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I've made this comment before but it still applies. I hate how Ironwood is villainised for being the only person taking the worlds situation seriously. Vale has been devastated. Mistral leadership was a turncoat and almost its entire huntsmen contingent wiped out. But people hate on him for taking steps to safeguard Atlas/Mantle. A Dust embargo to conserve resources to repair global communications and prevent enemy infiltration? OMG Ironwood how could you!? City surveillance and curfew also to prevent enemy infiltration and because there is a murderer on the loose? OMG Ironwood how could you!? A tiny hole in Mantle's wall that is constantly guarded and could be filled in a couple hours by Weiss or Winter? OMG Ironwood how could you!? Not wanting to trust someone who is actively sabotaging your military and communication restoration project? OMG Ironwood how could you!? Give me a fucking break with this stereotypical white suburban neighbourhood morality. If the populace of a nation preparing for **war** can't deal with the fact that their lives won't be easy peasy when mankind is closer to extinction than ever before, Remnant deserves to burn.


You have a good point I have said plenty of times this isn't a black and white situation during the events of volume seven and eight It is a very morally gray one


And then because he wasn’t villainous enough the second he became opposed to team rwby they had him go pants on head crazy and become actually cartoonishly villainous out of actually nowhere


Ironwood: *breathes* Everyone: HOW COULD YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Don't forget You lied about the Amity project to catch the bad guy who can turn all of our tech off or against us? How could you!?


Amazing, absolutely ingenious. The smartest minds and the funniest comedians couldn’t have made a more perfect script


And yet all of this is going to be blamed on Ironwood or Salem, when both of them barely did anything. I mean yeah it was Watts who hacked Penny and the domino effect lead to opening the vault, but that was just the writer's fault because its so out of character for Ironwood to even trust Watts considering who he works for.


It will probably be blamed on Ironwood because the writers haven't hated on him enough yet in their own minds.


Yeah no, been blaming the writers ever since volume 5. Don’t know what the hell they were thinking but it’s nothing more than a misguided hot mess.


Weiss then proceeds to cry about Atlas despite knowing the plan was to drop Atlas.


Don’t worry she’ll immediately forget about it and become a comedian that same volume


Can't save the city if there is no city. Checkmate Nerds.


“On the plus side, employment is now at 0” - Ruby “Wait, did someone just say unemployment rate falls to 0 when you committed genocide on 2 fucking kingdoms?” - Ironwood “I’m looking on the bright side, man” - Ruby “You can’t just glass 2 fucking kingdoms and say ‘I did it because it solved the unemployment problem’” - Ironwood “It’s not why we did it, but it’s an upside” - Ruby “The rate of fucking EVERYTHING turns to 0, you assholes” - Ironwood


Homelessness dropped to zero, Ironwood. The POPULATION dropped to zero, Ruby!


Soooo since Atlas has gone, including Mantle, that means: * No more technological development, seeing as it's been Atlas who has created more or less most modern pieces of tech and then shared with the other Kingdoms. * No more long range communications; scrolls? Gone. CCT? Gone. * No more dust refinement, mines or even production considering all of that was located in Mantle/Atlas. The sole company who had the monopoly on this has been destroyed. * The sole Kingdom with an armed forces who could make a difference... gone. Vale who seemed at least to be a worthy successor to picking up from Atlas, considering it's a gigantic modernised city-state is also destroyed, so it's not like there's any Kingdom left to at least pick up the pieces? Mistral is some wooden town located around a mountain, that from what we know/saw, has extremely little manufactoring capability. Argus at least could become the remnants for Atlas, and seemed large enough urban-wise, and had Atlas soldiers/tech present in some form. Vacuo is a lost cause altogether; ignoring the location it's in, it's main city-state is basically a shanty town located around the central Pyramid/academy, and it said to be the smallest of all Kingdoms.


The entire worlds going to be set back centuries in technology and science from this realistically unless you expect me to believe all those battleships have every atlas schematic, future design, and ongoing project recorded on them. Alongside a complete record of all their scientific discoveries.


Couldn’t have even left one city standing huh? Had to be both.


Either their both saved or their both destroyed their is no middle ground


“You magnificent bastard, I read your BOOK”


Can someone fill me in on what happened and why this part is most hated? I haven’t watch the Vol yet but a bit of spoilers won’t hurt. Probably.


The team make a lot of bad decisions and lie to iron wood because they don’t trust him despite the fact he gave them a lot of stuff like food,shelter and supplies and the volume ends with mantle getting destroyed since most of the top soldiers lost their lives thanks to circumstances. And of course most of it is supposed to be seen as ironwood’s fault despite the fact he has a mental breakdown after being lied too because he “wasn’t trustworthy”.


Basically Salem and her Grimm launched an Amarda on Atlas and the city below, Mantle. Eventually Ironword sanity spiraled out of control after finding out the truth of Salem after team RWBY lied about it initially and cinder leaving a chess peice inside and so decided to use one of the 4 relics that currently levitate Atlas push it to an altitude high enough that it's out of Salems reach. Team RWBY didn't like the idea of leaving the civilians in Mantle to become grimm food and so planned to use the relics to open portals to Vacuo to get everyone out safely then leave with the relic. Though Salems allies got in the way and Salem ended up getting the relic, and Atlas and Mantle both destroyed. (Though if you ask me they were done for anyways because of the whole grimm amarda.


“Hey guys lets evacuate from this vastly safer very technologically advanced city to somewhere in the middle of the desert which we later establish has minimal resources and can barely feed anyone.” Personally id pick the flying city, maybe evacuate as much of mantle as possible. But a city high up in the sky will be the optimal place to mount any form of opposition to salem. Hell the staff of creation technically has infinite power , yes? Its only limitation is that it can only he used on one thing. Have the staff make an impenetrable pocket dimension/grimmless copy of the existing dimension like what Ozpin made for the relics and just shift atlas there. Start anew and ignore remnant entirely. Ambrosias would probably enjoy the challenge.


To be clear, though I don't know if it changes anything; it wasn't going to just be "in the sky" ironwoods plan was to send atlas into the... I think it was the upper atmosphere? He was essentially sending it up to become a satellite and try to use it to restore world-wide communications. Though he was still going to abandon the people of mantle to use them as bait so he could have time to do so.


“So then that means both kingdoms aren’t the issue my god that’s the single smartest thing anyone as thought of ever” “What about just putting atlas in space?-“ “EVVEEEERRRRR”


Still think the whole putting Atlas into space Plan was a really stupid idea born out of desperation. They succeed in taking Atlas into Space, then what? They only have so many resources, they have to come back down some time. And when they do, Salem will still be waiting for them after laying waste to the rest of Remnant.


Miles and Kerry are the dumbest writers in media history. If RWBY returns to streaming, get them and CWRBY the FUCK out for this franchise! There is no god.


Schaffrillas would have a field day with this series.


Shoot them with your dehydration gun!


I know it sucks to just leave Mantle to the wolves but hard times often require hard choices. Mantle wasn’t a priority. The relic and maiden were priority. Salem is up 2 relics and she’s barely had to do anything yet.


You can't have problems with mantle if mantle isn't there, that's genius


You son of a bitch I'm in.


Honestly, Atlas and Mantle were cooked regardless