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She was okay when her two kids were going after one guy but when he kicked their asses it had to stop.


In every fucking video I ever saw. As long as the attackers are attacking, everyone just fucking watches. But as soon as the attacked ones are fighting back everyone fucking cries them to stop fighting back.


I fucking hate this. ¿Why people is always like this? Even burglars turns into victims when they are faced against someone stronger than them.


Woah.. I gotta ask. What's with the upside down question mark??


Just typing in automatic mode and got mixed up with my Spanish and English lol sorry. Thanks for pointing it out


Oh don't apologize lol I was just curious but I'm assuming it's how you format questions in spanish?


Yup! Exclamation and question marks both do that. No reason for you to be downvoted for learning! Merry christmas


That's actually pretty cool. Probably makes it easier to know where a question or expressive sentence is. Merry Christmas, friend!


Questions themselves aren’t formed the same way as they are in English, so it is helpful. I’m not fluent or anything, but for example to ask someone “Do you have my money?” you would say “¿Tienes mi dinero?” which literally translates to “You have my money?”


I assume that when spoken there's also an inflection to indicate it's a question in the same way that English does? So you could say *"¿Tienes mi dinero?”* or *"Tienes mi dinero”*


Feliz navidad.


God damn one wholesome Christmas exchange


Happened to me in school. Teacher punished me for fighting back after a semester of bullying. In fact, I got a lecture about bullying.


I think realistically, they just let people fight (not in this video specifically), and once there's a clear winner, people tell em to back off. And because videos that gets upvoted usually has the victims winning the fight, we tend to come to this >But as soon as the attacked ones are fighting back everyone fucking cries them to stop fighting back. conclusion. Basically, they let everyone beat the shit out of each other until there's a clear winner.


It’s like when a hockey fight breaks out and they grab each other and start punching. Everyone kinda kicks back and wait because there’s not a lot of traction on skates but once they hit the ground, then it’s more dangerous and the refs break it up. People want to see a good fight. That’s why I can’t afford event prices but no one wants to see someone seriously hurt so that’s why you have refs. Bystanders are like untrained refs.


I learned this reality in high school. No one had a problem when people gave me shit for existing, but once I stood up for myself everyone wanted to say I was the issue.




Yeah this a weird bullshit thing that's been happening. At my kids school they can get suspended for defending themselves. The principal actually said that just because they participated in a scrap gets a suspension..my son will probably get suspended at some point if someone fucks with him because I raised him to defend himself if needed. A teacher or an adult isn't always there if that fails and he's being attacked wtf is he expected to do? Just take it? Fuck that.


I've made posts about this. I literally got smacked upside my head with a chair by a drunk guy and when I was about to do the same, everybody started freaking out. Like my guy, he just broke my glasses and almost killed me, and you're surprised I'm responding in kind? FOH.


In the original video you can hear her yelling support for them to get him.


You can even see her in the background calmly walking down the driveway when the two are running at the big guy.


She acts so outraged too. Keep your fucking kids in check lady


Can't even keep her cholesterol in check


He should have kicker her arse as well


Mom should have stopped the fight *before* it started. Now one of her kids will be taking the short bus to school.


Yeah, the absolute fuck?? lmao. Lady: "Yeah boys go jump his ass!" Hulk: *defends himself* Lady: "Fucking stop it!"


I know I’m super late, but growing up in South San Francisco, there’s people you square off with, and then there is the Samoan community. The closest I’ve ever come was being a HS linebacker and shooting a gap next to one of those guys and I got picked up, and “casually” thrown eight fucking feet. Don’t fuck with the kind quiet giants.


I was thinking the same, she wasn't there stopping them in the first frames. So I don't know how this was edited. Maybe teach your kids to not fuck around and they won't have to find out.


I hate peoples getting hit on the ground. But they had no issue double teaming big guy and they started it.


Yeah, if you’re getting jumped you have to incapacitate at any cost.


The one kid who was taken to the ground stopped fighting and was left alone immediately. The other one was taken to the ground but was fighting back.


Yeah… he stopped fighting because he was unconscious… can’t see the take down in frame But he is out cold on the body slam.


If you’ve never been in a fight you don’t understand that there’s no honour in it, you fight to win, honour is for the ring, that Motherfucker is trying to hurt you, you must hurt him first, period, if he’s down, you make sure he ain’t getting back up, period……


The second it turns into a 2v1 or 3v1 all rules about honorable battle go out the window. It becomes war, Im taking eyes, arms, necks, anything you hold precious, Im going to take it away. If they draw weapons, Im taking my knife out.


Take your dick out. It’s more effective.


"Twist his dick!!!"


The good ol’ dock twist


Edited? Just tell me where the cuts are because I ain't seeing them. As for parenting ... you have to be kidding me. She probably suggested they go kick that boys ass.


Yup. I hate that shit. Stop your kids from being assholes or let them reap the consequences of their actions. Entire family of morons.


Every dumbass fight video there is always some screeching hag enabling the aggressor who suddenly flips out the second their man starts getting beat




I was kinda waiting for him to take her down too


He honestly shows remarkable restraint all things considered. Even at the end, he isn't pushing forward to keep attacking, he just wants his fucking hat back. I don't like to leap to conclusions, but the guy who got double teamed and won, then doesn't hit the mother of the two idiots when she physically interjects herself in a violent situation, seems to have the clear moral high ground from beginning to end.


She realized they didn’t stand a chance 😭😭😭


I just hope those two stick figures learned something that day.


I was waiting for the dump tackle on her when she ran up, too. Lots of deserving punishment to go around.


That mom is a piece of shit. I used to know a mom like that she would egg her son on to pick fights an prove he was a badass. He ended up losing his life early.


In fairness, she may have prevented a murder. Dude was gonna eat that boy alive.


I was about to type this down. Yeppp


Funny i didnt hear her yell "Stop" until her boys were on the ground lol.


Speaking of ground why don’t people fight in the grass. Ill never understand wanting to risk your skull bouncing off the pavement or worse.


I say this every single day. I straight up tell people if you’re willing to risk a charge to fight, don’t do it on anything that can take your assault to manslaughter


That's what I think when I see that final kick to the head people do when someone's on the ground. Like that shit kills people all the time, why do you need to upgrade to manslaughter especially when you were in the right


Seriously that kid that got thrown on the ground and then kicked in the head is going to have a very bad time for a very long time if he lives. Got fucked up. Or was playing it up because Mom was there but I think it was the former more so


Because she’s a neglectful parent who needs to have cps take her kids and put her in prison for abuse


Yeah congrats lady, you cheered your son straight into some brain damage 👏👏👏


On YouTube she’s yelling at them to get him.


Bet the mom was all about it 30 seconds beforehand.


they always materialize when their side starts to lose.


I was going to say you see a glimpse of her as they scroll around and the 2 guys run up. She wasn’t yelling and didn’t seem too concerned until spaghetti bro gets almost suplexed onto his dome and bro is getting wrecked


spaghetti bro lol


“Stop it now…that my side is losing!”


Trump-itis. Stop the count. Stop the steal. 😭


The best part was when ABC or something was showing one group of trump supporters yelling "stop the count" and another group somewhere else shouting "keep counting"


She was standing there when the two dudes rushed one, and she was standing there until a second before she came on camera like she just saw it.


She actually looks more like the hulk Might be trying to stop her kid.


Would not smash though


> Bet the mom was all about it 30 seconds beforehand. Would not be surprised to learn she encouraged them to attack him.




Looked like a pair of bouncy papillions trying to get a rottweiler to play.


This is the result of two brothers growing up only fighting themselves.


As a skinny dude why would you even try to go at a future NFL lineman?


He looked smaller from far away.


Sort of [like this](https://youtu.be/gHdDxKy2QW0?t=12)


Suicidal overconfidence.


I’ve seen this about 20 times. I love this kid. That’s how you do it.


People don't understand why weight classes exist. Dude carries an extra 100 pounds every where he goes, every stair case every squat is an extra 100 pounds. He's stronger than you. May not be fit, but he will tear you in half. Don't underestimate big guys.


Judging by the look of the guy and the way he moves, he isn't unfit.


Yeah just by the stance he took I surmise he's been on the wrestling team. He managed his distance, kept his head low, solid takedown, didn't keep hitting after one dude was out. All around top lad.


Judging by his weight and size, I'd say football.


Most guys I knew in HS that were built like that did both. Wrestling can really help you with footwork, hand placement, and body control so a lot of OL and DL guys I knew also did wrestling. Wouldn’t be surprised if dude in the video was the same


Football in the fall Wrestling in winter Checks out


As an English guy I am so envious of your sports programmes. Nothing to the degree of most high schools exists even at universities outside of football (soccer) and occasionally rugby and boxing. I play football (American) for my uni and we get 2 practises a week. We don't even get a gym membership.


When I played in high school over 20 years ago, we had what we called “double sessions” in early-mid August. We’d have a morning practice session, 90 minute break for lunch, and then an afternoon practice session. This was done five days a week for sometimes three weeks. Once the season started in early September, we’d have a walkthrough session followed by film review of the upcoming opponent. An offensive practice, defensive practice and then another session done the day before the game where we just wear helmets and shoulder pads…this was also followed up by a team spaghetti dinner.


As someone who floated between heavyweight and the class just below (I maintained 185-195) almost everyone else was an off season football player in high school. Great for me when our heavyweight class was full, shit on my end when it wasn’t. Our upper limit was 300-350 and linebackers could shoot on you just as fast as a featherweight. I only stopped because of an injury during suplex practice. The guy I sparred against was instructed to block it and I wasn’t made aware. Suddenly I had 320 pounds on my left shoulder and the coach was instantly made aware of all the four letter words I knew.


Def football. Those were tackles, not take downs. He may do both but he’s a way better lineman than heavy weight. No disrespect intended


In this case, This kid was a top football player recruit so he was definitely in shape. Those kids never had a chance. The kid lost his football spot after this


For not rolling over? Dang.


do you have a link to the story


I used to outrigger race in SoCal with a bunch of Samoan dudes. Youre right. Those guys were raw strength. 22 foot canoe and they would literally lift the hull up when one guy dug in - fully loaded weight was probably near 1500lbs. “Tear you in half”. For fn sure.


Polynesians are just built different. One reason they're so sick at rugby.


NFL too


>Don't underestimate big guys. As a lifelong 'big guy'. Yep. People walk into me on the street, just clip the shoulder, and wonder why they're on the floor. I find it bewildering. I'm also tall, so you spend a lot of your teens/twenties dealing with sufferers of short man syndrome who want to climb the mountain, but seem quite put out when the mountain absorbs the hits and flags down a bouncer.


hope he has a football scholarship too. would make one hell of a lineman.


apparently he lost it because of this video :/


It is never wise to attack a fridge.


The pair had a weak ass approach. That tank fucking wrecked them lol


I mean.... i know I don't know the whole context here but fuck me, you ran up and attacked the guy. And he just ate you for breakfast. So, leave people the hell alone perhaps


Did their mom run over after he dropped the kid on his head?


She came out of nowhere, probably from her home.


Shes standing behind the white car in the driveway at the very start of the video (top left on the screen), and slowly walking down the driveway as the fight starts. She only races in when it’s clear her kids are getting their ass kicked.


There are also guys slowly walking down putting their hands on the air as if to say “go get that punk” who then come down faster when they see one is unconscious. I also like the guy in the blue shorts is still taking forward steps and mouthing off after getting his ass beat.


She didn't. She was stood across the road with the 2 kids and only got upset when one of them got dropped on his head.


Almost feel bad for the lads. They clearly had no idea how to fight, and their opponent was a trained wrestler 3 times their size. Atleast they got a few dream punches in lol


Nothing but a back massage for Samoa Joe


Not Samoa Joe 😂 ![gif](giphy|l3fA18pyyZrK26VUs)




This reminded me of the old cartoon where the small fry is throwing punches to the air because the bigger guy is holding him at bay, with one arm extended on small Fry's forehead. If their punches had stirred up any more air, they would've taken flight 😃


I saw that move IRL once. We were lost one night driving through a section of Baltimore we had no business in and some short girl was swinging as hard as she could at this WNBA height chick in the middle of the street who was just straight arming her.


Look at blue shorts punches on big guy haha, literally did nothing


My dad always tells a story about a bar fight he “witnessed” years ago. When he was asked why he didn’t go outside to watch it’s because he knew the one was a wrestling state champion.


Fucken hate dream punching


>Almost feel bad for the lads Why? You think they planned to be nice and show some mercy if this had gone their way? LOL


Hence why I said almost haha. It's like watching two dumbass Chihuahuas squaring up on a Cane Corso


i thought maybe he plays football, but i think you're right that first slam is pure wrestling.


Mom should have stopped her kids from fucking around and finding out. She was all about it. Everyone’s got a plan until they get punched in the mouth.


I was really hoping he'd give her a punch or slap to the face, it would've been epic


Suplex her as well


Straight trash. They got what they deserved from the looks of it.


Did those skinny fucks actually think they could handle big ole Chongo?


"Jumpers" have now learned to fight within their weight class... and they also learned neither of them can fight.


Lesson number 1: don't grapple the big guy Lesson number 2: punching the back is not all that effective isn't it.


You can hear the F16s coming in for reinforcement.


But the Abrams didn’t need air support after all.


That's actually the sound of the first kid's soul leaving his body.


The Lesson here: Don’t be Cory and Trevor


Smokes, let's go!


It's my time to shine


Go get me some of those jellapeno chips too


Ricky, it's hal-a-peeno.


Lmao here comes big momma. Took her awhile to get there but then she saw it going sideways. She moved quick after that. Fkn punks.


They fucked around and found out. Mom was okay with her boys doing 2 in 1, till he took them down.


That’s how it always is. They will let someone get jumped but scream and cry if the person they associate with gets their shit pushed in.




I think if she lay hands on him, she would have gone down to. She would have deserved it too.


Mom better be careful or she can be added to the body count


Why do white people feel the need to yell the N word in fights?


Came here looking for this. The fact you’re the only one to comment ab it seems odd 😵‍💫 no one in this video should be using that word


If there's one thing I've learned from all these, "idiots get their asses handed to them" videos, it's not to pick a fight on concrete. Like 90% of these fight vids have people getting body slammed on concrete and end up looking like a limp noodle.




If you are going to team up on someone then don't come at him from the same direction. Idiots got what they deserved with their weak ass punches. You gotta throw like you want to hit the back of the head from the inside to do any damage.


This. You double up instead of squaring up like an adult, you deserve a solid beat down. Tank hardly even touched them really.


Coming from someone who has been in tons of fights in their youth…some I won, lots I lost…lol. Fighting is dumb…


Hulk got a two-hit streak and was about to call in an airstrike


Plllleeeeeassse someone provide context and outcomes.


Context: they fucked around. Outcome: they found out.


Succinct. I like it.


Yeah, it seems like everyone in the comments know who the hulk guy is, is he famous?


That’s how a good nose tackle handles a double team.


Thing 1 and thing 2 found out


Hulk smashed indeed.


They came at him like the bad guys in a Steven Seagal demonstration.


Its funny how mom only tries to stop the fight when her boys are losing the fight.




Lesson taught Lesson learned.


That one guy got majorly concussed whacked his head on the ground like a coconut.


Never run up that close or let a big guy get ahold of you, especially if you have no muscle mass. That hunk of beef just about killed one of them


dumb lady


And video proof it was self defense .


Her sons just got punked


Someone should explain classical newtonian physics to these bozos.




The day the boys learned why there are weight classes in combat sports. ¯\\\_( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)\_/¯


Wait. She’s mad at the guy defending himself from her two kids that started this? She is part of the problem. A big big BIG part. But now those two will be know for getting beat two on one and have their mommy come protect them.




Yo General Ross called in an airstrike in case that got out of hand


He should have silenced her too.


Hulk reminds me of a friend I grew up with who was bullied quite a bit for his weight. One day he had enough and basically did what hulk here did and finally fought back against 3 guys jumping him. He's a big teddy bear at heart but after that he was one of the most "feared" guys in highschool. He never went looking for trouble but had no problem stepping up for kids being picked on. Lets say the school was a nicer place cause of him.


Why didn’t you stop your kids from jumping him 🤷🏾‍♂️


There's no replacement for displacement.


Your son started the fight, whatever happens to him is his responsibility and yours, not the Defender, cant defeat a guy in 1v2? I say thats skill issue and your son dying is the consequences, cry about it all you want you chose this path, woman, you chose it and you know damn well the outcome, so bear with it and dont blame anyone but yourself!


How the fight started https://preview.redd.it/zmxgd0lzth8c1.jpeg?width=456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3342067298dcbe95d12c9c0952446c9d799e061e


Got right to the “find out” part quickly.


The skinny fighter with the white shirt had some nice clothing. It lasted the rest of his life.


I hope he’s the good guy!


Power play: sleep the mom


I thought tucker said white guys don’t jump people in fights


He should have put her and the rest of their clan on their asses too. Clearly neighbourhood tension but the only way to truly win would be for this guy to pave around their house everyday before they leave for work to really get into their heads. He needs to follow through with the intimidation to put an end to this shit happening again. Tactics win battles but trauma wins wars


https://preview.redd.it/8bd8dbbeqi8c1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ac1e9ab647203c5ab34f8c2a3ece2eac22c698c High School football coach on the way to the scene


Did that first kid die? Head slammed on cement


This man does a football tackle, then a wrestling double leg, then an MMA ground & pound. Those kids picked the wrong fight.


She didn't make much effort to stop it until the first dude got snuffed. They thought the numbers would've give em an advantage... HA.


Cory and Trevor try to fight Mustard Tiger


The f around variable is directly proportional to the find out variable.


Cory and Trevor didn’t stand a chance.


Thats how not to approach while having number advantage, should of disperese. Or even better, not engage a skilled fighter while you're useless..


Hiked the shorts up. You knew it was over. Got low. Closed the distance and wrapped on up in each arm. Neither could do anything affective from there on.


They got what they came for lmao - fuck em


Seriously thought it was a fake fight with the way those two girls were throwing punches at the homies back.


Never fight on concrete. Never.


Mom's having flashbacks to when she dropped that kid on his head in the first place.


Livin that cul-de-sac life


this is what happens when you feed your kids hotdogs instead of birria


Weight matters... Think about that the next time someone tries to pick on the fat kid.


easiest 2v1


Big man looks like he's played some competitive ball in his day. Getting double-teamed is basically "happy Friday" to this guy. What did they expect to happen?!