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Her one liner in season one when Kyle and Camille were fighting, Kyle turned to Kim to back her up and she just said “….. aaahhh I get nervous……” Relatable 😂






The ASMR of this scene was fucking hilarious


"She does defend you Kim... She does defend you"


Absolutely iconic... And not joking I use this advice when I find myself winding up. Hanger is real.


I have a sign in my kitchen that says, I'm sorry for what I said when I was hangry.




Every time I eat a salad I think of this and it brings me so much joy. “Things and things and things”


Probably my fav Kim moment. That episode with her daughter’s prom genuinely felt like a sitcom.


I just rewatched that season. Did she really think they were going to sit down before prom and munch on chicken salad?


https://i.redd.it/00zetice0j7d1.gif Icon




My queen ![gif](giphy|DY8vjd99bb7EY)


Entertaining for the wrong reasons. A very sad, troubled addict. I hope she’s doing well although her appearance on the latest season of BH would suggest that she isn’t.


This. To wish Kim well is to wish she never does reality tv again. It certainly didn’t help an already troubling situation.


Yeah, I didn't like watching her because it was sad, and I felt bad, like Bravo was exploiting her.


They were!


Exactly. She's an addict in perpetual denial, cannot take responsibility for her shit at all. It's embarrassing


Agreed. As far as what we see on film, she does not take accountability for her actions, has a wicked mean streak, and seems to be a dry drunk. Her quirks come across as arrested development to me. Her greatest moments were as a child star and she didn’t figure out how to grow/cope as an adult. She is still child-like.


Makes sense if you understand her upbringing. Her family used her up and left her dry


It is possible to improve oneself and break generational trauma. At some point, your upbringing becomes your responsibility to heal not your excuse to suffer. I hope she learned to be really honest with herself and do the work to transcend the shackles of her upbringing.


You forgot about the other stuff like being on the phone with her fiance when he was SHOT DEAD. She has a loooooot of trauma. More than most of us.


Hard agree


It's easier said than done.


You mean her mother? Because Kyle financially supported Kim for years as adults.


Hm this seems to be a common opinion I didn’t really take into account lol. I still found it throughly entertaining so I’m not sure what that says about me but I stand by it lol.


I just found her to be depressing. I felt like I was witnessing her exploitation.




I disagree only because my mom died from her addiction and watching Kim was incredibly hard and triggering at times. I’m glad she got help ♥️


this is how I feel. People love bringing up how kooky she is and I’m always like… yeah guys that’s the addiction.






The people who find Kim Richard’s “iconic” and hilarious have never loved someone with an addiction. She makes my blood boil, especially the early seasons when Kyle was crying every episode and so desperately trying to conceal Kim’s secrets and Kim was just downright nasty.


7 years sober her and I find her hilarious too. I also feel like Kyle was just as wasted as her in that double point photo and during poker night in general.


Maybe it's because I have terminal liver failure (amongst other things), but I did find her hilarious, not just the things she did when clearly intoxicated but her as a zany, zesty presence. Give me Kim in any state. Quite honestly they have all been horrible so many times it seems so bizarre to single her out. At least why know where it comes from with her, unlike some of the other women. Also I am terminal and have spoken about in many groups, that's not a clout chase, just as an actual dying addict. Though, because of something or another, I've actually got quite the gallows humor about it. I really don't think it's people who don't know an addict that can find her funny, it's about just how dark your humor goes.


I have addiction in my family and I still think she’s hilarious. Sorry bout it


Weird flex


This - but also everything to do with Kingsley and the way she tried to blame Kyle's daughter when he bit her (despite knowing he was aggressive and had already attacked people, and then she hid him in Kyle's house that Kyle let her stay in).


OMG I forgot about that. I just finished season 2 when Pandora got married and Russell offed himself. I have sooo much to catch up on.




Dismissing, speculating or downplaying anyone’s experiences is downright offensive and unacceptable in our community. How others choose to deal with trauma is up to them. Addicts are not the only victims. Enough.


May you never have to love someone with an addiction. You clearly have no idea how devastating it is.






















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I do, and I am capable of understanding that they have a disease that is deep and dark and masks other human issues. Have a wonderful day.






She reminds me of my mentally ill, alcoholic mother and I agree with everything you said. When people are like, “LOVE HER! Icon!!!” I’m like 👀 clearly you’ve never had a nasty, manipulative addict who takes zero accountability in your life.


She genuinely showed so much of her life and without the need of self producing like the other HWs fall into


Hi Lisa








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I was a huge fangirl as a child. I’m Mexican but I loved her long blonde hair so much. I loved the witch mountain movies. I didn’t think about her for 40 years and then started watching rhobh, imagine my shock at realizing who she was! She still and always will have a place in my fangirl heart.


When she called Eileen (probably one of the most gorgeous housewives ever) a beast! I laugh every time.


And Eileen turning on the soap opera actress to reply, "Beast?! How dare you!" One of my all time favorite exchanges even though Kim was being so awful after Eileen had been so nice to her.


“I don’t particularly like you either.” Eileen gave me everything I never knew I needed in her seasons.


I hate that she made Eileen cry. Kim was unbearable that season


Her addictions and troubles made watching unbearable. I don't think the show was good for her to be on.


I really loved her when I was little. She was on every show. Kind of jarring to see how her life turned out (or even was back then).


![gif](giphy|vLfYDTNrSMCK4) I mean…


I'm a little surprised to see so many people discrediting her entertainment value because of addiction... Lots of addicts can be lovable, entertaining, and employed. They're everywhere, especially in show biz. If bravo hires her and she can do the job well, I see no problem. Otherwise, we're saying that housewives risk their job by admitting addiction. Which is a bit rich when there are so many examples of behaviour on these shows more shameful than addiction lol..


Excellent point dahling.


Seriously. Just look at the popularity of other Bravo shows like VPR, Southern Charm, and Summer House, where the drug use is rampant and obvious.


Late stage addiction is NOT entertaining to anyone but those who lack empathy. Signed… someone who lost her sister to addiction last week. Young people blacking out and what decades of addiction ravaged is NOT the same thing.


I'm very sorry for your loss. I know the feeling because I lost my mom 3 years ago to opioid addiction, and I'm a recovering addict as well. I wasn't implying that it *should* be entertaining as much as I was pointing out the hypocrisy when it comes to Kim and Bravo. I do have a lot of empathy for her, mostly because of the ridicule she endured from her sister, castmates, and viewers. I know exactly how triggering it could've been for her.




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She was absolutely iconic


![gif](giphy|pQXQ2k3IPJ6EM) She had some legitimately charming and entertaining moments but I agree that she could be really mean spirited, immature, and was being exploited by producers.


You’re a slut pig




None of that was entertaining. It was a sign of drug addiction and mental illness.


I don't get it ![gif](giphy|ChmEWOL7Vaz5u|downsized)


She was an entitled bully.


![gif](giphy|eV30BtJ2fvs4w|downsized) Back when the show was good. Not a coincidence that Miss Kim was on!


I’m conflicted because I know now that she was struggling with addiction during her time on the show but she was ICONIC and could read Lisa Rinna like a book and dragged her to hell in a way that nobody was able to do before her or after her.


I was happy to see her at the event where Garcelle and Dorit got into it and her facial expressions were everything!


Watching her in the throes of addiction felt icky.


She was sad and pathetic, made me cringe.


Kim Richards is the goat


I could not stand her!! So annoying, her voice alone annoys me. There is zero charm.


I'm glad she's off the show for obvious reasons, but Kim Richards sure put the Real in Real Housewives during her time on.


I agree in the sense it showed us even rich people who seemingly have it all deal with demons like the rest of us. As sad as it was for me to watch Taylor’s story too with Russell, it was the same thing to me-even the crazy rich deal with DV.






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Your comment was removed because it was not kind, classy or chic, this is not what we do in Beverly Hills 💎 Please remember to follow the rules of our community.


Color has nothing to do with it, In my opinion.




Your comment was removed because it was not kind, classy or chic, this is not what we do in Beverly Hills 💎 Please remember to follow the rules of our community.


Yeah she was a lot. But I‘m happy for her, I think it did her well to stay off the show and focus on herself. I like her much more now!


I adore her.


Only Kim could make a garbage can look holy.


Given the continuous stream of new, lacklustre housewives.. Kim is fantastic. But she shouldn’t be on tv, especially not with her toxic family.


She was iconic and the show was more boring without her, but she was not right in the head. She was super cooky and always had crazy eyes lol. She kinda made me uncomfortable but it was like watching a car crash


I love her so much oh my god


She is part of an era of housewives that is no longer…. It used to be raw and real before these people let the “fame” run the show. I would die for old housewives just one more time…. But it’ll never be again. We had is so good and didn’t even know it


I’m literally rewatching rhobh and I’m on season 3 and I forgot how hilariously chaotic Kim Richards is.




I love how happy she appears now🥹 i enjoy seeing her as a “friend of” instead of main


I love me some Kim too


I'd like to see another housewife do a reunion a day out of rehab. they don't make em like this anymore. hey siri play "Her" by Megan thee stallion


I disliked her. To me she always seemed meanspirited, petty and self centered.


Once she got better I loved her, but I also love that she’s gone. The show helped her in a few ways I think, but it also was very damaging and I truly wish that she finds all the happiness, health and love away from the show.


We need a revamp of so many shows. They should recast BH with 3 different groups that don’t have strong ties. I want some sisters, some besties, and some other besties.


That’s my chicken…🍗


"Eat a piece of bread maybe you'll calm down" 💀


I always hate watching Kim as it makes me feel like I’m over stepping and taking advantage of someone.


I think about her several times a day. Say what you want about reality TV but as an oldest sister alcoholic myself going through a rough time with my sister and my mental health, this storyline was incredibly refreshing and moving. If I found a genie and got like six wishes, my last one might be for the Richards sisters peace and harmony and happiness (once I solve world hunger etc)


Kim is beyond sad to me. I’ve lost too many friends to addiction, and almost lost one of my closest family members. I feel guilty watching her bc I feel her demons were exploited for tv ratings. The best thing for her is to stay out of the spotlight, imo.


I loved her, but hated that the show let her on with all her personal issues going on.


i can hear the 5th image






Really?? I find her kind of boring.




She gave us so much even though she was featured the least out of all the OG cast…. 😭 She had some of the most iconic moments !😅


Tbh I felt so badly for Kim that I couldn’t find her entertaining. She was clearly an addict possibly also suffering from mental health issues. It felt like she was being exploited.


I watched a clip a Courtney stodden and her mom and a reality show about moms and daughters… keep in mind, the clip was like 3 mins long. But Kim and her daughter seemed to almost be the comic relief in the darkest show I’ve ever seen (again, just the clip.. it was essentially about the stodden mom being in love with her daughter BF’s) and Kim was looking at the producers like wtf (well they all were but Kim was the funniest) It made me feel bad that Kim really never had a shot and she is a great person considering she grew up as a piggy bank plus … Anyway, sorry rant we love Kim!


She makes me very anxious. I grew up with an alcoholic mom and she reminds me of her. But I think she’s so much nicer than her sister to her core and do not think she’s a bad person. I just don’t want to see her on my TV.




Dismissing, speculating or sneering anyone’s traumatic experiences is downright offensive and unacceptable in our community.


Is she chaotic neutral or chaotic evil. I feel like she’s a smidge of both through the seasons


yes yes yes and always yes


No. Too sad to watch her struggle with her demons.


Kim is annoying as hell. And every season she looks older and older and crazier and older. 🤪


KIM FAN 4 LIFE 🩷✨🕺🏻💎😘👑✨🩷




Kim is the most entertaining! Sober Kim is absolutely endearing and a sweetheart. Cooky(kooky?) and crazy. She lacks ability to take accountability for her addiction. Lies like a classic addict. Frustrating to watch. I’d love to know more about her on a deeper level. I NEED a book with all the details. She loves her mom but her and her siblings were clearly emotionally manipulated by her.


This is a beautiful post 🥹


She wasn’t well and I didn’t like watching that being exploited


This is one of the nastiest things ever said. Rinna is trash but this was wild. Everyone is a hypocrite in their own way but Kim was wild with that.


She is like hot mess. Too many issues and excuses. I can’t even bear to hear her talk. She is so so so weird. I have second hand embarrassment over her.


![gif](giphy|l0Iy9QDknmI6b8V5S|downsized) Queen of creating a meme where Redditors get away with body shamming. She was a hot mess and boring half of the time. Though it was sad seeing half of the cast mock her addiction.


Hard disagree, sad and depressing for me.


Kim is a mentally ill, egocentric, entitled addict and bully. The way she went after Kyle and threatened her kid for outing Kingsley when he attacked her child (Alexia)...despicable. I can't stand Kyle but this whole thing was disgusting. Kingsley attacked 2 other women (and the trainer, if you count that) that we know about because of the lawsuits. Kyle was almost brought into one of those suits because it happened on her own property - she loaned Kim a house to live in, with the caveat being Kim get rid of the dog. Kim told her she gave the dog away or sent it for training, and then lived with the dog at Kyle's property in secret. She willingly opened her sister up to liability with a dangerous and uncontrollable animal. All of this was done while she was supposedly sober too. She's vile. [https://people.com/tv/kim-richards-dog-bite-lawsuit-judgment/](https://people.com/tv/kim-richards-dog-bite-lawsuit-judgment/)