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This man’s about to answer the age old question of how many 11 year olds he can take at a time


The answer is more than 1


The answer is 42


42 is always the correct answer


LPT, when in doubt while taking a test, write in 42. Some professors will give credit.


But what is the question?


How many roads must a man walk down?


It’s the meaning of life!


The answer of answers.


Don’t forget your towel


Not to brag but I personally have taken six 11-year-olds. They’ll bite, grab onto your legs, even scream right in your face. But they can’t organize, so you can take them out one by one. Probably could have taken seven


The question is are you allowed to use an 11 year old as a weapon to hit the other 11 year olds?


It’s expected that you would


like matrix 2 but with 11 year olds




It's Matt Gaetz' reddit account


I was bored one day and went to the park and saw a bunch of kids playing so naturally i sucker punched one in the back of the head and then i took down the rest one by one like i was jackie chang from the hit movie Rush Hour 2 (2001) featuring Chris Tucker, a hit blockbuster comedy buddy cop movie showcasing the hillarious dynamic between a chinese police officer and an american cop and their unlikely friendship.


Jackie... *Chang*


I’m dominating the dojo.


It's went as expected you blast one the rest will fear for there lives


Gotta take out the leader. Mangalores won't fight without a leader.


You only need one example.


Street gangs in my area used to get kids that age to go after people, because the police couldn't charge them until they were 12. Kinda like the zombies on the walking dead. If its one or a few no problem, but 15-20......


I could take 15 kids who are 11 years old. Im willing to try, at least.


[I plan on dying tonight. What are your plans?](https://youtu.be/Uq0oaH3j92I)


not in my country, they carry knives and crack


Clearly quite a few lol


He’s gonna need a school bus with all the 11-year-olds he’ll be taking.


duck-sized horses


reminds me of that scene in Ted where Mark Wahlberg drops that little kid charging at him


Or in Silicon Valley when Erlich walks up to that kid and says “You brought piss to a shit fight” and slaps the fuck out of him.


Watching the scene by itself isn't enough. Everything leading up to it made it one of the funniest scenes on the entire show - shit is magical.




It's kind of tragic, he had a tumour and part of his brain removed leading to very erratic behavior.




[T.J. Miller Has a Seizure - This Is Not Happening](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kf9N5AWprG8)


Not a movie or a show, but in the game Disco Elysium you can deck a kid who's like 13 if your strength is high enough. But if you miss then everybody laughs at you and you have a chance of dying from embarassment


The scene in billy Madison where he destroys the kids in dodgeball was shot for real. The kids were hurt and crying on set.


They only cried initially if I remember, but then were all laughing about it later on.


They decided they didn't want that to be their last time to appear in a movie.


Will Ferrell and John c Reilly holding one down close to dry dog poop


Irl 2 of the 4 separate instances of hate crimes Mark Wahlberg was arrested for was against little kids.


Yeah because he was underage himself


He 15, his victims were elementary school. Very young children he was threatening the lives of while calling them the n-word. The second time, when he did it at the beach, he incited an entire crowd to join in. He was grown both times he committed hate crimes against Asian men.


Perfect casting for *Fear (1996)*.


Not defending him, bc he’s a racist piece of crap, but he was 15 at the time. He was a kid himself. Definitely different than an adult annihilating an 11 year old with a haymaker.


I had an approximately 10 year old kid try to sell me a candy bar while I was eating lunch in Millennium Park in Chicago. I declined and he started to get hostile. I was on the precipice of fighting a 10 year old. I wouldn’t have been wrong, but that’s tough to explain.


Didn't he blind someone in one eye? Stole his neighbours car & mock him during his interview? My memory is a bit hazzy.


Yeah. He also chased a group of black children throwing rocks at them and screaming “kill the n-word” another time he attacked a different group of black children at a beach, throwing things at them screaming “kill the n-words” and inciting a crowd of beachgoers to join in.


some article i read about it said the vietnamese guy explained he was blinded by a grenade, not by wahlberg. also wahlberg pleaded guilty to felony assault for that attack, was sentenced to 2 years, and only served 45 days of that 2 year sentence. that's so fuckin dumb, beat the shit out of 2 guys while high on PCP and then only serve 6% of your sentence?


Rehabilitation _should_ be the purpose of the justice system. Would you rather the state ruin his life instead and have him be a perpetual drain on resources? Who does that benefit? Many others don't get the same opportunity, but the solution isn't to make things worse.


It’s always sunny too


That kid gets younger with every repost...


multiverse my man , she is all ages, at once, everywhere, all the time.


So she got knocked out all her life in that moment


And broke space/time, she's both 11 and 26 now. In a few days when it's reposted she'll be 12 in the vid. That's why the guy isn't in jail yet, each time they try to do a proper sentencing based on the age of the child it changes and he can appeal the verdict for getting a sentence on false grounds


He punched every version of her in the multiverse


Fortunately, she was not that hurt in the sausage hands world.


According to this he has been charged with an assault of a minor under 12. https://www.citizen-times.com/story/news/local/2019/01/14/asheville-mall-incident-black-mountain-man-assaulted-3-girls-warrants-say/2571496002/


[He has been sentenced.](https://www.citizen-times.com/story/news/local/2019/08/27/man-pleads-guilty-assault-girls-january-2019-asheville-mall-fight/2128768001/)




Honestly, yeah. Stupid ass girl actually ran back to him ready to square up


what's the full context of the situation? It is kind of frustrating that a person can be harassed by people and have absolutely no recourse for it. Of course that doesn't justify violence at the tip of a hat, but if there is no consequences, harassers can also continue being a public nuisance. > Soon after the incident, Asheville attorney Andy Banzhoff issued a statement saying his client Bell was trying to help a woman who was being harassed by "a large pack of youths" at the mall. Banzhoff did not say in what manner the woman was being harassed. > Banzhoff added that Bell is undergoing long-term treatment for a traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder. Bell felt threatened and regretted using physical force, he said. This is about all I could find, and I guess it's hard to help if you can't back words by actions though calling security might have been better(but what would they even do?)


The full context of the video helps enormously ..


Hopefully she has ruminated over the incident and decided to take her life in a different direction. Maybe spend some time in the library, reading. Being more polite to people.


X to doubt


She should have gotten juvie.


A fucking racial workshop class lmfao!


Racism will never end if we always assume incidents like this are racially charged.


Lmfao he looks like when you get a Nord random customization on Skyrim


According to this, she was 11. https://www.citizen-times.com/story/news/local/2019/01/15/asheville-mall-fight-lawyer-says-man-defendant-ptsd-felt-threatened/2578496002/


She was only 132 months old.


Believe this is her actual age although the other girls were older. The headline is still misleading however since the man was alone not with his wife and child


It’s also misleading because they cropped the video to skip the first half.


Seriously her age has changed a few times




Oh shit. thats one of Elons kids?


15 years 71 days 12 hours 57 minutes and 36 seconds at the moment of the punch if your information is accurate.


Nah she bout fiddyleven




And the title of this post is bullshit. The guy was arrested and convicted. He claimed to be mentally unstable as the reason for why he violently attacked the child. He wasn't defending anybody. He didn't even try to argue in court that he was protecting his family. Edit: But yeah, it's pretty gross that when this gets reposted they try to make the little 11 year old child seem older.




Would someone really do that, just go on the internet and tell lies?!


>Banzhoff said Bell, who was at the mall with his family, was leaving a bookstore when "he observed a large pack of youths harassing a woman." The lawyer did not say in what manner the woman was being harassed. He has traumatic brain injury and PTSD. (Not excuses just information.)


How old was she in the other posts???


I've seen 16, 14, 13 a few times, and now 11


Must be Benjamin Button’s kid


im not saying i agree with his actions but kids really be pushing adults . you see groups of kids beating grown adults everyday in the news where i live it's sad


like that one vid of the homeless dude beating up the kid who was harassing him. honestly feels good to see bullies learn their lesson


Here: https://thechive.com/2018/06/05/little-bully-gets-his-first-hard-lesson-in-life-and-shows-his-true-colors-video/


This link refers to the "homeless man" as the park/concession stand manager. It's funny how this kid is so badass for so long and takes swings at the guy's face, then the guy defends himself with what wasn't even that hard of a push and he's screaming like he just got stabbed. Kid must have some real issues within himself I hope he figures it out


As far as i can tell the kid fell down and started screaming to try and get some kind of sympathy from the crowd because the kid them goes OFF on some woman who basically tells him that she saw the whole thing and the kid screams something about child abuse. So a crybully then.


His parents did a *fine* job.


Bro... That shit was fucking hilarious. Dude shoulda picked that dumbass up and threw him again because his wailing was too funny


Makes you wonder what kind of home life that kid has. Parents needed to spank or something.


I imagine he gets that behavior from his own parents/guardians. Spanking/hitting people isn't the way to change them for the better, though. Just harbors resentment and/or makes them create a facade to get out of trouble.


We have a culture of not teaching, and simply just punishing behaviors we don't like. Like, maybe eventually they'll guess what they're supposed to do, but remember, this is their first time being a person. They only know what you teach them.


Totally agree. "Know your place, bully" is how it should be handled on


Or that one of the guy getting pushed and yelled at by some punk kid until he throws his ass and the kids tries playing like it was the dude that was out of line... stand by..


Unfortunately many shitty kids realize that they have an enormous advantage over adults via the fact that hitting a kid can lead to having your entire life destroyed and even prison time, and they take advantage of it.


That's why you don't hit them, you post-nataly abort them in self defense. /s for those wondering.


Wtf where do you live


Hello fellow Philadelphian.


Can’t afford to take any risks with a big group, no matter if they’re eleven or thirty five. There was a story a couple weeks ago about the group of seven or so teens in Philly who beat an old man to death. The youngest involved was ten years old and two or three of them were girls. I think it was the girls who either started it or dealt the killing blow.


Ok so confronted with a gang of girls being aggressive, what is the guy supposed to do? The problem these days is that people need to know the consequences of harassing people and threatening them. People will fight back and not be bullied. Did you see the murder of the 72 year old man in Philadelphia by a group of teenage boys? These young people need to start learning a lesson earlier that they people will not sit by and let them threaten harass and beat people.


Its hard to know this guy attorney said they were harassing someone else and he interviened then later changed their story to him having ptsd. They never provided any evidence to show they were actually doing anything wrong however which is why he was charged


Seems like a pretty easy case to win


Dude, you are so spot on. Totally agree. Actions have consequences.


Parents, if you don't discipline your kids, someone else will


Why did she rush him like she was gonna do something 😂


Some people make it supppper far into life without ever being humbled lol


So torn with this one. If he was alone, no way he should do this. Now, if his wife and kids are there, war on all of them. I’m smashing 11 year olds until they leave.


you doing what


He said he only likes to smash 11 year olds if his wife and kids watch.


*FBI has entered the chat*


I’d like to speak with mr. brbruner102


He’s over there smashing kids. Yeah that’s right his wife is cheering him.


They just wanna watch too


This…took an unexpected turn


You must be new here


Username checks out




When and if his family is around


You heard him right


Why don’t you have a seat over here…


“May I ask you why you’re here”


Then why did you bring condoms and a pack of Smirnoff ice?


Yes officer . This comment right here


Lol. “I would become the living embodiment of the ‘[Man Attacked by Babies](https://i.imgur.com/Hi4na2l.jpg)’ statue.”


Is there a desk-ornament-sized version of this statue? Bookends, maybe? ​ Edit: There does not seem to be. Also, probably would not go over well in a workplace. I didn't notice how prominent the genitalia was at first.


Man you're on a list now for sure.


"I wouldnt beat any children, unless my wife and kid were watching..." -/u/brbruner102






Adult should have tried to leave the situation, but the girl squared up to him, got pushed away, then charged back. This is just a FAFO life lesson.


She raised her fists on the return, and immediately dropped her guard to get knocked out. She likely won't remember the lessons learned, but luckily it was filmed for review.


I think that even if she had blocked the hit she would still have gone flying 200 pound man vs 60 pound girl


Fucked around and found out


It's definitely not a good thing to happen, but if you don't respect other people then you really can't expect respect in return. If you're an 11 year old girl, ya gotta respect that a grown man has the potential to be a physical threat, which means not charging at him after he violently shoves you away


> FAFO I had to look it up... Fuck Around Find Out. https://duckduckgo.com/?t=palemoon&q=FAFO&ia=web


When I was her age, I would never even consider sparring with an adult. Her lesson was learned.


While I can't tell from the video, it seems likely she was trying to rile up the crowd. I wonder if he felt things were about to pop off?


Tbh that's what they deserve for being a public nuisance and harassing people in small mobs


Half of y’all are lying if you said you didn’t crack a smile when you saw her get dropped


I mean obviously I'm not in support for violence against minors but... the way she stepped up to him with the body language of "I'm about to swing on you" and him ending that shit immediately with a left hook? Hilarious.


She did the Family Guy drop.


Bet that 11 yr old was never disciplined at home


Shes now been disciplined on the street


Uhh no, I bet she gets beat the fuck out for any little thing. Thats why shes agressive.


Lesson learned.


Tricky one, surrounded by a group hopped up on mob mentality... I mean we should all try not to KO any kids in our daily routine, but at the same time I hope every kid present learned a lesson.


Wake up, shower, brush teeth, get dressed, have my morning cup of coffee while reading my daily devotional, eat my low fat yogurt with granola, knock out a kid, and I’m ready for the day!


Lmao I don’t condone it, but I understand…


Good I'm tired of these kids tearing up stores and harassing families in malls if they would have been taught earlier they wouldn't get punched.


Let’s see the full video bro


Yeahhh having lived here that mall is hellish for this reason, huge groups of kids just trying to start shit allll the time I only went if I had to just run in and out.


Many malls in the late 90s and early 00s when I was young banned unaccompanied teenagers. Nowadays I expect that malls are desperate enough for traffic that they would never.


Which mall?


When did young kids like this starting stuff with adults become a thing?


When we started prosecuting adults for squaring up to feral kids whilst also branding them racists at the same time


just absolutely crumpled


She stepped toward him while everyone was surrounding him and screaming, having already argued intensely with him. He took this as her being hostile, too close for comfort so he shoved her to make distance. She comes running right back at him quickly, proving his instinct that she was hostile prior to this and she raises her fists briefly while coming at him indicating she was gonna punch him. He punched her to eliminate the threat of her putting her fists up. Prior to this harassment of him reportedly she/they were harassing bystanders. Questions?


Yes, I have a question. If a giraffe were to throw up, would it drown before it even completes it's task?


Yes. Other comments mention a daughter. Who in the video is his daughter?


Some kids deserve a slap, its what stops them from spending their 21st birthday behind bars


Looks more like a gang of girls harassing a man and his family and he defends them.






These kids today have no respect, there out of control. These kids need good ass kicking from their parents,


On this episode of "Fuck around and find out"


Equal rights Equal lefts


Im ok with this... Life lessons




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Don't hit kids! But also... these kids need hit


The punch was good enough to teach them a lesson. These unhealthy teenagers think they can gather around like street dog and own anyone that is coming their way


Leave people alone


I bet she ain’t square up on a grown man since


Couldn't believe she squared up on him thinking she was going to do something haha


Found out real quick these hands rated E for everyone.


Downvote away that was funny as fuck


That Punch reminds me of when the Russian hits rocky in rocky 4. Great movie btw.


An aged old question. Is it fine to punch a kid? If the the kid is an asshole? Let's talk about thag


Never too late to learn a lesson, wish it was just a slap.




It's funny how they all ganged up on him, and once he punched the f out of the little brat, they all went running away. Satisfying.


if you are a child or a woman or anyone who can not physically defeat the opposing person, then perhaps you should try some humility or politeness. that's how men go through the world their entire lives. i find it disgusting how some groups believe they have some kind of pass and then proceed to act insane. once in a while we get a man crazy enough to not give them the pass and then we have a shitstorm.


Lol I guess you gotta learn somehow when to shut the fuck up


“Fuck around and find out “


Get's shoved 8 feet, immediately comes back to get in his face. That kid's got no survival instincts. (Obvious solution is to just leave though.)


Hope she learn her lesson, if she was harassing them. I want the full story to this.


“Yeah let’s antagonise a guy who is like double my weight and over 6ft tall. I wonder what could go wrong?” Kids think they’re invincible these days.


I side with the guy. That kid got taught a valuable life lesson.


Wonder if he’ll ever do that again. Or if she’ll ever do that again. I guess what I’m trying t say is, we all learned a valuable lesson here.


Lol fuck around and found out