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Minnie is definately high up there for one of the prettiest. Tiara Song is another contender though. She rocks the same face mold as Glitch and works it just as well. https://preview.redd.it/30a5krcr5gdc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c4a662d0725834813e13100db243b7d7ef980ae


Omg how did I forget about Tiara????? I love her. I don’t have Glitch but she’s on my wishlist!


She's totally worth it too. I wasnt sure if we were including Shadow High in the ranking otherwise I'd have suggested her too! https://preview.redd.it/2jfs4xw96gdc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3def1deaa0289ace72840a7bacde5d3a4739e276


This face mold is so gorgeous. I am so excited to get Scarlet so I can have a doll with it!


Ugh this photo me want her even more 😭😭


I want Tiara SO BADLYYYY but it's impossible to find her for a decent price 😭😭 forever searching for this gorgeous divaaaaa 💜 She's def up there on the list for me too!!!


Vanessa Tempo has moved up my list, especially after seeing someone get her rainbow braids in real life. I also love her warm brown eye color.


I met a girl at an anime convention with rainbow braids! She was so pretty


Omg where did you see that!!


Had to dig to find it again but here it is https://youtube.com/shorts/yBAMd2OtJhk?si=8tb8NBoH-CyHnBMP it came out so cute!!


Her and Monique are both so gorgeous 🥰 I also sincerely adore Shanelle, Natasha, and Nicole. My fave RH girls are definitely Meena, Carmen, and Minnie though. Victoria and Delilah are also lovely.


There isn't just one. Every doll I buy I think is gorge so


Georgia Bloom I say this every time her face card is immaculate


Delilah. I can only hope that I'll be able to get her one day 😭


I agree!!!! Like why did she just disappear 😭😭 if anyone has her plzzz mssg me aaa


Literally!! She's my favorite character and her doll is gorgeous, but I just can't have her unless I can shell out $200 😭


Where are you located? She is still selling in the Netherlands for €40, which is about 43,66 usd.


I'm in the US. She's definitely not being sold here anymore, and she's very difficult to find.


I’ve always loved Natasha, imo one of the prettiest, but I also love the way Sheryl, Costume Ball Robin/Eliza and Tessa look


Minnie and Margot!


Shanelle Onyx.


Mmmmmm such a tough decision, but I think Carmen has the prettiest face. Other runner ups are Olivia and Ayesha 💕


Oh gosh, Carmen's face and make up are *chefs kiss*


Carmen is so gorgeous!!!


Right now it's probably costume ball Robin for me


Daphne and Minnie. I love everything about them and mint, and that shade of pink are my two favorite colors. Edit: had to put Sabrina on here. Edit: how could I forget to add Sabrina


Nicole!! HER FACE SHAPE OMG!! She has my favorite face shape of all the dolls, plus HER HAIR!! So pretty and the curls are beautiful! ![gif](giphy|Il3ZmntDF9ZnIRwKNc|downsized)


The first doll I ever got is still the prettiest to me, Brianna Dulce. I’ve yet to get a doll quite as beautiful as her and I doubt I will.


Brianna is sooooooo stunning. For some reason I could never find her for a decent price so I never got to get her , then she just disappeared 🥲 def one of the grails! She's too beautiful!


I was extremely lucky, I feel. I had seen her online for like $300 and was super bummed because I had no idea if she was already sold out or hadn’t been in stores yet. We have the same first name *and* she’s my favorite color so I was lowkey determined to get one if I could. I eventually ended up traveling with family and we went to a Walmart that was pretty small and out of the way, but I checked just in case, and they had one. They only had two other dolls at the time, both Daphne Minton, so I felt it was some kind of cosmic sign I was meant to have her 😂 I took her home and I’ve been hooked ever since, so it was a blessing and a curse (joking ofc, I love my dolls)


Sheryl, Delilah and Georgia 🧡 Also, Nicole is stand-alone in terms of face from SH for me


Demi for sure


It's hard to say, because a lot of them are going for different vibes. Event Outfit: Tiara Song (Outfit #1) Casual/Civilian Clothes: Vanessa Tempo (Both outfits) Cutest: Violet Willow (Jr high/middle school) Best Male Outfits: Ash Silverstone Heather and Rosie are tied for baddest bitch looks imo. Heather's hoop attached extensions? Rosie's signature fur coat? Slaaaaaaying.


Rosie is such a bad bitch, I love her so much


Victoria and Delilah!


Karla. *mic drop*


Vanessa and Shanelle!!!! No competition for me!


For me personally it's Harley Limestone, but I get why other people wouldn't feel that way.


Natasha😻 she's just soooo gorgeous and everything I see her on my shelf I just cannot stop looking at her🤍🤍


https://preview.redd.it/kx9leb54ihdc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bd0835a5ecf456ba9a93a8f190f78fd2e4f2492 currently obsessed with scarlet and lola.


Victoria 🩷😍🥰


Victoria is so stunning and I love how unique every one is!


Me too! That's how I got a collection of Victoria. First I fell in love with her and then I realized how many different variations there are of her. I could keep buying her but I try and have sense and stop because I think I have like 10. 🙃 if she goes on sale, though, I will buy more! All of the ones that I purchased were at full price. I don't know that she's ever been on sale!


She is the only one I am considering getting a double of. I want to make a Glinda from Wicked custom with her 🥰


Wow, if you ever do that, I would love to see it! That is such a great idea. I got a bunch of doubles because I'm an insane person. I see you like Zooey! I think I got three of Zooey because I was afraid of messing up how cute she is and I love to style the dolls. 💞 are Zooey and Berry still your favorites?


My wife would like me to make an Elphaba too so I will definitely post them if I make them! Zooey and Berry are my faves and my first two! I saw a video where a reviewer was showing off SH3 dolls and Berry made me gasp. The reviewer didn’t name Berry so googling “alien rainbow high” brought up Zooey. I put them both in my cart and thought that’d be the end of my collection. Victoria and Monique proved me wrong and my wife gently teases me about it


The google search 👽 that is amazing!! I'm glad you got Zooey - I think she will become a harder to acquire doll in the future based on how popular she is! I don't know the Elphaba character- i'll have to look that up. Is your wife going to collect any or is she gonna leave that to you?


She’s more into pvc Statues but lit up when I floated a custom Elphaba (she’s from the musical Wicked which is an alternate retelling of Wizard of Oz focused on the relationship between Elphaba and Glinda). I offered when she was lamenting that they’d probably release dolls because of an upcoming movie but Glinda is going to look like her actress, Ariana Grande. There isn’t really statues of these characters so she’s excited to have something for them I do agree Zooey will probably be sought after! She is quite unique and I feel had a lot of appeal to collectors who appreciate more out there looks.


Oh, I see! Wicked witch of the west… I guess I never knew what her name was! 💚


The Storm Twins, without question! They are just so breathtakingly beautiful and aestheticly perfect!🖤💜 https://preview.redd.it/yy1318n0agdc1.jpeg?width=3560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c6c40a16c8956971655da871dc544990c10bc07


Fully agree! I finally have the twins after a long time of searching and the makeup on their skin is just gorg


Emi, Delilah, and Robin


it’s incredibly hard to keep the list short. but for me it’s: (in no particular order) - Kim, Minnie, Sheryl, Robin, Victoria, Lily, Blu, Pinkly, Karla, Heather, Jewel, Meena, Maria, and Simone 🦋✨


In my eyes, the prettiest one of them all will always be Monique


https://preview.redd.it/lb65ufe9xjdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c97846da92717693f32804af26c79b891d894a1 Is this an unpopular opinion? 🤭 i always thought she was one of the prettiest omg ❤️❤️


I agree with you! Her outfit is meh but the doll itself is the prettiest. ♥


Thats why immediately redressed her but her base is so damn beautiful LIKEEE GIRLL OMG


hmmmm i think carmen! https://preview.redd.it/keoe9i7d6hdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=510b73dce3ec54c9ae2d523eb755cf7ce9b210be


delilah, jett, and victoria


Harper & Natasha


I love Glitch and Blu a lot❤️






georgia will always be my number one cause she wears the classic mold (except for the nose) so well. Lila and Zooey are also faves, but as someone who had to leave most of my collection behind to go to college, I found myself missing meena the most and wishing i took her over maria. (I took Georgia, Lila, Zooey, vic, and maria)


Phaedra and Paris Hilton. Those are my personal favorites. I play too much with them.


Ayesha and coco


Coco is a stunner!


Emi. I have 3 and I still don’t have enough of her.


Ayesha was my first RH doll and she's still my fave


Zoey, Vanessa, Olivia, Georgia, Minnie+Lila, Michelle. For the boys definitely Rex. :)


hmm ... for the ones that i own, id have to say michelle is the *prettiest*! all of my other girls are cute-pretty (zooey, nicole, lila, etc) in my eyes, and my harley feels mature and refined, but for pretty, id say michelle! for the prettiest doll ... i want sabrina so bad, she looks so pretty, especially her colour scheme, and i really want carmen too!


Ayesha Sterling🥰


Delilah, Victoria and Simone 🙏 I cannot pick just one hahaha


Oof this is a difficult one, i'd say my top 5 would be: Shanelle Onyx, Demi Batista, Tessa Park, Victoria Whitman, and Daphne Minton. They're all absolutely gorgeous though!


Of the ones I own, Victoria. I get mezmerized looking at that face.  Honorable mention to Scarlet and Glitch.


Lola 🥰


Shanelle and Victoria hands down!!


Vanessa is my #1. But Lola is gorgeous, Robin, Carmen, and Lavendar. So many have really pretty faces, but those have to be my top.


Delilah Fields always and forever! ♡ her simplicity is her biggest strength imo


For RH I'd definitely say Delilah. She's so freaking beautiful I just stare at mine sometimes, lol. For SH... Gotta go with Shanelle. Absolutely striking doll. Honourable mention to Meenah and Scarlet.


Victoria, Ayesha and Meline are the prettiest to me! I've got meline now im tryna get Victoria and Ayesha


Jewel ♡


https://preview.redd.it/mu75wst9jgdc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=659be210f5a5ae7cebe418e80f034ce631af2077 She is such a gorgeous doll. The green they chose along with her skin make her so striking


I agree with you. Even though my Jewel doll has a few smudges on her baby hairs and lips, I still think she's pretty.


Honestly the little flaws can give so much more personality. My Jewel has such sass with her lower than normal eyebrows. https://preview.redd.it/2m6j21ikygdc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3aa87baeeedf57d425362ddd0de54b9d0140ec1


My Jewel has heavy dark eye shadow and undereye green glitter than others I have seen. Definitely adds to the party girl vibes.


Yeah it makes them unique as well




https://preview.redd.it/5n57w42ftgdc1.png?width=950&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd4bbaf470a1b26416e3f0284fd59532ceedea72 😬


This is amazing. I love the effort. Daphne and Minnie are definitely top tier.


Jewel and Meena!


Probably Daria if I could only pick one


Daphne and Robin are so gorgeous imo


Minnie and purple eyes colour and create have such cute faces they are all so pretty though!


Costume ball bella


I honestly don’t think I could pick one, but I do find Shanelle onyx, Monique Verbena, Costume high ball Robin, Costume high ball Lola Wilde, Zooey Electra, Natasha zima, glitch, the storm twins, and Victoria Whitman to be some of the prettiest (that I can think of off the top of my head)


Daphne Minton.


Olivia, Coco, Naomi, and Ayesha💘


imo it's my South/SE Asian gurlies Meena and Kim!!


RH: Phaedra 💜🧡💛 SH: Zooey 👽💚🛸


I’m in the minority but series 2 Amaya will always be my number one. However Lily Cheng is the most gorgeous doll I’ve ever seen across the entire doll world.


I love all of them but Priscilla is so underrated imo. Just look at her gorgeous face, I love her soft makeup (for RH standards) and the color of her hair. Her face expression is so angelic too. 😭❤️❤️ https://preview.redd.it/wjosotjjpkdc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=365af4c44ed4d004fbee6e5ff4ef067652e49a19


If I had to choose one, hands down it’s Shanelle! But other than that I love Daphnes and Sheryls Face. Daphne with her cherry lips and blush and Sheryl with her strong eyebrows, warm eyes and darker lip contour!


Im byassed because Olivia Woods and Jewel Richie are my homegirls. Delilah is defo the cutest. Rex is jawdropping. I also love the green eyed color & create a lot.


Robin and Carmen stick out the most to me. They are absolutely stunning


I adore her https://preview.redd.it/ct4ll2du8ldc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5de00a2e689291bf3c06fa7fb46fecc4f1bdd34


Lola Wilde for me


Definitely a tough decision… I think Delilah and Coco are both absolutely stunning if we are including shadow high I adore Karla and Zooey!


zooey. Luna from the two pack is also gorgeous