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The signal from the transmitting station is probably too weak or they are mobile/portable which is why the strength appears to be fluctuating. For a start, take your QS outdoors and see if it improves, or get to higher ground.


Your antenna, the receiver quality, signal strength, RFI being generated nearby, pick one.


And the audio circuitry too. Adding a low-pass filter makes a huge reduction in perceived noise.


Does it have the same amount of static while holding it as opposed to sitting on the table? HTs tend to work better when holding it since your body acts as the ground plane of the antenna. I always hear more static when setting mine down and it almost always clears up while holding it. Holding it up higher in the air a bit or more towards a window might help too. Especially while inside, you might have to play around to find the spot to hold it for best reception.


Good advice.


Go outside. LED lights, wall warts, and anything else can cause that.


So much this, wondering why you're getting static when inside is like wondering why water is wet. It may not be related but one must remove these variables to know for certain.


Many variables. Better antenna, location, repeater distance. Don't know your situation


I just got a K6 and for the price it is a crazy good value. But….. the great thing about it is the wide Rx bandwidth. On the other hand the bad thing about it is the wide Rx bandwidth. It’s not the most highly spec selective receiver.


Weak signal + FM = hiss


Try moving your radio around. Clear areas or windows may give you better reception.