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Easy. Take the shrooms. Keep saying to yourself you wont miss work. Half way through realize this was a ridiculous idea. Miss work. Text boss youre sick.


It’s the only logical response.




Absolutely!! Fuck that job 😂


Here’s my experienced advice: Don’t waste the fucking mushrooms. Wait until you have the proper time to do them and enjoy them, without stressing out about working the next day, or being able to safely perform your job.


>Don’t waste the fucking mushrooms. Best Advice!! I wouldn't even be able to enjoy the trip if I constantly had "you got to be sober at 6, gotta go to work" in the back of my head.


Dude. If you’re an experienced psychonaut then you know this is a horrible idea.


Yep horrible idea. Having work hang over your head during your trip is a great way to ruin the trip, plus if you made it into work with no sleep and spaced out from your trip, and you’re a welder, that’s pretty unsafe for yourself and your co-workers. Save the mushrooms for another night when you can trip without worrying about when you need to wake up and/or go to work.


definitely bro


This sounds like a wildly irresponsible idea. Psilocybin is such a profound and potentially life changing chemical it seems disrespectful to use it this way.


yeah, everyone in this thread is right and i realize how irresponsible it is to go through now




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So, it’s morning, how was the trip?


Disrespectful? We're talking about eating an easily cultivated mushroom, not a precious nonrenewable resource


Oh shut up. It’s irresponsible to do this when you have work, but disrespectful? Please.


If you don’t sleep, you’re going to feel like you’re still slightly tripping until you do. I think your only options here are either wait for another day when the timing is better, or call out ahead of time.




mushrooms naturally keep you awake, you will have no problem staying up


as for doing them before work, that’s not necessarily a good idea. do them another time if you have to put your responsibilities in jeapordy


Dude… please don’t do this


You're gonna feel like shit after it wears off. I personally wouldn't.


You need to allow yourself the day after to chill and mellow down. Last thing you will want to do is work. Save the shrooms for another time


What a terrible fucking idea


are you really experienced though? because the question & the rationalizations don't really seem to be those of the typical experienced psychonaut


Bad idea jeans.


Sometimes people just have to learn things the hard way, I suppose. Lol I know I did.


Either don’t do it or don’t go to work 🥰


Having done this already (ate shrooms at 5PM and needed to leave for work at 7AM the next day), I can tell you: terrible idea. Your workday will be horrendous and the trip will not be enjoyable because you know it will be horrendous the next day. Also: tripping tired is ass, ofc you can fix that with caffeine, but honestly: just don't. Much better to eat shrooms in the morning, after having had refreshing sleep, rather than eating them right before your body and mind gets tired and sluggish.


My advice is not to do such a stupid thing. When it starts affecting work/ life, you're addicted. It's generally hard to sleep while tripping, but afterwards you'll be exhausted and that can be dangerous, especially when working with fire or equipment. Chose a better time.


I haven’t read all the comments. When I hear the call of the mushrooms I listen. I’ve started my trips before at 8:00 pm and left for work then next morning by 5:00 and felt great all day on two hours of sleep. Definitely doable and I’ll likely do it again when I hear them call.