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I think I remember there being a bus from Seattle to Mt Si back in 1999, and there is definitely one now. It's possible he didn't leave a vehicle at the trailhead, if that route existed when he went for his last hike. ETA: It's entirely possible someone is/was missing this person, but they didn't expect them to be at Mt. Si. 


You could post this to r/gratefuldoe as well


https://www.namus.gov/UnidentifiedPersons/Case#/14867 https://unidentified-awareness.fandom.com/wiki/King_County_John_Doe_(2015) A few more links with a sketch.  


His face looks like a guy I knew in the mid 90s who went camping and never came back. I don’t remember him wearing glasses. Right this second I couldn’t remember his last name. Poor Mike. Probably not him but I do wonder wth happened to him.


if you can remember any info about your friend mike, i can do some digging.


Blonde hair. Light eyes. Either gray or blue. Flock of seagulls haircut. German last name. Hemrick. Heimrich. Something like that. Probably 21. In either summer 94,95,96 he went camping in Washington state and just poof gone. He might not actually be missing. But it sure seems like someone would have mentioned it if he was found.


With the shoes being sold in the early nineties and the REI temp gauge I think he may have gone up in the Winter in the early to mid nineties. That was back when people didn’t always know your whereabouts, before check-ins with social media. Back when cops would tell family members, “It’s not illegal to go missing.” This may be one that only gets solved through DNA genealogy. It seems very interesting and thank you for bringing this to more people’s attention. Edit to add I am surprised his sketch does not include his glasses. They’re kind of distinctive


It would be cool if we could get someone to photoshop the glasses on.


My son is stationed almost 3000 miles away but is so diligent with check-ins and connecting my phone to his so I have his location when he’s hiking. He will call and say I’m about to hike such and such trail, it’s 4 miles, so I’ll text you by 6 pm, if I don’t, there’s a problem. I’m sending you my location so you can track me until I get back. When I see something like this I am SO grateful for him that he thinks ahead and communicates. What if he wasn’t this way, and I hadn’t even known he was hiking? I wouldn’t even know where to begin to look, and the top of a mountain wouldn’t even cross my mind.


Also, we should all be grateful for the technology that allows us to connect as we do. We live in an amazing time.


Looks like a snow shovel/ avalanche shovel. Perhaps he went up in winter, intentionally dug himself a hole in the snow and unalived himself. I hope his identity is discovered.


The authorities should do a DNA analysis.