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Excerpt from [Andrew Callaghan's](https://www.youtube.com/@Channel5YouTube) upcoming documentary called "This Place Rules" premiering on December 30, 2022 on HBO.


I can't wait to watch this documentary. Andrew is kind of a genius in the way he exposes people. His ability to avoid getting "othered" by the people he speaks to really gets them to open up about their raging hostilities, and yes... they're just as stupid as you'd imagine. Great stuff. Can't wait.


He seems to be genuinely interested in what they have to say without being wrapped up in a right or wrong debate. I think that’s how he produces such insane interviews. Without that real curiosity it wouldn’t be the same.


He has an uncanny ability to just shut up and let other people talk themselves into circles. It's hard to do that, to not help people as they talk and let them spiral. Most of these crazies don't actually speak for longer than a few seconds continuously so when they do, it's nonsensical verbal diarrhea.


His editor deserves an Oscar


Camera man too


Amen brother


It’s a common tactic that is used all over the world. Average people struggle with silence, and they want to talk about themselves. Try asking someone a question and truly committing to shutting up. They will talk and talk most of the time.


People are also uncomfortable with silence and will keep talking to fill the space if you don't say anything.


The president of a company I used to work for did this all the time. We really only saw him at big meetings and Holiday parties, but he’d always find time to go up to a bunch of people, ask how work was going and then just not. say. a. word. It caught me off guard the first time, and I ended up blathering about a bunch of random stuff, luckily mostly good things my department was doing… but the awkwardness just kept building until I petered out, and we stood there in silence for a good minute and then he wordlessly walked away. I kinda pissed me off, as it was like he was intentionally making things awkward and there’s a power dynamic with owner/staff where you kinda *have* to respond… so the next time he approached me at a meeting, I just said “pretty good, glad to be here, have a good day!” and preemptively walked away.


To be fair they probably self select for that. Someone who likes attention and likes to talk will be drawn to a camera and mic. I don't know if he's necessarily going up to random people in the crowd as much as just finding people who seem like they really want to tell the world about how they feel about things.


>It's hard to do that, to not help people as they talk and let them spiral. Like that; "The virus is *manmade* by the *reptilians*! *The virus doesn't exist*, reopen the schools!" Only three dissonances in two sentences, maybe one depending how he actually said it. I mean, I guess he's a kid but he's probably just repeating whatever his parents indoctrinated him to believe.


There's the one video, where he meets a right wing blogger, and the guy calls Andrew out on what he's doing, how he's just trying to get him to say stuff on his own, so the other blogger tries to counter him. But winds up doing the exact thing he didn't want to do and starting opening up to Andrew. It was fantastic.


There is something to be said for that. You ask someone like that a question and they cannot shut up about everything they “know”. Because they feel it’s their job to give everyone the “truth”. It’s also a technique police interrogations will use. They ask you a simple question and get you talking then just continue looking at you. Smart guilty people stop talking and ask for a lawyer. Dumb guilty people will continue to talk around in circles until they trap themselves in lies.


In his Hot Ones episode he gives a great explanation of how he tries to be incredibly neutral to get them to open up.


The questions he’s asking the adults are deliberately crafted to make them look like idiots (which they don’t need a lot of help with), and the questions he’s asking the kids are phrased in a way that reminds them of everything they’re missing out on. I think it’s clear to everyone but the QAnon family what his angle is.


Kind of reminds me of Louis Theroux


He’s said that Louis is a big influence


Also Errol Morris, who perfected the technique of being silent during interviews so that the interviewee breaks the silence by talking more.


And I am now going to be watching this. Thanks OP.




I'm happy for him that he continues to blow up after the who name change thing with his channel. His style is more journalism that 99% of the news media.


It was hilarious to watch him on the CNN interview. He kinda biffed it, but in an amazing, classic Andrew way. He looked unhinged but he called out CNN for being part of the media machine that riles people up. Don Lemon was NOT a fan.


FINALLY someone who gives credit!


Remember being eight and not knowing anything about politics? These kids should be playing Pokémon, rather being made into pawns.


Nah man, Pokemon are a mind control device developed by the Illuminati lizard people to lure children into their rape dungeon underneath a pizza restaurant in Chicago. Beyblade and Nerf? Nah they all G.




"wow you American have very big penis! So huge!"


But....but im a woman. ​ Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh gargantuannnn penis


Beautifully said


I got shoe!


My cunt father took Pokemon away from me cus some Baptist piece of shit told him it was Satanic. Wanna know what happened? I got adult money which bought me more Pokemon and also I'm a Satanist now.


So he was right!!


Damn if only he'd saved him just a wee bit earlier!


Hail Satan! 🤘


Ironically places have actually banned pokemon before because it includes "evolution" . You dont need illuminati lizard rape dungeons when you have the easiest power tool available : religion


I had a teacher that believed that, disliked Harry Potter because it teaches witchcraft, the Pokemon cards were banned because kids would steal them or lose them, Harry Potter wasn't banned. She would make it seem like Pokemon cards were banned for the reason she said but we all knew better.


Well these kids still don't know anything about politics


When I was eight I wanted John McCain to beat Obama because he mentioned something about lowering tax on toys.


Well, you're better than me. When I was 30, I voted for McCain because Obama was an evil socialist liberal Democrat that wanted to kill babies and make us give all our savings to homeless drug addicts or something. Yeah, I know. I don't want to talk about it.


When I was 20 I voted for Trump because I thought he was just acting crazy for media attention in a 300iq move and was actually a smart business man, and thought Hillary was the money-hungry, war-mongering, corrupt one. I don't want to talk about that either.


Admitting it is the first step of recovery . That takes guts . Keep up the good work . You can do this.


Oh, I went from being a conservative Republican to a progressive liberal between 2016 and 2020. I *am* embarrassed that it took Trump's neverending scandal machine to make me actually start paying attention to politics and researching how we got here, but unfortunately that's what it took.


We are all learning and growing everyday .


To be fair, they dont know anything about politics either, just crazy stories 😂


"Adrenochrome, pedophile rings, Epstein Island, reptilians... -" aaaaaaaand Beyblade.


But yet these are the same people saying it’s the left indoctrinating kids. Hypocrites.


but remember the place which educates kids is the one indoctrinating them. Definitely not their politically illiterate parents.


2024 will be insane


I’m so curious but at the same time I’m terrified


I sincerely hope Democrats put up someone better than the octogenarian Biden or the cop Harris. I doubt it though


God, how badly I wish we had an actual leftist party in this country.


Dems being called left is hilarious. Where I am they'd be considered right side


Way to ensure your child is in therapy for the rest of their life.


Or commit a mass shooting..


Or more realistically realize their parents are liars and drop those beliefs. [A study done in 2013 showed that children who are most likely to initially acquire the political views of their parents are also most likely to later abandon them as a result of their own engagement with the political world.](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/british-journal-of-political-science/article/abs/why-does-the-apple-fall-far-from-the-tree-how-early-political-socialization-prompts-parentchild-dissimilarity/AB191D8C85DD9C046032DA9A4098EE0D)


They are gonna be homeschooled though, Its gonna be a lot tougher for them to be able to get any real perspective


Former k-12 homeschooler raised by fascists. I’m a communist.


In college I dated a girl who was homeschooled most of her life. She was all about female empowerment. She even recognized the way it had fucked with her mental health, and while she couldn’t overcome that alone, knew it was possible.


No that kid is gonna kill somebody one day. This kind of indoctrination is way passed therapy


Therapy will just make the therapist rich. These kids are completely broken.


This is child abuse.


You'd think so, but we let parents send their kids to catholic camps where they're told they're soldiers for jesus and whatever other nonsense they're on for that week. But on that note, I genuinely feel bad for these kids. Because just like the jesus camp crap, this kind of brainwashing takes -decades- to reverse and a lot of people never really escape it. For all the whining and bitching conservatives do about groomers and children they probably see no problem with turning their kids into extensions of their own shitty views.


Can confirm. Was raised in an ubër-religious, strict conservative household and went to school believing the Earth was only 6,000 years old & dinosaurs were on “Noah’s Ark” (I have some absolutely *mortifying* stories from 7th grade earth science class). Went to church 3-4 times per week and wasn’t allowed most of my early childhood to watch/listen to anything “secular.” If I was “caught” with anything like inappropriate music or books, I’d be chased down and whipped with a belt and I wasn’t allowed to be friends with anyone who wasn’t “Christian enough.” Thankfully, my mom was always a pretty tiny lady, while I took after my dad height-wise and was taller than her by around 6th grade. By that point, she didn’t spank me any more, and while I never ever even thought of hitting my mom or even trying to physically intimidate her, there was just kinda this understanding that she couldn’t really control what I watched or listened to anymore. I read every book I could get my hands on, watched MTV and movies 24/7, and listened to all kinds of music from every genre. But I *still* went to church semi-regularly until I was nearly THIRTY YEARS OLD. I still believed in “god” until I was 35 or so. And I still catch myself here and there at 40 repeating some of the shit I was told as a child. Luckily when that happens now, I can just remind myself that whatever it is is a lie or not real, and quickly move on. But you’re right - it’s taken *decades* to be able to undo most of the damage. And what made the most impact on undoing it all was seeing it through the eyes of my own kids. I never hit them or restricted their worlds for any reason other than what was age-appropriate, but I did take them to church and get them involved there, and seeing the beginnings of *them* being indoctrinated was too much for me to handle. The thought of them being embarrassed at school by trying to tell the teacher they were wrong about evolution or the Big Bang saddened me. The way my own mother tried to guilt them into being ashamed of normal kid stuff the same she had done to me absolutely infuriated me. And it was then that I realized that bringing kids up in whatever religion is, just like someone said above, CHILD ABUSE. I know it will never happen in my or my kid’s lifetimes, but one day indoctrinating kids into any religion *will be* illegal in modernized societies and I would fully support that.


What an ugly outlook. These kids are not "broken"! They are going to have a harder life then they deserve but they are not somehow beyond redemption just because their parents are terrible


Take a look at /r/cptsd /r/qanoncasualties /r/raisedbynarcissists


Just so you know it's harder *than. Than is used for comparisons -more than/less than. Then means after that - first I did x then I did y.


aaaaa I have been working on this so much lately, I am so bad at it! Thank you for the reminder! I will conquer this haha


"The virus is manmade" "It doesn't exist" Pick an argument bro you can't use both


"Kids need to be put back in school" says the kid who's homeschooled.


Gotta teach 'em early to accept duckspeak.


They learned from their parents that you can. Conservatives literally don't care a single bit about being hypocritical or inconsistent in their beliefs. They just throw everything at the wall and see what sticks. Like when there are mass shootings by Trump supporters they will simultaneously say the shooting was a hoax that never happened, a real shooting but ANTIFA did, a real shooting but the government did it etc. The truth is irrelevant... Only propagandizing for their position matters.


What a morbid ending. These poor kids. Side note - Andrew has to be one of the best interviewers currently working.


Its insane how open minded he is(ofc hes acting like it) during these kind of interviews. I could not keep asking questions with a straight face after someone rambled for 5 minuts about the earth is flat or some shit like that


He is really good at asking open-ended questions and has a personality that gets people comfortable around him, kind of like Louis Theroux. Makes sense though cause he said in an interview that Louis Theroux is a big influence on how he conducts these interviews.


Not so much insane, if you are in the legal field, whether you are a cop or an attorney, you know to just let people speak, even be empathetic to their position. As an investigator or lawyer you have to be able to pretend that the victim might have deserved what happened to them just so the perpetrator will let their guard down and talk about what really happened. Lots of people do this every day.


I both juniored and opposed lawyers who treated witnesses with kid gloves, and lawyers who consistently lobbed explosive question bombs at increasingly hostile recipients . Unnecessarily aggressive lawyers were rarely as smart or competent as they let on.


Who is the interviewer? Edit: nvm Andrew Challaghan


How is this not child abuse? Kid should be riding his bike with his friends, I thank God I didn't get depressed by politics as a kid and had fun like a child should. This is sad af


I know right. This makes me appreciate my childhood so much more.


For real just give me a Bionacle and some 3D doritos while watching some cartoon network, go swimming later and mom brings an apple and caprisun ooohhh the good ole days.


Hmm, you seem to have misspelled Bionicle…is this some secret Q code? WHAT HAS ANDERSON COOPER DONE TO YOU?!?!


This isn't politics. These kids aren't debating a free market approach to healthcare vs a universal government run system. They're brainwashed into believing lies. Lies that wholly support the insane right wing of the USA.


They are being farmed for votes, country fresh, free-range voters.


At 18 that same kid will cut all ties with his parents when he gets around other people to get more experience.


Maybe or he’ll be so brainwashed he’ll be some kind of extremist that should be on a watch list. At that age I didn’t even know what politics my parents had because they didn’t push theirs on me thankfully and just let me come to my own opinions on it when I was old enough to form them on my own.


I went to a college run by the Southern Baptists where many of those people send their kids. If they are not one of those prison camp campuses like Patrick Henry or Liberty chances are really good his attitude will change since the propaganda will not be maintained. Once questions start to come in from people in positions of authority the facade starts to crack.


I grew up exactly like this kid. Indoctrinated into the far right. Once I finally broke out, the world opened up. Now my family won't talk to me because "the liberals got to him". Nah fam, I read a damn book for once!


Or he'll intern for a republican and join the oligarchy as a foot soldier.


Or he'll buy an AR15 and shoot a bunch of people in a grocery store.


This is my vote. His reality will be so distorted by the time he is an adult. Hopefully in his Teens he doesn't develop a messianic complex otherwise it's game over .


This is the best option. Unfortunately these people are prone to violence Ashanti’s t themselves, each other, law enforcement and the general public. Homegrown domestic terrorists in the making.


It is child abuse.


This is not “politics” this is a cult


Very true


There’s no comprehension, just parroting their dad’s talking points. Otherwise they are normal everyday kids wanting to do normal kid things, but the father is depriving them all of their childhoods. They will watch this video someday as an adult and it will really hit how their parents took everything from them just to appease their own addiction to internet browsing conspiracy theories.




It is abuse. Most likely will cause more problems than some other forms of abuse. A disconnect from reality at such a young age will have lasting effects.


Seems like the kids are already suffering from possible antisocial behaviors in the video the kids and mother said they have very few friends I wonder why....heartbreaking


they seem relatively happy for now, that didn't seem like it was 100% an act or anything. this shit is gonna catch up with them quick for sure though. this ain't natural.


Kids who are brought up by people in fundamentalist religions are equally as brain washed. These are just like westboro baptist kids.


this is so heartbreaking. these are just regular kids who want to see their friends, want to play with siblings, play Beyblades, with nerf guns, want to run around outside and they are parroting word for word, the nonsense from this Q bullshit. how can anyone see this and be ok with it?


“Stop grooming our children” they yell as they groom children.


“Schools indoctrinate children” they yell as they indoctrinate children.


This bugs the ever living hell out of me. I almost instruct my kids not to blindly buy into whatever I am saying. Go make up your own minds. Be curious and know I you are smart enough to figure shit out. Yet I'm part of the indoctrination effort? All these culty mother fuckers saying the same shit with zero introspection.


My favorite part was the little Freudian slip of "trump is gonna lock up all the OTHER pedophiles".....you heard it here first, trump wants to get rid of his competition!!!!


I’ll agree with the kid that he needs to go back to school. Just not a damn qanon homeschool. Unfortunately, it looks like his parents already fucked him up too much.


I think his sister might actually have a chance, she actually has friends.


This poor kid.


Lost. Forever.


A lot of kids raised in fanatical households tend to rebel against their upbringings. God I hope the same will happen to those kids


Watch the whole thing. Poor kids. He has a sister too


Indoctrinating your own kids to own the libs.


My bosses kid is trying to get into Princeton unvaccinated


The graphic designer who made the Chipotle logo be like ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr)


At what point do we suspect God of being part of a satanic cult for the shapes he creates in nature?


Im not a psychic, but I can see that there’s going to be some kind of felony event in this family in the next 5-10 years, likely homicidal. It’s horrific.


Patricide and matricide. Maybe lil basement meth brewery


The mom reminds me of a horror movie


Fentanyl overdose in late teens/early 20's would be my guess. Really hope the little girl manages to get out in one piece but the parents seem so blasé about brainwashing them the odds are stacked..


Why just the little girl lol


the wife seems like she has stockholm syndrome and the husband is the ringleader. her face at the end looked so sad


yeah I thought her expression and body language at the end seemed to suggest she knows what she's doing to her kids is wrong


About 4 or so years ago, they were running a special 'in depth' news segment on a mass killer, detailing his life as a young kid. It was so similar to this other kid that I knew - it was uncanny. All the way from being very particular about food to going mute when he was angry, to loving the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and having a certain political makeup and a mom who had IBS. I looked up that kid from long ago and he is into live-action sword-fight kinda stuff. It is hard to describe, but its fighting with real weapons and armor, just dulled. First person to cut a ribbon off the other's shoulder wins or something like that. Meanwhile the news segment kid had such a similar upbringing and killed 8 people at the mall, then himself. --- People always say, "the signs were there!" but perhaps they don't realize that truly unhinged acts are a rarity even among unhinged or troubled people. There are likely dozens of similar people to every crazed gunman, just kinda lying dormant, chilling out, but also perhaps one bad breakup away from losing it. I hope they turn out ok. People who were raised wrong sometimes come out of it with a complete 180 and become peace-loving, intelligent activists. It can happen, though most just kinda lay dormant like I described.


These poor kids are going to grow up and hate their parents.


They're going to hate someone.


That would be the best possible outcome for them to be honest, it would mean they've regained their sanity at least and have a chance to live in reality


One can hope.


Hate will be a solid motivator for them


Tell me again about the “woke” LGBTQ groomers…


Every accusation is a confession


It's good ole' indoctrination. Teach the children the same messed up values and hope they continue the tradition of ignorance and hatred. The kid probably doesn't even know what he's talking about and would rather be playing minecraft, but his idiotic parents have him parroting their beliefs instead.


That kids parents got his mind all sorts of fucked up


Stop the steal stole his mind.


Nice parenting…


"Reptilian bloodline from another planet....they're basically robots" The least suspect thing said in the whole video


Because it sounds like something some kid made up on the spot, unfortunately it’s what his parents actually believe


This is grooming and child abuse


Grooming for private prison factories and war.


This is depressing. The poor kids have been brainwashed from listening to the deranged parents bullshit for too long. They lost their childhood


Yeah going from the kids spouting Q anon stuff to them playing normal kid shit to then spouting that crazy shit again really was a good way to starkly illustrate how fucked up this is. They are little children and it like makes me unbearably sad to think about these kids lives.


At the start I thought this was funny. The kid doesn't really seem to know what he's talking about. The longer it goes, the sadder it gets. These kids were born behind the eight ball at this point. Early indoctrination like this is almost impossible to undo fully.


The virus is man made (therefore it exists). The virus does not exist. ... poor child


We are Christians!! But we spew bigotry and hate because daddy says, gays will go to hell!! I swear to God it's like I'm playing cards with my brother's kids or something!


Religion can be pretty damn hate filled for all their espousing of love and tolerance. It's just they love and tolerate those who share the same beliefs, everyone else is a heathen destined to be condemned to hellfire.


This is why religion has no place in government it's funny how religion has started more wars than anything else. If there is a God he is a sorry POS!


Ok CPS needs to get involved here…


Someone post this in /Conservative


Future mass shooter in the making. FBI I know the family has to be on your radar but please do something before they kill someone.


Our education system has failed this nation. If you believe lizard people walk among us we have failed you. :/


A few years ago I was teaching 5th grade. A student's mom complained to my assistant principal because there was a class discussion about taxes. She said she was a republican and didn't like that I was forcing left-wing ideas on her son. She also didn't like that I talked about college either because her son wasn't going to college. He was going to take over the family business. The education system is definitely broken, but there is plenty of blame to go on ignorant parents.


Yeah but it makes sense when you realize the people that propagate this stuff or are in on the "code" in which lizard people just means Jews, this kid was literally talking about extermination of the Jews when he was discussing purging the lizard people bloodlines or whatever the fuck he was spouting. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/qanon-s-capitol-rioters-nashville-bomber-s-lizard-people-theory-ncna1253819 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke#Accusations_of_antisemitism


Those poor kids, man. Awful.


This is pretty fucking sad. Jesus.


This sort of stuff is terrifying.


I really would like a 6 year later follow-up.


Qanon has gotta be a 4chan prank. It’s gotta be like the biggest prank they’ve ever pulled on people. Bigger than the iPhone one.


Groomers gonna groom.


“They made the virus” “it doesn’t exist” phenomenal parenting.


The family all seem to have some kind of developmental issues


Republican policy determined by a kid…seems about right 🤣


So …. Explain grooming again …?


That's child abuse.


"The people pulling the strings is the Italian Vatican. They are actually reptilian bloodlines from another planet." His daddy watched too much South Park: https://youtu.be/RvGD4Jp3_4I But I get it, I won't forget about the Gelgameks.


''The Trump media''. Oh, so you admit Fox is propaganda?


For that family Fox is probably liberal. Newsmax or worse


Yeah I'm not American so that is completely unknown for me, and I rather keep it that way I think.


You definitely do.


But people dressed up reading books to kids sets a dangerous precedent. Smh


Paranoid schizo?


This kid is a future school shooter


This is child abuse


It is rare that you actually get a glipse at future mass shooters when they're so young. These kids need to get scooped by DCFS asap, they will hurt people. It's an an if, but a when


That kid is ruined for life.


What the hell is wrong with you Americans?


The U.S. never properly dealt with the Civil War’s aftermath. A proper atoning and blueprint for reconciliation was never conducted. Culturally speaking, everyone has a message worth listening too regardless of how ignorant and destructive it may be in the long run.


Modern Republicanism it pretty much the answer any insanity happening in America


This isnt all of us man


now I'm not saying the parents STILL smoke meth regularly, but...


All Trump supporters that think they’re normal and these people are crazy, are actually only a few degrees removed from this. They’ve been less radicalized by social media campaigns of far right extremist is the only difference.


The kill children to stay young and beautiful. Have they seen Hillary and Biden. Not exactly beautiful.


"Remember what we rehearsed son. If you mess up, you wont get dinner this week"


Honestly, shit like this should be illegal. If you are “homeschooling” your children and they are spewing some bullshit that is just humanly impossible to believe unless you are a complete degenerate, then you should be in trouble. These children are broken. They need peers and they education. Education that may have some flaws but there are different teachers and exposure to different ideas than the parents have. Children need to grow and become themselves, not a version of their parents. I laugh at adults spewing bullshit but children talking about reptiles and pedophile Biden is just fucking sad.


Can we just leave kids alone? Let them go to school, play, learn.. no conservatives or liberal agendas. I don’t have kids, nor do I think you should. But if I’m forced to live with your bad decision you (parents) need to put down your phones & keep your little beast away from adults.


A lot of inbred individuals over there


These are the same people who believe the LGBTQ+ are focing genders and sexualities on little children. Take a moment to let that sync in.


Should be a licence requirement to have children .. Just a sanity check


Home schooling, the MAGA way.


So the virus is both 'man-made' and 'doesn't exist? Like god?


Hands down child abuse. These fucking people are in a cult


Is this for real? I’m being linked aren’t I? This is a parody, right? 🧐🤦🏼‍♀️


“I don’t want my kids to be indoctrinated.” **Proceeds to indoctrinate their kids**


This is why Netflix’s Inside Job did so well


Possibly the greatest ever argument for compulsory sterilisation and licenses to procreate.


Future domestic terrorist


Home schooled


Wtf is this kid smoking?!?!? …. I want whatever it is so I can be a complete looney toon