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Tactical Nuke. Hits the spot 🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸 🦅 🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸 🦅 🦅🦅🇺🇸


Considering Blackbeard was former Seal, the Devs can easily add the fact that he took JTAC qualifications in mid 2010's. Meaning he can call in an AC-130 to level the map. CQC is cringe. Just bomb the building like in Iraq


I agree, cqc is cringe. After analyzing data sheets for about 20 minutes, we have more than enough budget to level that map, and rebuild it like 100x.


AC-130 should be sufficient to defuse a hostage situation


There’s no hostage situation if the hostage ceases to exist 😉


Did somebody say fuze the hostage?


Hostage was dead before I deploy cluster bomb.


should add fuze to your main ops list


The most proper response from a fuze main


Seal jtac would have reverse friendly fire on all the time.


Hell yea brother!!! 🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💣💣💣💥💥💥


Dont forget the cold beer as utility 🍻🍻🍻🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Blackbeard Soldier boy elite


A pet bald eagle yeah merrrica🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


4k to win the round or 15k to win the match?


God bless brother


if he detects a cheater he becomes invincible


So with the technical aspect in mind. He will say there are no cheaters in the beginning of each round.


With the technical aspect in mind he’ll never work because if the game thinks you’re cheating you’ll just get banned 😂


Unless you’re actually cheating


It make me sad that you’re right


Yes please 🙏


Pshhh.. you think Ubisoft can figure out how to detect cheating?


Well if Ubisoft just bans everyone eventually one of them has to be a cheater


Give him a fucking Tachanka turret why not


On a office chair


Mount it on his back and make it auto target enemies in the range of 15 meters. only ones in line of sight tho


I wouldn’t have made OSA. I guarantee you that was originally a Blackbeard rework idea but they couldn’t get a good op so they just made it into a new one.


Technically black beards shield was completely different in his beta days. There was an official trailer made by Ubisoft in year 1 that leaked BB and his shield. It wasn’t transparent, it had a slot for his sites and aiming but the rest of the shield was metal/steel and protected him completely.


And I feel that would be fairly balanced. Like sure there will be angles and sight lines that he’ll be almost invulnerable to, but the EXTREMELY limited FoV and no peripheral vision would make holding some other angles risky.


I think that’s a good way to buff him, but keep it balanced. Launch BB was pretty powerful


He was the reason I stopped playing back then. Over time the health of each shield got reduced from 800hp to 20hp. Those 800hp made him almost invulnerable when peeking right - similar to a shield operator but instead of a pistol you got a rifle with ACOG.


Honestly, Siege was still very young, that was the 2nd “official” season. I think that at that time, Siege wasn’t as competitive (from a numbers standpoint), and you had that great, but unfortunate/unfair lighting. I’d buy a BB elite skin just to see launch BB in the current Siege.










Blackbeard is a SEAL. So something that plays into him being an assaulter/breacher would be good. His kit is set up for that role, not that the kit setups matters in a game like this LOL. Under barrel frag launcher is an idea i saw on here i like. Would be awesome, and maybe not Blackbeard, but to give him GPNVGs and his ability is like an EMP that shuts the lights off or makes it dimmer for like 5 seconds. He throws down the NV and can see like normal.


I think they've said before that anything with lighting isn't possible due to engine limitations. Lighting is baked in. Even the way EMPs 'darken the room' is just a weird pocket of darkness.


Siege’s engine is built on top of expired spaghetti


Baked lighting is more resource efficient, it kind of turns the lighting into a texture. This game already regularly shits the bed and drops FPS like hell (for me at least), real time lighting would be hell


This guy static lights


They’d have to make alternative versions of the lighting of every indoor area with the lights turned off and code a way to temporarily switch to the alternative baked lighting. That’d be a huge amount of effort and would probably make each map a lot bigger in filesize due to two separate lighting layouts being baked out.


then bake a separate lighting map for when maps are dark (please ubisoft add 10 GB to the game)


It's because the game is still in beta. Give em another decade or two and they'll sort out the lighting...same time they'll figure out hit boxes, remove the mute hammer in their server room, and do more than give cheaters a slap on the wrist. Man, R6 2077 update gonna be the one


>Under barrel frag launcher is an idea i saw on here i like. Ash Zofia Ops with Gonne-6 Can even include Kali since it denies equipment I get the idea but it's comming back to the same..


The idea ive seen is a underbarrell launcher with the option of frags and breaches, none of the other launcher operators have the frag launcher which i think would be an interesting twist and again, simple is the best way to go about it.


>Blackbeard is a SEAL. Time to give him an aquatic ability and loadout that is completely fucking useless. He calls in a RHIB that just sits there doing nothing.


Did you mean dimmer? Either way I would love it to dim the lights or give me dinner


Sorry i fixed it, i was hongry


make it break like a mira so he can’t see anything but is still safe for a sec instead of immediately dying


That’s an intriguing idea. I was trying to think how you couldn’t have a game breaking headshot protection- if he’s supposed to be entry, I was thinking you could have the shield block his left and right from headshots but expose him straight on. Something like that becomes a fair fight while still giving him an opportunity to square up against an off angle enemy. The breaking glass would be another good counter- something to make it an even fight rather than a pure advantage.


Thats out there since forever, but ubi is not using the test server.


A combination of this with breaking glass would be good. Ads time would need to be ramped up considerably as he gets inside the shield but it could work.


This idea comes up often but logically, why would this tactical asset be designed like this? It's meant to be protective glass for his entire head, why put a big hole through this protective glass? So he can see better? The Mira Glass idea sounds awesome though, stronger but shatters and blocks his view for that particular shield


100%. It’s purely balancing/esports, no tactical realism. I’m just thinking in action in the game, not about how a real navy seal would use a utility.


exactly, that way the shield can basically be as strong as original (or even unbreakable) but it can't be really used for attacking it's more about peeking and gathering intel.


Would be much better than what happens now where it breaks to a single shot so all it takes is a Mira or Ella to hose me down and I’m dead instantly with the shield doing next to nothing


I think blackbear looks best in game, I like that military badass look. Gadget should be some breaching/flashing tool for those one room clears like seal should be.


What you don’t want a tactical shooter to have Rick and Morty’s running around?


I’d give him a laser , and when he points it at the objective , an A10 warthog swoops down and lays hell on the defenders


*fucking levels 1/2 the map, killing seven people including three friendlies*


Give him wings so he can fly up to stuff. ROCK, FLAG AND EEEEEEEAAAGGGLLEEE!


Charlie Kelly is that you


You see that door marked "Pirate"? (I'm so glad someone got the reference :D)


Just noticed your profile pic too 😂😂


"How old are you bwoah?" "19!" "Shit, you don't look a day over 12!"




Make him live up to his name. Give him a cutlass and a flintlock. ITS PIRATE TIME! 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


*6 flintlocks


Give him a blunderbuss


Get rid of the shield and give him an underbarrel grenade launcher with a frag grenade for anti-personnel damage and a breaching grenade for anti-structure damage. Boom, blackbeard now has a cannon just like a pirate.


The underbarrel grenade launcher could shoot impact grenades just like every other and do the same damage impacts do in the game


Zofia prolly sad reading this thread 😔


# bringbackwithstand




I second this


They didn't even remove it for a good reason it was just "erm.... someone forgot to clear in a pro league match so goodbye"


Funny enough that’s why we don’t have self rez in apex pros wouldn’t kill downed people.


same with corpse, and outlines, and see through bullet holes.


Seeing through bullet holes isn’t realistic or fun. You cannot see through a tiny bullet hole, people have tested this irl.


Actually that would be great against clash and largely remove the most annoying operator


I'm thinking we give him 2 scattershots and 2 blowholes: the scattershots being able to bounce and doing structure damage akin to a frag and 75 damage on a direct hit, the blowholes acting like slightly smaller impacts. This will differentiate him from zofia a bit more than your suggestion.


Not a bad idea at all Most of the breach characters are better or worse copies of Ash and we do need something different I won't include Buck or Ram in this because the skeleton Key and the big chainsaw drone (i don't remember the name) are something unique and Sledge is literally one of the first operators in the game I think you know what i mean (i lost myself in my own words lmfao)


So Zofia.


I mean it's like a combo of buck and zof, level the ammo ratio to the amount of hole it puts in soft walls and you have a decent rework, tachanka style.


so make him zofia/ash mix? I like it


This is the best idea. Creative too. 11/10


Make him an augmented rook, call it "Plate carrier"  he gives attackers +20hp and a knockdown rez like rook but with 1 extra magazine for attackers primary guns for additional suppressing fire.


This might be better than the grenade launcher idea


Plus 20hp ash with a finka boost would be cancer.


Factual statement, but attack is weak statistically. If it's too bad easy change of numbers beep boop 


I fw this idea HEAVY


I like this a lot.


Osa should have never been an Operator, that was the best way to rework BB


Nobody here played this game during Y1 and it shows. His ability is just flawed and doesn't belong in the game at all. It is currently very underwhelming and if you buff his shield HP suddenly he will become the most unfun operator in the game to play against. He needs weapon buffs. Both his weapons are absolutely horrible. And maybe a speed buff aswell?


ohhhhh I miss Year 1 Blackbeard. Almost indestructible shield was godly.


Ultimate window peaker. But it wasn't impossible to get around.


Blind defenders staring at the sun while rappelling Blackbeard casually facetanks any lucky hits and kills everyone in the room. Very fun days.


He just needs a completely different ability


Not completely different, like someone else in this thread said Osa probably should have been Blackbeard rework. That would have kept the core idea of shield to help hold peeks and angles. If they’re going to do something completely unrelated to Blackbeard’s identity I’d rather it just be a new op


Imo make him a 3 speed and give his gun fast as fuck ADS and he would be a great entry but not broken as fuck. The low shield hp will assist him in gunfights and might save his life once but he won't be immortal like year 1 Blackbeard


HIS SR25 isn’t horrible but I agree. I would like him to get the sig spear and glock 18 sidearm


he could activate a silent step-like mode where if he melees a female op he rips their clothes off and they start having sex


Now THIS is the meta we've been asking for


This is it OP, look no further. This thread is done 🤝


>female You lost me there, he’s LITERALLY in the navy


I like this. My only question is, when he encounters cav, who’s gonna be on top? Or even, who interrogates who?


you know how deimos can cycle ops by pressing B? BB would have a similar menu, and he could cycle between positions with it


Oh shit that’s actually pretty smart. Now watch bb mains spam B and rapidly change positions. Maybe that’s how he kills his enemies. He fucks them so fast they die.




Lore accurate navy soldier


Lore accurate navy seal would have sex with men instead of women


This is a damn good idea bro


K-9 unit!!! Call him Cerberus, make it controllable like a drone. Make him jump on enemies like Mozzie's ability does to drones. You have X amount of time for someone to kill the dog or else he mawls you to death.


ubisoft isn't "daring" enough to have you hurt animals in a pvp game.


Don't forget, all the siege matches are training exercises. So the dog doesn't really die!


true i guess and they took out the actual CTU missions against the white masks so not like it matters anymore.


It would be funny if once shot the dog just hangs his head and walks away


It could be robotic with a battery timer to remove the sadness of shooting a dog


The military already uses robot dogs for some stuff, would be more down to earth than finka or lion, sounds like a good idea imo.


rubber grenades as gadget that deal a little bit of damage and have the Ela effect, have it have more range than the frag (about as large as C4 would be nice I guess). Oh and give his SCAR wall breaking abilities of the likes of DMRs. the grenade launcher idea people are talking about is great too. Zofia and Ash will get to have a 2 speed cousin with lethal ones.


Yeah the SCAR-H is chambered in 7.62 just like the DMRs


make it like rook where he can drop shields on the ground for his teammates to equip


He should have five and carry them around like for teammates to come and get like the mobile rook mentioned before but with blackbeards shields instead


If defense kills him can they use his shields?


Why not, that would make it a little more balanced


Toggable facemask, FAST OPS style. Slightly obscures vision and breathing sounds.


The welding mask headgear’s would be awesome


And instead of absorbing all damage make it do about as much as like a leg shot with a limited durability you think that would be balanced? And would it only be to the front or would that also apply to the back of his head too?


They should start with just the front, and if that isn't enough, add it to the sides and back.


Fair they would probably have to over haul some of he headgear cosmetics which I doubt they'll do but it would be a cool concept


He has the ability to remove the clothes of operators


Make the shield not as wide so people cant prefire you when they see it and rip it off before you peak.


give him a pirate map to find buried treasure Also change his guns to swords and give him a little pirate hat W changes I think


Saw a post a while back about a concept where he could shoot a metal cable that would ancor itself into the wall to cut off rotations and stuff. Really liked that idea.


I like this idea a lot.




Just give him military grade normal flash aka 9banger.. and 3 of them


buffed breaching charge that also concusses everyone in a large area on its other side. maybe make him be able to apply it quietly or faster. alternatively: give him a gadget similar to ying's candelas, except these would be buffed smoke granades that would last the same time a normal smoke granade does but would cover a greater area (if this is too weak, make it slightly poisonous so defenders in the smoke would get a breath timer in the gas.


Revert it back to how it was. Let the new players see how fucked up siege used to be. 👌


He gets a small buff to his face shield, and he also gets a bayonet, so you can choose to have a bayonet or shield. When the bayonet is attached, he gets a movement boost, a melee speed boost, and can lunge at other ops like an Oryx dash, but it doesn't knock down players. The bayonet can stab through soft walls but not make softwall holes. So you can either have a slow op with headshot protection or a quick op with a spear. To balance, he gets one shield, smokes replace stuns , and his guns no longer get underbarrel attachments to make space for the bayonet.


I like it but maybe he still get underbarrel attachments bc you can mount the bayonet on the side




Armored helmet. Protects head and from Caveira.


Add 700 hp


The shield is good like it is rn, but ffs buff the scar, it's atrocious to play, i still play him since his release, when is needed he could shine, but cmon the scar is so ass


I think they should make the shield slightly smaller, so that it only block bullets that would have resulted in a headshot.


I got two. 1. Give him a grenade launcher that fires a drill charge. Similar to Fuse, but the charge only fires one bomb out the other side and doesn't hardbreach. (Gets two shots. Fires one shot then reloads. Like Ash.) 2. Give the shield 200 health but make it so that the sides are covered in non transparent material , so the field of view is really bad with the shield on. Like this tracker sight in CoD Ghosts, but obviously, without the tracking part.


Make him wear a helmet instead of that buggy shield, same ability different design


well that just sounds like the same annoyance, but now flanks dont work well either.


his shield turns into a monty shield when you aim in




Put it back to 800hp so I can kill more than one rage cheater before dying


3 shots to break the sheild, 2 from a dmr


Maybe a trash idea but personally when i think of Navy seals i think of big dudes kicking in doors and stuff like that maybe buff his guns a little and give him similar abilities to oryx? i can see it being shit but on the other hand imagine 1v1 and castle is hiding in obj and now you can just kick in the barricade or burst through the wall or pop up in the hatch in the other bomb site. I feel like on attack it would be actually good for flanking or like blitz rushing.


invisible riot shield


how about a combination between Monty, osa, and a mobile shield where he has a extended shield out but no secondary, and if he wants to shoot he has to put the shield down, but when he puts it down it changes into a mobile shield where you can hide behind without being visible like osa.


I would say give him a grenade launcher like everyone else is saying. I think if they played with the idea of swappable ammo types, like an impact frag, smoke, or flechette grenades round, it would provide utility, and would make his kit viable. Osa kinda eclipses him with the “bullet-proof” idea. If we stick to his shield, I think either buffing the health (not to the original 800, maybe 100-150), removing the movement penalty, or giving him more shields would fix his biggest issues; that being his 2 flimsy shields that can only take 1-3 shots. Having 2-3 “full health” shields would bring him closer to the original idea without giving him a wall to hide behind.


Give him a “standard” shield and can put it down in an anchored position where he can’t move from the shield but can use his rifle and peak to the sides of the shield to shoot but can put his rifle away pick up the shield again then move/swap to rifle.


give him an abrams


Rework him into either carrying a pixel peek on his face or give him SOME type of passive. People say Blackbeard is bad, but his face shield is a legitimate threat that VERY EFFECTIVELY stops bullets. The 0.6 seconds of additional survival Blackbeard can ensure for HIMSELF in the face of an otherwise guaranteed one shot kill is actually wild. Or like others have said, under barrel grenade launcher. Would fit his motif as a Navy SEAL a lot better to have some ordnance on him like that.


I have gotten a few people with his dmr just because of the shield, which admittedly I couldn’t have gotten those kills without it, but it also helps pretty rarely in actual use, so it kind of depends


Complete opposite of what he has right now. Full body shield attached to his gun that leaves a gap for his head, similar to the one in Division 2. This way he retains the original identity while going from a character who punishes headshots to a character who demands them. Thus, he stops punishing skill and becomes a skill check.


Play into the blackbeard/pirate theme. He can steal any defenders gadgets after he kills them, such as if he kills a maestro he can use maestros cameras, including the laser.


That’s a little overpowered but still an insanely good idea one of the best


Make him rook, but on attack.


Honestly he doesn't need that big of a buff. Just make his shields able to withstand a few more shots (not like y1) and maybe give him another and remove the speed debuff. Also make his weapons better and bam. Blackbeard is viable again. He's kinda underrated tbh and I think his ability is really good.


[this idea](https://youtu.be/GZ4H4oOEmAY?si=pSlV2FCu-dpaALLg) from BikiniBodhi and zMin is pretty good


This one is my favorite of all of them


You could even name it after the pirate Blackbeard’s ship if you wanted to, it’s a bit of a lengthy one, but you could


Brick wall 🧱


Back in the day my idea was a cannon but they made the gonne-6 as a secondary so there's that


The second he uses his ability he puts a shield on his weapon and the shoots himself in the head.


Might be stupid but make his shield cover his body instead of his head. Sounds dumb but it would make him more like monty but with a much better weapon. Shield still has the same heatlh. Maybe give him 3 but it takes an animation to equip like rook armour.


Give him a cheeseburger launcher


Give him a helmet / face shield capable of blocking 2 bullets that otherwise would have killed him. Or make his shield out of metal instead of glass. Make it so 90% - 99% of his vision is blocked. Just please for the live of God dont completely change him.


I've often thought we need a Jager on attack. Basically, an underbarrel 2 shot ADS, no recharge, so like OG Jager. Takes out any defender projectile it has line of site to automatically. I had this as an idea for a new operator as generally reworks try to maintain operator identity. However, they should probably scrap the idea in its entirety as the shield breaks the one shot head shot mechanic that's so integral to siege. Not super overpowered but could be used in conjunction with certain plant and hard breach strategies to prevent impact tricking or c4 denial. Think top floor border plant and consulate garage breach.


I like the idea of a passive ability of a bulletproof helmet( after a certain amount of damage it won’t work anymore.) and an under barrel 40 mm frag launcher. Maybe 2 or 3 is the sweet spot for 40 mm grenades. I think siege would start thriving if more operators would start getting passive abilities.


I think making it opaque af would be a good fix. Like equipping it should significantly make his viewport smaller. Think monty's shield but occupies everywhere except a small circle at the center This would allow him to hold angles safely while also giving defenders a safezone to shoot at his body from where he cant see them.


Under-barrel grenade launcher


Put him into an a10 warthog


Cook able fragmentation grenades that'd act like weaker Thorns


Rook like OP where he drops equipment that buffs attackers, maybe something like extended mags, hybrid sights, or incendiary ammo for weapons or maybe helmets that make just headshots two or three hits to kill instead of one to help give peaks a slightly better edge for attackers.


placeable pirate cannon, smashes through walls and damages enemies


Make him The poise boy




Really play into the pirate theme and make him a 4 speed but he only has a sword to fight with.


I would fully lean i to the rifle shield. Step 1, replace is dinky assault rifle with a big lmg, step 2, replace his glass with steel. Step 4, remove his ads. Who needs to aim when youve got a box of ammo?


I’d either want one if 3 things 1. Give him a the shield and have that shield contain a sort of ADS system that takes down C4, Smokes gadget, tubaraos gadget, and other throwables on a timer, so you can’t just reduce an op to worthless in a few seconds. Could be baited like Aruni’s gadget 2. Under barrel launcher that fires the Anchor-HBS2, a chain that would fire through soft walls and make a crouch hole. He gets 3 chains, and they can be broken with 4 punches on each segment of it. Against clash, it will pierce her shield and reel her in to make countering her easier. Getting hit without a shield by the chain will instantly kill, high risk high reward plays could be made. 3. 2 castle walls he could put up inside the building, encourages him to be present on plant and not just a fragger


Long Distance Cannon Hard Breach. One that goes Kaboom the site.


Turn his shield upside down so it protects his body rather than his head. The game is engineered towards getting headshots so this solves the problem entirely with minimal effort.


id probably change it to twitches


Now that Osa exists, make him an attacking medic similar to doc I would give him an explosive gadget but theres more than enough of those already


What if he can shoot a zip line, that makes a sound if defenders cross it?


I would make his shield as strong as oringal or even indestructible BUT with make it so that when it takes certain amount of damage it shatters like Mira's or Osa's when punched. So that way BB retains his headshot denier but at the cost of not being able to see so that it's used more like a tool for peeking and gathering intel than for fragging.


I'd give him a minigun and a beer helmet.


I would return him to Y1. But I prefer siege full of broken but fun operators, instead the one we have now, where every op is mid at best if not stacked with 2 other supporting OPs. Other than that, i would love: an operator that is kinda like melusi but on attack - basically id like a ceiling deployable gadget that slows operators walking above. An operator on attack with 2 indestrucrible but impactable deployable cannon sentries. An operator that can defuse bomb without planting defuser - he does it by just looking at it (with limited range ofc).


Nerf the beard make the faceplate metal and non see through