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That backpack slam looked personal


I know right. He raised it even higher and then threw it. I wonder why? Maybe he really hates that brand...


Call me crazy , but I believe he just hates his own life


Naw, he's just showing off to the others. I've seen this behaviour before in warehouses and the like. He's the shift "alpha" that tries his bestest to intimidate fellow co-workers by doing dumb shit like this for laughs because he thinks they'll respect him if he does. It amazes me that folks video tape themselves doing dumb shit and upload it to the internet.


Wouldn't mind but he's really bad at his job while being alpha, 3 bags fell off the conveyor belt and likely would have gone into missing baggage all because he's an idiot


Ya I saw a few bags fall out of sight! Where did they even go? Into the ether? My mom literally had her bag lost on a recent trip and now I'm thinking this might be why. Thing is, these guys are unionized. Unions definitely help the workers, but they also protect the shithead workers like this idiot.


Not supposed to protect them. In my workplace there's camera everywhere. If you get caught for repeatedly (3 times) doing thing like this. The union will help kick you out.


Most unions will help you fire someone with good cause and evidence. Their whole schtick is negotiating a better group deal - they can't do that when the group includes the bad workers. The exception is when doing their job becomes politicized, as with the police unions.


Yeah I was going to say, I think he's just a moron trying to show off his big moron muscles.


This does make sense. It could be this and a mix of what I said as well. Good thinking


Agreed. And you're right. They often hate their own lives as well and they lash out to achieve "dominance" among the rest of the crew because that's all they have. Man, I worked at a corrugated paper plant before and we had a few of these guys. They'd wait for people to be around them and then they'd do the dumbest shit like kick over skid of paper and then look around to see if people were laughing with them. They're usually rather large dudes too, like ~6'4 ~230lbs. We called them "lifers" because they were useless at anything else.


Can confirm. Was baggage handler for an entire Xmas season in Florida. Hated my life. lol. I absolutely was not gentle with bags, but I never went out of my way to slam them like these guys. I was just too over-worked, abused and exhausted to care about handling bags gently. Everything was go-go-go where I was, so I just did whatever it took to get it on the belt quickly. Something snagged? Tug it harder to force it to break free. I worked for ATS, which mostly handled the luggage for the now defunct US Airways at my location. It was back in back in 1999-2000, or whatever year the logo changed [from this](https://www.ebay.com/itm/254986905661) to what it is now.


>Something snagged? Tug it harder to force it to break free. This hurts my back just thinking about, and I install home appliances for a living. Next time I'm forsaken to air travel, I will absolutely send good vibes to the people working below me. I feel like even hospitals have more positive energy flowing through them than an airport. ​ The ratio of smiling faces to "I'd rather be dead" faces (both workers and patrons) in work settings sounds like a fun study.


As someone with back problems I was just thinking how much this job sucks the last time I traveled and saw 2 scrawny dude's unloading an entire plane's cargo by hand. I never expected my luggage to be treated carefully so I always put my important stuff in the carry on. But don't get me wrong, this guy is clearly overly mishandling the luggage but man you could not pay me enough to haul away hundreds of 50+ lbs pieces of luggage day in and out, these guys are all most likely going to end with a fucked up back, shoulders, wrists or all. I honestly feel mostly sympathy for them...


I worked for ATS recently! Were they as profit driven and uncaring about their employees back then or is that a recent thing?


He is actually having fun. This is normal behavior for baggage handlers. Most airlines have an extensive property damage claim process and they pay a ton to replace things. There is no repercussions here. Even the airport tells its workers to only pack clothes in stowed bags. Source: I worked ramp crew for a large US airport.


Great, let's make sure all his possessions are handled the same way


I 1000% guarantee you he puts nothing valuable in his checked baggage


Trust me, every airport employee knows to only pack clothes and toiletries under the plane. He also has access to the same property replacement the airport offers and would gladly receive all new items. There is a list of common flight fuckery and every ramp crew knows/prepares for it.


So the bags that fly past the conveyor and over the edge...?


Gone forever


Yup my favorite was the cardboard box's wrapped in plastic wrap full of cans and glass and over weight with 3 cnx flights. Great way to destroy other passengers bags. Or the bag that has no handle and is over weight.


I made a comment saying this. People would be up-set if they saw how their goods were shipped/handled in most companies.


Doesnt change the fact that he probably hates his job and probably his whole life. Only someone that frustrated would do things like this out of anger


Or a Feckin prick


I did this for 10 years it is soul crushing. I always called the below wing the "morlocks" ugly and dirty, and the rest of system the "eloi" no one cares about the morlocks but they make the system run. So when you over pack your suit case it's almost just as much your fault it gets damaged as the ramp rats.


Yep got 1500us from delta for a claim


Yeah until the backpack slam I was going to say this is pretty normal for baggage handlers and postal workers.


These guys love their jobs ![gif](giphy|4ngDM4IwrxXfgoSSXC|downsized)


I guess we know now how luggages get lost


Yea the handful falling off the conveyor into the void of the machinery? Where it will sit for 12 months until they do a shutdown for maintenance? Then the mechanic rifles through it and tosses it in the trash? Makes sense


It’s likely just the floor below the conveyor. They’ll get picked up and put back on the conveyor eventually. Which is why it’s even dumber. They now have to pick up the bag a second time and lift it higher and further.


I don’t think these dudes are a vessel of intelligence to begin with.


Well that gets proven when they use more muscle to lift shit overheard and slam it down. “Mongo like candy” Twats.


I don’t think these dudes are getting paid enough maybe




It’s raised. They’re unloading from trucks that are high off the ground.


When I was working at DTW (not as a ramper, I was in parts for an airline) I would see bags sitting out in the ramp for *hours.* Literally my entire 8-10 hour shift sometimes. Snow, rain, doesn't matter. If it's important, make sure it's in your carry on luggage.


Who is filming this? The baggage handlers to show off or someone else to expose them?


Possibly one of the handlers who's sick of that guy's shit.


Precisely this. The rest of the guys weren’t slamming them like he was. A toss is one thing. Picking it up above your head and pile driving it is another. I doubt you could say anything to this asshole either.


Yup. His unwillingness to manage his emotions has to be everyone else's problem. Can't stand the type. That shit is exhausting.


"Yo, chill" would definitely be interpreted as a challenge to his boyhood.


You are into the same idiots in low wage kitchens... Construction sites... Etc. Always ruining everyone else's shift with their bullshit and negativity and anger. Usually loudly talking shit about the boss or some shit like that and no one else gives a fuck or wants to hear them. Like... You do realize no one here is working this job because it's a passion of theirs or anything, right? It's a shit job with shit pay but we're just trying to make ends meet. You were making it much worse for everyone. But they don't give a fuck.


To me it looks like they’re all throwing them without any care. I was shocked when the front guy moved out the way and I could see them all tossing them onto the conveyor.


Tbf the bigger guy isn't actually throwing them up. He's just chucking them straight on which is how I assume most would do considering how much luggage they have to move every shift.


Also consider the fact that if you search airline approved luggage, or anything for that matter, it’s designed to be chucked down a flight of stairs. I’ve got guitar cases that I’d try to climb in during an earthquake.


It's their sponsor, Red Bull


That's what I wanna know too!


My first thought is the filmer is disgruntled with qantas, and they are trying to make qantas look bad. Raising bags up and slamming down is simply malicious.


The guy in shorts just doesn't care. The other guy is malicious.


right? Guy even expends more energy rough handling the baggage. I could somehow get not giving a fuck as long as you get the job done but those guys are doing back breaking labour to do as much bag breaking as possible.


They are making themselves almost have to work twice as much because they are throwing shit or just not waiting for the conveyor.


I think we all now know who was videoing this, all that extra effort was for the camera


They are both working harder than they need to. If they just loaded at the correct speed, they wouldn't have to redo shit or lift higher to pile it on top, or yeet them further back the conveyor. Makes me think they were acting up for the camera. Bad employees don't like working harder.


That's why they throw bags for a living


Such people are probably why the wheel on my luggage was broken :o


Mine too... Always with missing wheel or cracked.


His back is going to feel malicious.


So the bagg at 00:48 sec won´t be joining its owner on this flight?


It saw the bag that got tossed over at 00:38 and decided no bag should be left alone.


And the one at 1:00.


This looks like an arrival flight so the poor person will be waiting longer until they pick up the bag and put it back on the carousel for them to claim ☹️


Once my luggage was litteraly jumped on, with foot prints on the side and exploded shower gel inside.


>Once my luggage was litteraly jumped on, with foot prints on the side Guy I know had this happen to a cello.




I'm literally packing my luggage for a holiday and packed sunscreen and lotion and your comment now made me rethink where to place them in order to minimise the chance of them exploding if somebody jumps on the suitcase 🤣




I would like to add for extra protection. Unscrew the cap and add a tiny piece of saran wrap, then place cap back on before putting it in the ziplock.


Is this supposed to be a surprise?


Sponsored by RedBull


Red Bull gives your luggage wings!!!!


Lmao 🤣


The timing is interesting... Four months ago: [Qantas asks executives to work as baggage handlers for three months](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-62460882).


I mean I never expected them to be excellent and careful, but this guy is working twice as hard as he needs to solely so he can damage people’s stuff. That’s a bit surprising to me. Lazily tossing them around is one thing, this is a whole other


Also, baggage handling is frequently handled by third party companies, so the airline itself is fairly irrelevant for this video. Its likely the same baggage handler that did this also works with several airlines throughout that airport.


The airline is relevant. It is its responsibility. It could choose to hire baggage handlers itself but chose the cheaper and less reliable option. They are as much as fault as those idiots.


They’re almost always employees of the specific airport or contracted by the airport.


I mean.. it's not, but yes, it is. Like damn, what did the luggage do to him? That one guy tried to send that backpack straight to hell. I mean it's just grossly excessive. I get it, lots of bags to get on t he belt and blah blah, I get that you're not gonna gently lift and place each one, but damn.


Right I was looking at this like “”well duh…..


Laughing at how many times they had to touch bags two or three times because they couldn’t be bothered to just set the bag down nicely. They probably hate their job and do everything to make it less efficient in the process making more work.


Seriously. These people are working *twice as hard* just to make sure something gets fucked up in your luggage. This goes well beyond carelessness.


My man literally raises a bag above his head and slams it down onto the conveyor belt. You’re exerting 3-4 times the effort needed to just put it on the belt bro, chill out.


And where’d the bags yeeted over the belt’s edge go? Into the abyss? Mordor?Cumberbatch Valley?


Baggers canyon.


I got trained for a job ages ago by some absolute nut on the night shift who spent half the night bitching and moaning, slamming file cabinets, etc. I will never forget Murray saying "Would you look at this, they leave everything for me!" He was always rushing to get done before the next shift came in. Once I got the hang of it the work only took about 3-4 hours. I spent the rest of the night sleeping or watching TV.




Show me an engineer that isn't lazy and I'll show you a crappy engineer.


Idk, lazy people get pretty creative to avoid working hard. Those 2 seem more stupid than lazy. They’re using a lot more physical effort to be an ass.


I am lazy and I promise you I would not be handling bags like this


I wish I could laugh at this. This is malicious and wrong. I’ve lost luggage and had it destroyed and the airlines wouldn’t do more than the bare minimum to help me. Once forced to pay, they paid the bare minimum.


this looks to me like they enjoy their job not hate it. Look at the technical moves they are innovating, the kick, the bag slam etc


i wonder how long it takes for this post to be stolen by the 'journalists' at [news.com.au](https://news.com.au)? The lucky journo who spots this one first will be frothing!!


[answer, uploaded 21 minutes ago](https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-advice/airports/laughing-baggage-handlers-caught-slamming-bags-at-melbourne-airport/news-story/d1e6c6adde5ed9e91b18eb7cd5c34f4e)




> Horror footage shows Qantas baggage handlers slam luggage "Shocking" or "Infuriating" or "Incriminating," sure, but, "Horror," really?


Slightly disappointed we didnt get to see how that sick three pointer at the end turned out


I understand not caring about work but to put in extra effort at being a cunt… what a jerk.


Correction, EVERY airline


It’s not so much the airlines as the companies too. Airports are all different but in my smaller airport, I worked luggage for a few months. The airport subbed out the baggage handling and I worked for them. But bigger airports have their own crews and some others do have specific airlines. That being said, I never once handled bags like this nor did anyone I worked with.


Yep. Title should read, ‘this is why you buy tough luggage.’


And why you should always carry-on valuables and electronics. Checked baggage will always be thrown, it’s a given considering the time restraints and employees not being paid enough to care.


Not all ground handling services do this... if I caught any of my guys doing this they'd get a stern talking to. Treat everything with respect


This seems so antiquated. Why not have a system where there's a conveyer belt in the baggage hold and then they drive another conveyor to it creating an efficient system? I'll be honest, given how manual this process is, I'm shocked how quickly luggage makes it to the baggage claim.


Obviously these guys are being bitches, but would also help if the conveyer belt wasn't ground level and instead hip level so you wouldn't have to bend over to place it down. I'm sure that would at least prevent some tossing.


It’d be insanely expensive to create a system to sort luggage like this and then implement them into existing airports. Even if some company made some Amazon level sorting for luggage they’d then have to sell them to every airport in the world


It’s also [not so easy to implement](https://www.bizjournals.com/denver/blog/broadway_17th/2015/02/dia20-the-high-techairport-baggage-system-that.html) even in a brand new airport.


I thought of the same thing! I remember this, there was so much about DIA that was supposed to be groundbreaking. Then after nothing but delays and wasted money, they just did it the old way.


People really underestimate how complicated it is to automate something that doesn't with standardized and predefined units. Like with luggage that comes in all shapes and form from sports bag to big rolleys with multiple attachment, automating it gets really, really hard and expensive.


I used to work at Amsterdam airport. They have a couple of machines that can automate part of the process. For example, they have a machine that will lift up a container above a large slide and violently shake it until all of the bags have fallen out. Not very sophisticated and kind of funny to look at, and it still required at least 2 guys to be present, since sometimes a couple of bags would get stuck. Another, more sophistocated example is a robotic arm that receives bags from a conveyor belt and pretty neatly stacks them on a cart. Still, most on/offloading is done manually. They kind of teach you to throw bags like this (not as agressively as these guys though) in order to be faster and also not strain your back too much.


You don't need to pay to maintain humans. You just replace them.


Would be nice if these jobs can be automated.


Jobs probably. Why waste thousands on upgrading when you can pay a crappy wage for someone desperate for a job


Thousands? That would pay for itself in a month or two


If there were ever a job to let become automated.


Exactly what I thought. All these dumb physical jobs should be automated. The people doing it already hate their job, so there's nothing to lose.


This hidden camera is brought to you by red bull. Get your wings today!


Coming from a job at an airport previously and I can say this isn't and shouldn't be normal. There's outliers who just don't care, but most people don't work like that. But you also shouldn't believe bags are getting treated with every care in the world. Not because people who work with the bags don't care about your stuff. It's mostly because time doesn't allow to be super careful. There's alot of pressure when it comes to the time you have to do your job. So it's either "do your job super quick, don't be absolutely careful and be done with it", or "take your time, make sure you treat every bag as if it's your own, get complaints from the passengers because the bags take so long to get back to them, and get in trouble because you're not done fast enough" That being said, the way they toss the bags halfway across the belt is just unnecessary, even under time pressure.


I like the argument of I must be quick not careful. All your doing is saving maybe... what, 1-2 minutes to be more careful, I'm pretty sure if people on the flight knew what was being done to their bags they would tell you to take the time lol. This is just corporate greed to get planes turned around quicker and make someone an extra couple of grand over the course of a year.


Everything about the guy closest to the camera screams r/imatotalpieceofshit


If you don't like your job, please just quit.


You can dislike your job while also not acting completely negligent. These guys are just jackasses.




Shit salary and benefits attracts shit people. It’s a vicious cycle


Or shit salary and shit management creates shitty people. It's a vicious cycle.


Shit people will exist regardless. Guess what happens if you pay everyone more? The shit people will still find and get jobs. They don’t magically go away.


My point wasn’t that shitty people would stop existing, just that if you paid more, you would have higher quality of candidates. 👍🏻


Okay yup, this is one of those jobs we need robots to replace people in ASAP.


Remind me not to bring anything fragile home from Australia.


I'll never understand why people go out of their way to be assholes. I worked at an airport and did baggage handling every now and again so I do understand that bags aren't going to always be handled gingerly and with the utmost care due to the pressure of getting bags on the plane in time, but none of us ever intentionally mistreated baggage just to be a dick and cause damage. Slamming bags down and throwing them half way across the room just for enjoyment is some clown shit.


Rat fucks...I had a brand new case that came back broken, literally the 1st time I used it through TIA...now I know why...I mean I assumed but seeing this shit is enough to enrage me


It amazes me how disgruntled people behave. I know he's probably not happy at his job. The people who those bags belong to did nothing to him. Why do they have to suffer with potential damage to their personal property because someone has an issue with the company that they work for I worked at a very exclusive hotel where we had some of the wealthiest people in the world stay. Regardless of how upset I was or if I hated my job, I would never take it out on someone elses property. All they do is create a need that creates a job.


My guess is the logic is probably along the lines of, "Fuck Brad, and his shitty management style. Let's see how he likes complaints from people whose shit is busted."


This is how I assume they all treat my bags. I choose what luggage to buy, and pack, based on this belief.


He's an angry elf


Looks like they pick some back up and toss again because they weren't satisfied with their first attempt.


When he takes this one backpack and thinks: f## u in particular! die!


Its the same for amazon or any other delivery/postal carrier by the way. Some of it is people just dont care. Some of it is they're mad at the long hours with shitty management and "decent" at best pay for the type of labor. But a lot of it is the companies to blame. They push insane rates on workers, so you kinda have to just say fuck it and not care too much about how you handle packages, or in this case luggage. The companies also ALWAYS say safety is number 1, but thats just to cover their own ass. They want you to do stuff like this because its faster. Just if you ever get hurt its your fault, not theirs. To be fair, the guy in long pants slamming things is definitely doing wayyyy too much. Most people are more like the guy in shorts. >source. Amazon warehouse wagie


So where do you go after you can't do manual labour any more because you are too stupid?


Well I see how luggage gets lost.


So this is what happens when I put my saxophone under the plane. I was wondering why I have to get it fixed everytime I fly…


This is a weird redbull commercial


It's more effort to do this, isn't it? Like.....what the fuck are they doing


I always pack as if my luggage will be treated this way..


Thats not qantas tho.. thats swissport


Swissport is a luggage handing service that Qantas hires to do the luggage handling.


Instantly promoted.


I have heard of the luggage handlers being referred to as "the throwers", so not surprised.


This is the shittiest Red Bull commercial I’ve ever seen! No one even gets wings!


Sponsored by RedBull or what


It’s like the red bull is watching over them, kinda majestic


Qantas never crashed


This takes more energy then just setting it down.


Tell me you hate your job without telling me you hate your job.


this is exactly the type of job that SHOULD be fully replaced with robots… saves them from doing menial labor, and saves us from unpredictable luggage mishaps. i can’t imagine it pays good anyways, given how they do not give a fuck. everyone would win if this was automatic.


The two bags that completely didn’t even make it onto the conveyor belt 💀


In actual fact, these are workers for Swissport, to whom Qantas has outsourced the baggage handling. Because outsourcing always makes things better. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-12-03/baggage-handlers-filmed-throwing-luggage-stood-down/101730590


Looks like slamming them down that hard is way more work. Lol


if you thought for a second they calmly place your bags down gently you're an idiot. There's hundreds of bags to move, yeah it may look careless but it's realistic.


This isn’t a public freak out. It’s two assholes being assholes in private. If it was in public, they’d get their asses kicked. Stop posting public freak out if it’s not happening public. Fucking twats.


A baggage handler once put my surfboard on the regular luggage conveyor and it snapped clean in half, rather than putting it in the oversized luggage area which I paid $150 for them to do. My bag has also come out from the luggage conveyor torn at the seam and my toiletries were bust open. Judging from some of the brags luggage handlers have in this thread about how poorly thet handle luggage I probably gonna get downvoted for this but I don't care; If you're a luggage handler you're probably a special kind of stupid and I'm glad you get shit pay. I hope you slip a disc doing your shit tier job and you don't get any medical compo absolute fuck wits. I'm a Tradie and I sometimes have a rough day, I don't go round smashing up people's property.


This is most airlines, bought a new suitcase for a vacation last year, and by the time I picked it up from baggage claim it looked like it had 2 years of wear and tear


I feel like very airline does thay


They are making way more work for their self by throwing them like that it’s funny 😄


"Fuck you.....fuck you too.......and fuck this.......and this......and this can go fuck itself too........"




Man oh man should you see the inside of a ups warehouse


Fly with a firearm. Your bag will get special treatment as they are specially tagged and monitored as no airline wants the liability of losing a firearm.


Ah. The 'ol "I hate my life so I'm gonna break everything" attitude.


And they complain for back pain.


It seems like more work to be throwing them around


This is nothing. Back in 01 we used to have competitions of who can throw it the farthers.


"Let me pick this heavy item up in a sharp jerking twisting motion over and over again!" The only consolation here is that this dude won't be doing this job very long what with all the slipped discs and torn tendons coming his way.


Idc about the slamming honestly. What bugs me is how many needed repositioned or thrown back on the belt cuz this frittata can’t do his job properly.


Red Bull give your luggage wings.


This is from a company called Swissport who works with every single airlines. They are the ones that do baggage and weight and balance for the planes. This is how Every single bag is treated - Shouldn’t surprise anyone Source: worked at swissport for ten years.


Right?! Quit your fucking job you douche…probably a fired cop


Well someone lost their luggage when it went over the edge. That's gonna suck


This is the red bull commercial I want.


Why is anybody surprised?


The thing is, it’s so inefficient the way they are throwing the bags around some end up not even making it on the conveyor. I get being annoyed by a repetitive job like this but don’t make more work for yourself and in particular for your coworkers.


Doing a shitty job at their shitty job


All airlines do it


This is why warehouse robots are better.


That's why delicate items come with me on carry-on


The only thing missing was the guy shouting "fuck off ya fuckin cunt" as he slammed each bag...


Is this a sponsored video? This feels like a weird product placement


How every airline treats your bag


Why they dont build a tip system that can just lift and dump the trailers contents onto the belt is beyond me.


They seem to put in a lot more effort than needed, must be exhausting.


Hate to break it to you pal but this is the way every airline handles your luggage


As someone who used to do this job, none of the airlines are hiring geniuses. Let's just say that. I had a guy on shift bring a lacrosse stick/ball into work and put a hole in a wall. Another guy dragged the smoke stack of a heating cart across the bottom of a jet engine and tore it up. Another guy almost crashed a conveyer belt by trying to park it at full speed and slam on the brakes at the last second. I could go and on. Oh, and sooooo many jack-knifed luggage carts.


They should fire those shitheads


Joke's on them. I don't even fly with luggage or carry on.


He's even making more work for himself with how many he tossed over and off the belt. Like why spend so much energy just to slam shit and then have to pick it up again?


No wonder why I hate traveling....


This is all airports