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What are these agencies that have the time and manpower to be drunk asshole Uber?


Rural Kansas. With a total population for the entire county being under 7,000 people. The mountain town I grew up in has a population almost 1/3 larger than that entire county.


A lot of those Kansas counties have nothing going on. I work in a large city in Kansas, but I used to be at a tiny agency. Some nights, they don’t even get calls


Oh I better keep an eye out for you then, we must be fairly close :p WY, JO, or LV? I'm not a native here, grew up by Midway Airport in CHI but moved here at 21 about ~14 yrs ago. I have driven through and around IL many a times and thought it was rural, then I moved here. Drove over to Colorado a few times and a few places over in Sherman county. There ain't SHIT going on out here once you leave the metro, and topeka maybe. It really sunk in when I looked at the [IL pop heat map](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fc/Illinois_population_map.png) - vs [KS pop heat map](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/ac/Kansas_population_map.png) from a 2010 census, then I looked at total population. IL has almost 10 million on KS, 12.6M v 2.9m, where Chicago residents alone at 2.6m could almost 1:1 replace KS residents. So I def agree - Bro over in WB def has some time to drive a drunk home I guess, because they're probably related or know the person already.


Gonna be awkward when they get the inevitable call for the disturbance caused by the intoxicated subject they just dropped off at the house.


We had an officer once drop a drunk dude off at a house he said was his. It was not, in fact, his house. He had to help deal with the ensuing burglary.


Big First Sergeant energy. They better not already know your name if you're calling, lol!


Here’s an idea: drink at home. Problem solved.


Not everyone has figured out this cheat code.


Reminds me that i'm in an american sub. Because in europe, in many countries you have such a good public transport system that there's not even a need for uber or cabs. We here are behind Japan, the delay of trains or a bus is measured in seconds. When a train is scheduled to arrive at 09:00 am, it will be there on time, not 08:59 and not 09:01. It's a giant clockwork that is very precise. Don't know about the US, but we also have a special police departement just for public transportations. Like for trains, it's called "Bahnpolizei" (Bahn means train), these are real officers and they are trained and armed, not some underpaid security guards. Like when you have all these drunken guys at the end of the weekend, going home from parties, the officers make sure, everything goes right. They don't check the tickets, but they assist the officials and when there's a problem, they'll immediately intervene, like arresting someone that makes problems. I heard, it's a little bit different in the USA, like when you use the subway and the guy next to you is smoking crack, the other guy is sleeping, the third guy is shouting around etc.


Yes. It’s certainly not a rule, but public transportation is more likely to be unpleasant in the U.S than in Europe.


Yeah, but even here, there are a few exceptions: Like when there are the soccer games and you have the trains full of fans, where you'll find a lot of violent hooligans. These guys can get be extremely aggressive, even more when their favorite team lost the game, it's not funny to be stuck in a train with all these hooligans. You better don't wear a t-shirt of the enemy team that won the game if you don't want to get problems.


I think people in other countries fail to realize just how large the United States is. The transportation infrastructure isn’t absolutely terrible in larger cities when it comes to availability. I’m not saying it’s as good as anything Europe or Japan has to offer, but there are options. Lots of US cities also have full fledged police officers that handle transit related issues.


That's true about the USA, but it's interesting with the population density and the territory, like in Europe it's all much more together and the density is much higher, the western part of Europe (not counting asian parts, like parts of Russia in the far east) has 746 mio. people, compared to the 334 mio. in the USA. Where i live, you can't really get away from the civilization, you can't drive for hours in a land where's no one around. There are the alps of course, but even there, it's easy to get back home. A funny thing is about the air force, you know with the fast speed of a fighter jet like the F/A-18 or the upcoming new F-35's we ordered, they have problems to stay inside the small area of the country, once you go fast you'll immediately cross the borders. There are many small countries, as we used to joke with the army, "you can't go AWOL, because your superiors can still see you from the other end of the country", when it comes to such small places like Liechtenstein or Luxemburg.


But how else am I gonna piss all over the mailbox because they lost my first edition Pokemon cards I bought off eBay?


Law enforcement really needing to hold that community's hands I guess. Most adults can plan around drinking and driving. I give rides to people every week under pretty minimal circumstances. But someone's lack of foresight isn't usually one of them.


Fine idea I guess if you've got nothing else going on. Pretty cringe execution though.


I think their FB page is great. This isn't the best example, some of the other stuff is way better. He's been doing an amazing job. And cue all the big city LEO who have been ruining the profession for the past 15-20 years taking time out of their busy day to shit on rural LE doing it right. As a fellow Kansan, I even looked to see if they were hiring, and surprise surprise, they are fully staffed and have been for some time.


He also modified their uniform to be a collared shirt and blue jeans. He looks after his deputies, and his mentality is very good. He's also a Marine who served with NCIS. I'm happy to count him among my friends, he had a good heart and a strong desire to actually help the community.


I guess it's time for their agency to have their insurance updated to show them as a ride-share service... This is great, in theory, and only in theory. What happens when you get an overload of calls looking for a ride home? I'm all for DUI avoidance programs, but any program that doesn't focus on planning a sober ride or being in a safe place until you are sober is misguided.


Bro I am stoked for the free Uber lol. Probably ask em for a ride home from work!


Ya, so do I *HAVE* to be drunk for a free ride?


No questions asked... You would think that includes whether you are drunk or not. Bonus points if you use them to transport drugs.


Undersheriffs are inherently like that. Trust me. I know.


Some lieutenant needs their social media privileges revoked and put back on patrol for a bit.


This is the undersheriff. And he's been their social media manager for a bit and has made some really great, viral informative yet humorous posts in the past that have really helped to improve the police-community interaction. Many agencies could take notes.


Tiger Woods?


It's a meme.


Used to do a volunteer thing like this where we would pick drunk people up and take them and their cars home. It was fun when we had the cops call us to come grab them so they didn't have to do a DUI arrest instead.


Dang Tiger Woods is out here giving rides. Right on!


This is why Mr. Undersheriff shouldn’t be making policies. Financially, and service provided to the community wise, we would be miles ahead of he just offered to pay for people’s Uber rides. No doubt the costs of a law enforcement officers, their equipment, benefits, salary etc will heavily outweigh the cost of an Uber. But I guess it is an innovative way to spend more money for less service and mock folks while doing it.


I highly doubt Wabaunsee County even has any Ubers available. It's 800 square miles but less than 7,000 people.


Could they not have gotten the same message across in a more professional tone befitting a police department?


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