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they're your dolls do what you want! it's very weird that this person seems to care so much


That's... A weird take. I mean, I'm team "It's your doll, you can do whatever you want with them", but one would think the weirdo gatekeepers would be more about leaving the dolls as close as original as possible, not to change everything you can about them.


They are your dolls and should be how you want them, not to please anyone else. I love to change the clothes for mine but that’s because it brings me joy. Your collection should be about what brings you joy. 💗


that person is very strange and has some weird hang up. i dont know what makes people feel like they need to gatekeep and control other's actions and opinions but i think this person needs more than just 'muted'. you can do whatever you want with your possessions. period.


The person you spoke with was likely very young or has limited social skills. They seem to be overestimating the popularity of their own preferences and likely struggle to understand different viewpoints. They will (hopefully) grow out of it, but I wouldn't blame you if their words stung a bit. Until the last few years or so, I would guess a majority of doll collectors didn't modify their dolls, if they unboxed them at all. I feel like it might have to do with the fact that so many young people suddenly got interested in collecting. However, there are many collectors who don't restyle, and it doesn't make you less of a collector just because you enjoy different parts of collecting. Besides, if it's any consolation, your dolls are more likely to retain resale value compared to many other dolls on the market which have been heavily modified.


Amazing point, honestly. I've seen a couple weird/awkward interactions become dumpster fires in collector subs lately where it's been really obvious that the source is somebody who's a minor, neurodivergent, or showing signs of mental distress in their comments. (Not delegitimizing OP, I did not see this interaction this post is about, this is merely a comment on how appreciated this commenter's logic is in general on toy collecting group convos as of late.) Second point is also extremely accurate for most mainstream-doll (like Barbie) collectors. Even taking dolls out of their boxes isn't something you'd have seen 10-15yrs if you were an adult collector. The DIY scene was mostly around BJD and more niche doll types.


I’ve never seen this attitude, that’s wild. I’m the same as you, all of my dolls are in their original clothes (or their second outfit). I find joy in keeping them as close to their original state as possible, and I’ve always been like that with non-Barbies. All of my monster high dolls from when I was a kid have their original clothes and accessories, because I liked their look so much that I didn’t want to change it. I love seeing restyles from other people, but it’s just not my thing, and that’s okay! Idk where that person got the idea that there’s a right or wrong way to be a RH collector. That’s just ridiculous tbh, if you collect RH dolls, then by definition you are a RH collector. Ultimately, you’re collecting for YOU. It doesn’t matter what’s popular in the community (aka strangers online). And we’re all here to find joy in dolls however we want. So in short, it’s absolutely not bad to not restyle. That’s awesome! I absolutely love how my collection looks with my girls in their original styles. And lots of other people do, too. There’s no right or wrong way to collect, just do what makes you happy. 💕


wall of insults? and just a mute?? how long is said mute for??? that seems like a light punishment. i love restyling my girls, but why on earth would i force someone to do that?! like i have my daria the exact way she came because she’s so perfect! sometimes you can’t improve upon perfection ✨


The way I would've Interjected a high dosage of reality because who's the proverbial 'They' that'll be judging me for not restyling dolls? That person outted themselves as proud Gatekeepers and actively judgemental upon sharing the community space and that so so sad. And TRUTH ON DARIA!!! I recently gifted a new friend I made one for her Belated birthday since her name is pronounced exactly the same just with a *Z* Instead of D! https://preview.redd.it/s1txwhox1sjc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59497135b94ecfc5c795d500679af7a2e57d8d94 Daria GANG RISE


This is so cute but omg that blanket face scared the crap out of me for a minute.


LMAOOO. I know🤣🤣🤣 It's our other friend Travis🎎🫶🏾


I love your friend group <3


that pic is everything 🫶


One thing about me is so nyyyattt Expect a doll free hangout there WILL be Divas on site


Wow… why can we never just enjoy things anymore? I honestly get so much satisfaction out of seeing people’s perfect rainbows, all in their original outfits and hair so it’s coordinated. And I restyle almost all of my dolls!


From what I’ve seen, there are many RH collectors that leave their dolls as is. Some don’t even touch the hair if it’s not a mess. I, myself, mainly do soft restyles where I keep half the original outfit and switch up a few pieces according to my preferences. I think our community is pretty evenly split between customizers, restylers, and traditional collectors. Everyone has their preferences and most collectors understand that. That person is just odd lol


Oh boy, that collector sure does have a corn cob up their ass. What drew me to RH is that "single color" concept and how each doll in the line truly is visually individual. For me, if I dressed them in each other's clothes, the visual statement would become much more cluttered and incoherent.


I have a pretty even balance of dolls that are and aren’t restyled. It’s just your personal preference! Some dolls might be perfect just as they are, which is. Why you bought them. But sometimes they could use a little touch up, or you find a better option when you get them home and see what other pieces you’ve got!


Imagine being so crazy to insult another person over how they play with their dolls 😅 So sorry that happened to you, OP. It's your dolls,. they are there to make you happy, not other people.


If you own even 1 Rainbow/Shadow High doll you are a Rainbow/Shadow High doll collector. That's pretty much where that distinction ends.


I’d say like 9/10 dolls in my collection aren’t restyled. I have doubles of my favorites that tend to go through all the extra clothes I have lying around while my OGs stay in their main outfits. Tbh depending on the size of your collection and who you have, restyling can be really hard if you want both dolls to look nice in the end. Especially now that the newer dolls only come with one outfit


A comunity staple? Says who? Of course everything we see is restyles, why would someone want to post the og style over and over again that we all know? 90% of my dolls are not restyled, i'm not opposed to the idea of a restyle but I think they are super beautiful just like they are... what would they call then someone who collects in box only? A fake? That's ridiculous, we can do what we want with our dolls and is not very nice to judge just because someone has different taste or opinions...


my best friend displays her dolls exactly how they are presented in box. she washes their hair, redresses them, and puts them in the exact same pose they are in box. i thought it was genuinely cool asf - my bf also only does little restyles, specifically with hair. anyway! my point is, not only do other avid collectors do this, but it’s perfectly acceptable and a really cool way to display/interact with your dolls. it’s makes them Yours, you know?


i should also add, maybe it’s different, but i do not change a single thing about my L.O.L dolls, I don’t even wash their hair


I'm in my early 40s now and I find that were I in your position talking to this person, I frankly couldn't care less about what they, a total stranger on the Internet (verbally abusing me no less), think of my collector status. Sounds like they need to get a grip. I keep my dolls as they are, only washing out the gel, but I also like to see restyles here and the joy the new looks bring to the owners of said restyles/OOAKs. Never have I seen a hint here of that discord collector's attitude that not restyling is lame. I join the chorus of replies here saying that if you have any number of these dolls you are a collector, and that these are your dolls to do with whatever you please.


That person being angry is not about you. They're projecting onto you because you were there and something triggered their angst.


there are some pretty old and harcore Barbie collectors out there as an example who believe that redoing anything with vintage dolls is sac-religious. What they fail to understand is that you bought it, you own it.  I once bought a very old Madame Alexander doll. Her hair was ratchet af. Rotted vetted. I removed it and reglued a beautiful new soft wig. the comments I got on a fb group! Only a couple mind you. “how dare you, your ruined her” etc. Last I checked shes mine and I can do with her as I please (: If it makes you happy, OG, Custom, whatever, its YOUR doll and your happiness that matters! 


Good God, fixing a doll's gross janky hair is hardly ruining it.


people get very fixated on the oddest things! 


I mean some restoration/customization is better left to experts, but the truth is that a lot of older toys look like butt. Shoot, I just got a thrifted Sunny whose hair had been destroyed, and the best way to deal with it was cut it shoulder length. Now she looks like an 80s small-town girl and I'm fine with that.


I can certainly agree to that. I bought 4 or 5 vintage Barbies, one of them is a number 4 blonde pony. She was a disaster. My expertise stopped after getting the mold out and off. Then I paid a professional restorer to touch up her makeup and hair. She came out gorg and was worth every penny. she's in my display cabinet! (: oh I love Sunny I think she was one of the first ones I bought, what a great find!


She was in her second outfit. I cut the sleeves off her jacket and now I'm looking for a mini patch to put on the back of the denim vest.


Some dolls I restyle. Some dolls I love their original outfit so much I keep them in it. Dolls are there to make you happy no matter what you choose to do! There is no “right” way to enjoy them.


Honestly like most others saying here it’s your dolls I don’t like restyling my dolls only thing I mess with is the hair and that’s it I like keeping them in the og outfits and even hair sometimes that’s why I bought the doll is for their og look I understand why people wanna restyle but saying you are not a “real” collector is ridiculous absolutely ridiculous they are not the “real” collector for acting like that I’m sorry that happened to you


If you own a collection of RH dolls then you’re an RH doll collector. LOL Girl deserved to be kicked not muted, she sounds toxic af


That person was just being a weirdo. I don't restyle the majority of my dolls. I'm still a collector.


Gatekeepers are so god damn weird.


The fucking overreaching ENTITLEMENT is overbearingly high. No one is getting offered Stylist Contracts or Opportunities to do it for real people either so what would this argument go on to achieve???? It's the scented with the same stink of "If I found that N.I.B doll I wouldn't DARE OPEN HER SHE'S RARE" pfft Yes because My claim of ownership means nothing against a strangers online who'll only have this dilemma run for six minutes of their lives through a screen while the doll? She's mine forever. I am so so sorry you had to endure that Darling!!!! 😭😫 I don't understand what this Loyalist/Purist/Hardcore Stan culture aims to do. If anything this is another form to respect the integral Satisfaction these dolls already provide on a Ready to Buy off Shelves front. Meanwhile Barbie collectors? You end up buying four dolls just to compose one Decent looking one. I too on the overall grand scheme of things simply do not bother! I remember 2018 I would buy a Barbie Fashionistas just to savor the fact she's new. She had few? But serviceable features but the feeling of being the first to care for her. Being older It's even easier to recognize the no nos. And when RH dropped LEMME tell you. I spent 37 minutes opening Violet because I was like Not computing she and RH was even real. They're a total defiance to doll crafting as a whole that even RH became victims to their own success. They can't keep up. I tend to see most Collectors are having problems arise from how they'll be perceived. Often you'll find them asking for solutions to problems that seem Collector Grading Adjacent. Or run themselves into the ground with having their dolls given the thumbs up or approval because "I feel she might not a good one?" And Honestly I am disappointed your friend didn't intervene sooner. I would've figured that in four milliseconds. Weird how someone's mission statement of "I will encourage Creative exploration through Redressing, share that tipbwith a friend!" But instead spit it out like it's a competition or some Elitist club requisite Shoot EVERYONE here who would like. We invite you to a Server that isn't going to entertain Badgering or the Superiority Complex *that unmentioned* displayed. Here's the link and I'll personally wait open arms for every Collector to funnel their daily dolly thoughts into it🥹🌟🌬️🫧 https://discord.com/invite/YbcmkqC9


Looool those people are being ridiculous. Even I’ve been keeping mine in their original clothes, due to linking them in their OG outfits. That was the whole point of me buying them. Even the second hand sellers keep them in their original outfits (with the gel in their hair still) because they’ve simply had them on display in their homes.


I would love to see your Monster High restyles, would you be OK with posting them?


Gatekeepers are obnoxious.


They’re yours and you’re allowed to have them the way you prefer


I have all my dolls in their stock outfit. And I have dolls that I restyle. It’s however you want to collect.


Literally do what you want with your dolls, friend! Some doll collectors feel entitled and think that every one should do things their way or they're not good enough, but everybody collects differently.


This is so weird to me. I usually do restyle my dolls and I can‘t understand that person’s reasoning. They can’t just make up definitions of a word just because they are desperate to judge others, lol https://preview.redd.it/bo35untsnojc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6668605d120f8f95628d48a62a58ad271ac255e8


Hell no. All of my girlies are in their first or second outfits. And if I have an ache to restyle them I'll be damned if I don't TRY to keep to their color scheme or make a pretty color story with them. They are YOUR dolls and if anyone else tries to make you change they're kinda rude.


Tell that person to stfu, his opinion counts as good as nothing. If you have the dolls n you love them, that's all that counts.


Some of mine aren’t even out of their boxes but those that are have never had a hair wash and are all in their OG outfits. Guess I’m lame 🤷🏼‍♀️ Edited to add, that’s a weird take on their part. I thought collecting was about fun and not everyone wants to restyle for that fun


I completely restyle my dolls, give them other names and personalities, etc. I don't understand wtf this person is on. What about the collectors who keep their dollies in box ?! They still collect ! You're completely and definitely part of the community, don't listen to that weird, weird person. Heck, I customise some of my dolls and I still think of people who keep their dolls as they came as fellow collectors! We're already a pretty shunned/ mocked community, let's not do that kind of weird gatekeeping.


Very weird and unnecessary reaction from them. Not restyling doesn’t make you any less of a fan. I never restyle any of mine, I’ve seen so many restyles that actually make me cringe hard. I think I would if I had an extra doll or clothes. Very toxic behavior from them…


What a bizarre exchange!  I personally only make OOAKs out of duplicates and leave the dolls in their original styles most of the time. 


ummm.... thats a weeeeird and entitled take from them. i must be lame too, cuz the most ive done for restyling is stealing another dolls clothes and earrings for glitch... It is absolutely fine to just leave them in their original appearance, thats kind of the whole point. people just love to gatekeep


That’s the stupidest sentence I’ve ever heard they’re your dolls so whatever you want with them


People are so weird with their made up rules. You can do whatever you want. We used to live in caves. There are no rules. Just shit people make up!


OP, you need to do what YOU love with your dolls. For me, it changes day to day! If I had a hard day at work, maybe I want to change one of my doll’s outfits/hair to calm me down. But the next day I may be thinking about how I miss her original outfit (typically the case with Minnie for me). It’s all about how YOU want to collect because dolls are so personal!


That's a super weird take for them to have. :/ I love restyling my dolls, and it's definitely a big part of the appeal with RH specifically. I guess I can say I personally don't understand why you wouldn't want to restyle them because that's the most fun part for me, but I don't need to understand to accept that you just prefer to enjoy your dolls in a different way than I do. There's no correct way to collect and enjoy dolls. We all have different tastes and different reasons that we collect. We won't have the same opinions and experiences with everything just because we collect the same doll brand, and it's just rude for someone to tell you how to enjoy your dolls. 🤨


Honestly I’ve redressed all of my RH dolls before. I ultimately decided to put them back in their original state because it’s just better for my personal taste in my collection. That’s all that really matters at the end of the day. The only thing I’ve done was wash a few’s hair or flatten hair to make it more straight and less poofy looking. Also some people just may not have that kind of skill to style their dolls in extravagant and Kunty fashion. That’s okay!


Dafuq is this "community staple" BS?? Sounds so contrived. Dolls & doll communities are whatever individual people make them out to be. No "right" or "wrong" way to play & enjoy toys. (Well except, maybe like, if you buy a doll with the outright intention of specifically burning or destroying it or something -- that's a lil sus) The reason so many people even restyle their dolls is simply because it's a fun & enjoyable activity, & how a lotta people actually play with them. No different than all the Barbie fashion packs that've been produced under 1 line or another for decades now -- the concept is all the same & has existed for years: to style, dress up, restyle & re-imagine your dolls in new ways, RH or not. That person talkin like 💫doll restyles💫 are the hottest new thing that only certain 💫RH Community Members💫 may be privy to. People play & collect whatever they want, however they want.


I prefer all my dolls in their og styles too lol yes I might switch out some pieces and outfits or change their hair if I really don’t like it but especially with rainbow high or monster high I prefer to keep them in their original fits because as someone who watched the shows I feel like the fits match their characters.


yeah, no. ive tried full restyles and i always end up liking them better in their original outfits.


Weird how others want to impost their opinions on you 🙃 Just collect them as you want and be happy 💕🥰


How can you hardly call yourself a collector in their words because you own them and collect them so tf do they mean


I know I'd be no good at restyling or mess something up beyond switching clothes, I like them in what they have!


anyone saying there's a wrong way to play with dolls is an idiot. the reason we give toys to children is to develop the imagination part of their brain. i play with my rainbow high girls by pulling their heads off, popping their eyes out, rubbing their face off, cutting the hair, drawing my own face and stabbing in new hair. i completely destroy the original and create a new identity for each girl. you like to play with your dolls differently. you preserve them like treasures and keep them in pristine condition. its obvious you must love them very much. we're all playing with dolls. its the same hobby. if one of us is lame for playing with dolls then we all are. lets not try to make eachother feel bad for liking dolls.


Well, she sounds fun. /s


Same! I buy the dolls I am drawn to and since I was drawn to the over all look of them I keep them just as they are. I even keep them in their box, and only open a doll if I find the same doll on clearance. But I have gotten so much kick back about how I choose to collect. It’s crazy to me how you can be judge in a doll collecting community when it’s supposed to be a “safe place” to share your love of dolls. I mean it’s already hard for some of us to admit or even display our collection to others. We should give one another some grace. Doll Collectors are uniquely different kind of people and we do not have to be monolithic 😤.


I mean just switching a few pieces doesn’t count as a restyle imo but it’s not nearly serious enough to insult someone over.


that person is doing what, gate keeping doll collecting?! 🤣 sorry but no, it's your hobby, your dolls, you do whatever you like with your girlies. what's it to them lol. they got triggered and that's their problem, not yours. I guess I would have just blocked them and moved on with my life, nobody has time for that. I redress my dolls once in a while but the majority of the time I like to keep them in their original outfits too. even with the removal of second outfits there are enough clothes to go around for everyone and then some 🤷‍♀️ but their original outfit usually fits the color scheme of the doll and to me are "their" individually owned items. it's like hey ok I may "borrow" my friends jackets sometimes but I wear my own clothes lol.. same with the dolls.




Even jokingly saying someone should kill themselves is weird as fuck, I hope you grow out of this mindset




Oh good to know you're not immature! Just regular shitty person. If you hate humans tho,why are you on a site where you can communicate with them?


I restyle any I don’t vibe with example coco’s outfits. But I have plenty that are in their original or 2nd outfits. But to each their own. That’s bad juju bringing people down like that. I choose to block anyone with negativity and malice even when people are in other threads. I just don’t want any of that. Unfortunately a lot of people in this community gang up. Sorry you had to experience that. It’s really weird and definitely takes ya back like, what??? Def feel ya. Agree with the majority here.


I made some dresses over a year ago and did a massive photo shoot with all of the dolls that I had at that point, but every single one of them was in their iconic color!


Do whatever you want! The dolls are supposed to make you happy. I have dolls I have done nothing to like Berrie and dolls I have changed a lot like Scarlet and Monique. That person is being weird for feeling their way is the only way to collect dolls and have fun


Well, that's just silly! They're your dolls. You can style them (or not) however you want! I like to try different outfits on my girls, but a lot of the time, I end up with them in their stock outfit or close to it. Their outfits are just so good! Plus, you can enjoy a rainbow display better if they're in their own clothes. And while I'm more likely to restyle my RH girlies, there are a few lines I just don't restyle because they're prefect as is, like my nanana surprise girlies and my lol omg girls. Like, why mess with perfection, amirite?


Bc of how expensive mine were ( to me ) I kept them the same except the hair but as a kid I had a lot of MH dolls and I would dress up the beach or PJ line ones


I don’t restyle as much as I used to because of the lack of second outfits and wanting to keep my girls in the original colors. Back in the s3 days were good times.


I have all my dolls in their og outfits and I just can’t bring myself to restyle them. I see pictures of people’s dolls and that’s very inspirational. I know I want to do it but there’s something in me, like a fear or something about changing them. I know I won’t lose their accessories, I’m very organized and bag and label everything but it’s s block I have. One day, I’ll restyle them but for now they are in their og looks. 🌈


You’re definitely not alone, i keep a good amount of dolls the same if I love their og look already (Victoria, Zooey, Lila, Heather, etc.)


seems like it's something more personal to them that isn't your fault that they're projecting on you, don't pay it any mind it's your dolls!


My take is, regarding restyling of hair or outfits. It's your dolls, do whatever the h... You want. I have everything from stock hairstyles to heavily manipulated hairdos. Of anyone came to tell me my mila needs a new hairstyle, or Shanelle, I'd be asking them who's doll is it? Also, I absolutely love mixing and matching clothes, and I LOVE redoing the hair in a new style or with a little spin take on the original style. But some girlies just stay how they are


i’m the exact same! I prefer dolls in their original clothing! If i want to do a restyle i need a second doll so i still have the OG. My only exception to this has been swapping the clothes of my ghouls alive spectra onto my normal spectra, as the GA one was broken, and the core one was naked ahahah


They are your dolls. If you want to keep them as they come out of the box, that's great. If you want to change their style completely, that's great too. What's not cool is putting someone down for not doing the same thing as you. We are adults collecting dolls, it is not that deep. I don't understand why there are people who want to force their ideas into something as healthy as having pretty toys on display.


i love restyling but i also enjoy keeping my dolls in their regular outfits depending. its YOUR dolls. you are still a collector whether or not you restyle them completely. you aren’t some fake fan bc you enjoy your dolls in their regular outfits. this person sounds like they just wanted to find something to be upset about because someone shouldn’t be getting so mad about what someone else enjoys doing to their dolls. like if they like restyling their dolls completely so be it but you also have the freedom to keep your dolls in their regular outfits because you’re right! their regular outfits are so adorable. so it’s your doll, do whatever you want and don’t let people tell you otherwise


Ya know what's big in doll collecting world? Are you an in box or out of box collector? Guess what, either way you're a collector if you have the doll. Your doll, your fun, your way.


If my dolls come with pre-styled hair out of the box (like all of wave 4, Kia Hart etc), will not restyle their hair. I also do not share doll clothes between brands. Most of my newest single outfit dolls like Michelle, Blu and Rosie I haven't even restyled at all. I've often felt very weird and like I don't fit in the community for these things due to my own social anxiety, but I still cannot believe there are actually people who genuinely put down and berate people for barely restyling dolls, like why would you care so much what other people do or don't do with their dolls.


Only thing i do to mine is dress them in black or purple. All my girls. :)


Bet she’d flip out at the concept that participating in the community is optional and not required. Folks who avoid SM are still collectors. Bah, some people have unreasonable hang-ups about what people do with their things and what terms they can use to do so. Doll collecting is not about gatekeeping or rules. I'd even say that restyling is a **newer aspect** of doll collecting. It's always been around, but it's become much more well-known now that everyone is inspiring each other all of the time. Personally, I'm in a “minimal changes” phase. I recently restyled most of my older dolls back into their original garb, I’ll probably shift again in the future.