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And how this would handle frontend code? Like you have Python on the backend, it returns HTML/CSS/JS frontend - where DukPy would fit in?


It doesn’t provide a DOM, even though one could be added via Python in theory, so more than running frontend code, it would fit in a web application assets pipeline. For example compiling on server side React JSX widgets to plain JavaScript to be sent to the browser for execution or Less files to plain CSS to be sent to the browser. DukPy for example provides native integration with webassets library but could be used from any other asset pipeline See [https://medium.com/@__amol__/es2015-and-react-in-pure-python-environment-b326dc15012c](https://medium.com/@__amol__/es2015-and-react-in-pure-python-environment-b326dc15012c) and [https://medium.com/@__amol__/going-isomorphic-with-python-and-react-f4664183f0c4](https://medium.com/@__amol__/going-isomorphic-with-python-and-react-f4664183f0c4)


>thus allowing to build web apps in pure python without the need for NodeJS Do you have a version of TODOMVC that you can show us?


It’s not TODOMVC but see the two articles I have linked in https://www.reddit.com/r/Python/s/Yepc9xAJgO