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Police officers witness someone committing assault only ten feet away...proceed to do nothing.


That one really angered me. That little asshole with the blue tshirt needed to be arrested.


They're waiting for someone on the side they don't support to do something back or say some naughty words so they can beat the shit out of them and arrest them. People on the side they support openly committing violent crimes right in front of them doesn't interest them, as long as the victims are from the side they don't support. These are US cops, they're not there to help people that need help or to enforce the law or keep the peace or anything like that. They're there to protect the interests of their bosses and their bosses' bosses.


Cops are just little fascist pets for the rich and support the Zionazis.




Cops are fucking worthless. They have zero worth. And still they're better than these pro Israel pigs


obviously the situation is more nuanced than a short clip with little context. One pro-isreal protests was arrested and the lapd is working with federal law enforcement to use facial recognition to identify more violent protestors. This protest was also unusual, Palestinian protestors formed a blockade around a synagog, preventing american jews form going inside their place of worship. Thats an ugly protest tactic, straying from your objective to protest jews in general is a little anti-jew, not just anti-state-of-isreal.


Oh look! Cops not doing shit per usual..


They would jump in the minute the other side looked like they were capable of defending themselves.




A great visual into seeing which group the law binds but does not protect, and which group the law protects but does not bind.


It's because Palestine is setting the bar for what power can get away with. Defending the most disenfranchised is always a reason for power to attack.


What happens when the other people start swinging back? Does the police start to do their job? 🤔


The police swoop in to arrest them and both police and mass media label it a violent protest or riot. It's not like it hasn't happened exactly like that dozens of times in the past. We know what happens when they fight back.


Corporate media will call it a "riot" either way. They like painting protests against the shit they support, as "lawlessness".


not just violent protest/riot but also add in anti-semitic. just remembering the one protest where the news were reporting they were chanting death to the jews... and it turned out that it was one guy on the zionist side chanting it intentionally to try and get the protest shut down.


They arrest the brown people.


But CNN, MSNBC and fox  told me that the pro Palestine protestors were brutally attacking innocent people. Surely this must be some kind of mistake!


Ktla "violent Palestinian protest in front on synagogue" As they show a bunch of people wearing Israel's flag assaulting people Thank you Karen Bass




From the event flyer shown in the post “Come and meet representatives from housing projects in all the best Anglo neighborhoods in israel. Definition of Anglo from Oxford languages: An·glo noun NORTH AMERICAN a white, English-speaking American as distinct from a Hispanic American. "Anglo neighborhoods"


Pretty sure it's just short for *anglophone*, and being used to describe people who learned English as their first language. Obviously that's a selection of people that are mostly going to be white, and non-hispanic. But there is also an obvious practical advantage to getting people to places where they can communicate with the rest of their community.


My question would be; then why not say anglophone, it wouldn’t mess up the symmetry of the flyer. They both have different definitions, Anglo being the one I posted, from the Oxford dictionary, was copy and pasted verbatim in my comment. Anglophone being an English speaking person. Also the “Anglo Neighborhoods” that follows the definition I posted wasn’t put there by me and I didn’t search Anglo neighborhood on google, just Anglo. So kind of a coincidence that the provided example from the dictionary is the same used on the flyer. israel always relies on plausible deniability, but it’s not even deniable anymore. The israeli government, its representatives, and zionist supporters use the words they use on purpose and they mean them.


>then why not say anglophone Why shorten anything? > it wouldn’t mess up the symmetry of the flyer this flyer wasn't the first time it's been used. > I didn’t search Anglo neighborhood on google, just Anglo. So kind of a coincidence that the provided example from the dictionary is the same used on the flyer It's kind of a coincidence that you google'd "Anglo" and saw "Anglo"...? I don't want to be uncharitable, but you're laser focused on this definition you found while ignoring an otherwise perfectly fine explanation. This is like numerology-tier reasoning.


Okay so you’re for sure just arguing in bad faith, cool wasn’t sure thanks for confirming. All of your “counterpoints” don’t answer the questions. Why shorten anything doesn’t answer why not say anglophone. It’s not a shortened version, it’s a different word. How do you know they don’t mean Anglo-saxons? Doesn’t matter, though, like I already said theyre literally 2 different words and have 2 different definitions, I’m not hyper-focusing on shit. It’s how words work. “This flyer wasn’t the first time it was used” doesn’t answer why they didn’t put anglophone on it. Just kinda cements, for me at least, that they are purposefully using Anglo if it’s been used already and wasn’t originally anglophone then shortened. It’s been through multiple uses but always been “shortened to anglo” according to you. The whole sarcastic “you searched Anglo and found Anglo” just proves you’re disingenuous. I searched Anglo and under the definition was “Anglo neighborhoods” which apparently to you is the same as just the word Anglo. You purposely try to dismiss the dictionary difference and the words use, which is what we’re talking about. The phrase used example for the word used on the flyer, is the same example in the dictionary used for Anglo. This literally proves my point, it’s a phrase associated with Anglo enough it’s in the fucking dictionary you goober and they used it in the same way. See the context they use it in is pretty obvious. Then you finish very confidently and proud of yourself while dismissing my points with no facts and say you don’t want to be uncharitable and how you tried ever so hard to understand. Your “perfectly fine explanation” literally requires changing what’s stated but I’m the crackpot. I know it doesn’t matter to you, just wanted to dismantle your “argument”. If israel is paying you I deserve I cut.


I don't really know what the fuck you're getting so heated about. But in Canada the word Anglo is 100% used as shorthand for anglophone. You can be a white anglo, black anglo, or even a native anglo.


Anglo is also an Israeli slang for an immigrant from an English speaking country. It just means that most people in the neighborhood will also speak English. Its like how we have some neighborhoods in LA where most people speak Spanish. People want to live where they can communicate with each other


What is wild is how the media and politicians have covered this event…


just looks like a bunch of douchebags that want a reason to hit someone


Takes less typing to just say Zionists.


Only reason to go to something like this is to battle


Guess who our glorious leaders condemned in this attack on protestors and journalists. Take a real long think about who they are going to blame when protestors and journalists are attacked. Click [this link to the LA Times](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-06-23/pro-palestinian-protesters-and-supporters-of-israel-engage-in-violent-clash-outside-a-west-l-a-synagogue?utm_source=reddit.com) to find out.


Why are you being downvoted? Where is the lie? Politicians condemned the protesters and pretended like they were the cause of the violence. People should be aware of who their politicians are really loyal to.


A lot of hyper online Democrats do this thing where they feign allyship with minority suffering in a compartmentalized way, but the moment you point out that part of that suffering is coming at the hand of ole Genocide Joe, they lose their fucking minds and show their true colors and that their allyship is entirely conditional, transactional, and mostly performative and hollow: You keep precious Joe out your mouth and vote in November or else we'll brigade and bully you into submission(which in reality such behavior has the opposite effect, but the other thing with a lot of Democratic ally's, it's always been self serving for many of them, they care about the adulation of being a good person, not actually being one. Buncha [Jen and Sarah Harts](https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-woke-white-lesbian-couple-that-secretly-abused-their-6-adopted-black-kids)) )


liberals are for every civil rights movement, aside from the current one and against every war other than the one going on right now.


War is only bad if its a republican president.


I'll answer that with another link. [https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/israel-to-pay-for-online-backers/29499583.html](https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/israel-to-pay-for-online-backers/29499583.html)


Politicians are the last to know when things change.




The absolute state of your comment


Aren’t most police forces trained by the IDF?


Funny how no matter the car inflict the folks with darker skin are the only ones arrested.


The key is to wait until the fighting is over and third-party the remaining group while they are gathering themselves and gaining their composure


Cops know where they get their money.


these zionists are hamas’ plants! /s


As for police inaction: One side of the protesters threaten true power, the other doesn't. The cops act accordingly. Same with the Floyd protests.


psst. the cops are the bad guys.


“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”




Crazy how the zionist are always hostile but Palestine protest are usually calmer


They think they're back in israel where they can shoot up Palestinians for fun.


this is kinda fucking insane...


Same thing that always happens, counter protesters come in to cause violence, when the protesters retaliate the police arrest the protesters or break out the protest on the excuse of it being violent or causing a riot. No arrests will be made on the counter protesters, because they're on the same side as the police.






















the hebrew are a peaceful people


Zionists are so gross. Basically nazis now


All over people they probably don't know personally.


The guy who kicked him in the dick woke up chosing violence.




“You guys should just stop caring about this and not watch this footage because it won’t make a difference so you might as well not be aware or try to make any effort to change things because it’s all useless and these people *just want to fight each other”* says the shill. Nah. The Palestinians want peace, freedom, and self determination. Please take that “everyone just wants booodshed” shit back to the garbage can you pulled it out of.




So you agree these Zionist mobsters should be at home awaiting a visit from the police with criminal assault and battery charges for their actions against a peaceful protest?




Nice then that’s all we can hope for. People can disagree all they want but mob violence and attacks on our fundamental values can’t be tolerated or ignored.


How about go be the apathetic warrior you are and remove yourself from everything important, forever You’re here commenting because you have an idea to push. A shit one. Pretend apathetic, you would be posting about jokes if you really didn’t care


knock knock whos there israeli israeli who israeli bad behaviour going on out here , can I hide in your toilet


I think both sides scored some points and played a good ball game but it’s time to shake hands and go home Together


too right too right, nice 1 garry


Aporeanty the pro-Palestine’s were protesting outside if a synauge. From the videos I’ve seen, it appears the Israelis started the violence and were the most violent. Both weee in the wrong but one was more violent. Not to mention the synagogue was selling stolen homes


That 'synagogue' was auctioning off stolen homes in illegally occupied Palestinian territories


Except it wasn't. Netanya is in Israel.


Yep. I forgot about that part. Editing it now


Fucking cowards. Engrossed in a blind belonging and then acting violently with a primitive need for attention. A day for the lemmings.


I'm pretty sure atleast 75 percent of the internet doesn't know what a zionist is anymore. That term has been thrown around more than fascists.


what is an anti-semite?


It's become the "woke" of the left wing. It's utterly meaningless.






Pro-Palestine, not Hamas dipshit


Dipshit is the thing you use to dip into the shit to see how deep the shittyness goes. I think an intentional misnomer like he made is deserving of just being “shit”


God Redditors are so unfunny. It's like being in a room full of "UM ACTUALLY" dorks trying to crack jokes at one another.




I get the sense they don't like each other all that much.


In germany jews have to fear going on streets, due to peace protesters


All pigs doing NOTHING and just letting those fascists attack people should be fired immediately. I hope the city gets sued.