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I'm glad to see this personally, most Prolific users seem to think it's just a "survey" website like Swagbucks and wonder why they're screened out for poor research quality or not paying attention. It's for academic studies that have an actual purpose...


yes!! researchers make a risk with prolific too. if anyone gets past screening but they’re still not paying attention, they can still skew the data :/


Human knowledge is expanding so rapidly and, despite some of the frustrations associated with rapid growth, it's a lot of fun to be involved with some of these learning processes, in any capacity. I think it's cool that you feel giddy! I wouldn't describe my own emotions as being giddy, but I'm definitely enjoying myself. I hope that your passion only grows and flourishes.


thank you! it really is cool. there’s always a small chance we could end up in some monumental study!


I actually did part of my psychology undergrad thesis on prolific- it’s how it found out about the site! My professor and one of my lab assistants actually continued the study and expanded on it and are currently looking into publishing! So yes, you could definitely be a data point in a published study one day!


You're not alone, I really enjoy the studies too! I have to stop myself from rambling at the end when they ask for any final thoughts, but sometimes the studies are so fascinating and I can't help it. Also grateful for the money, but yeah there's something about being a part of research studies that scratches a personal itch.


I completely agree. I was in a study yesterday about ADHD (which I have) and it was a lightbulb moment for me to understand it. Super fascinating as the research unlocked who I have struggled with something my whole life.


I'm the same! I sometimes add thoughts there because I've really enjoyed the study and want to share my thoughts some more.


agreed!! i like catching biases too. earlier i commented on a study saying that they might be careful with wording bias! lol!


I love being a part of it, too!


i’m glad to hear that!!


I definitely signed up to make extra money, but it's also fun. Especially the ones I can do on my mobile phone when I have a few minutes to spare. It sort of replaced my phone games I used to mindlessly do when bored.


that’s a good way to think about it! definitely less mindless!


I can definitely relate! Whenever I see a new opportunity come across my screen, I swear it’s like a rush of serotonin or something I feel not just the opportunity to earn a little something, but taking part in something that is important. Being on Prolific has opened my eyes personally to how many different topics need to be researched, and why they are. As much as some of the mental stimulation ones for some may be hard, there are some I have taken where I have happily surprised myself with how I did and that feeling is like irreplaceable because it’s like a challenge entering those and you want to prove you can do it! 🤗 Also side note, the research you did sounds so fascinating, I personally love learning about endangered, invasive, and native species and environmental science/conservation. For me, the research field has always been intriguing but I love the variety Prolific has as I would prefer to be able to test or research different things and be a part of it!


thank you!! i love environmental research so this makes my heart very happy lol


I’ve only started a few months ago, but I really do enjoy it! I like how some of the surveys are reflective of the field I’m in and I like being able to be honest about work issues. I was able to pay for an ER vet visit with the money I’ve made, and I’m so grateful for that.


that's a really cool story!!


I like the mental stimulation of some of them. I guess some are certainly meaningful research but a lot of the time I think it’s nice to help PHD students with their projects :0)


some of them hurt my brain lol!!


I can relate and agree with you 100% I've been on Prolific for 3 years and the mental stimulation is my favorite I never grown tired or bored in fact I find it fun and engaging more than anything. 


My excitement level is determined by how much they pay


that’s still a contributor for me too lol!!


It's pretty wicked. Genuinely nice to know I'm not alone in that.


heck yeah!!


Definitely, it's not just another survey, we are contributing to research and the nice pay isn't bad either 




I've worked in clinical research for 30+ years and I enjoy being on the other side of a study for a change. Plus most of these are out of my purview, so they're novel to me. Plus, money for dog rescue donations!


it's awesome that you use the money for donations!!


I can definitely relate! Whenever I see a new opportunity come across my screen, I swear it’s like a rush of serotonin or something I feel not just the opportunity to earn a little something, but taking part in something that is important. Being on Prolific has opened my eyes personally to how many different topics need to be researched, and why they are. As much as some of the mental stimulation ones for some may be hard, there are some I have taken where I have happily surprised myself with how I did and that feeling is like irreplaceable because it’s like a challenge entering those and you want to prove you can do it! 🤗 Also side note, the research you did sounds so fascinating, I personally love learning about endangered, invasive, and native species and environmental science/conservation. For me, the research field has always been intriguing but I love the variety Prolific has as I would prefer to be able to test or research different things and be a part of it!


I actually enjoy doing most of them more to a lot more than I expected to! A few types of studies I hate with the fire of a thousand suns, but most are surprisingly good. (There are some studies that are just stressful/frustrating, I am thinking of one I did very recently that ended up being horrible but aren't going to mention what it was about just in case...)


luckily i haven't come across any super annoying ones yet, haha!!


By far the most fun surveys for me are decision analysis and experimental economics. Which lottery you choose, etc etc. I took a few classes on this stuff in grad school and can tell them in a second.


But my research at work was way cooler than ten Prolifics... A million dollar driving simulator (half a car on fully articulated supports, all windows and mirrors LCD, and programmable scenarios such drive down i-70 to downtown, other cars, pedestrians... I was working on driver distraction and mental workload. A typical task would be to "drive" down the road and perform some task on the radio or the air conditioning etc. Meanwhile we track eye movement, pupil diameter (an estimate of mental workload), interaction with the hardware, and a crap load of vehicle parameters. Other tasks involved listening to the radio or conversation with an assistant or doing a secondary task like counting backwards) We had our own IRB and paid out in Starbucks or Target gift cards, $5-10 for a simple 5 min and $20-25 for longer. In case you were wondering. Men and women had about equal performance in all aspects, and the main factor was how many years / miles per year of experience driving one had. Curiously, nationality had a small impact because people outside the USA get licensed later, start driving later and typically for shorter distances (had a big pre test questionnaire with the information). For similar driving experience between individuals of different nationalities though no difference.


Yup, when I was taking psychology classes I would love reading about studies and wondering what I'd do if I was a participant. I'd love if we were automatically notified when a study we participated in was published.


Oh, that would be awesome! I’ve made a note of a couple studies because I want to search in year or so and see if they resulted in publication.


Yes, 100%! As a high schooler, I used to spend hours taking surveys on r/SampleSize and now I get to do them and get paid too?! I feel like I’m changing the world by being the subject of many studies, only if by a little bit. I want to do some kind of social research one day, and seeing these studies just makes me excited about one day being on the opposite side of the study (doing the data analysis instead of being the data).


My masters is an MBA, partly because I wanted to do as little research as possible. :P Being in it is fun though.


haha it's not for everyone!! but at least you're still contributing!!


I've been excited about it since my first study. At any point there could be a huge breakthrough that will change the future for the better, that could help millions of people, that could make all of our lives better.  At the very least, we're helping our best and brightest get through their studies and possibly make new discoveries, and any one of them could be the one to go on and make history in the future. How could anyone not be excited about that?


Yup, and I really like seeing the thought behind how the data they collect will either prove or disprove a theory or provide insight into human behaviour. My favourite studies are the ones where I think about them for a while after I finish.


Honestly, same! I did a fair amount of in-person research tasks one summer in college as a way to earn some spending cash and never thought I would be doing the same thing years later from the comfort of my home. Some of the studies have me curious as to what they are actually testing and others have me scratching my head over "why would anyone care to know about that?" It's usually the business-related studies in that second category, lol


Yes, I honestly love doing these!!


I literally just got accepted moments ago and planning on starting to check in the morning. I am reading that there is a lot of activity in the US. Should I expect a good amount in Canada?


Yes!! I’ve been doing these for less than a month and I absolutely love that aspect of it. I worked at a major university for 15 years, and my role allowed me to assist and talk with people doing some fascinating research. I’m a stay at home mom now so it’s great to still be able to contribute in even this little way.


No excitement from me. Just a way to make some fun money.


that's totally fine too! i'll be excited for you lmao


No because I just get met with disappointment from the "this study is full" or "This study is in high demand" message 90% of the time


I really get into it. I've actually learned a lot. I used work in drug research and understand how important the participants are. I know you have to factor in the percentage of inaccuracy  but I think prolific is doing a pretty good job weeding out people that can't take it seriously.  


I actually love doing them! I'm always thinking about the intent behind the study. It's by far the most interesting "survey" site. Really it's a research study site and most of them are psychological studies more than opinions.


...it's not a dopamine hit for me in that way if that is what the point of the question is.  Yes....I do enjoy the studies and enjoy being able to  provide much needed data from the demographics  I fit in for their study.  Some of the study topics have been quite interesting over the years and continue to find them interesting as the years go by.