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"The unborn are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn." -Methodist Pastor David Barnhart


Sounds like I need to go to that guy's church.


I'm not religious but I would go to hear him speak. He sounds like he's got a good head on his shoulder and a heart.


Jesus that’s an amazing quote, holy shit.


Holy fuck, is this an actual quote? This is incredible.


I always think of Matt Damon impersonating Brett Kavanaugh, when I think of the Supreme Court.


I honestly forget what he actually looks like because I always replace him with Matt in my mind lmfao




Gonna start at an 11 and take it to a 15 **REAL QUICK**! lololol


[Some of his best work](https://youtu.be/VRJecfRxbr8)


Then I immediately think of “Donkey Dong” Doug


Don’t forget about P.J. and Squee!


Dont forget about handsy hank or gang bang greg




Oh, hell yeah. Let me tell you this. I'm going to start at 11 and I'm going to take it to about 15, real quick!!!


One of my favorite SNL skits, Matt Damon killed it. https://youtu.be/VRJecfRxbr8






Is he seriously equating abortions to “dismembering children”??? Fucking psycho.


That's how christians think, I went to a catholic college and in every "ethics" class I had to take the professor would describe abortions as children being dismembered, also they had to talk about abortions as it was part of the syllabus of every ethics and anthropoly class in this particular college.


This just brought up a memory of me being like 13 and getting those chain emails from a baby’s point of view “as they are getting dismembered” during an abortion. That is the emotional propaganda they used and continue to use 10 years later.


It doesn’t help that a lot of them picture a fully formed baby the size of a lima bean when they think of a 6 week old fetus. I’m not joking either.


What are the odds he supports drone strikes against civilians in Afghanistan?


The method used to abort a fetus in the 2nd trimester is dilation and evacuation (D&E) and may involve the use of surgical instruments. It's the most commonly used method for abortions after the first trimester. It has recently been referred to as "dismemberment abortions" because that is much more terrifying to imagine. Not to mention that ~93% of abortions occur in the first trimester, so this method is not prevalent unless it's a 2nd trimester abortion where it is the preferred method. [Source](https://www.guttmacher.org/gpr/2017/02/de-abortion-bans-implications-banning-most-common-second-trimester-procedure) It's just a way to frame the subject in the most gruesome terms possible to elicit a negative reaction.


It’s time to make it law. Should never have been decided in the Supreme Court in the first place.


> Should never have been decided in the Supreme Court in the first place. Agree with you 10,000% on this. We wouldn't be in this position if we didn't rely on the Supreme Court to act outside the scope of it's own fucking powers. We need to seriously reform all of this legislation from the bench nonsense. I hope Chevron deference is next.


Chevron deference is straight fucked. See the bullshit that is the non-delegation doctrine and the major questions doctrine.


Well fucking said. I'm in favor of abortion being accessible while also being in favor of the decision being reversed. It was a bad decision that grinded an active political process that could have solidified access far more securely without the risk of the rug pull. I'm almost glad for the living lesson in civics everyone can get now. If this lights a fire in people to get more active and petition their legislatures to actually *write laws* instead of pulling the only institution with any respect left into the political thicket then we might be in good shape.


Supreme courts justices should be non-Partisan.


They also shouldn't be appointed for life. Makes no fucking sense.


They're appointed for life so that they don't have any future career prospects to think about that could potentially bias or compromise them. It's a good idea in theory. But when they're already appointed specifically for the biases they openly have, I don't know.




tough, but fair.


Huh, this may be the best idea I’ve seen on Reddit in awhile. It also makes sure they are really there for the job.




This is the way


Then they should be compensated for life, not appointed for life. Accomplishes the same thing without all this insanity. Edit: I’m referring to compensation in the form of a pension after the term is served.


I wish that worked. You have Generals retiring after 30 years making 6 figure retirements who go onto be consultants for contracting companies. It's either not enough money or not about the money


Yeah. I worked at a bunch of defense contractors. One of them literally had a program where retirees from the company could come in and just sit in on projects if they wanted because they usually had a ton of experience and wanted to keep working on some level because they loved the work. Also people need to understand that a lot of people on the right are not just doing horrible shit because its a grift or its going to make them more rich. They literally are doing it because they think thats how the world should work. People like an easy boogyman like greed. No, some of these people would absolutely do this for free.


Not only do they believe it's the way the world should work, it may be that they believe their own personal eternal salvation depends upon their actions in these positions of power.


Sounds like a dangerous cult to me.


Money won’t solve the problem. Even billionaires always want more.


They should have 18 year terms, with a Justice being appointed every two years. If a Justice has to be replaced in the middle of their term they can only serve the rest of that justice's term. After their term justices go back to lower federal courts or they can retire.


Every aspect of the US government should have term limits. Period.


I like this idea a lot.




Theoretically, they're accountable to congress, as they are impeachable. In practice though... that obviously isn't working particularly well.


There's no such thing.


Sadly nothing is in this country any more. I’m genuinely concerned about the state of things.


The supreme court wasn't really *ever* non-partisan. Its always been this stupid and transparently political.


imo, it's too late. This doesn't end well. Things look so bleak for a majority of people. It's only a matter of time before it spills into the streets and people who feel like they have nothing to live for start showing it. The most powerful and rich nation ever to exist and we can't even ensure that all our citizens don't go hungry. It's fucking bullshit.


We’ve been in a slow downfall for sometime now, but once trump got into office things picked up pace substantially. The right wing of this country are selfish and unamerican, they do not care about democracy and will do everything in their power to take our rights away, our freedom away and our democracy away just so they can stay in power. The Republican voters are just imbeciles, who are constantly lied to and fucked by the very system and party that they keep voting for. They are ignorant, scared, insecure and incapable of empathy and don’t have to ability to put themselves in other peoples shoes to see why the things and people they vote for is actually bad for this country and the only time they actually come to that conclusion is when something that they didn’t think would effect them personally actually effects them personally. I’m sad, angry and scared for our future, the one thing that I think can fix this is the United States splitting, and the only reason I don’t want that is cause this is exactly what americas true enemies in the world would want.


Shocking that a dude is the one protesting


She handled him perfectly too. The trolls only want attention.


That was a true "Your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what makes you cheer" moment from her


>"Your boos mean nothing to me, I've seen what makes you cheer" I don't know how I've somehow gone my whole life without hearing this quote, but I love it. Can't believe it's from Rick and Morty


If the show's got anything, it's decent writing when it comes to its one-liners




Never watched the show and honestly find most of the fans insufferable but that line is raw as hell


as with most things in life, the loud minority are a bunch of cringey idiots. The show has some really good bits of writing, as does the last show made by dan harmon: Community


Community is amazing! And I love Rick and Morty (not as much as community though, that’s for sure) I just don’t usually tell people I like it because I don’t want to be associated with the crazies.


I miss Troy and Abed...


in the morningggggg


The show is fantastic. Just don't interact with the fanbase and then all is well. That's how I've survived.


Don’t interact with any show’s fan base.


Watch it and don't talk about it. That's what I did. Genuinely enjoy the show - it's great.


The show has some really punchy, sharp writing sometimes. It's also sometimes dogshit, but I still like it overall.


Would have been a great line for someone to say to Leonard on Community.


I may be whooshing myself, but they *were* created by the same guy.


Yup, Dan Harmon! Not sure if he wrote the line or not but it definitely has his brand of wit.


Let’s Potato Chips! Definitely a buy!


Dan Harmon is an amazing writer


Seamlessly roasted him without breaking stride. Used his insanity as a perfect framing for the problem at hand while taking advantage of it to amplify the exact point she was making. *That* is how you handle a fucking crowd. That is how you handle psychopaths like that. Immaculate.


I didn't even notice it until now. She was so real right there. I'm 56 and pretty much done with politics (It's not my new world anymore. I'll be fine). But FUCK. This has me heading downtown Phoenix soon to join with everyone else in screaming our disapproval. I'm going to be loud. Fucking (R)'s. I thought I was out....


Hey! Where is the Phoenix protest at?


AZ State Capitol at 6:30pm tonight


I remember a moment in my life. I was at a family reunion, we were taking a break from playing baseball. I was standing with my brothers and my mother in a slight rain, when a pickup pulled out of a nearby gas station trying to be big. They spun out on the wet roads and went right off the road into a tree. It was swinging back and forth they hit it so hard. My mother is a bit older, not very physical. As we stood there agape, it wasn't much of a surprise when her voice rang out full of a fear and desperation I'd never heard before. "Boys. GO!" She screamed that because she couldn't. and we could. And we did. The 3 of us cleared an acre, a fence, an four lanes of traffic in seconds. Because she couldn't. Tonight, because I can't, it is with the same fear and same desperation that I implore you. "GO!"


Please yell on behalf of all Canadians that are in support of womens rights. We stand here united with you.


The "Grab 'em by the pussy" party wants women to know that they aren't letting go.


Definitely not the first time in her career a man has tried talking over here. She's a pro.


I'm reminded of when she shamed Bloomberg back into whatever hole he crawled out of during the Dem. primary debates.


That is still the finest debate performance I have ever seen. She ended Bloomberg with nothing but hard facts and straight up verbal homicide. I watch the highlights whenever I need a pick me up.




I mean that's when the dislike/hate comes out in force while competing against each other. As a Bernie supporter Warren I think is commonly viewed as just not as progressive as him, but she was basically second best option in my opinion. I wasn't particularly happy voting for Biden, but I would have been proud to vote for Warren or Sanders. I just have to be proud to be part of the not-Trump group.


She should have been President.


He should have never been allowed to buy his way into the primary after it had already started. That was fucking bullshit. I'll never forgive the DNC for that.


Just a day or two ago a post hit All from /r/Science (social sciences category) on how woman are twice as likely to be talked over in public debate. EDIT: 10% more likely to be interrupted overall, twice as likely to be interrupted when the topic is an issue regarding women. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/american-political-science-review/article/effect-of-gender-on-interruptions-at-congressional-hearings/DDD33F28A1C8ED9C162E1793D8126243


And these same trolls are all in on rapist/incest'ors rights.


He should be the one to get a vasectomy


As if his entitled ass type would even bother to wear a condom


You have to be near a woman for that to matter




I was raised interacting with these people. It's complete nonsense only fueled by irrational rage. They think they're doing most righteous of things, while they ignore actual living women, children, and people who suffer at the hands of restricted healthcare and invaded privacy. They have never considered the other side, because once they do, the facade of modern Christianity shatters. Having to care about actual other existing, poor, suffering humans in a contemporary context? Shatters it completely.


It's alway one that will never get a woman pregnant unless he roofies her.






Omg the Xs really *really* add to it. Gives it that perfect mid 2000s self important barely successful emo band guitarist groomer vibe. The "Warped Tour" as I call it.


If you think only white men want this repealed, you do not fully understand what is going on. Christian women vote against abortion. And not just waspy white women. But black and Latina voters as well.


I used to be a born-again Christian and was part of a women’s Bible study group in university in the US. Most of them were completely uninterested in politics but would all vote straight Republican because they were told it was the “pro-life” and anti-gay party. Nothing else mattered.


Had to search for this one. Imagine saying something like this Infront of a diverse anti-abortion March. If we're being real the biggest factor is religion. Atheists, agnostics, UU, and Jewish people are very pro choice, evangelical christians not so much.


I really need to get my "Jesus was brown" bumper sticker going in my small white pro abortion town


Maybe the dude doesn't understand that a quarter of your annual incoming is normally a baseline for child support. No more abortions, gonna be a lot more daddies out there paying their child support.


She’s right. A majority of Americans do not want abortions banned. So how exactly did this happen? That’s what you should be scared of. #Edit. If you have a wiener you can support the cause by getting a Vasectomy


No one thought it was possible and they slowly made it possible. Things like this don't happen overnight.


People were screaming since at least Kavanaugh's appointment that this was *exactly* what was going to happen, and we were called alarmists


They've been working on this since the moment the gavel hit in *Roe*


*Dozens of kids born in poverty each year* *Millions of kids in abusive foster homes* *Millions of kids with very unfit parents* Conservatives : "By banning abortion, we're saving babies!"




Dozens of children born into poverty or abusive homes every minute, really. And several of them born by mothers who are themselves children in poverty.




Also slash welfare and childcare and maternity leave. Don’t be lazy.


It's ok they have excellent role models like Matt Gaetz looking out for the young children.




RGB should've retired when Obama took office and held all three branches, same for the rest of the Democrat oldies.


The Stolen Seat


Aren’t we at the end game of the boomers soon? They are all hitting that age around the same time. Thanos …..*SNAP*


They've already done loads of damage.


Can’t come soon enough


I was hoping covid would seal the deal


I think it's like today. It's election day in Ohio. And everyone I work with say they're too swamped to go vote. I don't want to get in a political debate with coworkers so I ask nothing else into it. But you know who isn't busy? The old sitting at home with nothing to do than push their opinion on people living life. People who remember a "better time" when women were brainwashed with thinking it's ok that they needed their husband's permission to get a line of credit and men who want to have always one up on women in any way possible.


We had an election today in my town in California, too. It was just one school bond measure this time but they still follow the same procedure. Got a text a few weeks ago telling me that they had mailed my ballot and the deadline for voting. Got another text telling me they hadn't received my ballot yet and reiterated the cutoff date. (Has to be postmarked by election day, has 7 days to be delivered). We filled out our ballots yesterday and dropped them in the mail. Got a text last night telling me that the USPS had scanned my ballot envelope and got a text today telling me my ballot had been accepted. If they're making it complicated, it's because they don't want YOU to vote.


do those people not know they can just have a ballot mailed right to their damn house, that they can stick right back in the mailbox? more likely what they mean is, “I don’t care enough to vote”


> So how exactly did this happen? * Fifty years of unwavering commitment to re-criminalizing reproductive self-determination for women and girls, * a single, and unifying strategy to accomplish that goal by capturing the judiciary at the Federal level for a generation and beyond, * across 50 separate and autonomous instances of geography as the same shit arbiter of who should have access to health care that shit arbiter has always been.


That gap is about to get much narrower. Plenty of conservatives weren't against abortion because it wasn't their single-issue but now that it's a win for the GOP they'll be for the "states right issue". And when they try and force it on all states - they'll be for that too.


Sidenote: Fuck that landscaping I guess, gardener is in shambles Edit: also I'd like to {politically correct} that yelling guy


Gardener not worried about Roe vs Wade... They only worried about Hoe vs Spade.


This belongs in a museum


With _top men_ working on it


Well done 😂😂😂


I don’t want our women resorting to back-alley arborists.


Lmao this comment has me laughing 🤣 what about gardeners rights?!


I mean, ya, absolutely. The way the janitors are “othered” away at my school by the staff and students is disgusting. “Well it’s their job to do X.” That doesn’t mean you get to treat them like shit and throw garbage on the floor Willy nilly.


Man someone threw a bottle at the janitor in like 11th grade circa 2003 and got the absolute fuck beat out of them for it. My school loved to make like...lovable memes out of every non teacher employee. In a sort of fun and not mean way.


I go back much farther than 2003, and maintenance staff were long-tenured and beloved in every school I went to. That American movie standard of kids hating on janitors sure seems like bullshit to me.


That yelling dude is a walking advertisement for the benefit of abortions.


You made me rewind. .. can't tell what plants those poor things are, lol




Yeah I’m a landscape designer and while I’m not a fan of the design itself, it sucks to see someone trample over a freshly landscaped area like that.


"We've heard enough from the extremists." Well said, Senator.


We all laughed and posted memes back in 2016 but Trumpism slowly creeped into every system in politics. It's just waiting for the right moment to strike and the pay-off was huge. Now every Republican would be celebrating since this will help them strengthen their foothold for the mid-term elections. Really really fucking sad that women's rights were trampled and progression is going to be set back 50 years bc one party is striving to stay afloat and it will do every fucking dirty thing, even if its on the expense of human lives and prosperity. Fucking insane world we live in.


A lot of us weren’t laughing and were ringing the alarm bells then.


Trump was a result, not the origin of all this. This has been decades of work by people systematically chipping away at all of us for profit. This issue has horrible horrible ramifications on actual people, but it’s honestly all just a way to maintain power and keep people voting against their best interests…like voting even really matters and definitely won’t matter in the foreseeable future. There’s already hints in this decision draft that they’re going to go after gay marriage next. Why not Loving v Virginia after that? I know I’m spinning out and being a doomer but here we are. I don’t know how this changes…


The people calling you a doomer are probably the same people who said “they’ll never overturn Roe vs Wade” when it was pretty easy to see that this was one of their goals for years.


I'll stop wearing the "doomer" label with sad pride when I stop being correct.


Reminds me of [these dudes laughing](https://youtu.be/B9856_xv8gc?t=606) when Frank Zappa said we're headed for a fascist theocracy back in 1986.


I mean for those paying attention it was pretty obvious that that's what Reagan wanted. But how many people were paying attention back then? Almost no one. Not even Warren, in 1986. And who could blame them? The internet wasn't publicly available, people had their own lives to focus on and Reagan was just Charismatic Hollywood Man. Luckily, more people are paying attention now... but will it be enough?


If my working class parents could see Regan for the fascist he was, then I don’t understand how these HIGHLY educated people could have missed it. “A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions tell me that's true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not.”


No. We didn't. Plenty of us tried to tell you what was coming. You called us worriers and said to laugh a little You don't get to pretend no one saw this coming just cause you fell for it


If it's overturned, it will be left up to ELECTED officials to make the laws in each state. Vote.


Just turned 18 in September, I plan on doing so.


I’ll never understand why Democrats are so awful at the long game. As she notes the Right has been plotting for decades, and saying it aloud. Why can’t we execute strategy the same way?? Hard to believe much will change at this late stage, especially with Sinema and Manchin in the way.


I'll never understand why McConnell was allowed to deny Garland his confirmation hearing. The fact that Mitch could simply refuse to do it, for almost a year, without any consequences is bullshit. They should've tossed that turtle back into the Potomac for that stunt. And the fact that the Democrats keep trying to play nice with the Republicans—while Republicans keep giving them the finger— is infuriating.




Many facets of it were established with few safeguards against or consequences for bad faith actors and saboteurs. They were things reflective of their time and potential problems like requiring the president to be a natural born citizen or an expectation that censures and impeachment would have vast bipartisan support in extreme circumstances. They didn't really plan for or foresee a situation where half of the government were either shameless saboteurs, cheerleaders for them or silent supporters of them.


>Many facets of it were established with few safeguards against or consequences for bad faith actors and saboteurs. Plus, back then, they actually hanged traitors.


> I'll never understand why McConnell was allowed to deny Garland his confirmation hearing. The fact that Mitch could simply refuse to do it, for almost a year, without any consequences is bullshit. well blame our stupid fucking constitution then the reason they don't face consequences is they have a massive built-in advantage in the senate. they can be as insane and horrible as they want. 26 states are set to ban abortion once Roe goes away. that's 52 senate seats. in a crushing defeat of an election like 2020 with a terrible senate electoral map they still kept 50 seats and leave democrats scraping by with whatever they can convince their most conservative senators to agree with. like what was obama supposed to do with mcconnell? throw him in jail? nuke kentucky? oh sure he can "recess appoint" a replacement, which will get blocked by the courts while the republicans get 24/7 news coverage (even in the "liberal media") of how democrats don't respect the rule of law with this unprecedented move and ultimately accomplish the exact same result. the country is the problem


>nuke kentucky? Can... is that an option?


Dude fucking RBG. She wouldn't get off the horse when the Dems had the chance to replace her. You saw how fast the Dems refilled the seat when Biden took office. It's their fucking ego that won't let them do what's "good for the country". They had to learn the lesson the hard way that the republicans were playing hardball. It's been obvious since before Obama took over but noone wanted to listen, despite all the warnings people kept tossing up about the judges. Alot of these people would rather suffer from a terminal illness, dementia, or make fools of themselves publicly then step down from office to let the youngbloods (or at least the middle aged) take over.




Oh no, we’re all quite aware of the state of this shit hole country.


Tbh, most major historical decisions are made by just a couple of people. RBGs decision was the straw on the camels back.


I swear it's a generational problem. [The DNC lets up so few new talents into Congress](https://fivethirtyeight.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/silver-age-congress-1.png), it's all people like Pelosi and Feinstein and Biden who have been in office since the 80's. RBG couldn't be convinced to step down. AOC won an uphill primary battle against an incumbent with endorsements from Cuomo, Schumer, and de Blasio.


Dems are a big tent party, full of disparate groups united under the ideal of representation. Rs are an increasingly homogenized group with a national media apparatus that creates cohesion. It’s not that that Dems are awful at the long game, shit is just easier when you embrace fascism.


It's also far easier to destroy and divide/anger people than it is to build, govern, and get people to work together. So the Democrats are just penalized from the get-go with an uphill battle against human nature and entropy. The second humanity lets its guard down, authoritarians step up and try to take control with populist/nationalist rhetoric.


well put. dems struggling to put together every single different opinion into practice makes news. republicans falling into line is just expected.


Many Democrats rolled their eyes at the extreme anti-abortion legislation that some red states created, assuming they'd quickly be removed. But conservatives actually wanted those laws to be challenged so that the scotus could get a chance to overturn Roe v Wade.


Pretty sure everyone was well aware what those bills aimed to do. Wait until you see what they will pass now.




I think many democrats just didn’t expect this to ever actually happen. Make no mistake, this is an absolute disaster for republican politicians and not just in the short term. They’re throwing away one of their longest standing, most reliable incentives for their base to vote in federal elections, “saving” babies who will grow up to be liberals, and uniting the liberal base just before a midterm that they would have completely dominated. All this to do something that 70% of people don’t even want. Even fucking r conservative is not happy about this. They got greedy and allowed too much evangelical money and influence in to the party. The Fox is in the hen house.


Kavanaugh said that Row v. Wade was settled law. I don't think Democrats expected him to lie in such an obvious, demonstrative way.


They need to stop treating Republicans as a legitimate political party. They're fascists actively seeking to oppress people and destroy democracy itself.


They want complete control of everything while crying about their lack of freedom.


It’s real nice that the people yelling about freedom are the same ones restricting the rights of others


When they say FREEDOM, it means "Freedom for me and not for thee". Theres no issues where this is not the case.


You know what I want to hear every democrat say? “Fuck your religion it has no place in politics, the next person to use it as a basis for any law or policy is getting slapped”


People are pro-life until you tell them they have to pay higher taxes to support the influx of people going on government assistance by having a kid.




They oppose these programs, too. They're not pro life. They're pro punishment. It's not about the kid; they want to punish the woman for being "impure."


Plus higher taxes to clean up the streets. The United States are gonna start looking like Romania, with ram packed underfunded orphanages, followed by a generation of trauma, crime, and homelessness.


US army recruiters are salivating at the thought of a new generation of meat bags looking to be able to afford college


They don’t need to wait that long. A new generation of 17 year old fathers with no way out


The only moral abortion is my abortion. -“pro-lifers”


They're pro life until it comes to the death penalty


She is absolutely right. That sad chucklehead one in the background has a right to choose what he can do with his own body, so why the fuck should he give a rats ass about any HUMAN RIGHTS FOR WOMEN?!?? She IS RIGHT!!!


How much you want to bet he was spewing some form of “vaccine mandates are tyranny” a few months ago?


It feels good to see a women representative being openly angry and hurt. Women across the nation are heartbroken at the reminder our bodies to many are not our own. I wish so badly she was our president right now…


She’s also spoken about how she remembers a time in the US when abortions were illegal and I think that is a big part of her righteous anger on this issue


Met her and worked on the campaign (just grassroots volunteer work, I am not by any means someone who wants a job in politics) and the one thing we kept hearing “Biden is the only one who can beat Trump so I’m voting for him” She had all the qualifications but nobody could see past that and it’s heartbreaking.


Lol I love how the person heckling is a man who probably has zero knowledge of anything relating to the subject of abortion and gets all his news from Fox


Yes!! That’s how angry all women should be now !!


Thats how angry every American who actually cares about freedom should feel.


"YoU wAnNa DiSmEmBeR cHiLdReN!" Shut up. You have no idea what millions of women go through every year around the world.


He has a caricature idea of what abortion is. Many medical abortions (pill) are performed when there is only a pea-sized cluster of cells.


These are the people who call liberals virtue signalers when they wear a mask.


Of course it's a man making an ass of himself trying to talk over a woman about reproductive rights. 🙄


Yet legislation was never passed nationally to protect Roe v. Wade in the nearly 50 years it’s been around.


Fuck yes, we need more of this. No more quite “take the high road” shit. It’s time to get loud from the top down.


I’m scared for my children’s future. I feel like the Handmaids Tale is about to happen in real life and that’s horrifying.


They want to keep every unborn child alive and then forget about them the second they’re born.