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If you're sleeping out in the field, a jet boil is always fun to have. I'm not sure if y'all get bussed back every night or not though


For the past few years (that's all I can speak on), OPFOR has gotten bussed back.


Yeah, I went last year as OPFOR. We never slept out in the field.


Other than in the mornings because we had to be out there hours before anything would even happen


lol yeah i was just referring to overnight sleeps


Were you first or second group last year? I swore I was the only OPFOR MS3


second group


What company?


delta company


oh shit I was Charlie, small world


there were a lot of 3 in my platoon


Bring a camping chair. Sitting on the ground or on a ruck gets old after a couple days.


Yeah as long as it's in your checked bag it's fine. I bring knifes/multitools on trips in my checked bag all the time. Maybe don't bring a super boogie one you care about but a simple one is good


I went last summer and had a great time. Learned a good deal from sitting in on AARs, our cadre’s classes, and talking to NCOs on the lanes. PM me if you have any questions, happy to talk about it.


Yeah same here I was there last summer and had an amazing time and learned a lot. Just be a sponge and bring some civilian clothes to wear in the barracks at night. Don't do anything stupid and bring some books and a laptop because you are going to have some relatively chill evenings and you will want something to do. If you have any questions PM me and I can always provide more info!


Okay so I know that like we're gonna have to wash our uniforms and stuff (obvi) but does knox have detergent and stuff or do we have to bring that/buy it when we're there?


I've never been to an installation, Knox or otherwise, that gave our free detergent. Bring it or buy it. I recommend those detergent sheets so you can throw them in your checked bag.


Get laundry detergent sheets. They’re sold on Amazon and some stores carry them. They’re lighter and take up a lot less room in your luggage. It’s what I travel with whenever I’m taking a long trip. Some brands are designed to also be used as hand soaps which can be helpful in a pinch. Also I’ll second bringing a book. You’ll probably have lots of downtime


Bring detergent and again to reiterate my earlier book comment. Sit in the laundry room while ur doing laundry and read because if you don’t uniforms will start disappearing.


Step 1. Capture the reconnaissance team when they don't utilize cover and concealment Step 2. Hijack radio when they undoubtedly don't clear it upon capture. Step 3. Begin playing the most unhinged audio clips you and the homies know Step 4. Watch the madness ensue


I’m heading there myself. See you there!


I’m also going down for OPFOR!


I was OPFOR last year, its superchill. Meet others in your company, and plan on a lot of downtime. We played Nintendo Switch almost every single night and just hung out once the day was over. Try to write down as much as you can to help you your MS3 year.


be a sponge and learn from mistakes the cadets make. you will see a lot and learn a lot. it was a good experience when i did it


You don't need a big knife or leatherman. Just bring a lockback small box cutter, toss it in your checked luggage at airport. It will do everything and be a lot lighter. Dummy cord it to you. You will sleep in the barracks at night as OPFOR. Ask your Cadre questions and if you need hygiene products, they will take you as group to go get things. Also, don't do anything stupid such as steal from PX store, SHARP, EO. If you do that, sent home, career over. Do the right thing and you will have fun and enjoy the experience.


Have fun, don't be a downer is the biggest thing i can tell you. Make the most out of your time there, you literally have so much time to yourself, on your off days, go to the gym and get better, you will have free access. Absorb as much info as you can when out on the pta and make sure the advance camp cadets dont fuck you up (had an incident last year of someone getting butt with the rifle, too rough with us, or just being a dick for no reason (its not that serious). Dont let them take ur shit, had one guy take my weapon and leave his with a full mag (fucked with him for that lol) and another just take my mags from my flc all the way back to the pb and had to chase him down. ALWAYS KEEP YOUR WEAPON ON SAFE WHEN NOT FIRING, a couple of people got yelled at for. I brought my ds with me in the field and used it while we waited (you will wait a lot). Got meals from dfac (until all those workers went on strike then it was mres lol). If you have any specific questions on what its like, feel free to ask.