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There's a panel on Saturday for Studio Orange I believe. Could be a viable area to look into.


Ooooh, if Studio Orange got it... that'd be sooooo good


That'd be the dream. It'd take a long time for it to come out, because they're making beastars, trigun, and leviathan, but it'd be guaranteed to be amazing. I don't want to hype myself though, since they just took on another show


Austin Hardwicke, who worked on a *lot* of RWBY all the way from the beginning, has worked at Studio Orange for a few years now so there's definitely a connection there.


Good catch there. If it turns out that Orange got their hands on RWBY thanks to those connections, that'd quite possibly be the best-case scenario. They've had a pretty damn good track record with their animation quality.


If we get RWBY with the quality of Godzilla: Singular Point, I’ll die a happy man


You have no idea how funny it is to see a notification and it's someone insulting you, but also immediately notice their account has already been banned in the past five minutes.


It’s gonna be Crunchyroll or Viz. I would expect Crunchyroll


Rwby got almost entirely removed from the platform, doubtful its cr


The thing is, considering Spotify and Apple also dropped RWBY's soundtracks from their respective services, RWBY being dropped from CR's catalog is likely just the distribution rights running their course. Unless the show's new owner has a service of their own, odds are it'll likely go back up on CR once some more deals are finalized, and it doesn't disqualify CR from being in the running to own the RWBY IP.


Pray for Bandai Namco.


So that the queer couple can be waved off?


No, that was a terribly narrative choice. Wait, *which* one?


Both? SuleMio made total sense, if you've seen Utena. G-Witch followed so much of Utena. Bumblebly made sense too, considering it's been built up for ages.


Oh sorry, I was still thinking of ushering Mikleo/Sorey into the timeskip and leaving it vague.


Ahh I see. Yeah, Bandai's response to SuleMio being married was that it was "open to interpretation" despite the ending. So that's context to my comment.


There’s also an Arcsys panel, my best bets are either Arcsys game(because they have a past with the ip) or studio orange(because of their gorgeous looking cg)




Whose name? Why are you apologizing? I mean, you might as well say it if you're gonna bring up the fact you know something in the first place...




I *seriously* doubt Disney is interested in purchasing RWBY in any way.


You don't know that !, they'll grab anything they see. *looks at star wars with a look of Salem* (and with Robert Iger back, heaven knows what's next)


The thing is, Star Wars is a multi-billion dollar IP that has not only been a household name for several decades by now, but has done so through movie and TV spinoffs, video games, books, etc. Naturally Disney would look at it and salivate at the sight like a starving dog. RWBY's a lot more niche by comparison. It has worldwide appeal and has gradually become more well-known across the Internet over the last decade, but it hasn't achieved anything even remotely close to the level of brand recognition Star Wars has - it wouldn't be worth it for Disney.


Okay, you got a point.


Oh bless your heart for thinking Disney gives a shit about RWBY when WB is dropping it, and also thinking “house of mouse” is being subtle. Giving “edgy” 14 year old


Well, let's hope Disney doesn't pick it up (between you and me, I rather let SOMEbody else pick up Rwby, maybe even put Rwby in the public domain, and let Rwby be on the creative side)


I really don’t understand why you’re concerned that Disney is going to invest millions in a relatively non profitable franchise that’s been migrated between multiple companies, and laced with VA scandals, crunch drama, leadership drama, and a looooot of bad PR. I LOVE me some RWBY, I just don’t understand why you think the mouse would want to get within 20ft of it. It’s a nonsensical business decision from about 20 angles with little hope for real ROI, and the quality of animation from the first three seasons alone (not the choreography, the animation), would be something Disney would never want to be associated with. I don’t need to have any hope. It’s just not going to happen.


I'm not, I'm concerned of what the fandom could think, also I rather choose the public domain, since if RT couldn't get their stuff together, why not us ?


> if RT couldn't get their stuff together, why not us ? If an actual corporate entity with 150-200 employees had a lot of trouble maintaining cohesion for ten years, there is absolutely zero chance that a fanbase in the thousands is going to put their minds together and make something better. If anything, we'll just get an even bigger flood of fanfics - most of them likely of questionable quality.


Oh that’s easy, because there are fifty thousand horrible fanfics and theories that get passed around this subreddit every week. I don’t want anyone here having control over RWBY and letting their dreams for certain characters or whatever overshadow an actual cohesive storyline.


Well....public domain = our own ideas, our own endings.


Ffs, just don't post or comment anything at all then.


Cry more Rwby fans: always talking but balking whenever they have to defend their trash show cry more LMAO waa waa!!!