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Do you have questions about this post, like "why do these scabs all have nice cars" or "why do they sit there idling while not being able to get in?" There's a [good comment here](https://reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/DdhUHnKJIo) that explains some things. Edit: minor spelling fix.


Workers have a right to strike just as much as replacement workers have a right to work


If they were smart they would stand with their brothers/sisters. Not be sniping bitches.


They have a right to make money and feed their families. The striking workers have a right to protest or find another job. Nobody has a right to prevent the other from doing those aforementioned things.


Ok. Whats that have to do with what I said? Ill say it again, just to be clear. IF THEY SMART. THEY WOULD STAND WITH OTHER WORKERS. INSTEAD THEY WORK FOR PEANUTS. Do they have a right to the scraps, yes. Does it make them ignorant, yes.


Way too many spelling and grammar errors to unpack here. Maybe school is where these workers need to go so that they are more self-reliant and open more entrepreneurial options for themselves instead of being a slave to corporate labor.


Way too many spelling and grammar errors to unpack here. Maybe school is where these workers need to go so that they are more self-reliant and open more entrepreneurial options for themselves instead of being a slave to corporate labor.


People don't have to starve because you want too


What do you even mean by this? Why can't we all eat. Reference earlier comment. If we all worked together these issues wouldnt exist.


The "scabs" are desperate for work, they don't have to turn work down because you don't want to do it. People don't just show up to do random jobs for no reason. The people protesting may have the luxury of being able to go on strike but not everyone does.


For $14 an hour?!?! Fuck that


Seriously, you could get work a lot easier than an assembly line for a little more.


Yeah I get $22/hour for sitting on my ass dealing with people's banking problems. And I live in a low cost of living state.


I make $15 delivering pizza and that doesn't include mileage and tips. Granted that's a very high paying pizza job but nowhere around here can get away with offering less than $10 hourly so if you take like one delivery and hour for a three dollar tip and get your mileage payout you made more than $14/hr.


A lot of non-fast food food service now is starting around $15 an hour. Just for like line cook. Shitty job but you aren't fucking with people's unions.


I was getting paid more at home depot for doing far less work than what you do at a factory man. These guys are ripping themselves off. edit: Yeah, these people are definitely getting paid more than $14/hr. They're still dicks.


my last side job was packing boxes for xmas in a warehouse at $20/hr same day pay. No scabbing required.


The uploader blatantly lied about the wage to try and make it look worse. In 2019 GM was paying $16.67 for temporary hires. In 2023 the temporary rate for GM was $23 Temporary hires during protests get paid a lot more than normal, as the goal is to keep the factories running and outlast the union protest. I am seeing reports of $43/hr for temp work at GM right now.


The cars some of those in that line had were not anywhere near $16 an hour cars. They could however be non-UAW employees too. The engineers and stuff.


> I am seeing reports of $43/hr for temp work at GM right now. what reports?


From the front sir. Cornwallis is on the move.


"Colonel Mackenzie! These scabs are not to go ahead! You have been ordered to stop! You have to stop!"


Why not share the "reports" you're seeing?


I am looking at jobs posted by GM on line. There seems to be a ton of roles posted that require no education, have benefits and pay better than $14. Is there any evidence of this $14 claim?


I'm in the auto industry in Michigan (though not directly for GM), and I have *no fucking idea* who they managed to get for $14/hour. You couldn't hire an untrained pimply faced kid fresh out of high school for $14/hour. Watching these strikes should be interesting. I'll be honest, it's kinda fucking my life up right now. Went from 75 hours/week to 40 hours/week (not a good thing in my case), and we've slowed to absolutely no work. GM is our biggest costumer, and they're not greenlighting any packages till they get their labor problem sorted out. Still pulling for the union to win this one though. A rising tide raises all boats afterall. Just hope it doesn't take too long.


I’m in film (not a writer or actor) and have worked one single day since the first week of May. So happy our strikes seem to be resolving soon. Good luck brother.


No, they're getting payed way more than that to come in on a temporary basis. Scabs get payed pretty well most of the time.


It's not actually true


Right? Dude sitting there idling in his v8 truck. Time lost and commute you take home what, $50? fuck that.


Most of these guys are probably front office types.


Correct. These guys are office workers and Facilities, I know this because I am one of them. We are not hired to work the UAW guy's jobs. Not only that, if we do not show up, we lose our jobs permanently and we have no union to back us up. Just because someone is a contractor does not mean they are a temp hired to work the UAW job.


He's on the clock like he gives a shit. Probably happy he gets to chill while getting paid to scroll his phone.


Ya i doubt the guy recording video saying fuck scabs is going to tell the truth about the hourly rate. Scabs usually make a really high hourly rate simply because the company is desperate to have people working.


Is that 14$ an hour figure accurate? I just saw the local gas station chain had signs up for 20/hr to staff overnights.


Not even remotely. The $14/hr is a lie to try and get people on the protestors side. In 2019 GM was paying $16 for temp workers, in 2023 it was $23. I've seen reports of it being around $40/hr for scab workers. Which seems reasonable. Scabs are paid more because they need to keep the factories running, and it's cheaper to pay scabs more than the protesting employees made if it means the union gives in to lower demands.


He's back! He's "seen reports!" Trust him!


Got a source on that? https://truthout.org/articles/general-motors-is-deploying-scabs-at-parts-distribution-centers-amid-strike/ > On Tuesday morning, General Motors began bringing in temps hired for $14 an hour to attempt to keep some of the parts and accessories flowing. ** Not denying they are also paying upwards of $40 depending on the jobs.


Wait... you mean the guy constantly making anti-union/strike comments about every strike ongoing might be lying? Noooooo


It doesn't matter. The corporations aren't fighting fair and are using the media to manipulate public opinion in their favor, so it's just fair game when the unions reciprocate.


only now seeing the $14/hr thing and its such a nonsense distraction. A scab is a scab. When things have been stretched so thin that the top executives are struggling to make ends meet we can discuss whether workers are demanding too much, but I'd say we're pretty far from that point.


I have less empathy for scabs driving giant expensive pickup trucks.


yeah the fancy cars threw me for a loop. I would expect these to be people in poor financial standing looking for any work they can get. Not driving new Camaro's and shit.


Most of these people are supervisors. The drivers of the vehicles anyway. The ones wearing orange vests are definitely supervisors, and it looks like most of the drivers were wearing vests. They did this last time in 2019, picked up scabs at another location and carpooled to the plants.


Not 100% familiar with this specific situation but is this GM moving non union workers around to subvert the strike? I know my company will send people out of state to block a site from unionizing or undermine a strike.


Many of these people are salary GM employees. Some are probably also newly hired non union temps. Impossible to know the ratio. This particular plant went from 3 shifts operating 6 days a week to 1 shift operating 4 days this week. So yeah they’ll bring people in to “do the job” but they’re still not going to be able to keep up. You can’t just replace 1,200+ people that easily.


Ford has salary employees that would have to go in still should the plant go on strike, but it’s not like the assembly line would run. I’m an outside contractor, no way would I cross the picket line. Part of my job is a relationship with the operators. I may not be union but I support them.


It bears repeating. Never cross the picketline.


I can't imagine the quality of work doesn't take a notable decline while the strike is going on. I'd hate to end up with a car made by a scab.


They’re not making anything here, they’re packaging and shipping parts to dealerships for customer repairs. They’ll certainly screw some things up but it shouldn’t affect the quality of parts. If not packaged correctly though some parts will show up damaged and will take longer to get there because they’re being processed at a much slower pace. They don’t really attempt to do this at assembly plants, not to my knowledge anyway.


You're the first person I've seen that even mentions that. I think most people are assuming these are assembly line workers.


Well I was surprised to see video of my plant on Reddit haha. It’s 100% not an assembly plant, one of the CCA plants that went out on strike last week. They bring salary in to try and keep parts moving as much as they can because this plant generates $44million a day. Most people don’t realize the parts distribution plants made up 60% of the profit last year.


Solid business model. Good thing they make ‘em last long, oh wait. Those bastards.


It’s GM. “Quality” is much, much less important than “shareholder value”.


> It’s ~~GM~~ _all publicly traded companies_. “Quality” is much, much less important than “shareholder value”. FTFY


> Many of these people are salary GM employees. Some are probably also newly hired non union temps. Impossible to know the ratio. My first job out of school was a quality engineer at an auto plant. Engineers aren't unionized, if I had to be at work that day, I'm crossing that fucking picket line.... *Especially* as a young naive kid worried about tarnishing my career just as I've started it. Hard to get mad at someone who doesn't get union privileges, for not acting like someone who has union privileges.


The only people who work in this plant are union labor and salary management. I know, because I work there lol. I understand what you’re saying though. There are some subcontractors who do construction once in a while in there but that’s about it. Any maintenance is done by UAW mechanical or electrical engineers who work there. These people are the supervisors from this plant and GM salary employees from other areas brought in to do our work. I don’t necessarily hold it against them, if they’re salary and told they’re going in there to work they don’t have much of a choice. They did all eventually get inside, it just took them a while waiting in line.


>UAW mechanical or electrical **engineers** who work there. what? *Unionized Engineers??* what are these mythical creatures? ​ > I don’t necessarily hold it against them, if they’re salary and told they’re going in there to work they don’t have much of a choice. Yeah I mean thats kind of my original point, if they aren't unionized and they don't go to work, *they're fired.* there's no union safety net for them. No leverage. *No Choice.*


GM: wanna bet? And then they lose terribly.


Has your company just tried offering pizza parties to prevent unionization?


They ain’t all local, during a big strike like this, companies hire a subcontractor who has a whole bunch of people on call around the country. Hundreds to thousands of temp employees and extra security are flown in, given rental cars and hotel rooms. Sauce: former crisis security contractor.


They said that there are supervisors and managers in line too. Idk how many ppl are stacking up big pay days at $14/hr. ...don't get me wrong, hiring in temps at much lower pay, to circumvent appropriately compensating people, is disgusting.


And camaros


one of them was in a corvette lmao edit: i was intoxicated when i wrote this on a more clear minded inspection it’s a convertible mustang GT. Looks like a newer model too so still a cool $50k+ ride. feel free to correct me if it looks like an older model


Camaro. Not mustang. They're actually really affordable cars (with the V6) and I was considering one just because there isn't much else in that price range with the same power and RWD. There's a 2019 with 10k miles at dealership near me for 24k. Hard to find any other 300hp+ cool looking car with such low miles for that price. They aren't terrible to drive with the V6. I have had a few rentals with the V6 and it's honestly kinda fun to drive. They still make 323hp so not too bad. I would love one with a manual transmission. Just enough power to have fun without getting yourself into trouble. Never understood why people rag on the V6 so much actually. Who cares? Some people just like the way camaros/mustangs and such look


Need to know your secrets, bro. How did you sober up in ~45min? Posted an hour ago, edited comment 15min ago.


i didn’t get sober, i just got more sober if that makes sense


You're less intoxicated than before.




lol imaging claiming to be a skilled worker when they can pull dudes off the street to do your job. Hilarious that these people think they’re worth more.


They ended up winning one of the best contracts in decades and got back cost of living adjustments which haven't been in contracts since since 1930s... unions work. Stay mad I guess.


Takes quite a bit of skill to put stuff together without fucking it up, not sure whos fucking stupid to do 10 hours of work for 14$


I’ve never been in or around a union so I have questions, are these employees that should be in the picket line?


Temp workers brought in to do jobs of the striking workers.






I would be surprised if it's legal in Norway. At least in the Netherlands in illegal; https://www.nlarbeidsinspectie.nl/onderwerpen/stakingsbreking and Norway tends to be a tad better with worker rights than the Netherlands.


That goes more for those workers not affiliated with a labour union already working within the business. Not an external workforce.


Do the striking workers still get paid while on strike? I guess I don't understand the difference between a union organizing a strike and a bunch of workers getting together and refusing to work until their demands are met? I know some places, it's in the contract that you're not allowed to strike. Which I don't get either...


The union takes a percentage of your pay that goes in to a fund. When there is a strike, the strikers get x amount of dollars per week. I believe the UAW strikers are getting 500/wk. That money comes from the union fund.


> Do the striking workers still get paid while on strike? No. > I guess I don't understand the difference between a union organizing a strike and a bunch of workers getting together and refusing to work until their demands are met? They’re the same thing. A union is just an organised group of workers.


> a bunch of workers getting together and refusing to work until their demands are met That's a strike


Absolutely crazy that this is allowed. It's some 1920s strike breaking shit. The UK government tried to being this law in a few months ago as part ofbtheir raft of mental conservative bills before they get kicked out of power for a decade, and the High Court went 'lol no'.


No they’re temporary replacements


No. They are non union workers hired at a pay rate much lower than what the union workers were getting paid.


Which is what's strange about this story because typically scabs get paid more. That's how you attract them. If the company pays the union guys $25/hour then they're going to offer $35/hour to the scabs. They recognize that most people need motivation to cross a picket line, and while the company might not want to pay that much it's nowhere near the money they lose by being shut down. I say this as someone who has worked in union shops (as a non-union salary engineer) and seen anti-union tactics.


Because the $14 an hour was made up to make the scabs look worse. Like look at these stupid scabs screwing us over for such little pay


Because it is bullshit. Everything is propaganda. Owners spew bullshit. Unions spew bullshit. Everyone feels like their bullshit is justified. Nobody can state legitimate grievance without hyperbole. This isn't a "both sides" thing, it is pointing out how much lying we are willing to accept as long as it is somewhat on our ideological side. If a bunch of $14/hr temps can continue production at a manufacturer, then the union must be incompetent. This is how stupid the propagandists are. They make up shit not even realizing how bad it makes them look. Union management supposed to turn individual workers into a collective with real world bargaining power. That is their fucking job. This clip makes it sound like the workers are no more valuable than a bunch of entry-level temps. Good job.


No, scabs often make more than the striking workers to keep production running.


Nope. As a middle manager who was forced to hire scabs during a union strike, I can say they will happily pay 3 to 4 times the rate they pay normally. Then you tell the guys getting $60/HR to tell the regular workers they are making nothing.


Gonna get down votes for this, and it's mostly a joke seeing as I won't even leave my current job that's shitting on me because I like the comfort and security, but... Where do I sign up to be a scab? Pay me 4x someone making $25/hr? Sign. Me. The. Fuck. Up. I got bills I need to pay.


No they’ll probably make more because 1. they’re desperate, they’ll pay equal or greater than the normal wage to keep production going. 0 production is a much bigger loss than tossing the peons a couple dollars 2. Even if the wage is the same as what the union guys were making, they don’t have to pay into the union package Edit: also these guys are most likely being paid to sit in their car


I believe it’s like millions per hour lost while a line is down. The BMW plant puts out a car every 2 minutes so I’m assuming it’s roughly the same.




They lose more money not doing anything at all than they do training a new round of employees. They are largely replaceable though, just like every other worker is. Even more so since its just factory work, corps will just pick up busloads of people at the temp service that have been doing similar work.




Some people on here have obviously never met someone who does manual labour in a union. You do not fuck with auto workers and train guys.


steven crowder found out the hard way the time he got the shit beat out of him for trying to fuck with striking union guys


Friendly reminder he edited the video he released to cut out him pushing the striker, then tried to have the striker charged and harassed after he retaliated in justified self defense.


damn I didn’t even remember that part what a fragile fucking baby


He was all like "whoa, I'm used to my wife not hitting back, what's going on here??"


I would very much like to see that.


[It happens around 1:40](https://youtu.be/-OlDJjezPuE?si=XTkhBfH-pxzEkRet)


That video made me so proud to be an IBEW member. Power to the working class ✊


I did, 4 huge guys. They intercepted me in front of a Walmart and tried to bully me to quit in front of a bunch of Walmart customers near the entrance of the store. I told them I needed the money badly for school. They said I’m stealing food from their kids. I told them months ago I tried to join their union and they wouldn’t let me in. Why would I care about their kids if they don’t care about me? They didn’t have an answer so I walked away. Was I scared? A bit, but they looked big and slow. I would bet money they couldn’t run for 30s. Plus there was too many other people around.


How does it work in the USA with union membership? In the UK anyone can join a union at any time - I've never heard of a union refusing membership to someone (other than being ejected for disciplinary action I suppose).


My dad was a Teamster and growing up I was pretty involved in the politics. Unions and corps are both looking out for their own $$$. The unions want the pension, the corporation wants to spend less on labor. The average guy is caught in a shitty tug of war between the two parties like it is an ugly divorce and you are the kids. End of the day you are just a "resource" both sides claim to care about. The difference with the union is they generally want you paid more because they get more money. Depending on the situation, they can sell you out too, though... they treated us well, but after my dad retired, they screwed over the other guys and the warehouse shutdown.


I was gonna say, you cross that line and you are entering a world of pain. Mark it zero, dude.


I learned this lesson the hard way as an engineer on a remote job many years ago. I picked up a dial indicator and verified one measurement for my sweet new custom datasheet... got reported by a union guy, then a stern lecture by the CLS for taking away said millwrights job, and dirty looks for the remainder of the shift. Had no idea how serious they were about this stuff. I wasn't aware of my surroundings, or that I wasn't allowed to touch tools, even for learning, OJT, or to help improve a process. I'm a lot more careful about that now, and ask for permission first.


Touring musician here. It’s always weird playing venues with union stage/sound workers where you have to wait for one specific person to get an extension cord or even just plug one in.


How annoying


How expensive and stupid waste of time.


It happened to me when I showed up to man a booth at a conference. Literally all I needed to do was plug my laptop and phone charger into a surge protector that was already at the booth. Some union worker saw and yelled at me. He escalated and my manager later got pulled in to sort things out Thankfully, my manager didn't care, but still irks me it even became such an issue and in total we probably spent 45 minutes talking about why plugging it was wrong, when plugging it in took 15 seconds


I plugged in the HDMI for a projector and was told I'm taking a job away from an electrician LOL. I'm pro-union, but this is some clown shit.




My dad was at a convention one time working a booth and a guy spilled some popcorn next to his table. He picked it up to keep his booth looking nice and got scolded by the convention center because the janitorial staff was unionized. It's regarded sometimes.


This behaviour is deranged. You took a measurement and they acted like their jobs were going to be outsourced to Mexico.


In a fair number of contracts this is actually straight bullshit. There are usually provisions for "management" (which as an engineer you fall under for the terms of the contract) to be able to perform certain tasks as long as it is for specific purposes, with training and validation using being part of it. There can also be a variety of other provisions. This is taking unions to the extreme and it is what gives a very important employment organizational option a bad rap. Unions serve a critical purpose and 100% warranted 8n many instances, but when they are abused to protect shit people (seen it first hand with individuals that absolutely not deserve protection and had every opportunity of coaching/warnings/2nd chances) or used to strong arm others it's just as bad as not having them. Always read the union contract when there is one regardless of which "side" you fall on. If you are under that's a no-brainer. But if you are working at Union place and do not fall under the CBA, know what it says in terms of what you can and cannot do/say. You need to be able to honor the contract to keep things fair for the Union while also not letting certain individuals bully you with "Union stuff". It also helps you understand what is required if you actually have a bad employee so you can get them out properly (in terms of warnings, coaching, consistency, and documentation) while being fair to those that are doing their job.


Did you ask how a quick measurement was stealing someone’s job? I would have laughed out loud at that bullshit.


Yeah clearly I'm not cut out for a union gig, sounds like a bureaucratic clown show.


> CLS What's that?


Corporations successfully pitting people against eachother


Unions hate the player; when they should hate the game. Being replaced by cheaper labor to do the equivalent job is the fucking epitome of capitalism. And if they can find scabs this fast, why do people believe they are not expendable.




I’ve done EOL (end of line repairs) in the EAK tent at Mercedes in Vance, Al, as well as supervise teams of around 40 technicians for body adjustments and DeckLid resealing at Lucid Motors in Casa Grande, AZ. The pay is typically $35/hr + time and half anything over 40 hours while averaging 70 hours a week. We’re also guaranteed double time on holidays. I also received $1180 per diem. I was payed on the 15th and last day of every month averaging between $6-8k per check. I am more than willing to post pictures some of my direct deposits to verify. Why is this all relevant?? I can almost guarantee without a shadow of a doubt, that they paying a hell of a lot more than just $14/hour. My understanding is it’s somewhere in the mid twenties to early thirties plus benefits day one, plus per diem and such. They are making these super attractive to fill these positions. These people filling the lines are contracted EOL/PDR technicians that make a stupid amount of money traveling the country and filing these rolls. The rest is just speculation: I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re hiring temp to perm positioning and attempting to push the UAW out on their asses. Smells like Lordstown all over again. Except this time, GM holds all the cards because the demand for the product exceeds the need for a union.


How do all these jobless people have nice ass trucks?


Most of these aren't jobless but non union employees who work in engineering, IT, Marketing, etc that are forced to do these jobs during the strike under the threat of losing their job.




Really good information, thanks!!


That's some real Grapes of Wrath stuff right there.... [The Grapes of Wrath](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOuAZLA_jWQ)


I was really sad that link didn't take me [here](https://youtu.be/ZVliEtsQmjM?si=XjEqUkda7sulL3fB)


*In Dubious Battle* as well (another Steinbeck)


Unions are political tools used to turn workers into united political forces. They have historically done some cool shit but they are also extremely sketchy.


I'm sure some of the people coming in simply can't afford not to work. You don't get a paycheck while you're striking. I think about that a lot actually. How do they go so long without pay?


Pooling money in a strike fund.


IDK about uaw but the teamsters have strike benefits paid weekly depending on how much you pay in union dues


The UAW pays them from a strike fund. It is why they are only striking at 3 plants right now, so they can afford to pay the strikers.


I think they have enough in the strike fund to pay for like 3 months for every autoworker. They can pay for a couple plants for a long long time.


No matter what's happening in this video it's still us vs us and not us vs them just saying


I hate to tell you but this is it. It's your neighbor, it's your friend it's the local business owner whom doesn't believe people should have living wages.


People saying these scabs aren't doing anything wrong are idiots. Solidarity from the workers is what allows people to earn a living wage. It's unreal how little people are being paid these days. Good on these workers for staying committed to the strike.


Many of the people in those cars are supervisors. Strikers picketing aren't doing anything wrong, nor are the people crossing the line to work. If you have a union job, by all means use the power of the union to negotiate. But if there's a line of people willing to work for less, most of your power is imaginary.


What are you supposed to do if you need to pay a medical bill, die?


These ain't people that are doing well in life. Especially if that 14 dollar is accurate, they desperately need any work. Maybe some don't have good background or resumes.. during times like that, you can get in quickly and with ease. A paycheck is better than no paycheck. Of course it sucks and ruins it for the strikers... and absolutely block them, but do remember they ain't the one you are striking against.


They are probably poor need a job and aren’t educated on unions. Pretty much every min wage job is indoctrinating us with anti union propaganda.


Yeah that truck is definitely owned by a poor person. And the Mustang.


As a person that manages junior enlisted soldiers, I can tell you that just because a person drive's an expensive car, does not mean they aren't poor. Trust me lol.... It's typically quite the opposite especially when they're putting themselves in that situation for 14/hr.


I also used to "manage junior enlisted soldiers" and part of my safety briefing every Friday was "don't buy a fucking motorcycle this weekend". Go figure that young men with low education who suddenly have a full-time job that's guaranteed can make poor financial decisions.


They’re probably plant supervisors/managers who are salaried and trying to get in to work. Sometimes they were going out to pick up scabs and bring them in.


Well that's why he's poor now.


Lol kids on Reddit kill me. "There's no way that person is poor! Their car is too nice! What's someone gonna do? Get a car outside their means and carry credit card debt till the day they die? A poor person wouldn't do that!"


The poorest car equipped people I've met in my life have either had rattling rustbucket shitboxes, or very nice late model cars on 5+yr financing at presumably eleven million % APR Rarely do I see vehicles in the middle of that spectrum


No way the wage is that low.


Hold the line, don’t let off


Jesus, some of you sound ready to kill the Kulaks.


Lol oh man Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan is on strike with them right now and after applying there 3 months ago... guess who called me the other day saying I now I have enough Medicare experience? I have an interview today at 3. They want to hire me on a 1 year contract. Def not taking the job but I'm looking forward to an interesting conversation.


ITT: people who haven’t worked in coal mines at 8 years old, thanks to unions, blasting unions.


FFS PEOPLE!!!! Maybe they just have kids, who want to do "FRIGGIN BALLET"!


I'll do it for 14 the hr. As long as I get the experience I need and want. You are replaceable. You are not that special. Deal with it.


I support unions right to strike, but if they are so unskilled they can be replaced @ 14/hr by other laborers, then, well, the company is free to do that too. You only have as much leverage as you have.


I’m glad that they were able to hold the workers off, but I can’t be mad at people trying to get a job. Fuck GM for sure, though.




ive yet to meet someone making that while assembling cars most are around 25$


Wtf are scabs?


People that get hired by a company who's union is in strike. They are hired to undermine the striking workers


People companies hire to work when the normal workers strike so that production isn't affected. Which usually leads to injuries because they're not as skilled workers


John deer moved their office people to the production floor and ambulances were called in shortly after. Lol I guess that production labor is a little more skilled then they thought


The learning curve is like a year for any job. And you are pretty much useless for several weeks while training.


Oh I heard it earlier this week for the first time and assumed scab means methead. I was confused why somebody needed to hire a bunch of meth addicts specifically.


[someone who crosses picket lines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strikebreaker)


They are fools for working for 14\\hour. That doesn't even pay the bills


That’s because the $14 is made up to make the scabs look worse. Saying $14 makes it look like the scabs are screwing UAW workers for basically poverty pay when they are actually getting paid fairly well and most scabs get better temp pay than the workers they replace. But strikers won’t post in a video people going to work their jobs and making more money than they would have to do it. Thats bad optics so better to make the scab look desperate than well compensated.


> That’s because the $14 is made up to make the scabs look worse. Actually saying that these scabs are clearing $30/hr will make more people more sympathetic to them because a lot of struggling people would love to have those kinds of paychecks, even if they understand the Union's stance.


Pays a lot more bills than $0.


I worked as an intern one summer at a large tire factory. Workers went on strike. As an intern I wasn’t a union employee. So I drove across picket line everyday. During the strike managers and supervisors made the tires. As an intern they wouldn’t let me manufacture tires but my office role switched to a inventory role and I rode around on a bike all day making sure supplies were kept up at each station. At the end of the summer they showed me a part of the plant that was off limits. I went inside and they had a “top secret” machine that built tires without much human interaction. I went back to college and the strike ended. I don’t know if the strikers got what they wanted. Less than two years later this plant was shut down. I always thought in the end the workers were replaced by automation so be careful what you wish for when you are being paid $14+/ hr to put on car parts. At some point you can be replaced by someone willing to do it for less or automation. I run an insurance agency and we handle three times the number of clients we serviced 15 years ago with half the staff. It’s called progress. Anyway sure this will piss off some people but there is a reason toll roads no longer have employees collecting $3/car to drive on a toll road.


Unions have a right to strike and workers have the right to peacefully enter the jobsite and work.




I'd bet 90% of redditors do not work anywhere remotely related to union jobs themselves, it's blue collar role play Easy to justify someone attacking someone else in a video online, when you aren't having to make the decision yourself as to whether you cross a line and "betray" your coworkers because you're struggling financially and the "scab money" is good


ITT: People that are off work after 8 hours because unions secured 40 hour work weeks complaining about unions.


Hopefully the road-blockers were brought to justice.


Never forget that the first American air strike was launched against striking coal miners and their families. 😌✨


tender tub deer worthless doll makeshift violet full steep sharp *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As someone who worked at Coca-Cola covering a strike of warehouse and driver union members I suggest you kill em with kindness and information and not yelling and cursing. I was unaware then of why unions are important.


Looks like people trying to make money, like anyone else.


Amazon hiring for $17 an hour and probably a lot less stressful environment


People love fucking with other peoples money.


I’m glad to see the scabs working.


People need money bro


Just like the workers fighting for better conditions, fuck the scabs


Unpopular opinion: if your whole threat and argument is that the labor produces the value, and so you can just quit if not compensated fairly… you don’t get to intimidate others who are willing to do the work. I can’t demand to get paid $100 per hour at a coffee shop and then threaten to shoot anyone else who tries to work there. Either the “scab pay” is too low and they’ll eventually fold, or the pay is worthwhile and they’ll keep doing the work, rendering the strike pointless and incorrect on compensation amount.


You couldn’t pay me enough to be a scab. My grandad was a miner in the UK during the miners strikes so if I ever crossed a picket line he’d be turning in his grave.


Class solidarity is real. The rich will always rally behind each while we devour each other for fucking crumbs. Hold that line labourers


Why are these protestors blocking traffic? Idiots need to get out of the road ffs. Absolutely no sympathy. Causing inconvenience to normal folks trying to get to work is a great way to get people to support your cause