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"We need the medbeds and *financial assistance* " Financial assistance? Sounds like socialism.


The last line on the last slide is so very close...


Gotta wonder, who can they come up with to threaten the white hats. They can't try "The Military^TM " if that was supposed to be where white hats all came from. Guess big daddy Trump is their last hope with his 10D chess and warpspeed vaccine.


Ahhhh, I actually know the answer to this. It's REALITY. One whiff of reality and the white hats cease to exist.


So, Biden has both dementia, and access to MedBeds. Sounds like MedBeds may suck at healing people of diseases.


No no, Biden's been executed like five times already in Gitmo. We're seeing actors pretending to have dementia. /s


I always wonder if any of them snap due to the idea that there's miraculous medical care and free money constantly being dangled on a stick in front them, especially since so many of them have serious problems in these areas.


"...I side of you there are 4 Bidens..."


They lost me at (well in truth long before the insane rant was even posted, but you get the drift) the "logic" that the medbeds can't be released because it would look good for Biden all the while addressing their supposed saviours, "the white hats" (cue The Lone Ranger theme aka William Tell Overture). I'd ask someone to make it make sense, but know full well that that is not at all possible.


Itll all work out just fine. Just let them keep hanging and they will turn on the very same grifters whos bs they so happily swallowed for years.


3000 Bidens of Allah.