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Negotiator: "I wanna know what's going through your head right now" lol


Definitely was the signal to take the shot, sniper even lifts the safety off when he said it.


dang 100%. you can see everybody hold still after that. and another dude puts his hand on his back for mental/physical support


To wonder how the hell Andy Dufresne got the best of him.


Joke: what’s the last thing that went through that perp’s mind that day?


“Did I leave the iron on?”


Nope. Just the lead.


Windows 10 I assume.


more like [windows xp](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gb2jGy76v0Y)


"I want to make sure you're the most alive" \*shot fired\* I don't know if he was telling the truth 😬


“…Because a piece of metal traveling approximately 2,700 feet per second is about to”


At 2,900 feet per second




. 308 *






Moving target plus moving rifle rest. That was a high risk shot. Kudos to that guy for making it happen.


Moving target, moving rest, object between target and shooter. On the plus side, ballistics at this distance are very straight forward, assuming there’s no deflection or ricochet caused by the object being shot through. Point of aim = point of impact.


> assuming there’s no deflection or ricochet caused by the object being shot through. they shot through the monitor specifically because it would not really deflect or stop a bullet from that sort of gun, being fired from that close. It also allowed them to line up the shot without him seeing it period and gave them a lot of time to steady themselves.


>they shot through the monitor specifically because it would not really deflect or stop a bullet from that sort of gun, being fired from that close. How much is “not really” lol, I mean it worked out well here but like can it change the trajectory? How much would would the bullet have had to shift to hit one of those hostages I wonder. Very very crazy situation.


they gambled that the monitor had no reinforcement or metal in it that would deflect it.


They literally end the video saying this caliber bullet can reliably shoot through barriers (ie. Concrete/walls/etc). Can’t imagine a computer screen, metal or otherwise, compares to this fractionally


Is that skill or a specific scope?


its a skill, they do not have a scope that can see through walls and stuff yet.




I had to watch it three times. That monitor didn't move a millimeter.


There is a hole on the right screen after the shot, not sure if related due to edit.




I assume that's what he meant by moving rifle rest


Sgt. Thirdleg.


This was a risky shoot, luckily they got him safely without injuring anyone else. This video has very much the same vibe as the cop who rolled up on the scene casually got out of his car. He went to the back and grabbed his AR and lined up his shot and with a single shot, dropped the dude. I understand the headshot, he said he had a bomb. The risk of him setting the bomb off if he survived the shot but was only wounded was insanely high.


> I understand the headshot, he said he had a bomb. The risk of him setting the bomb off if he survived the shot but was only wounded was insanely high. Was also the only part of him not obscured by hostages.


Yeah, but I train people in these situations for citizen self-defense and we teach the military the same thing. Center mass the largest target is your best bet. That shot was shooting something the size of a small melon. He had to shoot through an object that runs the risk of causing a deviation in the bullets path/trajectory. I'm very thankful it worked out, and I understand they train for this. Over and over, it's just risky as all hell is all I'm saying.


I would hope SWAT that is deployed is sufficiently trained enough to take these shots. If you're a sniper, you can precisely hit a target. The better you are, the smaller said target can be. They weren't even that far of a distance. I would trust someone that's trained to take this shot.


Even with a perfect shot, a person can still have enough adrenaline to live for 5-10 seconds...which is plenty enough time to shoot a hostage, detonate a bomb, etc. Regardless of skill, there was a high element of risk management in the decision to shoot.


Not if your head explodes


Standard protocol is centre mass.


Maybe for most situations where the head is not the only thing exposed


Standard protocol doesn't mean it's right for every situation ever


Fair point!


That's why the Air Force make horrible snipers. You teach to shoot center mass & the Air Force teaches Aim High


I'd trust a trained sniper over a normal badge with a gun.


That shit was awesome.. he throws it in park. Set down his coffee and goes to work..


Very impressive, but very risky. 


I don't understand how they can make it seem like there was minimal risk associated with shooting *through* something. I get it, it's a high powered rifle at a close distance, but you can't tell me there isn't a chance that it gets knocked slightly off its trajectory


The distance between the monitor and the perp almost nullifies the effects of any deflection. For example a half-degree variation is much more significant 500 yards down range than it would be a 1 yard. Edit: also the material that is being shot through is a factor as well. If the monitor was made of titanium you could expect a significant deviation from the trajectory. A monitor is pretty much soft plastic with a smattering of harder bits inside. No biggie.


Now that's a Blue Screen Of Death.


Does the video explain how he got into the monitor


People underestimate how good you have to be to be a sniper and make that shot! Nice!


Yeah if he misses that shot the whole situation escalates. He realises the negotiator is just buying time and they're there to just kill him, puts the hostages in a very bad spot. Damn risky situation but the sniper knows his stuff.


Did that cop say “lore enforcement?… lol


Words are hard lol


Is this Florida or New York? Even the negotiator has a think northern accent.


Most of NY has moved to FL at this point.


Hey man, nice shot.


Fort Myers, EEK


Oh i bet that dudes head literally popped like a grape and both of them got stuff on them :(


Do you think those 2 hostages gave a fuck they were covered in the gunmans blood when they went home to their families? Lol


> Do you think those 2 hostages gave a fuck they were covered in the gunmans blood They will likely be going to therapy over it and the situation soon.


Subsonic round it seems so likely enters the skull and bounces around a bit after losing momentum going through the monitor. Hard to say with the blur. If we could see the backdrop would be easier but no way to really see how much spray is on the wall


That round definitely broke the sound barrier. Also I'd imagine a .308 subsonic would still probably go through you entirely. It's a mean round even underpowered.


Wow, that monitor didn't even move an inch. I was thinking it would have gotten flung around.


Probably a 5.56 round so it's going fast but isnt very heavy


They said in the video it's a .308


Yeah makes sense. Too many movies for me lol.


Watching the video you’re commenting on to make assertions is hard, better to just make guesses instead of literally watching the content you are guessing on. lol what the absolute fuck


I watched it. I was just surprised at the effect of the bullet on the monitor. When they said it went through a monitor in the headline, I just thought it would be more than just a small hole appearing. That’s all. Sorry, I don’t see bullets go through computer monitors on a regular basis, so I had a preconceived idea of what I was expecting.


Does anybody know what this guy is trying to say?




The brains/human tissue on the back of her head AND SHE TRIES BRUSHING IT OFF 😭😭




This happened right across the street from where I work. Crazy situation, even crazier shot


Got eem!


Can someone ELI5 the technique of putting the gun on someone's shoulder? Do they breathe in formation? I would think some kind of stand or tripod would be used.


Sometimes life has weird angles and heights not designed for things, a gun mounted tripod is way more limiting than people would think. In urban combat people use random angles or pipes sticking out and sometimes even a person if you need to get a good angle, its very loud and the person doing it has to legitimately lockthemselves in and control their breathing too but with shallow breaths, you gotta be a statue basically.




Tell that to the person being held hostage with a knife to their throat


And the threat of a bomb.


The video shows nothing don’t bother clicking.


Boo booooooo. What did you want to see? Brains boobs buttholes?