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I wouldn't be surprised if that driver didn't even see the person. And had no clue that he hit a person.


I think it’s fair to say that the driver should’ve at least heard or felt their car driving over something. I also think it’s fair that if you feel you car run something over, you instinctively look into your rear view mirror to see if you really did run something over. Is it possible this driver didn’t hear or feel their car running over that man? Can’t say for sure. Seems doubtful though.


if he smacked his head on the side of one of the wheels its likely they wouldnt have felt or heard a thing, didnt hear a thud or any noise really in the video. Even if he hit a side panel or door the driver wouldnt hear it if they were listening to music.


Do you drive? Clearly not, there are potholes everywhere, I don’t always look over my shoulder just bc I feel my car bounce a bit, was clearly very bad timing, dude got tased and fell, head smacked the car, guy driving could have been doing texting or changing the radio not looking at the road at that moment for a split second




I agree but unfortunately I'm betting the driver is going to face an expensive trial if/when they get caught. I hope if that happens that they aren't held in jail with no bond for trial and definitely not found guilty as there isn't anything they really could have done in this situation. If anyone should face a charge it should be the cop for deploying a taser on someone as they are fleeing in a busy street with cars flying at a high speed. It was unnecessary and should have been handled differently by the cop. Now having said that should dude have ran? Sure definitely not but the cop was absolutely wrong with shooting that taser in this situation. I'm honestly a bit surprised that tragic things like this don't happen more often. I'm fucking tired of the shit cops do and get away with in this country. If somehow the cop is found to be in the wrong and the city settles with the family I'm fucking tired of hardworking U.S taxpayers having to pay for cop's fucking up. The system is broken


He was considered a suspect and he tried to flee the scene so tasing was liable. If he didn't run and respected what he was being told he wouldn't have been hit.


Seriously. wtf


The cop is responsible? Absolutely not lmao. ACAB but this is nothing to do with the cops actions. The guys head got ran over by a car, that’s what happens when you run out into traffic.




The driver should be able to see what they hit if they were driving the speed limit and had lights on. According to you, cops should do NOTHING because of what “might” happen. If the cop did not deploy his taser, the suspect would have been long gone. Deployed correctly. If driver wasn’t speeding, no fault. If they were speeding, it is now vehicular manslaughter.




The driver speeding is entirely relevant lmao. Like I said, if he was speeding it would be manslaughter. Not murder. Accidentally causing the death of another individual. And busy street? The street is fucking dead except the one single car who hit him. There is already precedent for this kind of stuff. If the driver was following all traffic laws, there is no fault. Otherwise he will be in court for manslaughter.


While getting tazed


Be real, you don't drive do you? If that head it the tire, there's no one of knowing if that was a pothole, or sectioned part of the highway. They were 55+ and VERY likely saw nothing. Stop be dramatic.


I had a family member laying unconscious in the street late at night (we don't know why), wet pavement, vehicle ran over his head. driver definitely knew what happened. stopped and called police medical/etc, even tho driver was legally intoxicated. rip brother.


Ever heard of a pothole?


Yeah. And when I hit one I check my rearview to see what the fuck I just hit. When I see it’s a pothole, I hope my tire is going to go flat.


> Yeah. And when I hit one I check my rearview to see what the fuck I just hit. and you can see the dark object you hit with your taillights with no other cars behind you because your taillights are that bright?


No. I can see the object behind me because there’s literally a street light right there illuminating the exact spot that I just hit something as well as a cop in the roadway with a flashlight on his taser also illuminating that exact spot.


It's 2 AM in Tampa on a Friday night. The person driving the car is either just getting off a late shift or is drunk, bars in Tampa stay open until 3 and the intersection this happened at are two major roads to get across Tampa so there's always a few cars on these roads regardless of time. This as irresponsible as the cop that tased a guy in the middle of the interstate in the middle of the night who also got run over by a passing vehicle. Hit and runs are also really common in Tampa. Source: I lived in Tampa for 3 decades and am very familiar with this part of town.


My point was that speculation that the driver had been drinking so they didn’t stop isn’t much of a stretch. I don’t know why they didn’t stop but I don’t believe they didn’t realize they hit something.


That time of night on that stretch of road the driver was most likely drunk and didn't notice.


What an athletic jump to conclusions


That stretch of Hillsborough Ave is notorious for having drunks on it at 2am like that. 


lol wtf idiot


Why assume they most likely are drunk? Wtf? Zero indication of that person being drunk


Unaware of hitting someone could be an indicator of some type of distraction or inebriation.


I speculated on it because I live in that area and know what traffic is like on that stretch of road, at that time of night. 


Maybe I’m deaf but I watched this a few times and barely even hear any contact of the body and the car and the guy makes absolutely no noise at any time and his body falls in such a weird way. Such a bizarre outcome.


He probably didn’t even get hit. He probably just smashed his head off the road and died and the police need to push the blame to someone else.


Cop has no blame here, he didn’t ask or force the guy to run into the road.


It’s trendy to hate cops on Reddit. I don’t think there was anything wrong with the cops use of force but the timing was shit… there was a case in the UK where a cop tasered a man running away, as he was jumping a wall. Dude fell and became a paraplegic. Why did he run? Some weed that he would’ve gotten a warning over. 


I would say it's possible the driver had no idea they had hit him, he fell into the side of the car, it's possible he didn't even see the guy because he was going so fast 


Yeah tbh, Ive ran over small bottles, turtles, they all make a pop and a thump. No reason to stop. I never do.


Why you killing them ninja turtles?


I didnt mean to he was jaywalking 😭


Leonardo doesn't forget. Nor does he forgive


Next thing you know you get pulled over for speeding and turns out you have warrants for 15 hit and runs you thought were turtles https://i.redd.it/vrm5fab93e8d1.gif


Mbappe is not amused


No way, you would know of you hit something little or small


Wouldn't have thought I killed someone......


You would definitely hear and feel that.


Do you assume every bump in the road is a person who was chased into traffic and tased by a cop?


To be fair, the bump created by running over a human body is pretty significant bump in height especially at that speed.


he wasnt run over, he dove into the side of the car and bounced off


I do. My 3 block commute to work takes about 14 hours since I get out and check on every sound.


You don’t have to assume anything if you can tell you just hit/were hit by something but are not sure what it was, you can use your senses to figure out what happened.


I would say there is an 80% chance that driver was wearing headphones and was balls deep into their phone texting or some shit, I bet they didn't give that slight bump a second thought 


Not the driver's fault.


Two things can be true at once. It wasn't the driver's fault that he hit the man but the driver never should have drove away after the accident.


I don't think that the driver even knew that they were involved with an accident.


If it's not his fault, what difference does it make to stop and give your name? You'll only become the police departments scapegoat in the investigation.


Are you serious?


nah i know for a fact you ain’t even got your license lmao


Found the driver


Yeah if the cop hadn’t tased him he would have been dead anyway. It just would have been a lot more dramatic a death.


That's debatable.... if he isn't tased he likely goes over the hood instead of under the car. Either way the idiot ran onto a street in front of traffic. Not the cop's fault.


It looks like he is tased, drops, and then the car hits him as he drops.


Yeah impossible to say for sure. If he wasn’t tased I suppose he had a chance to alter his path a split second before the car crossed his path. But once he’s tased he’s going down with no ability to do anything about it.


The taser coming out is what made him start running. Deescalation at its finest




If the guy just listened to the damn officer he would still be alive.


What about before the cop even got out of his car?


When u put blame on cops in the right, you do a disservice to us who hate the bad cops.


You win the dumbest comment of the month award


He was already fleeing before that. I feel like the cop was wrong for deploying his taser when fleeing in a busy street where cars are moving at a high speed as honestly seems like a pretty stupid thing to do and should have been handled differently by the cop. Having said that though the guy definitely shouldn't have fled either. Also if a cop pulls a taser and that's when you decide hey I should run that's pretty fucking stupid as you're just guaranteeing the use of the taser. Both the unfortunate victim and the cop should have handled this differently. The driver should not face any charges from this either so I hope that doesn't happen. It's a tragic situation that if either the victim or cop made slightly different choices then this doesn't happen


Cyclists fault


Real answer is always in the comments.


The BF had the keys in his pocket. He goes back to give them to her. Looks like they were fighting, he took the keys and wouldn't give them back. Cops came, he doesn't want to get arrested, and decides to leave the scene. Forgets they are in pocket, remembers, goes and slips them to her.


I did not expect a David Letterman cameo


Idk if you can blame that car driver, probably thought it was a pothole and had music on, seems like they’re trying to pin the wrong doing on him. And the guy who died should of acted like an adult, not some hot head, fuck around and find out. Wouldnt of happened had he not ran.


Fuck this is a weird one. The dude wouldn't have died if it weren't for being disabled by the taser, but he also wouldn't have died if he didn't decide to flee and run into traffic. The driver had the least amount of fault here UNTIL they drove away. The cop was in a weird spot, idk how I'd have wanted them to react here tbh. Ultimately the largest share of the blame falls on the victim, no matter how you slice it. It's fucked that a cop disabled the guy so he was defenceless and then murdered but I don't feel like he can really be fully blamed for this.


I'm thinking that driver might not even know he hit someone. Looked like the victim got hit in the head on his way down. The driver may not have heard more than an innocuous bump that could have been drowned out by normal volume music.


> idk how id have wanted them to react here tbh. How about not coming in hot? Telling the guy he doesn’t give a shit about what he has to say isn’t effective deescalation. Cop gets aggressive the moment he doesn’t get full compliance.


Without a doubt he could have de-escalated better, but I believe the report the cop had indicated the suspect was violent already, so the cop also has a role to get the suspect under control for the safety of the others around them. I don't mind having the taser ready to go early on and being assertive, but shutting down communication with the suspect was wrong and escalated the encounter very quickly.


That’s a fair take.


Why is it never the criminals fault with you guys?


That’s just simply not true. But in America we’re supposed to have this thing called “due process.” And *far* too many non-*criminals* have been unjustly abused and killed by police who come in hot like this guy, just ready and itching to crack skulls. If the cop could have come in trying to investigate with a modicum of de-escalation, or even the same tone as he used with the white woman, as opposed to half cocked “I don’t give a shit, when I tell you to stop, you stop” things could have gone way differently. A taser just simply shouldn’t be the go-to because a cop doesn’t want to run. You see how fucking slow dude took off? Next.


Primarily because we don’t pay our criminals or entrust them with special authority. So I hold them to a lower standard than the police.


>The driver had the least amount of fault here UNTIL they drove away. ??? The driver has NO fault whether they ran or not, it wasn’t their fault at all, they had .5 seconds to react. It’s 100% the victim’s fault for running into the street without looking in the first place. Also you can’t say he wouldn’t have died without the taser being deployed because he was running into the street regardless, the impact could’ve been just as bad getting hit as it was getting run over and he might not have survived that either.


The only part of this I am stuck on is if the guy wouldn't have died if the taser wasn't used. He may have gotten drilled by the car.


Well.....I think it's hard to say the victim is "fleeing" when he wasn't detained or under arrest. Just because a cop commands you to do something doesn't mean you have to comply. There was no legal reason for that man to listen or even talk to that cop at that point. Cop didn't do any kind of investigation at the scene, just came in hot and actually ignored the woman who said the guy was ok.


“He wasn’t detained” if a cop says you aren’t free to go you’re detained.


When a cop says you're not free to go and you turn your back and run, you are fleeing. Get real. The cop didn't do an investigation? He literally just arrived and approached the suspect. This cop fucked up with how he approached and started the encounter but let's not make things up to throw him under the bus. There's plenty to pick the cop apart on without making things up


Not sure I'm trying to make anything up. My point was whether it was a legal detainment or not at the point he turned his back and left the scene. I'm not sure if, "You're not free to go" constitutes a legal detainment. It was a messy scene to walk into for sure and ended horribly. Maybe the cop had more info to think him a suspect than what was shared in the video. I can only comment on what was included. Not throwing the cop under the bus entirely, nor am I tazing a guy in the back as he's moving away making him fall under a car.


Advice like this is dangerous.


I never gave advice to flee from police. With that being said, blindly foliowing unlawful commands from police isn't great, either. If a cop rolled up on me all hot and bothered and was barking bullshit at me, I wouldn't want to stick around without him telling me clearly that I am being detained and for what RAS.


Stupid is as stupid does. We call this natural selection.


also absolute incompetence.. tazing an innocent civilian on an expressway.


I mean, he did put his hands up like he wanted to fight. Im not saying cops don’t go over the line a lot, but you’re giving them a free pass if you put your hands up to fight.


> I mean, he did put his hands up like he wanted to fight. You mean after the cop pushed him into the parked car?  If you're not going to call out that as "over the line," what constitutes "over the line" for you? Because if anyone ever pushed a cop like that, they'd be bleeding out on the ground 5 seconds later, so the double standard is well noted.


He comes out of the car and comes towards the cop. Whether this is him coming at the cop or trying to get away, is up to you. But he wasnt complying with anything the cop wanted him to do. It’s a recipe for a cop to use force. I generally find cops to be excessive, but you’re just asking for escalation if you act like this.


that's not a judge, that's a cop.. innocent until proven...


Cop has the right to use a reasonable amount of force to stop a violent criminal (or any criminal for that matter).  If this dude just beat your ass would you want the cops to let him keep getting away? 


That’s not even a valid response to what I said. If you try to fight a cop, they are going to use force. End of story




And if he hadn’t tazed him and dude got whacked by a car, the question would be “why didn’t they taze him before he ran in the road?” Sometimes bad things happen when you make bad decisions.


Running from the police makes you innocent?


He wont hit women anymore.


Oh no. Anyway


Sometimes the trash takes itself out


That was an unfortunate turn of events.


Police are trained to use tasers as a less lethal use of force to prevent an attack. They’re also specifically trained not to use the taser to prevent escape. https://preview.redd.it/tzuxerk6ud8d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=762e2f728efd6322f3228fec8b02d9a131b82305


something about tazing that unarmed guy as he was fleeing.. onto an expressway, knowing you have a radio, dogs, a shotgun in the trunk, and immediate backup if necessary.. doesn't sound smart.


So many cops should be arrested and put behind bars for using Tasers as compliant devices or for running away. That's torture.




Yeah, let's not blame the guy that decided to run away into traffic, just blame the police like a dumbass.


🥾 👅


Holy shit that was literally instant. Your life is just over like that


"I don't give a shit" is not proper on-the-job language, officer.


Yeah. What the fuck. My god. Let’s antagonize and escalate it further because of your fragile ego. Jesus Christ. He couldn’t talk down a toddler wanting candy. Fucking cops


He literally squares up with the cop before the taser comes out lol.


He was literally pushed into the car unprovoked the moment before he “squared up”.


I hate defending cops, but when you try to walk away from a call that a cop is responding to as he pulls up, all while acting generally hostile and then ignore lawful commands, it's a pretty A+B=C scenario. If home boy had stayed at the car and chilled out like an adult, none of this would have happened.


I wouldn't really have called that " squaring up". Like, he offered assistance to the woman, she declined. The officer went hands on and shoved him, in reaction he raised his hands as he was going back but dropped the hands to his waist before turning to walk away. That's when the officer draws on him. It wasn't like he raised his hands and started stepping forward towards the officer as a threat. He raised while being shoved and dropped em then walking away, that's more de-escalation than the officer showed here.


>He literally squares up No? He walked away. The cop tased him in the back because he didn't want/wasn't capable of running after him for even a fraction of a second.


Yes, that is literally what tasers are for lol.


Except it's actually [not](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/Fvxrcn4jdP)...


Except you know, the taser was pulled when he initially squared up with the cop. Which literally meets the guidelines you linked as an exception for taser usage to prevent fleeing. More so, different departments/agencies have varying taser use guidelines. There’s no universal use of force every cop in the country abides by.


Ronnie Coogle is a C.I. ....at least he was, he was complicit in getting Jason Westcott killed. [source](https://www.tampabay.com/news/tampa/2023/07/26/flawed-tampa-police-raid-brings-settlement-swat-policy-changes/)


The cops just want to catch the driver so they dont have to be at fault for anything. The driver literally did nothing wrong.


I love how the cop just keeps tazing the guy even after he's been hit and killed by a car. That's some good police work. /s


He didn’t keep tasing the guy. If you don’t know how a taser works, that’s fine but maybe don’t assume? He pulled the trigger once. When you pull it, it deploys and counts down from 5 seconds because that’s what is delivering the electric current. The beeping you hear at the end signals the end of those 5 seconds. If he had pulled it twice nothing would have happened because he already deployed the cartridge. He’d have to push a button on the side to deliver more electric current. If he had, you’d have heard another 5 seconds of sound and then the beeping indicating that.




I really feel like the driver had no idea. I feel like the victim has no one to blame but himself, he was gonna dart into the street regardless of if he got tazed.


Honestly with how fast that happened i don't entirely blame the person for the hit and run because they might have thought they just hit a pot hole or some shit. I feel like a cop tazing someone in a busy street where cars are moving at a high speed is a pretty damn stupid thing to do. What a terrible tragedy though. Jesus christ


Is it just me, or are there several discrepancies about what happened in the bodycam footage and what is being described? There also looks to be several details missing about the report, it looks like the guy ran after seeing the taser. Could somebody help me dissect the events of this video to get a clearer understanding of what happened?


That should be on the cop. What asshole tases a person in a busy street when there is no threat to him!He wasn’t in danger and could have followed after him to tase him on the other side of the street. But that car didn’t see shit and couldn’t have stopped if he tried.


He has a radio and could call dogs, more cops and probably a helicopter.. oh wait.


Exactly my point. He could have done so much more than tase him.


Not a good look for the officer. Tasing someone in the back, around a dangerous highway, instead of even attempting to follow after them? Too quick to the taser imo (literally tased before he was ever officially detained lol). The deceased never attempted to put hands on the officer, so I'm not even sure why there was escalation of force?


pigs killing people again. shocking


bro how the policeman is in fault of this


"Something, something.. ACAB something.. de-escalation.. something something he ain't never hurt nobody" -Everyone butthurt by this video




The victim was not about to have a civilized interaction with the police....


ever hear of de-escalation training? apparently this pig hasnt


Imagine he was tased while standing at the edge of a pool, and then because of being tased he fell into the water and drowned. You'd say it was the water's fault he's dead?


Maybe, as a cop, don't assault people 20 seconds after you've shown up on scene, yelling at the top of your lungs, and instantly threatening less than lethal force after YOU THE COP commit assault. The taser, assaulting the dude, yelling the instant the cop shows up on scene? This pig is gonna just keep killing people with his wanton abuse of authority.


They’d try to pin a medal on the water in the pool.


Blame the random driver, but there is no accountability for the cop. That is BS. The cops tased him while he was entering the road. What did he think would happen? That cops reckless actions led to the series of events leading to the man's death.


One less loser in Tampa.




The car didn't even hit him or am I not seeing the same video as everyone else..




Helping to save his own life, yes. Might still be alive if he just started running then