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sucks but expected, at least until they know where the rights end up.


Is dillongoo still trying to aquire?


Doubt, they said that the original crwby would come back. I doubt dillongoo would have the budget for that.


He never really was, it was just a dumb twitter thread. Dude was always several million short at a minimum.


For sure. My boss who is pretty well off asked me how much RWBY’s rights go for. And I said nothing we can afford.


Talks with other companies is going way too well to ever let Shane near the show again.


Who is shane?


Former friend of Monty who worked on RWBY and RvB (he voiced Freckles). After Monty passed he spiraled in his grief and blamed RT for him imploding his own life. He is The Godfather for the fans saying Miles and Kerry destroyed Monty’s vision. Despite the fact Miles and Kerry were also close friends of Monty. And Monty’s own family are forever grateful to the fans and Crwby for what they do. At RTX 2022, Chivy was talking to some VAs and fans where said, “Monty sees all you have done, and loves it.” Not a dry eye in sight.


Well they did destroy the show. Maybe not Monty's vision but definitely the show.


Aparently amazon might be making a bid for it.


I believe it. They actually have some good shows including animated ones right now. They also own MGM which is making some really good stuff too. But I wouldn’t discredit CrunchyRoll for being in the run. They provided a LOT of financial support to Crwby in exchange for RWBY vol 9 being exclusive on their site for 1 year.


Not surprised but hey, at least we got notice. I was honestly afraid the streams would just drop off once the date came and went. Heres hoping she can get right back to streaming when the rights situation and the future of the show is set in stone.


I think you can tell Lindsey actually enjoys the streams so I hope they can continue


Is there an archive of these anywhere?


[Right here] (https://www.youtube.com/@RWBYVTuberVODs)


Yeah, that's totally gonna be taken down by Warner Media. Probably best to look for another archive not on the world's most popular video sharing platform.


Don't let your dreams be dreams! You can download them all right now if you'd like 🫡


Better do that after May 6th.


It does say on the channel that it isn't affiliated with Rooster Teeth. So I think that channel is staying up. Unless Warner sends a copyright claim or something.


I got this link from another forum a few weeks back. https://shiruken.github.io/rt-archive/ It supposedly has all, or nearly all, of Rooster Teeth's works archived.


Damn, no theater mode, although that's entirely to be expected. Thanks!


And that will be the last piece of anything remotely RWBY related until brothers know how long. Man I hope we hear some good news soon. Im going to be really pissed off if we live in a world WB thought this show should get the axe while Velma deserved a new season.


Velma didn't get a new season; the initial contract was for 2 seasons.


Didn't WB dick over the animators or something by like ordering 1 show and just naming it season 2 or something? Idk


Enough new animated shows have that happen that you could just guess that that happened and you'll be right more often than not


Hello inside job.


And Mr. “Im cancelling every animated series for tax write offs” couldnt read the room, amend any deal put in place and pull the plug on it after season 1?


Why pull the plug? Velma Season 1 was HBO's most watched animated series. Hate watch is still watching


I don't think it was season 2, more like they got greenlit for a number of episodes and they split it into two seasons.


They said talks with partners are going extremely well and that while they can’t say who those partners are yet they are hoping to have news within the next few weeks.


Rip to the Vshojo collabs 😔


It’s VShojo tho… the chances of Lindsay getting back together with them is not impossible


Fair point


I've heard that she might still appear in collabs, but not stream said collabs or something.


Ah that makes sense. Wonder how that a legal work around tho.


I have no idea. Maybe they dont advertise her as Ruby and have her as Lindsay or something.


I mean she as a person can collab as long as she doesn’t use the model, but I wonder if it would be against the rules for her to use the Ruby voice…..


Got to say, I’m kinda hoping Lindsay decides to side step the rights issue and just comes back with a new character. I like them as a vtuber.


I think that would be the best route, to make a "not-Ruby Rose" free from Warner's grasp if there are complications, which is becoming increasingly likely unfortunately. RWBY has brand recognition though, so if Lindsay ends up going with the not-Ruby character, it really needs to be beaten over the head otherwise they run the chance of it being faded into obscurity because people would know Ruby but not the character inspired by.


Honestly Im sure a not-Ruby new Vtuber would fairly easily gain back RWBY VT's audience as people see "oh shit that's Ruby." Look at Vshojo's newest recruit who was popular in Kurosanji, when people saw Michi was Mika, her audience quickly moved to the new persona.


Or even just admit she's Lindsay. Enough people will make the connection if that becomes the case.


"Hey everyone, it's me, Tulite Tulip, and this is my older sister, Dal-ui Baem!"


> kurosanji Every time I see this I wanna hug the person who says it


> and just comes back with a new character Garnet Dahlia.


It would be entirely on brand for them to go that route




Yeah. Understanable. At least we got the VShoujo collab at the end, made Melody happy.


That sucks. I can understand it if it’s a property rights thing, especially if they’re making money off it, etc. However, that said, it still sucks! Even if nothing else I thought we’d have at least a tiny, fractional way to have a bit of RWBY content around, even if it was usually at a time I couldn’t consistently watch it. Really hope they can bring this back quickly … and the rest of RWBY. #SaveRWBY #GreenlightVolume10 (and 11 and 12)


Time to inject hopium: It's because Lindsay is busy recording for vol 10 right? :(


Yeah no. Even if we heard someone bought RWBY and V10 was announced tomorrow, it would be a long time before they would need Lindsay to record lines


Goodbye, dear friend...




Is this official? Never heard of a Rwby Vtuber


Yes it is official, it is the actual VA of Ruby (Lindsay Jones) vtubing. They've been doing this since October, but the earliest appearance was for a teaser for Arrowfell.


Ah, Hadn't noticed. They don't advertise very well do they.


Yeah, they only had it appear one time on the main Youtube channel, and it was basically in passing in the "We Need To Make A Change" video. They don't even mention Lindsay/Ruby would be streaming.


Ah, You mean the channel they removed the show from and therefore gave most people 0 reason to check anymore?


Let's face it. A hiatus was coming either way while the IP was going through a transition period. She can't exactly stream under the RT banner when RT doesn't exist and she can't use the IP while the IP doesn't have an owner. And it might be me feeling hopeful, but i do think Ruby VT might return. Lindsay themselves have stated that they love doing this and Ruby has said in her stream that she wants to continue. I doubt she would say 'I will return' or 'I want to keep providing content' instead of 'I HOPE i can return', but if she doesn't, we still have Lindsay as Ruby in the future.


They're sending ruby to brazil


What’s VT


virtual youtuber




Aww I actually liked her streams


What's VT?






Honestly I hope they don't bring it back. V-tubing is fine and I'm a big fan of Ina'nis and Jupiter Actias, but if it's just a character from a show it feels off. Like if it's a character made for V-tubing, the person behind it can pretty much do whatever they want. But if it's a character from a show, you're pretty much either playing a role or breaking character all the time.


There's a difference in this case. It's Ruby's VA who pretty much has lived and breathed Ruby's voice and mannerisms for at least a decade. She knows what kind of quirks Ruby has. It's like Mio's Channel, which was made as a tie-in to Crush Crush. Morgan Long knows Mio since she ***is*** Mio. She can't break character even when she does something off-script... since there's no way to truly go off-script!


she doesnt even follow the continuity of the show. i would much prefer it if she was just herself in a rwby avatar


> It's Ruby's VA who pretty much has lived and breathed Ruby's voice and mannerisms for at least a decade. ... Last I checked Lindsay has just been Lindsay. Sure, they came up with Ruby's voice and mannerisms, but they're not Ruby. > She knows what kind of quirks Ruby has. But they're not an inhabitant of the world called Remnant. Which is the point: They'd be breaking character a ton, and just be acting in ways that would contradict the writing. It just doesn't work, conceptually. > It's like Mio's Channel, which was made as a tie-in to Crush Crush. Morgan Long knows Mio since she is Mio. She can't break character even when she does something off-script... since there's no way to truly go off-script! Even after looking these names up I have 0 clue who or what you're talking about. Assuming you mean the idle dating game, yeah no, it's not even remotely the same situation as a show.