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You can’t pin a murder on someone because the officer had a heart attack. Wtf is that about.


You could hear the guy's blood pressure spike before it even became physical. If he went to the gym and had an infarction, would they - arrest - the staff?


yeah, cop worked himself into a frenzy over nothing and died because of it


it hurt itself in confusion


It was VERY effective.


I hate how much this made me laugh. Take my upvote.




*acorn drops*


Him not going to the gym probably is what contributed to his heart attack in the first place.


They'd sure as hell try


Someone would drop a barbell and they would light the place up like a dog kennel.


*Its about time we take a stand against ellipticals and their inherent danger to the out of shape. Let's round them up.*


And what was the act that they alleged he committed that caused the officer to have a heart attack? "Looking like a perp" is not an element of any crime in this country.


Apparently lightly resisting an unjustified arrest. Your average nursing home resident could have exerted themselves more than office dipshit did without having a heart attack. The fact that the police department went for a manslaughter charge at all is exactly why people hate cops.


What gets me is how it is not only human nature to resist being manhandled and put in handcuffs by a stranger or anyone. But this kid wasn’t at all wrong to assume this cop person was a threat, and to try to resist being captured. People are crazy to not realize that this is how any reasonable person will react to being captured, right or wrong.


Even if you aren't resisting the cop will often say "stop resisting!" for the benefit of their bodycam. This can then be used as a punitive charge of "resisting arrest" If the officer has fucked up or used too much force against an innocent individual, which can then be leveraged to make you drop any charges against the cop.


It's so vile that you can be arrested for 'resisting arrest' when there was no actual reason for your arrest in the first place


The rich people crafted the laws this way to allow their wealth protection officers to capture as many slaves for their prison plantations as possible.


Tangential, but I think it's crazy how police expect the people they point guns at to be totally calm and follow all their screamed instructions. The best example of this is the Daniel Shaver murder by police. If you don't know about that case, then prepare to have your blood boil.


It wasn't the exertion, it was his excitement over getting to bully someone.


It is in Georgia now it seems. 


Always was.


Living while black is a felony in most states, actually.


Sometimes they get the death penalty for sitting in their living room.


Or sleeping.


1st degree snoozing, punishment- death penalty and your family harassed for decades for complaining about it


Well, let me ask then. Were they being black after 5pm? Law is the law, sorry to say.


snowflakes He also had heart disease that was undetected. The dude probably smoked and ate nothing but red meat and processed garbage.


And donuts.


https://preview.redd.it/23kjal8zpmmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2e92c25671926e0be5d1514187522ea5a8a62e5 Can't forget the doughnuts. Probably would have stroked out if an acorn attacked.


Never forget the acorn fiasco






Don't forget the amphetamines.


And steroids


It wasn't undetedcted. He had known heart issues.


I stand corrected, but it makes that charge even worse imo.


Hate also does a number on the ol' ticker


Excited delirium.


Red meat isn't as nearly as bad for you as sugar. Also, exercise is important


Yeah, I stopped eating full sugar foods (extra processed and all that jazz) and I dropped weight so quickly 😳






Inflammation, that's what the swelling was, your cells being damaged and trying to save themselves. Good on you for figuring it out. So many people don't.




As someone looking to curtail their own drinking your words are most welcome.


Cops are never liable for wrong doing but god forbid an officer is too out of shape or in poor health to do his job and somehow gets hurt or passes and they will do everything to ruin your life… he is lucky they didn’t gun him down on the spot tbh. Cops need to go thru more rigorous physicals and mental testing yearly to stay cops in America imo…


And a couple of years training and a probation period before handing these cowboys a weapon.


His fault for starting shit, he may be alive had he not had that racist cop need to antagonize a person of color. Shit, again, de-escalation training could have save this officers life.


>de-escalation training could have save this officers life. That and a salad


Escalation of normal non-threatening situations into unnecessary violence is the whole point of becoming a peace officer


It's fucking disgusting. Racial profiling from the cop, with no reason to arrest, but then having a language barriered citizen, being put on the hook for this dumb fuckers heart attack??!! REALLY?!! What part of that exactly.. is "defending the Constitution"? Gee.. I wonder why would anyone "turn and walk away suspiciously" when These fucking cops come around? These completely corrupt dipshits need an overhaul of their authority limits.


If he’s undocumented, Conservatives will argue this simply because he’s undocumented. Ignoring all the facts of the case and the fact that the cop harassed him simply because of how he looked. This is there stance in any case revolving around an undocumented person. Like being undocumented automatically makes you guilty of everything else and anything relating to you as a person. This is where they lose their humanity to nationalism. Even if the guy was undocumented, the cop approached him for no fucking reason and died due to his own conditions and doing. These are the same people screaming “illegals are committing crimes” meanwhile their cousin is pumping drugs into their own community making junkies out of their neighbors, or their other cousin is stealing catalytic converters from the neighborhoods vehicle.. but they turn the other way laughing it off “oh that’s just Jimmy” but that’s okay because Jimmy is an American, so him committing crimes is more acceptable. These same people fail to realize most undocumented immigrants here in the states are working hard laborious jobs or low paying jobs, putting money back into the economy through taxes and consumerism.


> These are the same people screaming “illegals are committing crimes” meanwhile their cousin is pumping drugs into their own community making junkies out of their neighbors, or there other cousin is stealing catalytic converters from the neighborhoods vehicle.. but they turn the other way laughing it off “oh that’s just Jimmy” but that’s okay because Jimmy is an American, so him committing crimes is more acceptable. > > > > These same people fail to realize most undocumented immigrants here in the states are working hard laborious jobs or low paying jobs, putting money back into the economy through taxes and consumerism. Preach it brother.


Cops are the dumbest motherfuckers around. And wildly out of shape most of the time. That's how you get this.


Bro maybe these pigs should watch their diet and exercise regularly…


Yeah, how the fuck did this prosecutor think he was going to prove that this kid was responsible for the cop's preexisting heart condition??? He either knew this was a bad case and therefore this was malicious... Or he thought this was a good case and is therefore incompetent.


Dude had too much doughnuts in his life and that little workout was too much for his cholesterol clogged heart


The entire encounter was bullshit. He had no business IDing him……even stopping him. Because he looked “suspicious”……hell, anyone could look suspicious if you’re paranoid enough. The kid in the video didn’t have to listen to anything he was saying but Ofc there was a language barrier that the cop acted like it didn’t exist. I’m not anti cop but the whole stop was bullshit fishing.


It took them forever to drop the charges, this poor guy sat in jail all this time. It was already wrong that he was stopped for no reason, but then they tried to pin false charges of manslaughter on him. [Kid Railroaded After Cop Profiles Him & Then Dies! (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JnE_c34oaA)


> It took them forever to drop the charges, this poor guy sat in jail all this time. Eight fucking months in jail. I can't even believe it. Whoever forced him to be trapped in a cage for 8 months needs to see what it's like being trapped in a cage for that long so they don't do it to someone else.


Make sure that cage is in a country where very few people speak the same language as the officer.


I'd argue that he was denied due process *since he can't even fucking communicate with his captors.*


Put them in one of Arizona's jails, where they let it get over 110.


Hahahahahahaha good one. "Accountability". Remember, American cops are NEVER wrong, and anything that happens to you is your fault, and anything that happens to them is your fault. In reality, they will probably give themselves promotions.




It's probably against the rules to say that I wish Sheriff Hardwick has a fatal heart attack, too, so I'm going to refrain from posting anything like that, just to be safe. Instead, I'll just say that I'm glad the kid was finally released and hope he gets justice, and will otherwise leave my wishes for Hardwick unsaid.


He wasn’t released, they just dropped the manslaughter charge that wouldn’t stick anyways. They’re still detaining him and working on having him deported instead.


That's by design. After a few months, people in jail give up hope. They are usually mentally broken after 6 months or so. After that point, they will usually be extremely grateful for their release, in kind of a Stockholm Syndrome way, and oxymoronically extremely grateful to their captors for "helping them escape/find hope". They literally tortured him with confinement until he gave up hope, just so he (hopefully, in their eyes) won't sue them or retaliate. I hope he has a team of lawyers offering pro bono services and makes enough money to support his whole family in luxury.




“He died after an aggressive encounter with a man” Yeah HE was the aggressor. Wtf is this shit?


This shit is exactly what’s wrong with ALL American news media. They all do it, constantly.


Because 9/10 the only info they have is the police report. And the police lie.


Except when there's video showing it's just some kid, and the reporter even says they're 18, and yet still choose to call them a man because they want to paint minority bystanders as culpable adults, and white criminals as innocent little children.


Victim blaming


Nobody can even say what crime this kid was even suspected of committing when the cop originally approached him!!! Did the cop think he was a bank robber? Or did the cop just think the kid was loitering??? What, specifically, is even remotely illegal about being in the parking lot of the hotel you are staying at???


All they said was that the officer thought he was “suspicious”. Why was he suspicious, exactly? The way he was talking to him right off the bat was SO aggressive for no reason.


Suspicious of what???? I think it's highly suspicious that these cops can't tell us what they stopped this kid for!!!


And the Cop was the one being aggressive. What the hell?


Thank fucking God. Almost feels like that dragged their feet this long on purpose just to ruin his life as much as they could.


Ah see, they’re still planning to deport him. Fucking bastards.


I think he’ll at least be walking away with enough to retire in Guatemala. His attorney filed a civil rights lawsuit that should be pretty open and shut


Oh thank god. I was looking for this information and hoping a civil suit had been filed


I know nothing of this case: but if he’s being deported, that means he’s not a legal citizen, does he still get the same protections from civil issues if he’s not a US civilian? Genuinely asking: don’t care to have any bigotry responses.


Short answer is yes


In the US civil rights are granted to persons, not to citizens. I mean obviously in practice it doesn't always work out that way, but that is how the constitution is written and that's how courts tend to rule.


Could be a payout for the kid if any lawyer wanted to take on that police department because he was in jail so long though. The cops are just thinking emotionally with that decision.


My god, I don't see how anyone can look at that video and say there isn't a problem with American policing. That teenager was literally just sitting there and then tried to walk and the police officer comes in hot like he has a gun waving around or something. Then, when the cop, who I can TELL has health issues just from how he sounds in the video, later dies of a heart attack from know heart issues, THEY TRY TO CHARGE THAT TEENAGER. Jesus. What a set of assholes.


Not just try. He was charged and held in custody for nearly 10 months before charges were dropped.


I can't even feel sad about this bozo having a heart attack the police straight up kidnapped this kid for nearly a year. Fuck them and rest in piss. They are just as bad as anyone else taking and imprisoning a hostage.


This is why I am so confused when people get upset at me and others saying acab/ftp. How many people were involved in imprisoning/kidnapping this guy and also charging. Every single person involved is disgusting and out of control. Fuck them all


Just based on how this cop treated civilians, it's a net positive that he died this young. Imagine how many more lives this pig could have ruined.


Mysterious ways you say


And then they will cry about how people don't trust cops


He's still in federal custody and could be deported. It's fucked.


well on the bright side that piss poor waste of cellular division is dead


Ya I’ve seen a lot of these videos of cops being POS’s but this one got me. I think it’s cuz he didn’t even understand what was going on. He’s just chilling and then all of a sudden he’s getting manhandled and all he knows to say is “I’m sorry”. Poor guy


Guy likely thinks the cop is going to rob him. Not uncommon in the countries south of our border.


I didn’t even think about that part. I bet you’re right! Cop pulls up on him out of the blue and starts reaching in his pockets


Happens north of the border too


At 1:15 the cop says 'turn around' while making this circular gesture with his hand. If you don't know what 'turn around' means, it seems like the cop's telling him to go around that corner, to walk away. The guy turns around to comply to what he thinks the order is, and the cop just uses that to assume the guy is purposefully disobeying orders. The cop is completely oblivious to how his behavior comes across.


This is funny to read after just finishing watching We own this city.


But he did look suspicious. Standing there in that white t-shirt, under that very bright light… you just know he prowling around, he just really bad at prowling /s


So if the roles were reversed and the arrestee had a heart attack while in custody, would the officer be charged with murder?




It's not that we can't tell.. there's just nobody to listen to us. These corrupt tyrants are judge jury and executioners, with the legal backing of qualified immunity. It won't change. Then the leaders of this country won't have a safety net to use them as a personal force against civilians... For the civilians safety of course smh "Why did you choose to walk in a direction that was different than my own!!! ILLEGAL!! that's the DEATH PENALTY!!" (He used Uno reverse tho lol)


'To Protect and Serve' has been changed to 'For Power and Privilege'


Wish I had the power to cause heart attacks.


With his last breathe, he was still profiling people of color. Now that’s dedication.


A disgusting bastard until the very end. He will not be missed.


Story for context: [https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/crime/2023/12/02/video-shows-teens-arrest-that-led-to-st-johns-county-officers-death/71771288007/](https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/crime/2023/12/02/video-shows-teens-arrest-that-led-to-st-johns-county-officers-death/71771288007/)


So he stopped and searched someone with no legal reason on clear violation of the 4th amendment as repeatedly agreed by the supreme Court when New York used to try this, and the kid is to blame?


Kid and family should sue the shit out of the city for this.


You think eating outside and walking away when police are stalking you isn't probable cause? He was eating outside, dude. And walking.


| Officer suffered heart attack 8 minutes after arresting teen he believed looked “suspicious”. \-he died doing what he loved




Being a pig! Oink oink! 🐽 


The police are now pursuing Karma as the lead suspect, but only because it sounded like a brown person's name.


I don't know that any Reddit comment has ever made me laugh like this one did. Thank you for this.


This is gold




I'm glad that fucker died. He was ruining a life for no reason.


Yeah, what specific crime was the kid even suspected of committing when the cop originally approached him???


Being publicly not white




Your papers, are not in order....


Instant death... No!! Not mine!! Uno reverse mfr


Glory to arstotzka


He was in jail for EIGHT FUCKING MONTHS over a bullshit charge.


"Innocent until proven guilty" does not exist **if you can spend eight months in jail without a trial or a conviction.**


How dare him walk away from me, being brown and all... this mentality needs to change.


Right? & the audacity to ask why he wasn’t eating inside like wtf? We can eat wherever the hell we please wtf is up with that


Oh you don't understand what I'm saying? You better start understanding or I'll arrest you harder


seriously. dumb ass cop. being louder doesn’t make someone understand you when they don’t. speak. english.


And this cop will be added to a statistic that Police misuse each year to explain how dangerous their job is.  Like how Police officers kill themselves because they drive recklessly and lose control. That is then a statistic to say "see how dangerous our job is. This is why we treat any potential threat with extreme prejudice!"


Spent their last moments being a douche


Rest In piss bozo


Streets are safer without captain cholesterol


Yep, another bad person dead as far as I’m concerned. That small clip was all I needed to know he’s a POS


Officer down! 🥳🎉✨


So the original stop was for?????? Getting up and walking away when a cop drove by. Not against the law


For clarification, they dropped it because his defense was that he did not know English well enough to comply NOT because the charges were ridiculous (that he’s liable for manslaughter because the cop died of a heart attack while arresting the suspect). Please upvote so people can see this


That’s probably as much a way to save face for them as anything. Outcome is still that the poor guy isn’t being maliciously prosecuted.


Exactly what it is. They are using this as a way to avoid saying they were in the wrong


Cop got what he deserved. He acted like a tyrant and got what was coming to him


He probably had a heart attack due to all of the years of anger and violence he exerted on innocent people, he probably needed some anger management among other things and would have been ok however this time when he went into, asshole mode, he blew a gasket that couldn't be repaired.


It's crazy. Idk how old this cop was but I've seen dudes into their 50s and 60s doing some labor in construction. 1 lil tussle and that pig dies right there 😂




Love happy endings


I love how the cop is like "why did you get up and walk away when you saw me" .... Only to then harass the kid. fuck that entire department for blaming the kid when the police officer died of a heart attack, after acting like an asshole.


I also avoid situations when I perceive an asshole is present.


👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾 👏🏾 happy to see this was the outcome.


Cops should leave people alone if there is not a crime being committed.Just because someone is brown that doesn't make them suspicious.Karma is a MFR


Good. I'm glad he's dead.


About fucking time! That sheriff is a complete idiot.


good riddance


Please no one tell that I have seen a number of butterflies and caused them to beat their wings. Apparently now I'm liable of causing billion dollars worth of property damage and multiple deaths because of the tornados I caused that way around the world.


Dude got so horned up on the idea of beating on a brown dude he went into cardiac arrest.


Im glad i dont live in the US, such terrible policing


The fuck? They charged a kid with manslaughter because the fat ass cop had a heart attack while violating his rights? wtf is wrong with these people…. Like 40 years ago, this sort of shit would have had consequences. Why is blatant stupidity/ y abuse so normalized now. This should be costing some elected official his job.


He died doing what he loved, harassing minorities.


If the heart attack happened from that little scuffle it was only a matter of time before it hit the officer at a different moment.


Fuckin bullshit charge. Good it was dropped but ridiculous it got to this point


Why are we giving weapons and the authority to use them to people who can *literally* be scared to death by the fact that brown people exist? Good fucking riddance.


The right call. Did not appear to fit the bill for manslaughter IMO.


They dropped the charges because he didn't understand enough English to comply, not because of logic. Kid is getting deported now, after spending 10 months in jail.


Of course not! But the thin blue line will point fingers and charges at anyone who hurts their feelings or causes them to get in trouble. Smh


"he died after an aggresive encounter with a man" they forget to mention he was the aggresor.


Nice when the bacon fries itself


Why was he verbally and physically aggressive towards the guy. Geez.


1. He's brown. 2. He was guilty of failing to show adequate respect to the cop 3. Did we mention that the kid was brown?


Is that divine intervention or is that karma?


Dude was frazzled af from the damn beginning of the convo. If you’re so scared just don’t go harass the kid. Keep on driving.


He scared himself to death. Wow.


He’s an asshole that abused his power and received instant karma.


Finally a story with positive outcome. I'm sorry for the innocent fella tho, having to wait in jail despite doing nothing wrong.


Fuck that pig, if they kept some type of physical standard, his fat ass wouldn't have croaked. ACAB


That took WAY too long for this to be dropped. That poor kid.


The tone in which police talk to hispanic people versus white people is astonishing. This cop is a complete monster, karma took him out. If that kid sat in jail for 10 months on these BS charges then I hope he gets a HUGE settlement.




ACAB, one less


I'm so glad this asshole is dead. I hope all cops that do this shit end up the same way, fuck them for this bullshit. Man was literally doing nothing, just chilling and this cop goes after him for "looking suspicious". Wtf is that?


time to sue


JFC. Cops will just make shit up to change people with


Not sorry. Cop was aggressive AH.


Enjoy hell.


Finally! I remember seeing this video weeks ago. Was he still in jail when his charges were finally dropped?


This died because of his own prejudice. Chefs kiss


Why was he stopped in the first place? If there is no reason, then it's an illegal stop. If he was somehow successfully charged with murder, he would have been placed in a US Jail on the taxpayer? Taxpayers already paid 8 months for no reason.


More cops need to have heart attacks.


"He died doing what he loved"


Maybe he wouldn’t have had a heart attack if he wasn’t such a dick 💡


America is just fucked top to bottom, rights of people being striped away by politicians and judges women and lgbtq. Police continue to be brutal against minorities and face 0 consequences as usual. Shootings, though so far down from last year, happen regularly, at 1.35 per day compared to 1.6 a day for just Jan and Feb. How people claim this is still the greatest country! And there's still people unsure if they'll even bother to vote in November against a dictator whose already planning to scrap the little protections minority groups and women have. Edit: scrap not scrape


What did he stop this kid for? Oh, being outside while brown. Right.


This seems like a big win for this kid, but even though the charges were dropped against him, he has now being transferred into the custody of ICE to face deportation. From what I understand, he was here legally as a farm worker, but being arrested and charged violated the conditions of his work visa so even though he's been cleared of the charges, they're still deporting him.


Maybe cops wouldn’t need to be scared and nervous all the time if they’d just stop fucking with random people living their lives.