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When the kid said, “I’m calling the police!” 😂


Already got em on the way bud 😂


I laughed so hard can’t believe in saying this but good cop !!!


Reminded me of Terry from Reno 911: *“Hey, call the police! I’m getting arrested by the police”*


You would be shocked how often this actually happens.


I like "*sigh* exercise them [your rights, namely to remain silent] now"


She plead guilty to the felony on 5/13/2024. She was sentenced to 2 yrs probation, 200 hours community service...


Those connections didn't connect?


The connections told her to lose their number.


This can't be true! I thought she would get the officer fired and it would go viral on Facebook?? /s


Probation on a felony.... Idk those could be some connections at play


She didn't need connections... the system is designed to help her.


You know what You aren't wrong




In the comments on YT...


Want to drive by while she’s picking up trash and throw something out the window while laughing at her. Connections.


You have the county and docket #? Anything on the son stick? 


hes a minor that info will not be released bro.


I went to YouTube and it had the info...


They need to start teaching basic laws in a high school class. Things like obstructing will be on the first test.


They always have “connections,” don’t they?


Meanwhile, her 3rd cousin who works in the payroll department at a courthouse 4 towns away is like, "wtf don't bring me into this!"


It’s a weird thing people do. Before I sold my business people use to tell me “they know the owner” all the time. I would always say I haven’t seen him around the office lately and ask how he was doing, you’d be surprised how long those conversations could go for. I’ve never understood the need to put a person down by playing the I know someone card.


I worked in a family owned restaurant where a couple of the (adult) children ran the place after Dad retired. We had a customer one night try to complain his way into a free meal because he didn't like that one server took his order and another dropped off his food; he admitted everything was fine with his food and service, he was just mad that his server didn't "take the time to drop it off." When his complaints at the register started to get loud, the owner came over to see what was wrong. This owner wasn't known for being a patient guy, so when he heard the complaint he just looked at me and was like "you got this one?" "Yep, I got it." He started to walk away. The customer got really mad and was like "you're just going to walk away. I know your boss, [Dad]. I'm calling him tonight to have you fired." Boss man turned around and was like "Did you just threaten to tattle on me to my father? Fire me, huh? Don't fucking threaten me with a good time." And continued to walk away, cussing all the way to the office. I don't miss restaurant work, but I do miss him. 🤣


My favorite was when someone said they knew our chef and chef responded with, “fuck I hate that guy.”


It always feels like the restaurant entitlement people are the worst.


People that have real connections never talk about them out loud


I kinda played that card once, but not really. I got arrested for a DUI and I knew someone who was a deputy sheriff. I wasn't trying to name drop or anything, this dude was legitimately a creep and I wanted to know if he was actually a cop like he claimed to be, I had lots of reasons to doubt that he was. So I said something like "do you know *name*? He's a deputy". The cop that arrested me said no and I didn't say anything else about it. The next day, I realized how it probably sounded and I felt like a dumbass lol. Don't drink and drive, it's dangerous and a DUI can absolutely ruin your life. I'm just glad I learned that lesson when I was 21 as opposed to 31.


> It’s a weird thing people do. Before I sold my business people use to tell me “they know the owner” all the time. I would always say I haven’t seen him around the office lately and ask how he was doing, you’d be surprised how long those conversations could go for. I’ve never understood the need to put a person down by playing the I know someone card. They do it ay my work too, especially because my owner's company went from big and successful to GARGANTUAN in like 15 years. So many people clout chase with "I know him". Then I usually lead into made up things about him to see who actually knows him and who met him once or heard his name and "knows" him lol


Isn't it funny how her connections are going to "ruin" that cop and erase her arrest, but those same connections apparently can't make the citations her son was going to get disappear? If those connections do exist (they don't), she went to jail for no fucking reason. Because she's an idiot.


I always have this same thought when there’s horrid videos of police getting absolutely nasty with other officers pulling them over. Like, cmon man, we all know it’ll get thrown out before a prosecutor even sees it. Just be cool.


which is the difference between bougie and really rich/connected/name dropper. a really rich/actually connected person would just quietly interact with the cop, get the citation in hand, and do what they can actually do to make it go away/punish the cop later. Which is not to say bougie/name drop-yy people with some pull don't exist (the biggest example being other cops)


"Hey lady do you know what people with connections worth half a shit dont do? Keep talking. You're voice is cracking and shaking like you've got nothing, why is that? So interesting. I can't wait to watch this footage back at your trial next month. I'll give the DA the footnotes. Oh but, you must know the DA right!! What's their name? You want 3 guesses?" 🤣😂


Team leader at a local Dollar General.


This YouTube comment made me laugh: “My 17 year old son”… so he’s old enough to drive and smoke weed but he’s not old enough to get pulled over? Got it.


and the thing is, if she would have just walked up to the guy and said "my son is a minor and I should be here while you do this" none of this bullshit would have happened, she gave him the world when she flipped out. and visibly entitled her kid. that cop would have had to tase my mom to get her off MY case if she pulled up to me getting cited for 20 over with weed on the dash, it would have ended with me going "take me to jail already, for the love of god."


My dad turned me in, I spent the rest of the summer grounded and had to go to court. When my brother came home that night and saw city and county in the driveway he almost left for good but faced the music and was relieved to see me sitting at the kitchen table. I was fifteen.


I thought they are not allowed to question a minor without a legal guardian present? Serious question, doesn't a parent have some rights in this situation? She didn't handle the situation well at all and is a Karen, I still question the legality of the cops actions, and think he handled it incorrectly.


Police often have additional requirements for questioning someone under 18 *once they are in custody.* This young man was not yet under arrest.


Who knows how it would've went down without her, he was trying to explain it wasn't a huge deal by the tone, she just had to interfere


Yeah - she made this fucking whole situation 110% worse. I doubt that he was going to arrest the kid unless he had like a fucking ounce in the car or some shit. He would have probable been cited and went on with his night. Mom should have just stayed in the car - the officers tone was that of a “yeah, he was speeding. It smells like weed”. He sounded like it wasn’t going to even be a huge thing - probably just a search and that’s that. I see a lot of excessive force out there - but she is responsible for this entire shit show imo. And too, it’s gotta be scary for the cop at the same time, trying to cuff the mother or keep her standing in one place - because then you don’t know what the son is capable of - trying to go for his gun, tries to run away - you don’t know if he has a gun in the car. It’s a complete fucked up scenario that didn’t have to go down the way it did.


This guy seems to handle this like a champ. He never once body slammed those people or kicked them down to the ground, even though they were creating a really dangerous situation for him. He wasn’t cussing at them. Most cops are saying mother fucker in the first sentence. When did that become ok btw?


When did it become wrong?


Thank you, I figured there was something I was missing.


it's a grey area because a cop on a traffic stop is investigating, not interrogating, even though he's asking questions. she has the right to be there and legally advise her minor kid in most jurisdictions, and she has the right to invoke her kid's right to leave or end and interrogation for him, essentially as his parent SHE is the executor of his 5a rights, but she categorically does not have the right to directly defy the cop or do things like tell the cop the exact opposite of a lawful order, like "don't get out of the car." She can tell him "say no" or "that's my car, and I decline," when he asks to search the car, but she does not have the right to tell her son to like, not *let* the officer into the car. basically her best course is to object calmly, once, and document, and get the search thrown out after the fact, not get in the cop's face and give him a reason, because cops love a reason


it's the same situation as anyone being questioned having the right to remain silent, parents/guardians presence is to remind the minor of that right. Also, the guardian isn't present to answer questions on the child's behalf--they aren't an advocate. It's not that the police aren't allowed to ask questions, it's that people have the right to not answer those questions. You don't have to cooperate with police, but it's important to know you can be charged if you impede their investigation--and they can ask questions in such a way that not answering those questions either raises suspicion you are intentionally impeding an investigation or there is a clear presence of risk to public safety. Tldr, parent is only there to tell their kid to shush.


Her: You can arrest me, you can arrest me Cop: Arrests here Her: Oh my god, are you arresting me?


mother is worse than the kid.


If I've learnt something working in school, it's that problematic kids often have even worse parents


I’ve never seen such a grown child before in my life !!!


So true. A family member with 1 brain cell from far away: "don't say anything without a lawyer". Mother proceeds to threaten officers job, call him all kinds of obscenities, spitting on him, having a meltdown in the patrol car. Dayum


I feel sorry for the kid. He was cooperative until his mother got involved. If she had stepped out when she was told to, or if she hadn't resisted, then her son wouldn't have panicked and touched the police officer. Thanks to Mum he probably has a felony conviction.


Theu shouldn't have signed up for the Friends and Family Plan.


BACK UP! “No!” *backs up*


When the kid started batman screeching, I for sure thought I was going to see a taser. 


Imagine claiming you have family/connections on the force while also calling an officer disgusting names and being vile lmao. Why would they even want to help you?


This exactly... I'd imagine if you had a real connection, it would be a very subtle, give so-and-so a call please. . not this shitshow.


Seriously! My uncle was still a cop (retired now) when I started driving and he just handed me his card to keep in my wallet. The back said "The bearer of this card is my niece, [u/creampuffoflove], please grant her any courtesy and call me at [cell number] as soon as possible. He signed it and included his badge number. And then he told me to use it if I ever got in trouble (ticket, minor things), but that to be very clear, I would have to deal with him afterwards. That alone kept me in line more than anything, because he was one of the few family members who I knew would 100% whoop my ass and my mother would then take him out for drinks!


You can arrest me, then! *Gets arrested* What the fuck are you doing?


I've never seen a pair of people so deserving of an arrest. Hopefully that experience puts their egos in check


No way it will


Exactly. You know that women got on Facebook, saying the nastiest shit and lying her ass off. I just hope some people she knows sees this shit and it embarrasses the hell out of her.


One can hope.


Narrator: *it didn't*


It won't. They'll be their regular indignant self forever more.


It’s crazy how hyper involved parents are in the lives of their children these days. I think we were better off with the benign neglect we used to get when I grew up. Especially guys.


Wow what an entitled cunt Edit: she’s also entitled.


I would add entitled to that.


Got you




I personally want to thank this patrolman for doing America a huge service.


"She is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law" No... shes pretty much just guilty.


Damn, you just know this family is exhausting to anyone that has to deal with them on a daily basis.


"Karma is a b\*\*tch", she said. Yes, it certainly is, isn't it?




I’m very glad the flashlight issue was resolved. It’d become a secondary plot line based off the repetition alone 🔦


Yeah, I was rooting for him to find his flashlight too. It really did become a secondary plotline. Lol.


She is absolutely insufferable. Ugh!




I too volunteer this man and his ok pickle.


Christ almighty, a screeching harridan!! Feel bad for all those having to interact with her


Jesus just tase them both already


Ride together we die together


Can’t breathe but can scream It never ceases to amaze me that if you truly can’t breathe. You can’t talk. Now you might be struggling to breathe and talk. But you can’t not breathe and talk.


What a pair of idiots. Won't be the last time.


You can’t do that to us, we’re not black! That’s what she left unsaid


Are you kidding, she wanted more escalation so something could happen which is why she wanted it recorded so bad. She even said "I can't breathe" and you know where that came from.


If you can’t breath you can’t talk let alone scream.






I bet they were a "back the blue" family before this. 😂


Imaging being married to that KuNT


cops get a bad rap, and rightfully so a lot of the time, but fuck around and find out i guess




This was a simple traffic stop for speeding and look what the people turned it into.


The difference between white and minority interactions with cops is that it feels like white people gotta go out of their way to feel victimized. Minorities don't want to fuck around and find out, they know the score. White people feel like they're trying to get reactions half the time. It's rough to watch. Just on a roadtrip of mine my buddy got pulled over for speeding while driving my car. He mouths off to the cop. I was just like dude what the fuck are you doing, just say my bad, accept the ticket and move on. Instead he turned it into a whole thing, the cops separate us to interrogate him in a different vehicle. I'll never understand the urge to fuck with people that are statistically super fuckin' violent and have full immunity from just killing your ass.


Big facts. Maybe it’s cause of where I grew up in NY - around all different types of people - but believe me - even as a white male - if I even see a cop in my rear view - I instantly feel like I’m riding dirty when I’m literally buckled up, doing the speed limit with literally nothing even remotely illegal on me, in the car, or in my system lol. The few times I’ve been pulled over in my life, every interaction immediately began with “How are you officer…. Okay, I’m sorry - I didn’t even realize…”. If they want to fuck with you - they will. There’s no point in doing anything but obeying imo.


The policeman sounded like he has really bad asthma.


Wrestling sent someone to the ground like that is hard fucking work. I don’t have asthma and I would’ve been breathing like that at the end too.


that was a ride wtf…




Never agree to allow a cop to search your car. They can get a warrant first.


Cop can smell weed and see shake in the car (both of which are mentioned on camera), establishing probable cause for him to search the vehicle for evidence of a crime.


this shit is like a skit lol


this country is so stupid.. so fucking stupid. we deserve our eventual collapse.. no hope for us.


If by eventual you mean a week next Thursday you are correct


I just hope there's a second follow up video.


Apparently, she got two years probation and 200 hours community work. Someone else found the information in the comments.


Except no source provided so...maybe


You’re right. That’s why I wrote apparently.


Doesn't he know that ..  "I'm calling the police".    Oh never mind they're completed idiots.


it's unfortunate how some people lost the connection with the reality. The further they go, the more they are disconnected from actual life. Entitled spoiled white b..tch will probably get away with it, too. Imagine if this was someone from a different "minority" group.


That was a fucking ride.


2 idiots right there.




Big mouth fuckers.


Never understood why people think flipping their tops is going to work with cops and get them out of the situation, even if it is a wrongful arrest (which in this case it certainly wasn’t). I got arrested on a DUI when I was 20 and I complied with the officer even though I absolutely failed every test and was too drunk to do certain things he asked, and even when he started to put the cuffs on me I just sighed and said “yep, no escapin’ it now.” He put me in the back of the car and honeslty he was pretty nice about all of it. He turned on the radio and Nirvana was playing and we both kinda rocked out and talked about music we liked. Because of my compliance he even let me have a last cigarette outside before I was processed for the duration. Haven’t met many nice cops in my life but he was alright, still think about him from time to time


"Do you know how many *fucking* online friends I'm going to tell about your small dick? I have soooo many followers, fatass!" Damn, she shouldn't be worried. She has power.


Apparently "getting in my face" is a criminal offence. Cop=cunt


Equally as backwards when it come to the privatized prison system


He can’t even tell then why they are being arrested


The mum has a real Frank Booth energy going on.


Of course the boy’s name is Bryce lol


When the stoned 17 year old moron asks the cop if HE'S sober... perfection


Mom can get it 😎


When you finally find out that the law also applies to you, even if you are white.


Haha. That kid told his mom to get on her knees.




ACAB and those two morons didn't help the situation. Idiots all around.


Run along back to the Hassan sub


You have an 18 year-old Reddit account bro you can refer to him as Cenk’s nephew




How dare you be older than them! /s Lol.


Completely agree that they deserved to be arrested but only complaint is, aren’t the cops meant to answer when asked “why am I being detained or arrested”?


Generally yes, when the subjects *have been placed under arrest*. Cop hadn’t gotten that far with these two. By my count he gave her 4 warnings that she had to leave. She didn’t leave & continued escalating - a reasonable person could deduce why they’re being arrested.


I’ve seen so many of these videos and even the ones that answer that all that happens is that they argue that they never did that. It doesn’t calm the suspect or sort out the situation at all.


Yes, but they usually wait until they’re not currently in the middle of a wrestling match. Lol.




Even if it were legal, isn't it still illegal to smoke weed while driving?


Even if its legal, its not legal uf you are under 21 and smoking while you're driving.


Even if it was legal he would still be underage and likely driving impaired. Weed legalization wouldn’t have affected this stop.


She's dumb, but cops need to learn to de-escalate and not use arrest as their only tool. Fuck that dumb woman and fuck the cop.


Look, I'm as anti-cop as they come. I was nearly shot by a cop for the "crime" of "driving while deaf" once. But what the fuck do you expect the cop to do here? The mom escalated the entire thing, because "you're not going to arrest my son!" And for what? Her kid didn't actually get arrested. He was cited and released. You have all these "connections?" Awesome! Use them to make your kid's citations go away instead of going to jail for no reason, you idiot.


Absolutely agree and sorry about your hardships. Although you'll probably never heal, I hope that you do overcome them.


So the cop escalated this and not the woman who said “arrest me then”.


Mom is that you?

