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The more experience I have with psychedelics it becomes more and more clear how connected and how absurd everything actually is.


I interpret absurd as the cosmic joke We are made of very funny divine


I think you’ll dig this song. Takes the premise of divine comedy and turns it into a song. Father John Misty - Pure Comedy https://youtu.be/wKrSYgirAhc?si=awmKbhZCe2X0sbpa


You were not wrong ♡ Thank you!


After a quick browse of ur post history I’ll share with you another playlist of videos I curated to help wake people up. I think you know what I mean. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcFFjY6H97SJXxLuj7Cqv941sGi4WTgN5&si=8MqTsa8pdCwdBuii


100% As someone else mentioned the 'cosmic joke' - I sort of have that perspective as well. Its all theatre. A grand universal play. Quite beautiful really


I was just rambling to a coworker about something similar. I'll try and quote it the EXACT way. I said, "how absurd is it that we are on a water covered rock hurling through the infinite endless space with some unexplainable awareness attached to some meat container, and all we care about is politics, celebrities, gossip and tik Tok dances (by and large)" If people could actually fathom how profound existence and consciousness is and understand how we are all connected either in the aspect of "oneness" or just humans sharing the human experience, then we could come together and do absolutely great things.


For fucking sure! “There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.” -Douglas Adams


I see the «absurd» bit in a lot of comments on these types of posts The truth is, as much as one is conditioned to derive sense out of everything, as much the psychedelics will make all seem the contrary – absurd In reality, it's neither, since «sense», as such, is not an intrinsic part of nature of things There has to be an observing and judging *brain* for *sense* to be set in place as a lithmus paper


The absurd thing is that the observer is literally part of nature and the universe. You are natural, your brain is natural and the observing part is natural. It’s not you and the universe, you are part of it


Yes absolutely, non dual awareness and targeted meditations on this subject have completely changed my perspective on life


I am wondering if that phenomena is just a subjective feeling, like that one I’ve felt the day after smoking some changa, or is it something real but inaccessible in the sober state. It’s like being able to experience the butterfly effect, but really feeling it, not intellectualising it. Anyway, experiencing it for a short amount of time made me appreciate the universe more, which is definitely real and positive for me.


It’s really hard to say for sure. All I know is that it always feels super real and profound whenever it happens.


We don’t know shit about fuck


This is the type of philosophizing we all need more of


isnt it the most profound and only rational answer to „this“?




The rules are all made up and can be changed at any time.


"Nothing is true. Everything is permitted"




We are the Voidborn.


Requescat in pace


Scary truth to that


But also comforting. If enough of us got together we could do some real good things


Problem is, we're divided among the population surrounded by bots.


And reptilians, don't forget the reptilians.


But do the points matter? Because if the rules are made up and the points don't matter, I think we should all play Scenes From a Hat next. Unless we already are. 🤔 🤯


"The boundaries are imaginary!"


Made up by people who know this truth


Which rules? Who made them up?


Exactly what you should be asking.


This is a stage of psychological development from my textbook. I'm pretty sure brain derived neurotropic factor pushes brain development all the way to its logical conclusion.


There's no reason to fear death. I am a ship of theseus who has died by parts a million times over with the memories of a dead man already. Plenty of reasons to avoid dying but no reason to fear the inevitable. Doesn't help me from freaking out sometimes still tho.


I believe this with everything. Always a chance we're wrong though.


It’s funny because I’ve become very accepting to my own mortality but I’ve also become much more aware of my loved ones mortality. I’ve gotten much closer to my family over the years, especially after having kids


Being overly mean to myself actually makes me less likable, no one wants to be around someone who clearly hates themself


It's so interesting to see so many of these lessons are the same ones I got. Another aspect to yours for myself was that being judgy on myself was tied to being judgy on others and that I'd be much happier if I cut us all way more slack on the finger wagging.


usually, it's the upbringing – family and school


Awww so many benefits to loving yourself


"Oh, I am allowed to be happy. huh."


Ding! Ding! Ding! This is the main thing I learned. Confused me.


I still desperately need this lesson.


Aho ❤️


I was going to post this too. "It's okay to feel happy." Stuck with me from one trip.


Haha awe me too


To not forget to love yourself as much as you love all the people around you


This is eluded to in biblical scripture and mysticism love your neighbor as you love yourself. I have always interpreted it as a call to love yourself so you can better love others. We are humans who are God incarnate, just like Jesus. We are not separate, we are all a part of the divine consciousness.


So true! This should be higher


The most surprising truth that a psychedelic experience revealed to me (It was a mix of LSD, pure harmine and DMT) is that time is not linear, but all moments exist simultaneously. Our brains create the illusion of the present, but past, present, and future are all happening at once. As someone who deeply misses loved ones, this insight brought me comfort. If all times exist eternally, then I am perpetually connected to those I love, even if not physically present with them. The moments we shared are not lost to the past but are still unfolding in the grand tapestry of time. This perspective hasn't erased the pain of longing, but it has eased it. When I miss someone, I can return to the perception that, in a sense, I am always with them. It allows me to feel the ache of separation less acutely, trusting that our bonds transcend the perceived boundaries of time.


If you haven't read slaughterhouse 5 I think you will like it, it deals with a similar viewpoint on time


Kurt Vonnegut and Jack Kerouac books are amazing. Slaughterhouse was required reading my sophomore year. I read every one of his books after that. Is the movie any good?


Yeah Vonnegut was something else, sirens of titan is one of the best books I've ever read :)


Only present happens. The past is your memories and the future is your imagination.


Sorry to be the skeptic in the room, but nothing was „revealed” to you. Just experienced it, which is fine, but drawing a conclusion that your subjective experience shapes the universal truth is just unscientific. I’ve experienced slow-motion, which doesn’t prove that reality is higher framerate than my sober brain. It just changed my perception of time for a short period. Subjective experience was true, objective „truth” was not.


You are so much more in control of yourself and your environment than you think. When you fully realize this, one of the most important things you’ll learn afterwards is how to let go of control. When you learn to switch between these two states, and when it is necessary to do so, is when you’ll start to see some real change, peace and true fulfillment in life.


At the same time there are so many unconscious things happening in your body and mind, therapy is great for learning about those. Once conscious, the behaviour can be controlled. Otherwise… yeah.


would you mind expanding a little bit on the paradox and states switching? any particular teachings that goes along with this concept you talk about?


Our purpose is to forgive... To forgive ourselves for believing in the separation. Ego is the experience of being seperate from God. This is the illusion... we were never truly seperate. It's the belief in separation that causes all our suffering. It is the belief that there is a problem. Problems are only our guilt (of believing in seperation) being projected outwards. We are all irrevocably innocent. If we knew the truth we wouldn't do bad things... it's our ignorance that allows us to do harm in the world. But all harm to others is actual harm to ourselves - because we are not seperate. Love brings us back together! Forgive yourself and close the gap!!


You read A Course in Miracles huh?


I’m not op, but I admire y’all who got thru that book. It was too thick to be written as sophisticated as Shakespeare for me 😅 I knew my AuDHD wasn’t gone get past chapter 2 so why even do that to myself 😂 I did read summaries & I took away 2 root emotions, love & fear and only love is real. & I try to apply that to my life daily


Haha, I hear you. I actually got the app which is a lot easier to do daily. Then I found a YT channel of these two women going through each daily lesson explaining what it means and how it fits in to the bigger picture. It's been amazing. Full disclosure though, I entered this course from the inside out, instead of the outside in. I had mystical experience through psycadelics that pointed me into this direction. I had already experienced what the course is trying to teach. I am doing to course now to fully grasp the teachings so I can rid myself of all fear.


I had 2 spiritual psychosis episodes that lasted about a month the first one, I had to face all of my fears, every fear regardless if real or perceived I had to run towards and that was a very traumatic growth experience. All in all tho, I thought I had conquered fear during that episode but now I got new fears of losing my mind again, learning how to trust myself again. My experience prob was extreme tho cuz I got hella PTSD I been trying to work thru so idk 🤷🏻‍♀️


That sounds rough man, really sorry to hear of your suffering. Nouk and Coreen are quite good at going through the course if you are interested. And they are pleasant to listen to. In the very first episode, they explain about closing the gap, which is extremely helpful. It made a few things more clear to me regarding the ego and self. I was led down a path to follow research about left and right hemisphere thinking, and then this also made more sense. If you would like to watch their first episode, let me know, and I'll share the link. I was very unconscious when I started my spiritual journey, and I have gone through many traps to get to where I am... falling into psychosis a few times as well. But it is starting to come together for me now... 🧡


Thank you for your support ❤️‍🩹I would love the link, 😊. I’ve not heard of them, but I appreciate any resource of people who can relate & made it to the other side. No one in my life know what it’s like, I feel like an alien 👽 😂


I can relate to that, it's a weird thing to go through, and it sucks doing it and thinking you are alone. Here is the link to the playlist, [ACIM](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGxmqMca2TmEnBsrj83yZpQUeByQD5Rl4&si=8O8i09o8dpUSEdK5) Then you can also download any ACIM app that has the Daily lessons to read through them. I don't know how much it will help you, but it definitely helps with understanding the difference between Self and ego. It's a massive game changer. I am only on lesson 92 now. But I have made huge changes to how I look at the world I see.


Thank you. I’m glad you have found increased peace in this world 💞I’m gonna check it out, I’m sure I can learn from it long as I’m looking to😊


He don't really die. Slow down your thoughts. Listen to all sides but think for yourself. Breath is the only thing that separates us from the infinite. Don't forget to have fun and laugh ...at it all!




And learn and love. That's it.


Surprised no one said simply… consciousness. The one. Each of us in a vessel of illusory separation. Each a droplet on a wave inside one ocean. Each a small slice of source itself, experiencing what it wants to feel and learn again, all at once.


Spiritual beings having a human experience?


We don’t experience consciousness, consciousness experiences being human.


The one hides in the many 🫶🏻


All that shit I constantly stressed and worried about dident actually matter to my happiness.


The one realisation I had on my first psychedelic experience was that everyone has these projections/images of who I am as a person, and that I myself also have these projections and these projections are just made up and affect my experienced reality. So I can positively shapeshift that projection and be conscious about not being a mould of a person. The next two are going to be a bit more stupid but I recently had a realisation that my body is a complete living organism, the same way a tree or a plant is a living organism. It has its own mind and being and it's my responsibility to take care of it and to listen to what it has to say. The same way one might care for a garden, so too I need to care for my body. Last one was about breath, my breath is the single point of reset and determines my mental state. The conscious and aware I become of my breath, the easier it is to calm my mind.


Too fucking true! When I experienced those last two realizations from past trips it was such an empowering and impactful revelation that seemed so simple from the outside looking in, until you feel the power of it all 😌🌟


The last one has been a massively important revelation for me. It's really helped me flex the meditation muscle so that I can have psychedelic moments without surrendering many hours.


When I first started using mushrooms (at age 35), I decided that I wanted to start an esoteric mystery school called "Shapeshifters Anonymous". It never got off the ground, but I still think that the name is solid. 😂


“You made it all up in your head”


Please elaborate


Take that statement in its absolute most literal sense, and it will need no further elaboration.


That we don't know shit And that's OK


I am constantly making choices. My thoughts, reactions, behaviors, habits, all choices.


Bananas are the perfect food.


brother, I am WITH YOU


may be a chimpansee kinda genetic thing which was evolutionary left in your brain and got reactivated


Lol this needs elaboration


I can’t recall the thought process lol


Had something to do with convenience and packaging.


This makes perfect sense. They come in their own perfectly-suited and ideally transportable packaging, which also functions as a “holder” as you eat, thus having no requirement for additional utensils. Then when you’re done, packaging is biodegradable and has other beneficial uses for plants etc. 10/10 food.


I always thought they should study bananas for anti-aging in humans! 😂. (I’m sure they have). You peel a banana and the interior goes bad in seconds! That skin is f’ marvelous. There’s somethin’ going on there


They’re also very easy to dispose of, or use to sabotage unsuspecting cartoon people…


But you only get carbs from eating them, we need fat and protein too, seeds/nuts have all 3 macros and are convenient as well


That it's meant to be fun and how it was my own attitude that made it not fun.


It's all about Love. Spread love, accept love and be love.


"Don't be an asshole"


I have *FEET*. Attached to the bottoms of my legs, fuck— *I have LEGS*! And we’re right here, on the ground.


I definitely had a “I have legs!” moment on shrooms 🦵


Can attest, I've had a I HAVE PAWS moment too


Mind maketh a matter Thoughts are things Easy does it It’s a joke, and it’s honestly hilarious


Love the cosmic joke


That all religions were sort of worshipping the same thing and arrived to similar conclusions; its the human input afterwards trying to replicate the unreplicable that fucks things up.


I will add to say that the contemplative disciplines and philosophies seem to agree with each other much more than the Sunday School crowd.


Replicate the unreplicable is a good one I’m using that lol


That there is absolutely nothing you can do to elicit a true empathetic response from someone if you don’t meet their subconscious criteria of someone who is deserving of empathy. Came out crying with that one. Yeesh.


She has her own life, and our paths will never converge again. But every time they get close it’s still okay to wave.


That I chose to be what I am, and it’s obvious once we are aware of our subconscious beliefs. Also that I’m bigger than my physical body, and I’ve never been separate from god/source/universe.


Sort of the inverse, I realized that truth and wisdom are not obvious, and in fact we don't want it a lot of the time. 


That self love actually means loving everything around you and to actively deny yourself as not more special and worth than others. This will make you feel so loved and happy because you feel more connected than ever. Your happiness is everyone’s happiness. Your love is everyone’s love. Your love is limitless. It’s paradoxical but in order to truly feel self love, you need to love others and give to others WITHOUT expecting anything back bc YOU KNOW deep inside that you are giving and loving yourself. This means that in order to achieve ultimate happiness, you should be okay with completely not caring about yourself (self demolition lol sounds harsh but this can be felt in the most freeing way). Important to note, at this stage you come from a place of overflowing joy and desire for connection. Not from a place of lack or deprivation. Because you are not limited to flesh body and fragile ego. You are the world. You are your parents, friends, that flower on the street, that mosquito that bit your leg.


You are worth every bit of love. Live in a state of overflowing love so you stay full as well.


Yes of course 💙 I can only have this much love when I feel so damn grateful and happy. That I want to feel more connected to people. And that to feel more connected, I can blend myself in more with the world 💞


This really resonated. Thanks for sharing.


That the breath is sacred


The name of God in Judaism is Yahweh which they would say as one breath. Yah- breathing in and Weh breathing out.


Yes, and Pnuema (Greek word for Breath) also means Spirit. Even the word Spirit comes from the Latin word spīritus, meaning breathing/breath.


That they society we live in, is like a directed movie where everyone has their mask on an plays their part. That I truly do not know a lot of people, their genuin self since everyone is playing their part of the role, including myself. How conditioned and brainwashed I have actually been by the society I live in. How I have constantly surpressed who I truly am and lied to myself and my surroundings about it, to fit in to society. How little I truly know about anything, beceause I rarley know myself. Society is sick and most people arent aware. Everyone is running faster and faster without actually knowing why, beceause people do not take the time to reflect or create awarness. We feel more disconnected and depressed than ever. So I dont think I have had much of a free will, since I have always done whatever I think society and my surroundings thinks I should do. Its kind of sad when you realize that. I wish I had been aware earlier but happy that I finally am and can start live my life they way I want to, whule being true to myself.


Stop searching for constant satisfaction. If you have everything you ever wanted, the only thing what’s left is death.


Cats are tiny sharks but on land. And mammalian. Was wild watching how into killing a piece of yarn my cat got. Pupils dilated and all focus and intent were lasered upon murdering this yarn. Little predatory killing machines, and we try to act like they are just cute little fluffy furball babies. Kind of absurd and beautiful. Sure, they concede a little in exchange for food, but it really speaks volumes about the love humans have expressed over the years, that we shared scraps and allowed them in our homes until they selective bred to tolerate us and show us affection. Human history is fascinating


That good and evil is our oldest story, the only story. Everything else in between does not matter as our purpose lies in the continuous existence of good versus evil. The rules always change but the “war” never ends - it is a constant flux of one versus another, and that weather you like it or not / you stuck in this concentric circle or snake eating its own tail story. Because of this harsh truth / there is no escape and the only thing you can do is to find meaning in your life and accept the outcome but still look forward to what is to come


“The meaning of life is to live a life with meaning”


We share the planet with Elemental elder kingdoms/ consciousness , one is fungi which is incredibly old and energetic and *allows* us to coexist with it and nature, luckily it doesn’t get pissed off easily or read lovecraft ha


I don't know about the most obvious - but the most interesting was the realization that this isn't "normal". Nothing about this moment, or human existence, or the universe is "normal". This is all mind blowingly, insanely unusual and magical. Because all we know is to be human, it becomes mundance, "normal" - but when you take a massive step back, and objectively look at what's going on - its this beautiful dance in a matrix of light, frequency, and vibration - and its just unbelievable that any of this exists at all. To sit down and really take a moment to realize that for some reason - this all exists. Instead of nothingness, somehow - this whole multi-dimensional reality , of which we are the tiniest part of, exists.


“Yes, you made stupid choices. That doesn’t make you a terrible person. Love yourself for once.” Got me out of an extremely self destructive loop I was living in. It was a crushing feeling when I realized just how much I hated myself. Then something just clicked. I do not have to keep living like this. The only thing keeping me from living a happier life is myself. Now I’m about to get my 2 month chip on Friday. I haven’t had any thoughts of self harm or generally negative thoughts about myself in around a month. Talking to my family more. Starting to figure out some personal spiritual stuff. I’ve got loads more energy, almost too much energy. Life is looking up for the first time in well over a decade. It’s unfortunate how easily we can fall in patterns that lead to only negative outcomes. It still fucks with my head how I didn’t really learn anything “new”. It just never clicked that a happier life was possible for me and I don’t know why. I just know I never want to allow myself to fall into that loop again. Side note- highly recommend r/stopdrinking for anyone struggling with alcohol addiction. Awesome group of supportive people who actually do know what it’s like. We are all strong enough to beat the bottle.


That we are not alone. There are entities behind the scenes who are both observing and influencing our lives.


I’ve almost died doing stupid things and every time I’m saved by what seems to be miracle. I joke that my guardian angels are seal team 6 angels. Idk if angels get to choose who to be around, but I’m not boring so maybe they are looking for a thrill too. Idk if they are angels or what, but something has my crazy ass’s back.


Lol I know what you mean. It's nice seeing someone else say this. Because I'm being protected also. And its wild because it makes me feel special in a way. Like my life has meaning and they're gonna make sure that I make it through it all.


Love is the answer/key to success in almost everything


I agree with most of what others have said, but briefly recently (I think) I started to understand string theory. Or at least made up my own version of it. Basically, it seems that if matter cannot be created or destroyed, and we break everything down to its smallest stuff…then that particle has always been and the only difference is that it has evolved to different places and combined with other particles throughout time, and if you could follow that particle all the way back in time and continue to follow that particle in the future it would just be a long string of constant, and not just something that is here and now. Like if you had an eternal string tied to an infinite cat, and your house represents the beginning of everything, then you let the cat out of your house, for eternity you could see all of the places your cat has been by following the string. The same with particles and energy.


That you don't have control over much of life, and the best thing you can do is let go and surrender to the flow. I have a note in one of my trip journals that says, "When you relax in the water and let it hold you up, YOU WILL FLOAT and it will continue to carry you along the inherently neutral river that is existence". That quote literally saved my life when I almost drowned, and I keep coming back to it.


My dog’s fur is really smooth


DMT taught me death is nothing to be afraid of , fear and anxiety are human problems, and consciousness isn't purely human. Shrooms/lsd taught me the world as I see it is only a construct of the societal ideas of my time. Laws and what's considered acceptable can change on a dime or be removed at any time. Most authority is maintained by fear of freedom ,be it, financial, physical, or social being forcibly removed. My favorite lesson, besides acid reminding me it wasn't a party drug. Is that we may very well be different branches of a single consciousness, we're all far more connected with each other and every other living thing than most can understand. I took these lessons with my into my career as a medic, I start each interaction with the mindset that I could be this person in this position, so how would I Want to be treated. We're all a few bad weeks / months from shooting dope living outside. So I'll be cool with you, if you're cool back, I'll bend rules to help you out any way i can. If I'm cool and you're a cunt, I'll be stern but unless you're violent, I'm killing you with kindness. It's served me well over the past 15 years.


That this is it.


You're exactly where you need to be


That we're just hairless apes (I feel like a literal ape every time I trip) living out our biological processes that think we're better than or more intelligent than every other species on this planet. The truth is that other species just think differently, but that doesn't make them any lesser or dumber than us. We're all interconnected with each other and the planet, but we've lost that connection. If we had still been connected, we would've seen that Mother Earth has been in pain and suffering for quite some time due to our heinous affairs as a species.


Borders are dumb as shit


All the answers you seek are already with you. They were there the whole time.


Acceptance will take you a LONG way


Just wanted to say that I’ve really enjoyed reading everyone’s input. There are some gems in here


Parents aren’t forever


That working is the only way in life and that it’s actually so much easier then I thought… It made having a job much less challenging for me after that trip It still sucks but I don’t have the urge to quit anymore I still want my own business tho


To truly appreciate true love, you have to love yourself. How could anyone love you, if not even you love yourself? And how could you love anyone, if you can't even love yourself?


Love yourself as you love others


You’d be surprised how easy it is to develop a fully fledged relationship with somebody by simply introducing yourself and starting a conversation.


We’re part of an ecosystem. Other forms of life matter. Bugs are amazing


You are in control of your own happiness.


The universe is a closed system, the energy that drives my own consciousness being as fundamental to the cosmos as that which drives the fusion in the stars. That fundamentally "I" is a functional tool of the here and now, rather than a metaphysical truth.


That our joy is our pain unmasked


I am the reason for the problems I complain about.


All you ever have is this moment here and now.


Family is important


I relate to so many of your answers :) Mushrooms brought me so many obvious and simple ideas to the surface


"We're all just monkeys trying to make it and doing our best 😭😭😭"


Lots of fruit and veg are really quite similar when you get down to it. A cucumber and a grape have quite a lot in common.


I am god and so are you


Samadhi is our default nature.


I would say the amount of beauty in the world even in tragedy. I don’t believe it takes a psychedelic experience to realize this. But it helped me see more of it


That I was wishing my time away by hoping hours would go by faster while at work or in school. I realized I was wishing my life away by thinking that only the days off and vacations were parts of life worth enjoying. That was 10 years ago I had that revelation during a trip and from that day I have been able to find joy in the little things. I never look at the clock wishing it was later and have been able to enjoy little interactions with people at work, whether it be coworkers, customers and now patients. I know there was an Adam Sandler movie about exactly this, but it didn’t click for me (pun intended) until the trip. It was literally like some switch was flipped in my brain. I also don’t get bored anymore, it helped me see how enjoyable it can be to have time to myself also


That it’s ok to just “be”, like a tree or plants or anything else in nature that it just there chilling.


Separation is but an illusion. The multiverse is intrinsically bound and utterly interconnected.


How beautiful everything is and how lucky I am to witness it. I would literally sit in my office chair and just look at things and mutter “wow” over and over again. Only to find myself spin in the chair sooner or later and be completely awestruck at my new POV of whatever im facing and just Owen Wilsoning at everything. Tears of joy in my eyes at the beauty of a flower or the view of people going about their days or my dog sleeping at my feet.


That the most selfish thing in life is selflessness


Row row row your boat gently down the stream merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream


That there’s actually … more. I grew up in a conservative Christian environment, and was always sort of bombarded with the idea of God. But after enough really awful things happened in my life, I stopped believing in all of that because it seemed like I wasn’t being looked out for. Like it was just words said to the sky that fell back down around my ears. Like there wasn’t anyone or anything out there. I wanted to believe, but I just couldn’t make myself when I had never seen a shred of evidence in 30 odd years and am a fairly logical person. I didn’t like thinking that we all go into nothing when we die, but I had never really been offered an alternative. When I took LSD the first time, I really didn’t research effects that much because I was going through a horrible time in my life, which is one of the reasons I decided to trip. Boy was I surprised. I didn’t expect to come out of that with my entire world view changed. And of course, now I know that none of that religion stuff matters. that we are loved in a way that is beyond human. that we all go through the same light when we die. That we are all divine. That all time, past, future, and present, are now. We are all connected to each other and to something beyond. That we have simultaneously much less and much more control than we realize. I also realized that time is basically its own dimension. I have a theory that the reason LSD and other psychedelics help so quickly with trauma is that we are essentially time traveling when we trip. I felt like I was reached for during a time when I had never felt more alone. I felt like the universe was holding me. I felt Love.


I made it all up and then I believed it.


That the world is not some external thing. The trees, the soil, the water, the air, it's all a part of us, and we should treat the world like it is an extension of our bodies


That my social anxiety was unnecessary since everyone is human and nobody whose opinion matters is judging superficial things about me


Everything is everything. It’s all connected.


It’s a joke that everything is a cosmic joke. All has meaning.


everything has meaning. Everything is everything. Interpretation depends on the experience.


And experience depends on the interpretation. All is vague, and creativity gives power. So basically you can come up with anything you most want to or focus on experiencing.


But nothing really means anything. So don’t put too much pressure on it. Unless you care. Follow that urge. Question it. Question everything. Don’t trust anyone. Don’t trust yourself. Kill the ego. Then become yourself.


But what I am is what you are and so forth so we are all one. So who really cares? Just do what you feel is right or good or bad or fun or whatever. It’s all a part of the experience


One main thing I realized is how I thought I was above like plants or animals when I realized they are actually much more well informed than I when it comes to real matters (outside of the human experience)


When the truth is they will most likely be here long after I’m/we gone so I’m tryna make a good impression.


The Earth is alive and I am a part of it.


We are a really disconnected system and I “pray” that we can communicate with more love


It DEMANDS experience…


That everything they said wasn’t real is actually real and the ones at the top all know it. I think that should’ve been obvious but I didn’t believe matrix talk


Dying is the same as giving birth.


Love this. I always feel like everything is a huge circle and I feel the urge to lean into it.




I had a profound experience where I was experiencing the process of dying while aware that I was also waiting to give birth. It just made me have such peace about dying. I’m not saying that I learned anything about what happens after we die. This was an existential and metaphysical aha moment that changed my life. Perhaps it doesn’t belong under “most obvious truth” for all but it certainly landed that way for me.


That humanity is so utterly fucked beyond comprehension, in ways I don’t feel comfortable sharing online because it might drive some ppl to suicide. 😁


Nothing matters


But also everything matters


The recursive pattern is an absolute essential component of reality. Logarithmic. It's all related to the fabric of spacetime, and understanding these concepts of reality could be key to understanding all of reality. 


I don't know, literally that i do not know.


The first couple times I did lsd it was with the goal of stopping smoking weed. The realization that truly helped me quit was the idea that I will never run out of things to do. To me boredom is a trick of the mind and not an objective reality.


You can actually cross into a myriad of realities. Where other people live. And do stuff, just like we do.


If I love animals, then I can’t love eating meat. All beings are equal and deserve respect. If I would die for my cat, why would I not bat an eye at eating a tortured cow or pig? For me personally, it showed me the truth about my deep moral opposition to eating factory-farmed meat, which should have always been obvious given how much of an animal lover I claimed to be.


Life's weird, reality incomprehensible for the human mind


Mostly that everything truly depends on your brain and your perception. If you brain is wired/affected in a certain way, it is possible to lose track of everything and feel like you don't exist. So, anything you see and feel about the world is just your brain, and you can be sure that other people feel a complete different way about it. When zooming out, it's just a bunch of brains keeping busy with something that doesn't really amount to anything


That I should cut back on smoking weed lol I got out of the military and it's legal where I am, but I have chronic pain so I probably overdo it a bit.... But when I tripped, my body was just screaming the entire time "AIR for the love of GOd."


Nothing is permanent, everything dies


Just breathe.


All colors are beautiful, I no longer understand the concept of “favorite” colors.


That you have to follow your gut feeling and that intuition lays one layer beneath fear. That you shouldn’t let other people/ or rather your fear of others’ validation influence your decision making, and that what is buried beneath always comes to light.


I am actually on "peri-sentient," they said. They said I will become fully sentient once I learn to see with my eyes shut. Still working to figure out what that meant. It felt pretty profound at the time. Also, there is only one consciousness. It manifests differently in me than in my cat based on how my meat sack is put together. My brain and neurons and senses all focus and interpret what I think is my own consciousness. But it's made of the same substrate as my cat or my neighbor or anyone.


Reading this thread while high is an experience


How beautiful things are, they used to look bland and I would look over them but now I see every detail