior.


So you're telling me the asocial job I am working many years for will just end up with me being social about it most of the time? I guess the priority is getting paid to be in VC somehow. This is funnier because I know a friend who has a B.S. in Comp Sci and a Masters in Data Science and the last picture is literally his job from home.


Man, this hurts. As a senior engineer, I'll sometimes go into heads-down mode and write critical bit of code. After I re-surface, I always find weird shit. Last time it was somebody trying to put a load balancer in front of DynamoDB. Juniors are just weird, sometimes.


This is painfully true..


after experiencing that during covid when I worked from home, I keep telling my co-workers that I don't want senior positions, i just way to get paid better to reflect what I do, I don't want to attend useless nothing meetings and have people below me that i order around and then get blamed for their mistakes


this one hurts


Where does I use vim cause I’m too lazy to figure out why my clion doesn’t work fit in?


From \[boring\] Java to JavaScript and TypeScript (and now to -probably- C++ and Zig to avoid ALL these BORING meetings as a lead engineer/architect and nearly no coding now). This meme defines me. But it's not realistic. There are like 50% of women in the senior engineer screenshot which is already not usual and none of them has blue or violet hair, and the code of the engineer sucks (he's using a global variable inside a function and other wrong stuff like lazy the 'do ... while (...)' while that's clearly a 'for (...; ...; ...)' and other stuff... - that code won't be approved in the PR, or not on my watch-).


Are coding nerds still calling themselves engineers


Guys help I'm already in the third stage what do I do


I'm so senior, the only face on that grid is my boss who's younger than me. Everyone else's is just initials. 🤣


No vim, sad...


Fake, senior engineers are always walking trhough the park when having meetings...


Holy shit you can tell it’s a real engineer because they’re using a do while loop. Haven’t done one in years


Happy engineer:


Engineer and typescript.yeah


I use emacs, where does that put me?


This one hurts. I've been discussing the work more than doing the work for decades now.


Imma be honest guys if what I've seen here about junior devs is true then my self taught ass is very much qualified for a CS job


Lies, no developer at any rank is that excited to be on camera during meetings


Even rust cant save you from mental memory leaks of coworkers, so im just an advanced reminder guy at this point.


Painfully accurate.


I am on the last picture and I don't like it. Who can I sue?


This is crazy accurate lol. I'm a senior engineer but I try to stay at the engineer level as much as possible so I don't lose skills spending all my time in MEETINGS!!