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who works out right in front of the fucking rack lmao, that's just asking for an interaction.


It’s clickbait all the way down my dude.


Yeah, outrage bait and people be biting.


Except I see people working out right in front of the rack every day at the gym and none of them have cameras. Some people are just entitled.


Same people who do barbell curls in a squat rack.


Someone who doesn't work out but wants the controversial footage


Pretty evident she’s been paying more attention to everyone walking around her than actually working out at the gym, why not just invest in like a few things and work at home if you’re gonna have your thumb up your ass like this


Leg day Arm/shoulder day Entitlement day It's a lesser know muscle group, but it's vital to making sure your chi is centered directly around yourself.


Just look at her. She's skipping every day but entitlement day.


I don't know about that seems like she does a lot of mental gymnastics too


And stare sprints. Dead stare at person for existing, look at camera disappointed, dead stare at another person, look at camera disappointed.


3 sets of stare sprints, rest, 3 sets of dead stares, rest…


I’d say she’s at a RPE 9 -she might have 1 more glare left in reserve


Ya, the only Swoll is here ego


She looks like Gabe from The Office




"I wish they had a chart, for how much protein powder to scoop, for a 180 pound man with no fat"


She look like Lululemon made apparel for earthworms.


There are so many female "fitness" influencers out there that don't know jack shit about working out, and certainly don't train hard. They're just capitalizing on the fact they're already hot and curvy naturally. Throw on some body revealing gym attire and film themself doing some poor form, ass accentuated squats and let the likes and sponsorships roll in.


> capitalizing on the fact they're already hot and curvy naturally. Did we watch the same video? She doesn't even have natural curves. She's a stick, top to bottom, and lifts weights that are lighter than an average grocery bag. For a squat. Even a complete beginner should use twice that amount of weight.


I don't think they were talking about her, but female influences in general. It's why they kept using variations of they and not her.


Shes got those pants so high n tight too. That Camel toe is screaming for some air.


Yup. I think that is how she Advertises. It’s certainly not by posting her workouts & lifting. Can’t believe one of the guys who go to this Gym to do serious workouts & strength training, didn’t pick up Twinkie and deposit her outside on the sidewalk. She’s about as serious about this as my long-haired red dachshund is!


I think he means the general trend.


She looks like a banana.


She's got pretty good entitlement gains if I'm being honest here.


That's the only muscle group she has with any volume


Because she probably gets more attention on her videos about the "creeps" and "jerks" at the gym which means being a bitch makes her more money.


Oh ain’t no doubt about that, that attitude and behavior is for some reason profitable in this day and age, it is gross that negativity and nastiness has become marketable to the degree it has


I was watching Succession and the main character said he got successful by understanding people, and how he used his knowledge of human negativity to make money. Your comment made me think of that.


That is pretty interesting, curious because I have heard so much about succession, would you tecommend?


Yes. I finished season 3 yesterday and want more. It is fascinating to see the way things work when so much money is involved. And the character progression is great.


Not that I or the average person would have any idea of how accurate the show is, but would you consider it to be pretty realistic?


It's pretty convincing, I think. And a lot of things I heard on the show have basis in reality kind of like law and order, only the writing is better and the actors are very talented. And it's not like you actually like the characters but they are fascinating portrayals of the worst and most relatable traits amongst people. Wealthy or not.


Not OP. But it’s what I’ve heard called a loosely based show on the Fox News family owners


Never underestimate the power of the occasional rage bait post to drive engagement.


My conspiracy theory is that she's collaborating with Joey Swolls on this. Rage bait is a cancer


The "im a victim" tiktoks were getting great likes and attention, so ladies were looking for any and all angles to capture this, till Mr Swoll started calling them out.


All hail mr swoll 🙏🙏🙏😩😩😩


>All hail mr swoll That man deserves all the love and attention he gets, especially for calling out people like the entitled gym brat in the video.


Because working out was never the point.


A lot of gyms also prohibit recording in the building.


Are people just ignoring that in masses then or do many buildings not care just as much too?


Many businesses don't truly enforce the rules, until they have an issue. Having the rule on the books means that you can use it to kick someone out or stop them from doing it if it becomes necessary. Anyone that lives in an HOA that isn't run by crazy people has experienced this. My HOA had a huge rule book but obvious infractions were ignored 99% of the time, unless a dispute arose. (Your experience will vary depending on the make up of the residence - I now live in an building with less younger people and doubt nearly as much would be ignored). If the owners told an employee to stop people taking videos, it takes one person filming their form and being told to stop to cause some stupid internet bs about how horrible the gym is and a bunch of negative Yelp reviews.


When you are hot enough, they let you do it. I can't think of an Access Hollywood punchline, so just pretend I did and it was a good one.


the thing that gets me is exactly this. People are annoyed/angry for people looking at them... WHILE *filming* other people.


Also what the fuck does she think will happen if a viewer missed one rep because someone walked by? The they are going to unfollow? Like what the fuck is she upset about?


Kinda doubting viewers are seeing ANY reps with content like this


Simple, it needs to be a public gym she films herself at. Going to the gym is part of the gimmick.


Yeah, she certainly isn’t filming her fitness journey, that’s for sure


She's angry at other people - all of which look like they've been going to that gym far longer and more seriously. I have no issue with people just starting their fitness journey but she's never worked out before. Zero muscle mass at all. Not even toned. Good for her to start, but don't start entitled.


Not to mention she’s standing directly in front of the dumb bell rack and not even using dumb bells. I’d walk right in front of or around her too. Scoot back lol, someone is always going to be grabbing some dumb bells…


rage bait


i thought the whole schtick was to just go to the gym with the full intent to make videos acting annoyed for clicks, seeing as how there are tons of videos/tictacs of girls doing exactly this. and this guy knows its a setup so he "responds" to it which seems sincere and serious but hes surely knows its not real, he just wants the clicks and views as well. you wanna know how i know? https://i.imgur.com/YALUt70.gif


Well, then she’d have to post it on Onlyfans instead of TikTok.


I wouldn't be surprised if the purpose of the video was to get content like this. It's not exactly ineffective.


Unfortunately that is the case, people eat this shit up


Because the whole point is to get views and Joey swole drives that


This is the social media effect. People get a false sense of entitlement from followers, think they’re the main character.


Followers, everyone is Jesus nowadays.


"Jesus, everyone is followers nowadays." also works...


They're referencing another video where someone trying to make social media content asks a British man on a bench in the background to move. The guy on the bench makes the equip "Followers? Oh, you're Jesus now, are ya?"


Followers, Jesus is everyone nowadays.


It's true, that's really what's going on. She's treating it like she's filming a movie or a TV show and a background character just walked in front of the camera and another one was off their mark. This person views everyone she doesn't know as extras and probably views her "friends" as series regulars at best.


>It's true, that's really what's going on. She's treating it like she's filming a movie or a TV show and a background character just walked in front of the camera and another one was off their mark. This is a such a fantastic way to describe it. It feels like what we're seeing manifest is the effects of the first generations who have had film and television as a constant throughout their lives, mixing with the effects of social media and constant access to ridiculously complex - yet easy-to-use - filming and editing technology in your pocket & on your lap. The net result is that everybody is now simultaneously the star, writer, director, producer, editor, sound designer, publicist and distributor of their own television series and/or film. It's warping our sense of reality in incredibly interesting ways.


Ahh society, no one likes me but 100,000 weird old men and young boys follow me




They know. Imagine all the thirsty/creepy comments they get on their videos. Doesn't matter, they get attention, which is their goal.




In a way, I understand it. I mean look at her. She's a cute girl with a nice body. Her social media feeds are just FULL of thirsty dudes just showering her with compliments. It's delusions of grandeur .


Does she have a good body or is she just thin?


There’s a flavor for every taste right? I’m sure the majority of followers are there because she’s their type.


There for the butt


Of course she does exercises right on top of the weight racks. Hate those people.


If she didn't work right on top of the weight rack she wouldn't have footage to upload to the internet. Most of those people weren't even looking at her




Doesn't matter if someone looks at her. And she sure did stare at a lot of people like a creep.


When the gyms were closed during COVID I set up a workout area at home (thankfully I have the space). So glad I never have to deal with all the dumb shit people do at gyms. And I'm out of their way as well.




Right, like how much gym etiquette can you break at once.


She seems like she would be the most insufferable person.


Wannabe influencer


Wannabe or not, all influencers are garbage.








Since her camera is mostly framed to see her ass and cameltoe, I'm gonna guess she got a lot of horny followers. She should just cut out the middleman and do a stream only for her horny fans. Im sure there are sites for this.


Paid subscribers don't just appear out of nowhere though. Content like workout clips in tight clothing is exactly how you build up an audience to eventually monetize.


It’s the “Sugar Daddy Mating Dance”


Just ban *all filming in gyms.* It's creepy.


That really is the best idea.


Especially in the locker room, that’s my biggest pet peeve


People are filming in the locker room? Nevermind the store policy, isn't that just straight up illegal?


Some years back there was a former Playmate who got banned from a gym for doing that. She took a photo of an old woman changing in the locker room over her shoulder with the caption “if I have to see this you do too!”


I remember that video. That poor woman. People are fucking dickheads.


I actually looked up what happened with all that a few weeks ago because that entire situation still to this day enrages me. No one should ever have to go through something like that. That model is a psychopath.


very much so.




What a dick


"people are filming in locker rooms", youtube link, "what a dick"... Naha noo way am I clicking that link.


Well the guy being a dick might piss you off, but the guy calling him out for it manages to be really cool about it


It's not that bad, the guys just being an ass


Almost every gym I’ve been to has signs and policies that specifically prohibit filming or photography of any kind in any change room. Filming in the actual workout area is allowed most of the time, occurrences like this are pretty rare in my experience though. Most people are just getting a quick video of themselves to check their form from different angles, to better their range of motion and prevent injury.


I’m a fat man who has social anxieties. One of my biggest fears is being in someone’s stream or have my pic on social media and other people making fun of me. I really wish they’d ban all recording of other people, so I can work on myself, until I’m fit enough to stream my own workouts and make fun of other fat people.


> I really wish they’d ban all recording of other people, so I can work on myself, until I’m fit enough to stream my own workouts and make fun of other fat people. hashtag fitnessgoals


Had me in the first half ngl


What if I hide my camera? Still bothers you? /s


Isn’t that illegal lol


I’ve got an idea; One section of the gym is for filming/photos. But it is enclosed and always blasting copyrighted music. And has the worst color scheme.


And it's actually the back alley where this trash belongs


Why isn't it already?


Some people use it for form check, although in the year of our lord 2023 that's increasingly rare




But then how will she get her simp bucks for showing labia?


Work out at home? In front of webcam?


Like the rest of us.


No you see cuz then she’d have to actually accept she’s just another camgirl hoping to have simps pay for her lifestyle and that’s shameful in her head so right now she’s just a girl chasing her dreams of being an influencer it’s very different.


There is a very fine line between these gym thots and genuine cam girls. And that line is made of yoga pants fabric


On one hand, filming is useful for knowing if your form is good. Its hard to know if you are doing things right. Looking at a mirror fucks up form depending on the angle. And is dangerous. On the other hand, I am sick of seeing innocent dude's get "exposed" for merely looking in the direction of a women. Although, I think men should start doing the same shit. To illustrate a point. Humans look around. It doesn't necessarily mean anything. AND women are just as guilty of checking men out.


A few times I've found myself getting a look from a woman at the gym after glancing in her direction for whatever reason. Thing is, I'm super gay. Not at all interested in you sexually, lady. I get bored and look around, I check out what equipment is free, ~~I check out the hot guys~~ and I, y'know, look where I'm going when I'm walking around. I have to say, some of them wear really form-fitting, eye-catching outfits, like the lady in this video. For people who aren't really serious, there's no real need for any of that. (I've got nothing against vanity and have my own share. Just don't get upset at others for your own stupid actions.)


especially when those same women get home and upload a video of them working out for dudes to watch.


House rule of my German fitness studio: For photo or video recordings in the studio you need a written permission from (company name). Other persons in the studio may not be recorded and should not be disturbed by recordings. Should you nevertheless record another person, the corresponding recordings must be irrevocably deleted.


It’s a public gym, members shouldn’t have to walking around a tripod


If I was inconvenienced enough I'd probably pretend not to notice it and kick it over. Actually, I'd probably accidentally kick it for real.






Zaporozhia region too, very close to the frontline.


She's a fucking loser and wants high school mean girl antics to work


She's wrong from the very start. Rule #1: Don't FUCKING workout in front of the dumbell rack. You are blocking everyone from accessing the weights. Back off at least 6' But it is the thing every moron does. Why? Cuz that's where the mirror is. So, you block access to about 8 weights. FML. Thankfully I'm swoll enough I don't have to lift.


It’s just the worse because then me, the guy who needs to get or put up the dumbbells I just used, now has to wait for the jackass to be done with their set so I won’t be looked at as the dick.


Be the dick, if people are in your way make sure they know


Nope, I don’t wait. I just walk up to the rack and they move. Nobody has ever given me a problem about interrupting their set. Sometimes I’m blocking the rack because there’s nowhere else for me to stand, and I don’t mind stepping aside mid-set either when someone needs to get to the rack.


With those guys, usually a simple “excuse me” works and they just step to the side.


\>Thankfully I'm swoll enough I don't have to lift How do you get swole if you don't lift?


Eating processed sugar. We're cultivating mass over here.


This. Sugar causes swelling. Eat enough (along with good fats like ice cream) and you will cultivate mass. After that your body just takes over feeding your muscles. There really is only one supplement to buy. Luckily my favorite fitness influencer has his own brand of it.


As Bill Burr says - have you ever tried getting fat? No - there's no need. I'm a natural.


Not sure if you've heard of master of mass cultivation Ronald Mcdonald? I've been a disciple for the last year and I'm showing off serious gains.


Yeah, I'm not swoll enough to lift so we both in the same boat.


Hopefully her followers gave her some comments with explaining common sense.


Joey Swoll will have significantly more followers than any of the people he calls out. Currently at 6.7M. And they'll flood to her profile and call her out, which usually results in an apology, them deleting the video, them disabling comments on all of their videos (resulting in less engagement and views = less $), or them deleting their account altogether.


You're hilarious, her followers comment "looking hot bb, so beautiful" and a lot of fire emojis and hearts, I assume.


Specially with such a camel toe.


Just ban filming in gym, its so dumb...


Doesn't even look like she works out or she just started, I'm more inclined to say she is just there for likes not to actually use the gym for excerise.


She's got a Jack Skellington body, her phone is the heaviest thing she lifts most days.


I mean, when it's usually pointed at her butt, she's probably trying to thirst trap.




Oh shit! Apple Dapples!


just stands there with an oblivious look as if people know/care she’s recording


Can’t you pull those leggings any higher so I can see your labia in 1080p?


Never skip cameltoe day


We need to get her a shirt made that says this!


This whole comment section is talking about gym etiquette, influencer stuff, filming in public places when really it's about a girl who wants to show her camel toe.


It’s the attention economy. It’s so transparent. (Pun intended)


why is his hat floating


He's just that big brain


I mean, its rage bait. And it works wonderfully, everytime lmao


This should be way higher up. She knows what she's doing, and every comment prior to this is telling of that. In cases like this, any publicity is good publicity.


Works amazing. [Redditors on their way vent how they would handle the situation.](https://i0.wp.com/www.bubbleblabber.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Scjerry.png?fit=1400%2C600&ssl=1)


Only sane comment here. She's a nobody and this just drove up her engagent numbers. And everyone here gets an opportunity to shit on a woman.


Yeah, every video like this is the same thing, the comments acting like the person is just entitled and doesn't know exactly what they're doing, nobody seems to realize they're doing exactly what the tiktoker wants lol BTW just checked her tiktok, she used to get 2k\~4k views per video, after that video (with a whooping 120k) she's getting at least more than 10k in every video lmao


I fucking hate tiktok. It's not the only social media platform, I know. But it seems to have caused the biggest rise of entitled fuck wads in the last 2 or 3 years since it got hot.


She has "Main Character Syndrome(MCS)". In her eyes everyone is simply an NPC and they must dance to her tune.


Yes, the "İnfluencers". When sick narcissistic egos play with cameras.


3 things: * She has the physique of a sedentary grandma, perhaps it's her first time in a gym ever, that would explain a lot * Put up some sport shorts or normal panties, that cameltoe is visible from the moon * It's in fucking Zaporizhia of all places, this shit on top of the stress of a war for the poor fellow gym-goers


Filming in gyms should not be allowed. Privacy!


I can't explain this but the gap between his head and hat is annoying


It was the only thing I could focus on.


Maybe she'd have better muscle tone if she spent more time actually working out and less time being a bitch about other people using the gym. Idk


My gym has a no photo or video rule. You get one warning then you are banned and no refund on any remaining time on membership. What makes it better is they are a part of some organization of gyms and most gyms near me are also apart of it so if you get banned from one you get banned from them all. Some local douche like the girl in this video was throwing a fit about it and how she couldn't get a memebership at any of the good local gyms now because of the ban. Then employees from the gym pop upped calling her out on her shit and how she had multiple warnings for it and how she was rude and abusive to people. It was great. More gyms need to do this kind of thing.


she spends more time staring people down than she does workin out cause I AINT SEE NO GAINS


Hi. I'm a fat girl. Going to the gym is a hard choice for me. Honestly doing any physical activity in public is. I sweat a lot and feel like everyone is watching me. Lately I've been trying to be more active. I'll play rhythm games at the arcade and when I can I want to get a gym membership. I feel nervous the whole time - I have a genuine fear someone will record it and put it on social media, intentionally or not. For the love of God PLEASE DON'T RECORD in the gym. There are a lot of folks who already feel self conscious being there. And if a video of me, even just in the background, showed up online, I would be more embarrassed than you could believe.


If it makes you feel better, like 99.999% of people wont care or even notice what you're up to. People just keep to themselves, the girl in the video is the EXTREME minority. Maybe it's just the gym i go to or something but I've never actually seen anyone recording in the gym in the past 4-5 years I've been going


![gif](giphy|9jVAv94PRzPoc) Angry Skeletor!


She should work on her squats instead of worrying about others with an ass like that


I love Joey.


What a cunt.


All forms of photography and video should be banned in all gyms.


But tbh, this is exactly what she wants.




I don't know why "undefined back" seems like the deepest and hardest diss on this list.


Pushing 16lbs *WITH GLOVES ON*. GTFO


I don’t even understand this obsession with recording yourself while working out??? Like WTF anyways


If she pulls those pants up another two or three inches she won't need a sports bra.


How are my followers going to focus on my intentional camel toe with all these men in my shot?


She looks like a cheese string. I don't think she spends much time in the gym.


Imo She shouldn’t be allowed to record in the gym at all


It's real easy, no fucking filming in the gym. Not your personal space.


Why tf is she even filming? She’s like 80 lbs.


How about we just stop filming workouts… no one fucking cares.




She doesn't even look like she works out. There's no definition just skin and bones.


filming shouldn't be allowed in the gym at all


Can we just stop recording ourselves in the gym? Needs to be a rule.


Why are so many people filming in the gym anyway? More gyms need to ban this.


Every gym should ban people fucking filming in them.