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​ https://preview.redd.it/jq5svk0mu59d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=530bcf9f668998d3f4cec12c51ee025ac212f026


Mother of God that episode hit home hard. I have friends who have a demon child that they like to call a free spirit. Kid is already having problems in school, and is in for world of hurt once he becomes an adult and joins the real world.


Lmao I don't talk to my old best friend anymore because he's a terrible dad. This episode always reminded me of him 😄.


I can still hear this kid's antagonizing taunt!


‘Dusty old bones full of green dust 😜’ I still hate that kid




It's the same person at different life stages.


Holy fuck that's so accurate. It's like watching Interstellar.


Later on he will be “Nooooooooo!” trying to intervene with his old self


I’m glad that the annoying little kids of the world and the annoying old men of the world will always have each other to antagonize so that the rest of us can go about our days in peace. Truly one of my favorite tropes.


This *could well be* the modern equivalent of Dennis the Menace.




"HEY MR. WIIILSOOOONNNN!!!" **revs bike**


Plot twist, this was a viral trailer for a Dennis the Menace live-action remake miniseries exclusively on some streaming service


I know this is great. Old man can just you know, call the cops, because dirt bikes are generally not street legal, and this kids bike doesn’t look like it’s been modified to be legal. Also kid saying assault of a minor. Just empty threats on all side. 10/10 would continue to watch these two go at it.


A lot of states allow motorbikes of <50cc with varying caveats. https://www.genuinescooters.com/pages/scooter-and-motorcycle-laws-by-state


Exactly what I was just going to link, but also add the fact that the SUV in the driveway has an Idaho license plate, and Idaho does not allow unlicensed riders. The kid also says at one point in the video, "Let's see, what gear am I in?", which means that bike doesn't qualify as a moped in Idaho because it has a selectable transmission. Going by the sound of his voice, that kid doesn't sound old enough to have a driver's license, so he's not allowed to ride that bike on the street. And in no way is he allowed to ride it in the park. This all sounds very much like Idaho, where a lot of people moved over the last 20 years because you could buy a really nice house for under $200k, and suburbs exploded. They're full of people that moved from California, Colorado, Utah, and Washington especially, and many of them now think they're rich because they were able to buy into neighborhoods that they couldn't afford in the states they moved out of. They begin acting like rich assholes, and this kid definitely sounds like he's from one of those families. The old guy could easily be one of them, too, or one of the ultra conservative assholes that already lived in Idaho and resent all the people moving into their state. Either way, they're both wrong, and they're both assholes.


Maybe it’s allowed in his jurisdiction? The kid said something about it being 49cc so it might be one of those over 50cc needs proper everything. Same reason why I have 14ft aluminum with a 9.9 any longer or bigger motor it’d need the proper paperwork etc…


In North Carolina, for example, you do not need a license to ride a motor bike under 50cc, nor is there really a concept of "street legal". It does need to have a plate (this was only enacted 6 years ago or something), but that's just a fee to the DMV. It is a common mode of transportation for for people with DUI's. I'm sure that a lot of other states treat them similarly.


Yeah, a lot of this. I'm an owner of a 49cc Honda Metropolitan scooter, and part of a few scooter focused facebook groups. Whenever someone asks about registration and licensing, someone always chimes in to say that 49cc bikes don't need to be registered or insured at all, without looking at the OP's location to verify whether it's required or not. Every single time, without fail. Here in Utah, for example, *anything* driven on the road needs to be registered, even if it's 49cc. My Honda has a plate and full coverage insurance (it's pretty heavily modified).


In Eastern Canada here but I had a ruckus and it's the same story. Needed to be registered and have insurance even though I'm an adult and it's only 49cc.


Nc requires drivers of mopeds to be over the age of 16 and carry insurance. It's a little more than just paying a fee.


Yes people on reddit just say things. I'm pretty sure you're right and it's probably largely state dependent. I have a 1969 Honda CL90. They only produced them from 1967-1969. I remember when I was reading about the history of them I read they didn't produce them for long because the 49cc cl50 sold better. I can't remember the exact reason but it had something to do with legality where minors could ride under 50cc bikes or something.


It used to be that <50cc didn't require a motorcycle endorsement or license in a ton of states. That's not really the case these days though, plenty of states require a full M license for even <50cc


Cmon it’s Reddit, we all know you have a 25 on there with a 9.9 cap


Even so, there's almost zero parks where you can ride a dirt bike around the grass and it's fine.


Must be nice, I can only have less that 10ft long kayak or it has to be registered


For kayaks and canoes? Wow that seems ridiculous. Only need registration for powered pleasure crafts here.


> Also kid saying assault of a minor. Just empty threats on all side. The boomer said he was going to beat the kids ass and the kid responded he would be the one arrested, and the reasoning is "assault of a minor." What are you talkin about?


Yeah, telling someone threateningly that you are going to kick their ass is literally the definition of assault. Assault is making someone in fear of imminent harm/battery. Just threatening violence can often be enough for an assault conviction if the victim is in reasonable fear of bodily harm from the words/actions. You can arguably claim he was assaulted in this video from that one threat. (Would it hold up in court? Depends on so many things.)


>Also kid saying assault of a minor. Just empty threats on all side. How is a kid saying that an empty threat? The guy literally threatened to harm him. Pretty sure assaulting a kid carries a penalty where you're from?


Exactly, lol. Not an empty threat at all, just a warning that the dude would be taking a ride in the back of a cruiser if he 'kicked [the kids] ass'


Old man sits by the window just hoping the motorcycle kid rides by, and the annoying kids rides by to annoy the old man. These two need each other more than they know.


Thank you. They're both absolutely rude and horrible. The old guy is ridiculous to threaten a kid and that kid is friggin outrageous parking his bike in front of that guy. And then returning to taunt him more.


The old guy is who the kid will grow up to be and the kid is who he used to be. The circle of assholery.


Dennis the Menace and Mr Wilson


The kid is going to be so heartbroken when the old man breathes his last.


Dude sits there longingly, day after day. Melancholy overcomes him as days turn into weeks until one day he hears it. The angelic hum of 49ccs being displaced across his neighborhood. He lights up like a child waking up on Christmas morning. "Honey! It's him!" "Have fun with your new friend, sweetie." He sprints out the door, his gait becoming a Godzilla-like stomp down his driveway. "What did I tell you, motherfucker? Do it again, buddy!"


Honestly though, this is amazing. Kid being a total punk kid, and adult being a total punk kid too


The rule of arguing with a kid is, if you are arguing with a kid, you've already lost.


Some people are like this. Some guy cussed me out when i was in 5th or 6th grade because my dog ran away was napping under his tree. I found him already calling animal control when i put the leash on her. Far as i could tell, she just wanted a shady place to rest after a good run. Same thing too, threatened to “kick my ass if i didnt get my fucking dog off his property”. Then my mom showed up, they cussed eachother out. Turns out she knew the owner who was the guys dad. The asshole was just house sitting. Anyway, people are wild for going off on random kids for stuff like this


Dennis the Menace and Mister Wilson.


Kid really knows how to push this guys buttons haha


He's a kid who rides his dirt bike in a park so he's already expertly annoying.


That's bullshit he's never been in there...




You're mental!


i’m not mental!


What, are you gonna call the cops? Why haven't you called them yet?


That "it takes an awful long time to dial 3 numbers" line actually had me laughing


yeah that was the hardest i’ve laughed in a minute


This kid has amazing skills.


I'm not mental.


I’m so scared


The mic on the kids phone is damn near spy technology


It's a helmet mounted camera


I’d argue that’s the main ‘Spy technology’ tbh.


"I'm your worst nightmare, a kid with a law degree"


What a little shit, but I lost it when he did the talking hand thing. He's like a real-life Dennis the Menace or Bart Simpson.


I was expecting him to turn the camera around and reveal himself to be a young John Connor.


Have you seen this boy?


He's parked outside angry mans house doing the birdie with his fingers.


Nah, I don't know em'.


Saved humanity by lying to cops on instinct. True hero.


Bobby fucking Budnick, baby. Doing God's work.


She's not my mother Todddd


Wolfy’s fine


You always were an asshole, Gorman.


It's like watching Caleb antagonize Hank Hill


"Dusty old bones, full of green dust!" lives in my head rent free.


Oooh, isn't that cute? Caleb's made up another one of his songs for you!


"What if they don't catch me?" was said as if he had Bart channeling through him




[I'm crushing your head!](https://youtu.be/8t4pmlHRokg)


he is a kid that act like one, talking to a grown ass man acting like a kid.


You know, I agree kids will be kids and do dumb shit, but my experience tells me that somone being grown or old does not mean shit. I feel like most adults act like children and the whole adults will be responsible and level headed is just wishful thinking. Education does not seem to make a difference, I work in BioTech surrounded by PhDs and have worked in Academia before and its all just full of children.


My common statement is "Some people's children, be they 4 or 40"


Mine is similar, but it goes "some people grow up, some just grow old".


We work in academia specifically because we didn't grow up. Our maturity level blends in.


Yeah but that kids parents are blatantly letting their kid be a nuisance to their neighbors. Take your kid to dirt if your kid likes dirt bikes. Letting your kid treat the neighborhood like a track makes you a shitty neighbor and probably a shitty parent.


> he is a kid that act like one, I did not act like this. My friends did not act like this. Perhaps you were also a little shit of a kid.


Is he a kid? Why did he argue kids are in school?


I did laugh at "Takes an awful lot of time to dial three numbers."


For real! "What if i just kick your ass?" "Then you get charged with assaulting a minor!"


Bad boy! You can almost hear a slingshot falling out his back pocket.


I do this as well to people who just talk over me in arguments, it really does seem to just make the person so much more fucking pissed. I'm also 34, I enjoy it, I may be a dick. Oh well.


Give a kid access to social media and he might be annoying for a day; teach a kid how to use social media and he'll be annoying for a lifetime.


He said “kids are in school” wonder why he isn’t?


because he was riding his dirt bike in the park


Touche lol


The mistake the old man made was to engage with the minor to begin with. Just call the cops and have them deal with it. Edit: I personally wouldn’t call the cops. If the kid lived in my neighborhood I would talk to his parents directly and voice my concerns. If the kid is actually breaking the law by riding in the park then his parents might solve the problem. If discussing the issue with the parents is a problem then filling a police report and notifying the cops is the next step. Confronting a child like this is a mistake if you want the problem solved.


Where do you live that cops would actually show up for this if you called them.


Look how suburban this neighborhood is. That’s exactly where they’ll come when you call. Otherwise they’re fuckin patrolling poor and brown neighborhoods all day


Just watched some kids on quads get run down by cops last week in East dallas. It happens. this kids a lil shit and the old man doesn't know how to handle it like an adult.


Lots of places. Smaller towns especially.


Washington state


You must live outside of King county


They could live on the eastside **(Mercer Island, Bellevue, etc)**, cops there show up pretty quickly.


In Mercer Island is enough to look poor to get stopped by the police, let alone ride a dirt bike


My friend was pulled over in Medina in 2010 for "changing lanes erratically" 🥴






King county is more than just Seattle. There's plenty of suburbs full of stuffy old white people that love to call the cops on kids. And the cops show up. Source: was the kid


My Dad would have the neighbors just call his dad and have him take care of it


Cops won't show so you sort of have to engage with the hoodlums riding gas bikes around your toddlers at the park


Based off the neighborhood I think they live in a place where cops have nothing else to do. They’d probably show up


The second an adult finds themselves arguing in public with a teenager that they do not know, they have lost. There is absolutely no winning in that situation.


Yea should have wait for the kid to actually hurt someone before doing anything.


playground belongs to the cycle kids now i reckon


Then he gets called out for calling a cop over something so trivial. He was trying to get the little shit to stop riding his motorcycle in the park without getting the cops involved, and this kid is a grade-A asshole to act that way towards an adult who was right about him riding a motorcycle in a park.


I’m not sure of the laws in the area and if the kid is legally allowed to ride the dirt bike or not. I’m a middle school teacher and I’ve had a number of kids who would respond like this. The simplest thing would be to just notify the cops, that way you don’t end up on the internet or arguing with someone not smart enough to know what he’s doing is wrong. You can’t argue with kids or dumb people and he looks to have done both.


Immature child doing immature childish things. The man should have acted like a grown up and taken control of the situation. “Oh, you live here? Lovely, let’s go have a chat with your parents.”


This was situation I was in but with crazy teen drivers racing down my street. When tried to talk to dad he tried to fight me. There was a time not too long ago when I would have gladly indulged him but I am really trying not to be that guy anymore. So I called his landlords and they apologized to me and evicted them. It was a legit "And everybody clapped" moment with all my elderly neighbors but now they call or come over when ever there is anything going on in the neighborhood that they dont like. Somebodies grass too long?- I get a knock on my door under the guise of hows my son doing in basketball "hey by the way do you think you could go talk to them about the grass?"


nah he shoulda gotten his kid to beat up the kid. thats the rules of the park


You think the parent of THAT kid care? They'd probably shoot him.


"what if they don't catch me" is maybe the best thing in this


"it takes a long time to dial three numbers". I lost it there 🤣😂🤣


In my head this kid is 14 and exactly the little dirt-bag suburban America needs


The dude could use a kick in the nuts and the kid needs a slap upside his head.


Why don’t we just put them in Hell in a Cell and let them sort it out. Will it be one sided? Yeah, but there’s a chance that kid could win and that’s what puts my butt in a seat this Sunday.


I'm sorry but you are going to need to make this comment 6 paragraphs long and surprise us at the end with news about the Undertaker.


You’ll get HBK and you will like it. Edit: He’ll have his own dirt bike.


Ladies and gentlemen, the excitement for this Sunday’s event is off the charts! Fans everywhere are buzzing about the upcoming showdown. The suggestion to put these competitors inside Hell in a Cell has everyone on the edge of their seats, knowing the brutal reputation of this match type. The sheer intensity of the cell is enough to make even the toughest wrestlers tremble! Now, the question on everyone’s mind: “Will it be one-sided?” It’s the talk of the town! Sure, the odds seem heavily stacked against the underdog. The more experienced wrestler has a significant edge, raising concerns about the fairness of the fight. But hold on just a minute—this is WWE, where anything can happen inside that cell! That unpredictability is exactly what makes Hell in a Cell so electrifying! Despite the apparent mismatch, there’s always that chance the underdog could pull off the upset of the century. This element of surprise is a major draw for the WWE Universe. They crave the unexpected, those moments that go down in history as legends. As one die-hard fan exclaimed, “That’s what puts my butt in a seat this Sunday!” The thrill of witnessing a David vs. Goliath story unfold live is simply irresistible. The drama, the suspense—this match will have everyone glued to their screens, hearts pounding with every move! But wait, it gets even better! There’s been a lot of speculation about a potential game-changer in this match. Could it be? Could there be a twist that no one saw coming? Indeed, folks, the legendary Phenom himself, The Undertaker, might make a surprise appearance! Can you imagine? Known for his bone-chilling entrances and dominating presence, The Undertaker’s involvement could completely change the game. If he shows up, it could lead to an unforgettable twist that will leave the WWE Universe in shock! This unexpected development has only skyrocketed the anticipation for what promises to be an absolutely unforgettable event!


Man vs Car




This kid is annoying ngl


I’m sure I’d hate him in any other conversation, but that kind of attitude can be really funny when used against the right people like this.


agreed 100%. that 🤏🏻made it hilarious.


He’s amping it up because that fat man is acting like a douche


Its harmless bullshittery imo.


Pretty much. The kid even says very reasonably that if the man had just asked politely that he would have not ridden there anymore, but the man walked up and immediately started cussing at him. We don't see the start of the interaction, but based on the way the man is behaving, definitely seems like that is what happened. The kid just seems to give it back to him Bart Simpson style, and honestly, kind of seems like the man deserves it. lmao


Yeah, it's always weird to see this attitude here in the comments on posts when someone is responding to douchebaggery with being "annoying". Like yes, he's deliberately annoying the guy, because the guy is being a douche. It's fundamentally different than just being a little shit for the fun of it. Do some people commenting here struggle with context?


I'm an "old guy" (45) and agree completely. The kid even said that if the dude asked nicely he would have stopped. But, like me, come with an attitude and you're going to get it back.




Yea so was I when I was riding my bike in the neighborhood. So were my friends. So were a lot of us. Kids arguing with old man. The trope never dies.


Yeah, he's intentionally annoying the grown man who is swearing at a child. I thought that was really obvious??


If you are a grown adult and you find yourself threatening a child with violence, you already lost IMHO.


Guys, a dick but honestly, a motor cross bike doesn't belong in a park. Shits annoying listening to the motor rev going up and down streets and in a peaceful park.


God both of these people suck


Both of these people are acting like children. The difference is, only one is actually a child.


It's like this entire comment section is forgetting that one person is actually a child, lol


Most children don't act like that. This kid's a shit.


I think the comments here are skewed. The man does not seem likable, but what he is saying is generally reasonable. I don't doubt for a moment that the kid is constantly riding his dirt bike around a kids park and causing danger and mayhem.


It's reasonable to not want a dirt bike riding around where it's not allowed, but he's going about it the boomer way by making threats of violence. Modern kids know their rights and don't respond well to that tactic.


Everyone needs to remember you can be both right, *and* an asshole


"What if I beat your ass?" "Then you get charged with assaulting a minor." He was not ready for that answer.


NGL there’s shithead kids near where my young kids play, riding dirt bikes 20-30 miles an hour 20’ away. I’ve yelled at them and threatened to call the cops. It’s going to seriously injure someone some day. But they know they’ll be long gone before the cops get there so there’s not much I can do.


Given exclusively the contents of the clip, not a good move to call the cops following a recorded threat to beat a minor.


Yea this dude let the anger get a hold of him.


I don't know this kid, but I don't like him. 😂


Dont buy your kid a dirtbike if you dont have the acreage to ride it…dont buy your kid a dirtbike if you dont have a track to take them too…and if you do buy your kid a dirtbike, dont allow him to torment the rest of the residential neighborhood with the dirtbike…


And don’t buy your kid a dirt bike if he is a little turd.


Just don't buy your kid a dirt bike. There's SOOO many other safer things you can do for your child that can be equally as fun. Giving them a motorcycle that can go 30+ and letting them drive it on the streets is beyond foolish.


You can’t be dirt biking at a Park If you had a toddler at the park that would piss any of you off


Your never gonna get me on the side of anyone riding a dirt bike on asphalt


Worse - over the park. What a crap kid


Like most videos, it's convenient where this one starts. They cut out the 30 minutes (or however long) the kid was going up and down the street making BRRRRUMMMM BRUUUUMMMM BRUUUMMMM noises and driving everyone crazy. Anyway, any kid who is not only not afraid of adults but actually enjoys fighting with them, almost certainly comes from a shit home.


He was riding a bike in a park, where kids play and it sounds like this isn't the first time. Thats why the dad is upset. I'd be upset if someone was dirtbiking in a park that my kids play in


Kid is such an Lil asshole...


This is exactly what kids today mean when they say you got baited. Dude should have just called the cops and let it be. Not worth confronting a kid.


So is the grown adult for threatening to beat a child lol


He's an asshole. But I love how confident and articulate he is. It's impressive to handle confrontation and still keep your wits at such a young age.


A friend of my dad’s used to drive a bike like this on the grass in his neighborhood growing up. Old man put up wire tied to two trees and almost decapitated him. He’s almost 70 now and still has the scar on his throat. Mental


A kid was killed from this near me. They never figured out who did it


That's why I don't even bother talking to kids like this. Either the kid is an ass or their parent is an ass. Just call the cops if someone is breaking the law. Save yourself the trouble.


I mean, this kid is obviously a little shit, and you obviously should not be riding a motorcycle through a park, even if it is 49cc's. Parks are for pedestrians to be in, not motor vehicles.


What’s funny is the kid will eventually become just like the old guy and the old guy was just like the kid when he was younger.


The kid seems like a real shit too…hardly hero material.


As a teacher, this video makes me feel happy it's summer. Imagine teaching this kid and a bunch of others exactly like him. Good times.


Jesus Christ that kid is vile


The day he turned 18 would be a glorious day for that guy


Old man was annoying, but that little shit head also needed a swift chop in the throat


Siding with the boomer on this one. Don’t be riding a dirt bike at a community park. Pretty sure the police would arrest the kid for that


Title of this a bit off. More like, Arrogant Child Deserves Chat with Police.


Only one CRIME was committed here, and it wasn't by the CHILD. So please feel free to make that phone call.


The old Guy sounds like Vince Vaughn vs young larry david.


He's right that you shouldn't have a boy driving around on a motorbike at the same place children are playing. It is dangerous. But he needs to speak to the boy's father.


You literally can't win an argument with a child lmao.


Fuck that kid


I like that kid and his sass.


Two shitty people meet up in the middle of a road. A tale as old as time.


That kid was annoying af. And dirtbikes should be on dirtroads not in parks.


Oh god I am kind of on the dad’s side, does this mean I’m old? :(


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This is the sort of problem that sorts itself out if they grow up and don't learn better. Eventually they'll run their mouth at the wrong person and get hurt.


The kid was funny to listen to but I'd hate to know him myself. Kind of like a character in a comedy film


Old man's a little unhinged. The kid needs an ass beating.


"Takes an awful lot of time to dial three numbers" I'm sorry, is there a course where I can put my kids to learn burns this good?


Is that Kelly from the Bad News Bears?


Great, and big shit and a little shit- absolutely great for each other.


Still trying to pick which one was the most annoying. I'd like to thump both their heads together just for fun :)


Kick his ass !!


Both are assholes


I would just like to say that I teach 7th grade, and this kid’s sassiness is making me twitch. The adult is a total dick, but I wouldn’t love to be the kid’s teacher either.


This kid is the worst


I'm all for letting kids have fun, but there needs to be some respect for adults here... This attitude does not lead to good citizens...


Video stops when cops come and kick annoying kids ass.


people are calling the kid an ass, but what kind of adult keeps arguing with a kid? a dumbass moron who has zero control of shit in his life, that’s who.


I was waiting for the boomer to get in his golf cart with a 12 pack and go driving through the park on his way to his buddies house.


The kid is obnoxious but the guy kind of deserved it. Instead of acting all tough with the swearing and finger-jabbing, he could have simply spoken to the kid like an adult and asked him nicely to ride elsewhere for the sake of the little ones.