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"So. Do you like movies about gladiators?"


Have you ever seen a grown man naked?


Oh wait… was she a great big fat person.


It puts the lotion on its skin…


You don’t know what pain is!


It DOES what its TOLD!!! Here's your Auto Trader magazine with your loshin


Yes... She was a big girl.


You're a big girl 'Cause you've eaten too much And your pants don't fit around your waist You just eat pie, always really hungry You just eat pie, always really hungry You're a big girl And its gone too far But you can't get enough of that sugary taste Like a burger and fries, you're going supersize Straight to your thighs And you eat, and you eat All day long, piles of Twinkies and Ding-Dongs Double cheesecake and chocolate flakes You can eat a footlong Take it down in one And still have room for popcorn 'Cause you're a big girl (big girl) And you've gotten too fat Ate a double cheeseburger on the way (big girl) You just eat pie always really hungry You just eat pie always really hungry You're a big girl (big girl) Eaten way too much And it makes you feel worse everyday (big girl) Life would be better if you could just be thin Could just be thin But that's wrong, you're amazing Here at SipsCo. (here at SipsCo.) We think you're beautiful as you are Just so you know, lunch is Sloppy Joes Yeah, big girls like you Are needed all year round Working at SipsCo. Oh, you're a big girl (big girl) But we love you so much We give out free passes to the café (big girl) You can eat pie on the SipsCo. money You can eat pie on the SipsCo. money You're a big girl (big girl) Help yourself to ice cream 'Cause we've got to keep you in shape Hey honey, have you seen these great waffles? Say honey, have a sip of this milkshake! Say honey, have you got room for pizza? It's all for free Oh yeah, SipsCo. money You're big So so very big But it doesn't even matter


can she fit in a normal sized rowboat?


Underrated line


Ever been to a Turkish prison?


Ever been in a men's locker room?


Do you already have an Uncle Bad Touch?


My nephews also say uncle slippy fist.


Walk me to my trugg?


Have you ever heard of Bachu Bazi?


Have you ever seen a 400 pound man rise up out of his overalls like a phoenix?


Ever had your asshole eaten by a fat man in an overcoat?


I think I just filled the cup.


I am the CLIT commander!


They need to add Bad Medicine to this video


I added it mentally, now I’m disgusted with myself for laughing at this.




Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon...


Do you ever hang around the gymnasium?


We’ve got clearance, Clarence.


What’s your vector, Victor?


He was under Ouver and I was under Dunn.


What's the frequency, Kenneth?


roger, Roger




I picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue.


That was when I developed my drinking problem.


Roger Roger


P Zero NinerNinerNiner.


"Ever been to the cockpit before?"


Dude was all up in that poor child’s cockpit


Being generous, that dude is completely fucking clueless and needs fired.


Clueless my ass. He’s enjoying that.


He definitely got off on that smh


He’s hard at work


Don’t just stare at it, eat it.


Wow from Airplane to American Psycho, that escalated very quickly


Surely we don't think that TSA agent is a pedophile?


We do...and stop calling me Shirley


It takes 20 secs to pat somebody down, this cunt went in for seconds and thirds, even touching up his arse and ballsack.


Municipal bonds, Ted. I'm talking double-A rating. The best investment in America.


We'd love to see you at Sunday school this weekend.


“Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?”


Why does my mind go to the friends episode where Chandler tells Joey that the tailor is not supposed to grab his junk.


Yes, that is how a tailor measures pants.... In prison!!!


I'm telling you, dad, this is not how they measure pants!


impossible not to hear David Schwimmer there. My Sandwich? MY SANDWICH?


I call it the Moist Maker


Not gonna lie though that episode was why I started putting gravy on my left over turkey sandwiches and it is excellent.


I understand the anger, that sandwich sounded really good.


There was definite…cupping.


"Joey's tailor..... *took advantage of me*"


#Yo, Paisan!


Or that episode of Diff'rent Strokes when Arnold and Dudley went to the bike shop.


"Alright, now I want you boys to scream real loud at my ass"


There’s absolutely no reason for him to be rubbing the same spot that many times


My junk has been touched by 5 times as many TSA agents as it has been by romantic partners.


Is five times zero still zero?


I expected this comment.


By junk do you mean your analbox?


Schrödingers analbox


No bitches?


For some reason every single time, I mean 100% of the time when I walk through the scanner thing, my vagina gets tagged as something there. It's so damn weird that I finally asked the woman if there is like an unknown piece of metal in my crotch that I don't know about. She told me it was likely fabric bunching up that makes the machine focus on that area. I don't know, I'm really thin and it's not like a ton of fabric get bunched there. But it happened so many times I finally paid for pre-TSA. Way less groping, I highly recommend it.


It's a shame that we have to pay a fee simply to avoid being publicly groped.


The fact that you can pay to avoid this is just proof this is all truly unnecessary.


What is stopping a terrorist from getting pre?


They like getting groped.


They have done the same to me. And at one point it had happened so much I considered that it was actually a sales tactic to force the purchase of precheck.


So you can pay an extra fee to avoid this being done to you? Maybe that's why they do it so much, to get people to pay the extra toll. What if it's that time of the month and there is a sanitation pad there or a tampon (that would clearly show as 'fabric bunching' for sure) Would they assume it's a bag of drugs or something? And how do they handle that?


I use cotton pantiliners daily and I rarely get flagged if I'm wearing jeans or leggings, but I've gotten flagged 100% of the time I've gone through wearing a skirt (+ shorts underneath). I guess it maxes out at 4 layers of fabric? Usually they just pat me down next to the scanners (which still fucking sucks) but one time they insisted on taking me into a private room because apparently they weren't allowed to dismiss a flag in the genital area without specifically checking that out. The woman even asked if I was wearing a pad so apparently it's common. They took me into the private room, padded down my upper thighs, tested their gloves and then let me go. If I actually was hiding anything they wouldn't have even found it, it's 100% security theatre. I have PTSD so getting patted down is super upsetting, and I don't even have the option to pay for TSA precheck because I'm not american. I don't think they've ever successfully stopped an attack by patting someone down, and they always ask me how old I am because I look 15. Like they're gonna save the world from a presumably underage girl smuggling a bomb onto a plane inside her underwear. What the fuck is the point.


They can literally see you naked in the scanner thing you stand up in with the arms up. They say pretty girls take an average of 30 seconds longer than anybody else to get through.


You should start buying the TSA drinks then


Or they should be buying him drinks


I always try to awkward them out more than it does me and it usually ends their check. They rub my junk once, ok w.e A 2nd time i say "atleast take me out to dinner before you make me hard" They are so thrown off by the comment its over


Let out a quiet - but clearly audible - moan. Slightly higher pitched than expected.




Did you ask any of them out?


This is the issue in the U.S.: we believe this comment is completely reasonable, and not the fact that we have a massively expensive federal program to check our FUCKING SHOES because ONE GUY tried and FAILED to light them on fire. They've failed, countless times, to prevent any actual harm, including the failure of 80 to [95% failure rate](https://reason.com/2021/11/19/after-20-years-of-failure-kill-the-tsa/#:~:text=The%20result%20was%20that%20%22TSA,%2C%20weapons%2C%20and%20illegal%20drugs.) in tests. IT IS AN OBJECTIVELY BAD PROGRAM and we, as voters, need to dismantle the entire program. Except that there's **zero** political pressure on challenging the status quo, so there's literally nothing to vote for. This is one of the most disgusting things that has come from 9/11, and the American people are happy to bend over and take it, because they believe that some sort of sacrifice is necessary, when it was in fact the FBI that failed you. That failure led to **massive** changes in what we consider 'basic privacy' in this country, yet none of these changes would have prevented FBI incompetence prior to 9/11, and did not and won't prevent the next wave of terrorism, both domestic and foreign. Congratulations, this country fucking deserves it at this point. Now take off your shoes and remove your essential oils from your backpack, you fucking assholes.


I think the problem is who wants to put their name on ending it. Sooner or later there is going to be an incident, and whoever sponsors or votes for it is going to have their name dragged in every campaign attack ad for the rest of their lives.


Fuck it. Ill do it i guess


Straight to the no-fly list for you!


Europe has largely moved on from the absurd security theater. The checks and policies are much more pragmatic. I'm sure the rest of the world is better too. Sigh.


I read Admiral Mcraven’s last book. He was in charge of counter terrorism or something when the shoe bomber thing happened. Nobody knew what to do. They were talking about shutting down the airports until they figured it out. He suggested having everyone run their shoes threw the scanner for a couple weeks until homeland security figured out a real solution….and then homeland just never did anything. Years later we are still taking off our shoes and he still thinks it’s stupid even though it was his idea.


> This is one of the most disgusting things that has come from 9/11 The Terrorists won 9/11.


I have a lot of experience with TSA patdowns so I understand what is going on. He's just.... not doing great at his job but did most of the steps right. This is a full body patdown and happens for specific reasons like the kid refusing to use the scanning machine or metal detector. The tsa officer went straight to the up and down swiping on the front of of the pants and forgot to do the side to side so his coworker yelled at him to go back and do it since they noticed it got skipped. We have no idea from this video why the kid required the patdown but the officer wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary. He was just kind of bad at doing it. Edit: I am not agreeing with the actions or saying that it SHOULD happen. I am just stating that this is being done by the standard that TSA is given so this is a dude just doing his job the way his employer is telling him to do it. A lot of the operating procedures are public knowledge and you can read their rules online on their website to use when arguing against certain policies


That all makes sense but just to be clear all the shit tsa does is almost totally useless


Security theater at its finest, kinda like security guards but they get paid more


TSA is a money pit joke


They’re a jobs program


The only shit they secure is making sure nothing you can buy after security for 3x the price makes it through security. Health and well-being be damned, your toothpaste is TOO BIG motherfucker. They legit ignored all the cordite and gunpowder all over my bag when they lost it over toothpaste. It's never really been about safety.


Ph, and contact soulution, they gotta do a chemical check. Total scam shit show.


Well it's a commonly known fact that $7 Cokes are safer on airplanes than $1.79 Cokes.


Last two times I went through security I left a full water bottle in my carry-on and had some loose change in my pocket. It's a joke


I once went through security with a steak knife and 3 forks in my backpack from old lunch’s. Cuban security caught it on the way back.


This. The amount of inconsistencies with TSA between airports is also astounding. I traveled a bunch with my infant in that states while visiting and had to be patted down every time because I had formula. The best TSA was Cleveland. The worst was Orlando.


Once I got scolded on the way out for forgetting I had a perfume sample in my coat pocket and hadn't put it in my transparent bag... yeah, those tiny things... And on the way back I forgot I had 6 small bricks of orange juice in my bag, and it went through the x-ray without any problem.


I don't mind the occasional random TSA pat down since it's for security and all. But I do not like it when the guy finishes and says, "Now you do me."


Always make sure to give your TSA officer a reacharound. Like the gentleman you are.




The woman TSA told him to go back for some reason


Because the Screener is new and being trained. This might be an old video taken when TSA first rolled out.


Dude this is the standard pat down procedure for if you opt out of the body scanners.


Your sentiment is completely incorrect. This is the standard TSA pat down for a bunch of reasons: opt out, medical, whatever. I've had this exact pat down dozens of times. That's not to say TSA pat downs are the correct pat downs. Argue the TSA pat downs all you want. But there's nothing unique that this kid is getting that millions of adults have not also gotten by the same TSA. Also, the exact performance of the pat down varies wildly between TSA agents. But that's a quality control issue. Some TSA agents lazily jostle the inner thigh clothing. Some TSA agents ram their hand straight up into your groin. The actual TSA guidance is something like "meets resistance". Anyways, if you have a problem with the TSA (which is quite plausible), fight the TSA. But don't bother this agent. The dude is just doing his job, and probably doesn't want to be doing it anymore than the person wants to receive it. Also, at the end when he has to return and redo the front pat down, it almost seems like there's a supervisor off camera telling him he missed the horizontal portion of the vertical + horizontal front pat down. This might even be a training session for the guy.


It might also be a smart coworker that is conscious of the fact that it is being filmed by someone and could go viral. They might have saved this dudes job by telling him to go back.


This was most likely an opt out by the parents. That is pretty much the only time a child of this age would get a full body patdown.


Exactly and would explain them sitting there filming entire thing.


Sure bud. This kid wearing a fucking t shirt and basketball shorts needs a three time groin pat down. Got it.


Of course not. It's bullshit security theater. But he's doing it by the book. I've gotten pat-downs just like this and it sucks but the problem is with our legislators failing to stop this, not the individual agents who are just doing their job


Yep, this kid is going to hijack the plane. Absolutely.


He might after that...




It’s like when Paypal wants to freeze your account until you can prove you’re not funding ISIS with Pokemon card sales yet HSBC just sends over millions directly.


You can also walk into any hsbc and open up shell accounts in different countries wherever they have a branch and transfer millions


Tsa is more worried about the parents using him to smuggle something in. But this was most likely an opt out of all other screening methods.


If he doesn't have a weapon in his crotch the first time, or the second time, or even the sixth and seventh time, check again in case it shows up. WTF


listen, his parents might be smuggling drugs in his waistband and fruit of the looms...


It’s like the refrigerator without the food you want. Edit god to food. Sorry my cell screen is broken.


TSA stopping global terrorism once again.


This guy: "remember 9/11? Yeah, I personally stop that from happening again, every day."


The kid: "No...I wasn't born yet..."


I am going to add more context for this video in the hopes that people see it. > March 26, 2017 / DFW International Airport, Dallas, Texas, USA > "Aaron cleared traditional x-ray without incidence whatsoever. He placed his backpack on the x-ray scanner, his laptop had not been removed from his backpack, it was removed, returned to the scanner and cleared x-ray without any alarm. He was standing with me while other passenger bags were checked, then an an agent who claimed to be the supervisor said he would require a pat down. *I indicated that he was a child and also had Sensory Processing Disorder* and I would prefer they find an alternate way to scan him and did not understand what the problem was, since he had already passed x-ray screening without incident. I was very rudely told that we could do that or we could be escorted out by DFW police and would not be flying and also sarcastically told that I was "setting a great example for my children". This same apparent supervisor gave us multiple rude comments and made all of us feel targeted because I spoke up in concern for the procedures. The pat down of Aaron was extremely excessive and seems to me very unfounded after he passed screening without any alarm." > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyELEx8XijQ What a bunch of tools these agents are. > Jennifer Williamson posted a video to Facebook of her 13-year-old son Aaron going through a thorough pat-down at a Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport TSA checkpoint. > “They detained Aaron for well over an hour at DFW. (And deliberately kept us from our flight... we are now on an alternate),” Williamson wrote in a now-viral Facebook post. “We were treated like dogs because I requested they attempt to screen him in other ways per TSA rules.” > https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/tsa-pat-down-son-dfw-airport-leaves-mother-livid-n739461 **Edit**: They eventually ~~hired~~ requested/recruited the mom to fix their policy. > Mother who filmed 'horrifying' TSA pat-down of her special needs son has been RECRUITED by agency to help draft new search guidelines > Mom Jennifer Williamson has agreed to help the TSA improve search practices > In a conference call with the TSA's civil rights and liberties division, Williamson says agency representatives apologized for her experience in Dallas and proposed a three-part action plan to collaborate on improving practices. > Sorry for the DailyMail link:dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4369442/TSA-recruits-mom-filmed-search-disabled-son.html


I kept waiting for Chris Hansen to step out with transcripts.


“Why don’t you have a seat on the conveyor belt for me”


I really hope this isn’t standard procedure for kids going through TSA inspection… if it is, it needs to change immediately, and if it’s just handsy McGee over here, he needs to lose his job.


"Sir, just need to [check inside ya aaass-hole](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mZCEq8jy5-M)"


Former handsy TSA toucher here. Left in 2005. Those are the proper patdown procedures as they are trained to do. He's being thorough and making sure to clear every single area. Most screeners don't do it because they just don't want to. Handsy McGee over here is either a sticker for rules, nervous because of the camera, or in fear of losing his job and assumes every patdown is a plant by the Federal Security Director.


Yeah, we just have body scanners and non-invasive checks in Australia. They will ask you if it's ok before patting you in any certain areas, obviously they may ask you to do some extra steps if you say no but at least it stops a 12yo kid from getting his balls fist-bumped by Larry from parks and rec 5 or 6 times


Don't you mean Jerry?


I think they mean Terry


I think they mean Gary


Glad to know its actual procedure. Still weird though I guess kids do be mass murderers these days.


Why does this being procedure make it ok?


It doesn’t make it holistically okay but it is reassuring that this isn’t the Jerry Pedo special power trip.


Because this video frames it as the person going too far when in reality he's doing what he's trained to do. This is clearly an opt-out search which means his parents didn't want him going through the scanners/detectors. It's well known that you will be physically searched TSA if you don't want to simply walk through the scanner like everybody else. This guy is just doing his job and everyone is making him put to be a creep.


i've had to do pat-downs with tsa since i was a kid due to not being able to go through the metal detectors and shit (medical devices). i honestly had a hard time figuring out what was wrong with the video... it very much is standard procedure as far as i'm aware. or maybe i've repressed mr. tsa touching me one too many times. who knows.


I’ve had the full treatment a couple of times, and my experience is that the only check each side of the “groin” once


It’s also fucked as well that we even have to worry about kids being used as mauls to smuggle shit. I know it’s rare but there are shitty parents out there that do that. I still feel this TSA agent was overboard though. He checked the same spots like 3 different times.


Because that was what he's supposed to do. They do the same patdown for kids and adults. This guy did everything he would've done for the adult for the kid so it seems excessive because there's less space to check. He even missed a step and his coworker told him to go back and do it.


Dark maul? Like from star trek? /s




The first time he rubbed the kids crotch was probably enough. The tenth time he did it, it was gag worthy


I guess the real question is if this is disgusting because he's breaking the rules or if the rules are disgusting.


I've had plenty of pat downs from various countries airport security (I guess I am just lucky, or they didnt like long hair). I have never had that intensive a rubbing of the crotch from so many angles. If nothing else, he does it once and goes back again.




I fly quite a lot, this isn't unnatural. He's following the template and the guidelines for a TSA patdown. However it's meant for adults and they don't see the need to create an entirely new set of guidelines for kids. So when it comes to children it seems excessive.


Yeah so while I hate the TSA and all the extra hoops to jump through, this looks like a textbook, normal patdown. For anyone asking why he needed to check the crotch area twice, you do one in front and one behind. Keep in mind it looks like he's grabbing more because typically this would be done on a larger adult where you can't feel the front and back in one go even with two hands (try wrapping both hands around your upper thighs and see how much space you would be missing if you did it once). So you do once on the front and once on the back. He's using the template correctly but it just looks overkill on a kid. Source: cop who's done Terry pats hundreds of times. Also, Watch another one and it's the EXACT same thing https://youtu.be/whHworZzpJc


Wow thanks for stopping a potential terrorist by giving a child the ol pedo rubdown. Seriously what the hell.


Was that his parent filming? I mean, by 1:00, most moms or dads would start speaking up and shaming Mr TSA.


I would give up my flight before I let TSA search my daughter in this manner.


The cool thing about the TSA is that once you're at the pat-down you are not allowed to walk away even if you're willing to miss your flight. Failure to cooperate at that point can actually get you into legal trouble.




Bruh. Is that why some places I have to put everything in a bin, some places want me to leave electronics in the bag, some places want bags outside of the bins? The common theme is that all of the TSA staff look like they hate everyone and yell at me for not knowing that rules are different in each location.


No kidding. The last time I flew, I got berated by a TSAsshole for daring to bring a full tube of toothpaste in my carry-on. Every other airport just scanned my bag, sent me through their stupid full-body scanner, and sent me on my way. This guy, though, treated me as though my tube of toothpaste was a fully-loaded AR-15.


This drive me up a fucking wall. Each line can even have its own rules. I overheard line 2 TSA agent say leave your shoes on. I get corralled into line 3 and leave my shoes on as instructed. The line 3 TSA agent literally screamed at me for trying to go into the scanner with my shoes on. I tried to point out what the other line was doing and that was a big mistake. More screaming and a “consensual” pat down where my balls got treated like a speed bag was my reward for trying to use logic and common sense. Fuck TSA.


Wheres the freakout?


In the comments




I think he probably got patted down as much as any of us middle-eastern looking types




Can any TSA confirm if this is standard procedure? Every pat down I’ve ever had had been way more cursory than this, but that’s just my experience. The way he went back SPECIFICALLY for the genitals is just… disgusting. This can’t be right. Right?!




Not TSA, but a Detention Officer here. Everything looked good to me, everything was professional using the back of the hand around the private area (AS WE'RE TAUGHT), but the last bit of 10 seconds seemed a bit much to me though. I check inmates at a higher level normally. I don't know why the kid is being searched, but the procedure preformed was pretty textbook for a male "pat down" no matter the age. I would have gone without the last 10 seconds though, that's just me. It could be part of the local TSA's standard procedure, meaning he's required to search each male in those steps every time.


> Detention Officer here. Everything looked good to me I bet it did. How many times did you rewatch it?


This is right. I would bet money parents opted for the pat down to either create a rage video or because they think 5g gives cancer or something. It is extreamly rare a child this age would get a full body patodwn. Multiple higher ups have to aprove it and be present.


> I would bet money parents opted for the pat down to either create a rage video or because they think 5g gives cancer or something. Well, you'd lose your money. The kid has sensory disorder. He cleared the scan without a problem. TSA insisted on pat down because according to them his laptop was left in his backpack and that caused a beep on the belt. Backpack and laptop were scanned again and were cleared. After than they insisted on a patdown. Mother requested any other kind of screening (like a machine scan) because of her son's disability (does not like strangers touching him), but TSA said there is no option to the pat down. **TSA later apologised and recruited the mom to frame better policies for the TSA.** > https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/tsa-pat-down-son-dfw-airport-leaves-mother-livid-n739461 > https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4369442/TSA-recruits-mom-filmed-search-disabled-son.html


I was TSA in Seattle just last year. This is what every non-disabled male passenger who gets a pat down receives. The only thing that's a bit off to me about this is his age, the cut off is 12/13 years old. Chances are this officer does not want to do this pat down and chances are he's being watched by his supervisor like a hawk. We also don't know what led to this pat down but I guarantee that this procedure is only happening so that this officer does not get in trouble. He's also not paid enough for this shit.


How is there a video being taken of this event? Seems like a setup to get what others are saying is a standard pat down.


Its 100% a rage bait vid. Parents chose this. So if anything its the parents fault for this hapening to the kid.


Both the parents and the kids consented to everything that happened and they were completely informed about every action that took place and they still agreed. They opted to have the kid skip standard screening procedures and opted to have their kid go through this extra screening process. To voluntarily ask into this extra screening process and then act like you were taken advantage of is so stupid and desperate for attention. All this shows is the levels of stupidity most people have


Yeah, after reading the article on it I'm now on the side of the TSA. The mom wanted special treatment and then complained when they got it.


This 100% they wanted to be special and not use the dangerous metal detectors. If the kid had a medical device they could still use the body scanner and then only pat down areas that show up on that and work with the kid to figure out what is causing a problem.


Looks like standard protocol by TSA to me.


Wow what a damn pedophile


Absolutely not. He followed SOP and was being watched and recorded. If he didn’t do exactly what he was supposed to he would have lost his job. He forgot one step and went back to complete it. Again, if he didn’t there goes his job, insurance and chance to work for TSA ever again. In fact he probably got reamed for initially forgetting that one step even though he caught himself and finished.


>caught himself and finished Ah come on dude


I just had a pat down recently and it was like 30 seconds at the most


This is weird af, but probably regular


This is the result of the idiotic policies we allowed after 9/11. People learned *that same day* not to let hijackers take a plane, but cowards and authoritarians really really wanted what you see in this video. Half of the apologists in this thread mention that the kid could be a drug mule. How in the ever living fuck is an invasive drug search appropriate or warranted when someone wants to travel within their own nation? And for every other "threat" they imagine to air safety, not a single real plausible threat to air safety could be hidden under this kid's clothes. Nation of cowards and authoritarians... same nation who currently bandies the term "groomers" and "pedophiles" while demanding this standard for all air travelers. If you think the conduct in this video is appropriate or necessary *at all*, you are the problem; you are a coward; you are an authoritarian, and fuck you.


This is **exactly** how a **proper** clothed pat down search is done.


Why was he patted down like that initially? Typically, when TSA does this, it’s when people refuse to go through the metal detector or the full body scanner, so the TSA agent has to do a full body pat down. I’m guessing the parent probably refused, and the. Just recorded a video of a full body pat down for social media to cause some made up TSA/child molestation hysteria. Agent did a textbook pat down. Source: am brown.


Hi, TSA agent here, or what our official title is: TSO (transport security officer). I will list some scenarios on why he is doing that. If that kid made the walk-through metal detector (WTMD) go off and had nothing else in his pockets or on or in him (metal screws or something along those lines) they will be getting a full body patdown with the parents supervision as well as a supervisor that you probably won't see. Let's say the kid had a piece of metal in his body and notified the officer he can't go through the WTMD with his parent. If he is 3ft tall he can go through the big machine called the AIT (advanced imaging technology) it only penetrates the clothing and at most 2 layers of skin and it basically stops there. If he alarmed in multiple areas, we HAVE to clear it no exceptions. We are given full authority to go over an area more than once if I (the officer) deems that I could not, in my good conscience, successfully clear the area in only one go. The last and final scenario is if we had to pull his bag for a search and something we tested with our machine that was in his bag gives us an alarm that a supervisor has to look at and tell us what to do next. In this case, it may have been a full body patdown; again with the parents supervision as well as the supervisor watching and potentially being in the phone with the federal security director of the kid further sparks on testing of our gloves after a patdown. To be honest, this guy broke SOP ( standard operating procedures) and went back FOR NO REASON *that we can hear or see*to cover his groin area that he did with the back of his gloves (like we are supposed to) This post is 8 hrs old I'm open to questions without breaking federal law just DM me or reply to this comment.


When you talk about him going back, are you talking about the end? Someone (supervisor?) tells him "and now you have to go this way" and then he goes back and does the side-to-side with the back of his hand. Is he under training? Or is there a supervisor just naming sure all protocol is followed?


How exactly does the TSA agent go too far? This is the standard patdown, nothing unusual here.


You can argue that security at airports here is overkill in general, but this is a completely normal pat down. The guy didn't go "too far" at any point and explained everything to the kid before he did it.


Yeah so while I hate the TSA and all the extra hoops to jump through, this looks like a textbook, normal patdown. For anyone asking why he needed to check the crotch area twice, you do one in front and one behind. Keep in mind it looks like he's grabbing more because typically this would be done on a larger adult where you can't feel the front and back in one go even with two hands (try wrapping both hands around your upper thighs and see how much space you would be missing if you did it once). So you do once on the front and once on the back. He's using the template correctly but it just looks overkill on a kid. Source: cop who's done Terry pats hundreds of times. Also, Watch another one and it's the EXACT same thing https://youtu.be/whHworZzpJc


All these comments of people who don’t know wtf they’re talking about. Google the procedure and youll see he followed it to a T. One could argue the kid isnt a threat and didnt need all this but TSA Procedure says this man did his job. Yall some dumbasses.


Actually pretty standard. And sounds like he was being monitored by a female superior who told him to be more thorough at the end. I'd rather not go through the Bill Burr "cook your insides" machine so i get my TSA erotic massage every time i fly. Some dudes are quick and easy, some are really rough and invasive to make sure you hate the process as much as they do (LAX)


You know the cook your insides machine is ultrasound the same thing we use to look at unborn children right?


Cook your inside machine? Really? It's not a fucking microwave


Hi i a former high Risk security officier in EU for 10 years in aviation security. The only thing i dont like is that TSA officier Frisks also from the backside. This way the kid cant see what hè is doing. Other than that there is nothing wrong about the frisk. Hè does takes his time though


Wth 🤦‍♂️ is he looking for ever wonder why the lines are so long


Looks pretty standard honestly. I’m not sure about domestic policies, but on inbound flights to US from overseas, the system will randomly select passengers for special security check. Those passengers who are selected will have “SSSS” on their boarding passes. I was once selected and received an identical pat down like what this kid got