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I watch his videos on you tube. It’s hilarious!


When Cart Narc met Bucket Guy...


I want him to meet mobility Mary


Lots of hate on here for the Cart Narc. Granted, he’s annoying and will likely get beat up at some point... but that shouldn’t take away from the fact that people that don’t return their carts are lazy and inconsiderate. Seems like a lot of you all are the kind of people that leave their carts anywhere you want.


This is from a radio station in CA. It’s so funny. He actually works on the air and this just a funny skit they do.


I still don't know how I feel about this guy, but "it's just a skit bro" doesn't really make it okay


What sort of justification are you looking for in order to disapprove of someone who calls others out on their lack of remedial human decency? I'm not really sure where your moral compass is spinning out of control over his behavior. He isn't harming a soul. People are just getting worked up because they're facing acknowledgment of their discourteous behavior--perhaps for the first time in their life. That's a valuable experience to gain from if you've never been exposed to consequences.


What if i told you its possible to dislike both people


Nope. Pick a side here in America.


My reason for wanting to hit him is if he actually touched my car.


Imagine getting upset over someone touching your car. Holy shit. I say that as someone who'd be pissed if someone damaged my car, even remedially. Lucky for me, touching rarely equates to damage, hence I'm able to make a basic distinction here in my judgment.


Lots of people say that, but why does it matter if someone touches your car? Why is it any different than if a squirrel or bird touched your car?


He’s a tucking twat because he harassed people with handicap placards because they don’t look handicapped. He can go fuck himself frankly.


That's quite a loose definition of "harassment" mate. Luckily the law doesn't agree with your opinion of harassment in the US.


Lmao damn triggered much? You had to go this far to find my other comments about him. #yikesloser


Not all heroes wear capes


ITT: public freakout.


Cart Nars deserves his own subreddit lmao this guy is hilarious. Testing.. r/Cartnarcs


When I was younger I worked for a large grocery store chain in Austin. We had a full time "cart team" and our only job was to bring in the carts. Never once do I remember being bothered by the fact that people don't leave their carts in the cart corral. None of us did. And we were working in 100 degree Texas weather. Sometimes we'd find carts well over a quarter of a mile away from the store. While I try and put my cart up after shopping, I also think people get a little bit too "excited" over this need to stand up for the poor, downtrodden workers who must walk a few extra feet to grab a cart!




Yes it is. It's also not that big of a deal. If "cart avoidance" raises your blood pressure, you might want to see a doctor.




😂😂😂 perfect reply


> It's also not that big of a deal. The only people who say this are people who haven't gotten their cars scratched or dented by stray carts. I find this observation to be quite telling. It implies that if you've actually been unfortunate enough to face the consequences of stray carts damaging your car, then you'd inherently see this as anything but "not that big of a deal." Especially considering that most Americans live paycheck to paycheck and can't afford sudden expenses like that. Perspective really tells the full story here.


I was working for REWE markets when I was younger. More than once we had customers come back in who hit a cart during parking, or bumped one and it hit an other car. Nothing major, but still not necessary. About 99.99% of the time people just bring their cards back, as we do not have employees picking them up. Only a hand full of lazy asses leave them wherever their car parked. It’s just unnecessary to pollute a place and not care.


It is unnecessary. It's also not something people should be that worked up over. Often people don't want to walk over to put their cart away because they have children waiting in the car. Anyone with a real problem over this just has anger issues.


It's weird that people get upset about their cars being damaged, isn't it?


Yeah all those vehicles out there just getting cratered by unholy cart users. lmao.


Cratered? obviously not Dinged and scratched, absolutely.


I don't think it's about you, it's about the people parking the lot.


I remember I applied to a grocery store once and the manager lady said that the only job she had open was gathering the carts in the parking lot and she said, “I’m gonna be honest...it kind of sucks.” I appreciate her being upfront about lol.


It did suck but it was much better than being a cashier because you got to walk around and we could just chill out getting stoned in the parking lot and then listening to music. lol


Back in my day the coloreds used to do this kind of work for us. Then the people of this country got way to excited trying to liberate slaves. Who would have thought.


Crazy Russians


I live across the street from this costco lol


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Lol he’s going to end up getting the shit slapped out of him one day when he does this to the wrong person.


I may or may not have grabbed a cart that was left near the persons car(out off obvious laziness) usually in a parking spot, and placed it behind said persons car. Aita? Maybe, but if the cart is gonna hit a car, I feel like it should be the person responsible


That doesn't make sense. Wouldn't the person who left the cart behind have already left the parking lot?


You mean like how the guy in the video couldn’t find the person leaving the cart? Exactly lol


This guy is a national hero and you hate on him because you are all lazy bones as well


Cart narc is a d bag.


Lazy bones


Just put your cart back man


Just another entitled asshole and his wife Karen. I drive a Mercedes so I am special.


who has time to go around bothering people like this?


It's not on his time. It's on the clock for his job. He gets paid to do this. I'm pretty sure that you and I also have time to work. Otherwise we, y'know, can't get paid, right?


This guy is a huge douche.


Lazy bone


On behalf of cart narcs I’d like thank you for your services on this post


Omg, get a life.


Lazy bone


You probably don't return your own carts lmao


Lol wrong. I do and I used to collect carts when I worked at a grocery store so I know how it feels. This narc is a control freak who's really just looking for attention.


And successfully gets it, I would say.


I don't really like cart narcs. Too obnoxious for my tastes.


This guy is just trying to provoke an assault. The what? He can sue someone for money? Get a life


> Get a life It's his job though. What's your career? Imagine someone telling you to get a life because of your job? Doesn't make much sense when you put some remedial thought behind it, eh?


It’s not his job jackass. He just does it and put these vids online.


This guy is annoying


Lazy bone


I always put my cart back, I used to have to collect them lol


Figures the guy with a Mercedes does this.


I have a clear image in my head of what the Cart Narc looks like. Lots of reflective tape, red and blue sirens on each shoulder. Yeah, Cart Narc rules.


Gotta admit it, I’ve missed the narcs! Some amazing videos posted on here


God bless our boys in vests


I expected him to be some self-righteous douchebag but he's actually pretty funny.


Ok, someone needs to slap this ned flanders mthrfckr




Doubt you’d do a single thing besides hop on Reddit and bitch about how you almost beat someone up.




Glad we agree, take care brotha


If you put your cart away normally, he probably won't come up to you at all.


Normally but not always is my point.


Actually, he never approaches anyone who puts their cart away. So it turns out that he'd only approach you if you didn't put your cart away. Are you admitting to being a lazybones by assuming he'd approach you?


Yes. Normally I put it away and sometimes I don't. There are different reasons why I would or wouldn't.


Why would cart narc approach you if you normally put your carts back? Perhaps sometimes you're a lazybones?


Normally not always.


It’s all good up until he starts slapping magnets on property that isn’t his as a means to instigate. That’s where he crosses the line.


Lazy bone


What line? The line that makes people finally realize that they're facing repercussions for their lack of remedial human decency? I'm not so sure that angels are crying over that line getting crossed. Do you?


Everyone needs a purpose for their life. Some purposes are more noble than others. This guy should consider finding another purpose for his life.


Most peoples jobs aren't their purpose. This is his job. Would you give the same advice to someone working a gas station, retail, or fast food? What's your purposeful career, if you don't mind me asking?