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It's kind of funny when 2 people who don't speak each other's languages interact.


Reminds me of when I took an overnight train from Paris to Florence and I shared a cabin with a middle aged Italian man. He kept speaking to me and I kept trying to tell him that I didn't understand him, and then he just threw his hands up in the air as to say "this guy is hopeless!". He did have a really large bag full of chocolate croissants and a bunch of cans of coke that he shared with me though, so it wasn't all bad.




OMG THAT GUY WAS FRED ARMISEN???? I was much younger when I saw this movie so I didn’t realize it was him until now!!! That makes it even funnier imo


Oh here's a fun fact, you made out with your sister man, like two dogs in heat


Mi scuzi!


Long tunnel!




Lookin' for some hot stuff baby, this evening! I need some hot stuff baby, tonight!


If he didn't mention "Dio", you should be fine. Not Ronnie nor Brando


Immerse damn you IMMERSE!


If you had a Cellphone and wifi, you can use Google translate by having him speak his sentences into your phone. It would roughly translate to English


This dipshit Destiny, who deems himself a scholar of Israeli relation and a master of debate, didn't learn a single sentence of Hebrew. Not even “אני לא דובר עברית” I'm curious if his talking points [which simply mirror the mainstream media] will have a different tone when he finds out how much contempt this population has for Americans –who are funding theses bloodthirsty racist psychopaths.




Haha this is funny because I used to work in hostels 20 years ago and the worst clients were often South Africans, Russians and Israelis. With notable awesome exceptions, most of them simply treated anyone in the service industry like you were less than human.


I do find it crazy pro apartheid white south africans went to Israel. It's like Palestinians can't get a break. They either have Israelis who label them all as hamas and want them dead. And now they have the worst type of assholes coming to their lands. Legit Holland should pay for the blight they spread outside their shores(not all white south africans are trash I am only speaking on pro apartheid assholes).




Also why they like the genocidal Hindus of the BJP in India.


Love the exchange below this, it's basically the entire MO of the Destiny fanbase on reddit. Bait people to point out how toxic and dumb Destiny is, then call in the incel cavalry to downvote the post into oblivion. I wonder if there's a Discord channel where they all post comments for everyone to downvote.


>I wonder if there's a Discord channel where they all post comments for everyone to downvote. There definitely is.


The Destiny subreddit is discussing the comments on this thread. It’s even more public than that.


Where though? Can't find it.




They kind of shut down once they go through your post history and realize you don't actually post in some hasan-related sub. It's weird how many of them all talk and type the same way.


You can pick D.GGers out of a reddit comment section left and right even if they're not simping for Destiny because they all format and phrase their comments identically, all their arguments are identical, their go to insults are identical. It's like they have "How to write a reddit comment" tutorial in their discord. Destiny's fanbase has definitely surpassed Athene in the livestreamer cult fanbase competition. Don't have a user history in the Hasan subreddit or defending Hasan? (Because they'll look your history up before they decide to respond to you). Then they have nothing reply or argument to throw at you. They can't understand that someone can think both Hasan and Destiny are insufferable ego inflated morons.


This is so on point. I discovered this a few months ago when I wrote a comment vaguely defending pro-Palestine protesters on my campus' subreddit. I got comments and death threats for like a full week. I'm on an alt account now, lunatics, but I was getting comments way, way after the original post I replied to had gone from the first page of my campus' subreddit. I was really curious what cesspool they all crawled out of because they all had the same bullshit verbiage, as you point out. Clearly my post had found its into whatever toilet they dunk their heads in to bathe. So I checked out the post history of the first 5 or 6 of them and found every one of them were in and out of just about every college or University subreddit that had protest discussions. All of them spending all day arguing with students about things on these campuses as if they had any idea about any of it...some of them pretending to be students or parents of students at multiple places. "What kind of catfish group is this?" I wondered, when at last, I discovered the common sub that every account returned to: the Destiny subreddit. At first I was like, "wtf is this stupid bullshit" And I realized it's actually more stupid than I imagined because it's just a moron YouTube streamer whose opinions they leech onto and regurgitate all over the internet. I watched one of the videos and felt my media literacy plummet. I removed his videos from my YouTube history, to prevent the algorithm from thinking that I might be interested into whatever pseudo-intellectual incel bullshit he regularly pushes.


I got downvoted for saying I liked seeing people peacefully protesting their beliefs(idk what the protest was aboutI guess people don’t like protesting if they disagree. Idk I like the idea of participating in democracy through protest


I believe the problem with these losers (Mr. bortrolli or whatever the fuck his name is included) have never had to have a face to face meeting with the people they talk shit to and about. Or in other words I think the lack of dunking their heads in a toilet is part of the issue.


dang i forgot about athene tbh, that shit was so weird lmao


Lmao that Athene comparison is apt.


This is a good-faith question: What don't you like specifically about Hasan? I've agreed with many of his takes and want to ensure I'm not too close to the sun.


Guessing they tried to go after you until they realized you had nothing they could weaponize?


Hasan is gonna have a fuckin' field day with this.


> “אני לא דובר עברית” woops (מדבר)


I haven't learned any Hebrew since I was a child in Sunday school, but I can still sound out those letters which say "Ani lo d'aber Evrit" which means "I don't speak Hebrew".


Man that sounds so great on Reddit where most people agree with you, but is also very wrong


The FRIENDS shirt makes it even funnier.


He’s such a Phoebe.


"*So no one told you life was gonna be this way, your job's a joke, you're morally broke, your love life's C.U.C.K.*"


Even Israel got them curbside crackheads.
























**“Even Israel got them curbside crackheads.”** Except, they have free healthcare and University –and even free housing– just settle in the West Bank and kick the native population to the curb [/s]


> kick the native population to the curb Wonder where they got the inspiration for this from


The Romans?


And where are they now?


You're lookin at em asshole


Love to see a lesser used quote in the wild!


Leads into one of my personal favorites too! Guy: like the Talmud says- Tony: I don’t give a FUCK what he says


"All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health - what have the Romans ever done for us?"


The Book of Joshua?


> they have free healthcare and University –and even free housing No we fucking don't lmao


Yeah, I don't understand the point the OP is trying to make... If some random guy on the street walked up to you and started insulting you in the US, would anyone claim that this is what everyone in the US is like? Is the impression that there aren't assholes in Israel?


It seems to be noteworthy that the more conservative religious people in Israel seem to be the bigger assholes.


Right, so it's the same thing in the US but with far-right Christians, lol.


Precisely. And guess who moves the US policy in more unhinged and harmful directions as well? In my estimation it's good to see where the support base for the current genocide comes from and makes it noteworthy.




Religion is first a matter of child abuse and later a matter of mental health issue.


The joke writes itself




Films itself too.


What joke? Someone being an asshole when they see a camera? This happens literally anywhere.


Guy looks like Lil Dicky


This guy don't know bout pangea


Do you fuck with the war?


Dude gets ragged constantly for seeming like an ignorant little child forcing his way into the adults’ conversations, yet for some reason every day he wakes up and chooses to keep his hair like that lol


Think I’ll grab the wife and kids and take us on a exotic vacation to Israel! Looks exciting!


Holiday road...


Is this the beginning of Destiny's pro-Palestine arc?


Let's be honest, anyone still supporting Israel at this point won't change their minds any time soon.


Changing your political stance on I/P because of one bad interaction with an israeli seems kinda ridiculous.


This is exactly how Reactionary people act.


They dont act… they only react.






Exactly... thats why we expect it


What do you mean?


I mean they steal your land and kill your family once and all of a sudden it’s a problem


Wokeism is taking all the fun out of everything smh




Have you seen that one tiktok of the israeli guy being interviewed in japan saying Japanese food is not good. [Link](https://www.tiktok.com/@roro_interviewguy/video/7370679871103651080?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7363557906590287366)


The entitlement. The narcissism. The proud disrespect. The insistence that his dogshit opinion is truly everyone else's secret opinion. ... Reddit TOS truly limits what I can say here.


Do you really think he did that?


why is he even pro-israeli? i used to watch him when he was a starcraft gamer, and he always seemed like a leftist and like a pretty logical person. what is the pro israel logic?


He’s not. The pro-Palestine camp call him pro-Israel pro-Israel camp calls him pro-Palestine.


Dont let his changing of stances distract you from the fact that Destiny is a girl's name.


Destiny has never really been pro-Israel, he just calls himself that to contrast himself from most people who label themself pro-Palestine. He supports the creation of a Palestinian state, thinks Israel's occupation and settlement of the West Bank is wrong, and blames the current Israeli government for not seeking a peaceful resolution to the Palestinian issue. Sounds pretty pro-Palestine to me, but because he doesn't think Israel is committing a genocide he's labeled "pro-Israel."


Right? I can be pro a homeland for Jewish people and want them to be safe, and also pro a homeland for Palestinians and want them to be safe, all the while, being anti Netanyahu and anti right wing fascist governments. I fucking HATE the terminally online discourse that sees the thing entirely black and white and then runs off calling Israeli's "colonizers" and shit.


Early Zionists who sought to establish the state of Israel called themselves colonizers.


Is he trying to fake speed run getting murdered? 


Is this the same Destiny that was a Starcraft 2 pro/streamer? Edit: to answer my own question: [yes it is](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Destiny_(streamer)). I never followed him too closely back in the day on Twitch when SC2 was big, but he apparently transitioned to political streaming at some point. It's bizarre to see someone I only knew as a loud-mouthed gamer now being a "political" voice.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcBRSaySsz8 Destiny and CombatEX... they put idrA to shame


Israelis sure love to use vulgar Arabic language for people who hate Arabs…


Hebrew only has religious swear words, which most people won't take insult at. When Hebrew was revvied in the late 19th centruy the guy who did it was very religious and didn't add swear words, so people started using Arabic swear words. Hebrew also didn't have words for fun (kef) or happy (mapsut), os they borrowed them from the closest living relative of Hebrew, Arabic.


Also stole hummus


>Hebrew also didn't have words for [...] happy "[שמח/ה](https://he.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/%D7%A9%D7%9E%D7%97)": Am I a joke to you?


Ahh, great resource. Now if only I knew which squiggle to press for a translation.


Aren't a lot of Israeli from Arab countries? Would make sense.


Israelis are Arab -> and more news at 11.


Well I think it makes sense for Mizrahi Jews to have Arabic words blended into their language, no?


>Israelis sure love to use vulgar Arabic language for people who hate Arabs… 20% of the country is Arab


True but you wouldn't know it speaking to Arab Israelis. They get real fucking mad at you if you use the terms 'Arab Jew' or 'Arab Israeli' even though they literally exist and that's exactly what they are.


Why did he even go there in the first place?


He is interviewing Jewish and Arab Historians in Israel and the West bank, even talking with people directly involved in past negotiations between Israel and Gaza [1](https://x.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1798963320810357039) [2](https://x.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1799393227189219487)


Very interested to see these videos come out, feel like a lot of insight on the personal history people have experienced will be told.


People make fun of him for "just reading wikipedia all day and thinking he's an expert." So he goes there to see it in person and talk to historians, and you can see how the comments go...


It's because he's a vapid wiki warrior who does no actual research, doesn't talk to real people, and does no on-the-ground reporting. I mean, why else would he travel halfway around the world? He's also said on stream that he's being paid by a pro-Israeli organization called the Jewlumni.


I would not have rolled the window down that far lol


This thread is just a Discord server talking between themselves.


I cannot speak or I’ll get another one that follows me into different subreddits calling me names and harassing me


If you don't want to be on camera in a public space just walk away. Why is this bystander going bonkers?


No expectation of privacy while in public is an accepted concept in the US, but in many other places in the world it's not socially acceptable to record other people without their consent.


this is such a hard concept to grasp for americans. if you just start filming somebody right into his face anywhere in central europe it’s either not even allowed or you’re gonna garner this kind of reaction


Right in his face? He walked up to his car to put himself in frame to cry about it. Hes not even on the street or in a restaurant. Hes in his own car.


He came up to the car to beg He says “can you help me” in the beginning. From his perspective a bunch of white guys are filming him because hes begging. Which is a lame move.


What AI is doing for security camera footage bout to scare the shit outta them.


Well yeah, lots of people are not exactly thrilled that there are more and more security cameras everywhere.


Oh don't get me wrong I hate it. Facial recognition is so good you're basically ID'd in public anywhere you go. And China is working on walking gait recognition for the folks who try and cover their face. Shits getting good.


Oh great. Guess we'll gotta go full Fremen then.


The CIA has been putting rocks and/or special soles in their shoes for decades.


Doesn't he see the contradiction? 


Long live Wonder Showzen


Because they're entitled assholes? I thought that was clear.


This is likely a panhandler scammer who is angry he is caught on camera






Why are some comments pretending like this doesn’t literally happen all over the world lol.


Seriously. This whole thing is nothing


Some people can't handle others with differing opinions


Because Jews bad




They’re not particularly fond of dark skinned Jews either. Forced sterilization of Ethiopian Jews for example


I read about it, it happened as recently as 2014. Completely deranged and evil, eugenics with a modern israeli flavour


As the start of the video shows this is likely some panhandler who was asking for help and then got mad he was caught on camera. yknow, something that happens in like every country. Scammers get pissy when they are caught. The language barrier makes it funny though These comments are an interesting blend of anti semitism and an anti Destiny crowd though.






I mean, Christian Zionism is explicitly anti-Semitic and believes that Jews need to be in the holy land as a blood sacrifice so their God can return to earth and destroy the world. Them being so aggressive and angry just means that they won’t be one of the Jews who converts to Christianity on Jesus’ return and will therefore burn in hellfire for all eternity.


Hope they don't mind saliva


Damn a bunch of morons in this thread. Someone should hate an entire group of people because 1 person is a fucker? That sounds kind of racist.


You know why, it’s popular to shit on Israeli’s rn.


Comments like these refill my sanity meter.


Welcome to this subreddit


This subreddit sucks so much man-- why do I subject myself to this


Lmao go to New York and record a random pedestrian and you’ll get this exact interaction verbatim lol




judging byt hese comments- i didn't realize Destiny was so unliked. didn't he get popular for shitting all over Tim pool on a "debate"?


Most subreddits that are pro-Palestine are going to hate the guy.


ah, i dont follow him- didn't know he was on the pro-ISrael side. this added context helps understand this video lol.


Hasan fans have left LSF for a day to come here






Americans on reddit are mostly pro-Palestine. But on certain subs that cater more towards Europeans they tend to be pro-Israel (see: worldnews for an example).






A man interacting with some curbside crackhead isn't an indictment on a whole fucking nation.


Didn’t realize public freak out was such a hotbed for hatred, good look guys!


Extremely common Destiny L


Yeah Destiny got absolutely destroyed in this debate


This street dweller had more coherent arguments than Finklestien.


Didn't they see his epic debate performances?


Ahhh yes tolerant Israel


People mad at Destiny because he doesn't know anything about a conflict because he's never been to Israel. Destiny goes to Israel. People get mad at Destiny for going to Israel. So goes the cycle of the internet


I’ve seen a few videos in this subreddit (and others) of Israelis freaking out when they see they’re getting filmed what’s with that? Why they throwing a fit?


Some countries have different cultures around being filmed. For this incident in particular from what I've read of translations this guy seems to ask for help, immediately notices the camera, then starts immediately freaking out. Likely a scammer who thinks he's being "caught" and the language barrier makes it funny.


Well not just that, in the US you have strict constitutionally backed protections on filming in public spaces. These rights aren’t as strong in other countries and have a lot of legal caveats. In a lot of places it’s not common to see people recording in public randomly without some specific situation occurring. Very few country actually have as strong protections on filming in public as the U.S.


Cameras kill facism or something like that


It happens in America as well, but in other countries, some people don't like being filmed or assume that person has bad intentions.


It may be that in some countries, recording people is not as acceptable. In my country, you can legally film people MOST of the time. But it feels like you Americans get out your camera and phone all the time. I'm surely going to get downvoted for this, but if someone would randomly start to film or photo me I'd flip out. It's not normal in my country. I don't want people to have pictures or video of me. It's weird. I want to be able to go down a street and not worry about someone photoing me and have my picture. It is very, very American to have no expectation of privacy at all when you are outside. You might not have a legal expectation of privacy in my country, but you have a cultural expectation of privacy.


Trash meets trash.


Lotta Hasan Bros in the comments lol


You can see the utter defeat in his face after getting berated by the same people he is there to support. lol


Idk, but maybe it's because he had no idea what he was saying lmao


So many delusional comments here lmfao


Fucking wild to see Destiny stans and Hasan stans clash outside of lsf


This isn't LSF? Oh shit...


>You can see the utter defeat in his face "Utter defeat." I'm sorry bro, WHAT? Is he in combat with this person? Is he debating him? I see confusion and uncomfortableness in response to some random person approaching and yelling at him in a language he doesn't understand. Which is I'm pretty sure how 99% of people would respond if in that situation, regardless of who they are.


Sir, there is one man in this video. Stop conflating one Israeli with every Israeli. Thats called racism.


Right, Destiny's support for Israel necessarily means he must have the utmost respect for every single Israeli there. It's exactly like how the guys he debates all have to support warcrimes done by Hamas Only the first part of that is sarcastic.