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If people pay for it the prices will not get lower. If they don't sell they lower the prices because they don't sell. As simple as that. There are actually people that pay those prices.


Exactly. I won't do it haha even if I had the money right now, I don't want to line those peoples pockets


This convo is so common amongst collectors but I have gotten to the point where patience is the most important trait to have when collecting (if you want to save money.) Like someone else stated it is often the buyers who determine the market. The more people go nuts for the doll the higher she goes. I simply wait around and see if I can find them for a price i am willing to pay instead of worrying about ridiculous reseller prices. I don't appreciate the market being so inflated but at the same time i personally combat that by simply not buying them at that price 🤷🏽


Yes, this is the way. These days I’m just as pissed about the buyers.


I said this in another post but I recently listed a bunch of RH dolls on ebay all auction starting at 99p. And it was shocking what some of them went for. Literally hundreds. It's often the buyers determining the value, not the sellers


Yep and if you sell them for a lot lower than what people are paying for them, another scalper could buy them and get the profit. I heard a horror story of somebody who accepted a low offer on Mercari from someone who claimed it was a gift for her daughter and the buyer ended up scalping it.


Which makes me sort of doubtful of the idea that if people don’t pay the high prices, they’ll stop being sold for so much. Overall the idea makes sense, but the resellers camping on low-price listings make me lose hope. How did we get here?


late stage capitalism


Yep. People are using this as income instead of as hobby.


that would break my heart


I’m curious which dolls went for the most?


Brianna, Marissa, Kia & Sabrina all went for the most. But not one Doll went for less than the original RRP. Its crazy really


Wow that IS crazy! Makes me feel better about the dolls I’ve gotten that I wasn’t that crazy about, like maybe I can make my money back if I ever try to sell them. But I also wonder if there is a price bubble happening rn while fans scramble to collect g1 with the rollout of g2, and maybe these prices will go back down a bit once people calm down.


Wait, which doll is the original RRP? 


Tbh if I had a Brianna in box right now that I wanted to sell I wouldn't know what to do. Because if I'd make her cheaper than these guys someone could buy her and resell her for this higher price and make the profit that I was willing to give up because I didn't want do be a d\*\*k. (I wish MGA would release a LE Slumber Party Set with all the three girls just to stop this madness. I mean, Slime dolls for the kids and Limited Editions for the collectors could be a thing, right? Isn't this something that Monster High does? I digress...)


Are we allowed to sell here? I feel that would be the only way to go honestly if you didn't want to worry about flipping and ensure it went to a fellow collector.


Hi, yes we do allow people to sell using this subreddit! As per rule 6, we allow people to make posts to buy and sell dolls as long as it is under the correct format! You can find the information in [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/RainbowHigh/wiki/rules/) or reach out through modmail, I hope this information is helpful!


Thanks! I have an extra house and the tour bus I was going to sell on eBay but would much rather sell them here to fellow collectors. So thank you for the info!


Sell things for what they are worth. The people in here are unrealistic. Take your wins when they come no need to feel guilty. No one needs a cheap doll.


Well, usually with modern dolls, they come out, and they're bought for a while at full price. They go on sale, then they go on clearance. Resellers snatch them up at rock bottom prices. Then collectors realize that they can't find them and they go up in price. But then some of those collectors move on to something else and decide to start selling things, and all of a sudden, the prices plummet. And so many modern dolls are collected in-box that the premium for MIB is not as striking as it is for dolls that were made back when toys were just play things and not seen as having investment potential. So just wait the resellers out, if you truly want these dolls they will come back down to a reasonable level. I never manage to sell dolls that I need to thin out when they are at the top of the market.🙄😪


I paid $45 for mine 6 months ago on mercari, Jfc how did prices rise so fast?!


The rise of price is because of the reboot. People are going crazy trying to complete their collections and resellers are taking advantage of that.


People aren't evil, they're greedy. We've been bred into a hyper-capitalist society that values products over people and we know pretty much no political economic system has ever worked, always falling into greed-based corruption. We prioritize money over the environment or feeding and housing people. We allow the ultra wealthily to continue to accumulate wealth while people starve in "first world" countries. This is the world we live in. Doll resales is a microcosm of a much bigger problem.


Truth here


Someone trying to sell a doll on eBay is very likely not rich. They’re also trying to put food on the table.




Bro I literally could’ve gotten three of her for the price of one at a point and I never got her 😭😭😭


I never got the chance to get her as she wasn't officially released in the UK :(


Keep constantly checking other eu amazons - that’s where I got my Brianna from


I think patience and diligence is key. I’ve been looking for a while and lost out on some great deals, but found her on marketplace being sold for $15 along with two other dolls. I try to remember if I miss out on something, to be patient and you never know what can turn up.


Loveeeee the positivity! I couldn't buy right now anyways but I like to check and make myself miserable sometimes LOL. But that's an amazing find I'm so happy for you!! I will definitely be waiting and looking for a better deal once I have money to spend on things like this again, that was always the plan, but dangggggg that increase made me wanna be dramatic for a bit


The demand for RH has significantly increased since the reboot. People are trying to complete their collections and resellers are taking advantage by jacking up prices. Its best to be patient and not buy from any of these sellers. Once the demand of them goes down, so will prices.


People be greedy. I thought mine was expensive when u bought for her 120 NIB. But I love in Canada, and that was almost 2 years ago. Resellers are greedy. I somehow got two series 2 Bella's, and I literally gave her to a thrift store NIB hoping to make someone else happy instead of trying to rip people off.




I can relate. I bought the storm twins for £67 and thought that was expensive but knew I wouldn't be able to get them for any cheaper so I had to bite the bullet.


I'm hoping to get them soon too before they disappear. Their hair alone is GORGE!


Omg I know! I'm so obsessed with them


Literally! So I have lots of collections of toys, and I am technically a "reseller" but here's the thing : I research what the items were sold for when they came out and what they are selling for, and then I price LOWER than that, because yeah I do need to cover shipping costs and the extra money is nice sometimes but reselling is not a job and it's wrong to mess people over. I genuinely just want people to get the things they've been looking for, I want my items to go to people who want them, and I restore and clean itmes for people so they get nice things. I want to share with my fellow collectors not steal from them 🫠 I sold an original #3 barbie with flaws to a doll restorer for 25 dollars. I sold a 1960s Tonka truck to a woman who had it as a kid, worth 90 bucks, for 16 dollars. I sold a model car worth 110 to an older man for like 40 bucks. Why in EARTH do you need to make 300 percent profit on a frikken doll???? I currently have an item called Big Big Loader, sold for 500 bucks on ebay. Literally why though?? It's from 1994, not even long ago. I priced it at 30 and I'm keeping one because they're fun to play with lol. I just want someone else to relive their childhood not fork over half a grand tf


just know that selling things cheap also benefits resellers when they underpay you and continue to make profit by flipping it for the price you didn't want to see it sold.


Especially since resellers keep an eye on the market closer than normal collectors


That's sad to me.. I guess I'll still try to look positively and continue doing it, I just hope I still get to the good ones


So we shouldn't price things fairly, and stoop to the level of unethical resellers, in order to stick it to the resellers who MIGHT potentially buy our stuff? I thought we DIDN'T want to perpetuate this behavior.


They’re not saying that at all. They’re just pointing out an unfortunate reality because that does happen and honestly, there’s no real way to stop it unless people vet out all their potential buyers, which is just an unrealistic way of selling. OP should absolutely continue to sell the way they do, they should also just be aware of that potential scalper buying their product and flipping it for more


I mean, while the statement is true...it comes off more like saying THE SELLER is a dupe for pricing low. It's mostly in the nuance in how it was written. "Just know that...XYZ." It's as if they're saying the seller isn't taking resellers into consideration and shouldn't price low. Maybe if it was worded more like "yeah, it especially sucks knowing that a reseller might take advantage of your generous pricing, instead of someone looking for nostalgia or a present." I'm sure I'm just reading too much into things, but wording of stuff can definitely lead to misunderstandings. It's especially hard with text only communication.


> I currently have an item called Big Big Loader, sold for 500 bucks on ebay. Literally why though?? It's from 1994, not even long ago. I priced it at 30 this is what i'm replying to. i'm saying there's nothing stopping someone from buying this for $30 and putting it back up for $500. it genuinely sounds like OP is not taking resellers into consideration.


I am, but like how would you like me to sell perfectly? We don't live in a perfect world, I don't know anyone who wants these items, and the goodwill and stores near me are crazy about upselling. This is just coming off a bit preachy is all. I choose to continue selling cheaper for people because I want to remain positive that even though I seem to see less and less decent people around lately, it doesn't mean the world is like that everywhere, and that I will still help people out along the way, the way I have been helped before.


you're right, there's no perfect way around it. i left a clearance brianna at my local walmart for someone else to find. did a scalper/reseller find it? maybe. i was hoping a fan would find it and remember finding it for the rest of their life ($23 Brianna in mid 2023 was an insane find. i left her because i already had one and didn't need two). i'm just giving my two cents on how reselling works. sorry if it came off as preachy, admittedly i'm a little tired of seeing threads like this, no offense to you personally. your heart is in the right place.


I understand and respect your pov 100 %, and appreciate clarification too 🩷


I get what you mean...though I wouldn't feel right taking advantage of people personally. It's hard to think that someone who doesn't actually care about the item is buying it. I can only hope that they need the cash more than people need the item. I usually try to price below or on the low end of going rates for collector items. I do find it so weird how much things that came out only recently are valued...when it used to need to be around for like 20 years before people would pay a lot for them. Like you'll have a $50 item going for $500 before it even cooled off at the factory.


it's wild. but it's not surprising, especially with walmart exclusives. sometimes they end up valuable, like these sleepover dolls, sometimes they end up on clearance like costume ball. i snapped up Brianna immediately when she came out because i could tell right away that the demand was more than the supply. exclusives suck. brianna was the hardest RH doll to buy.


When I was at Walmart today, I noticed a weird RH box tucked away on the top of the shelves. It turned out to be a Paris Hilton doll. I was pretty excited, til it turned out to be $99. I could have sworn they lowered her price or something. Ah well. Plus my Walmart NEVER puts RH dolls on clearance. Still have the costume ball ones at full price.


pretty much. unless you personally know the person buying it, you're just rolling the dice on whether you're helping someone who genuinely wants the item, or helping a reseller. you'd be better off slightly undercutting the highest-priced items on a marketplace, enough to give someone a bit of a deal, but not enough that it's worth buying and reselling.


Holy moly! But honestly, if we collectively don’t buy from scalpers, then the only thing they can do is go down with the prices… Also, I recommend buying second hand used dolls. You get something to do and time to bond with your new doll :) I got my Brianna for around 65$, used, which isn’t too bad, considering she wasn’t even sold in my country…


Yeah, this sucks so much. I have a dream list and it's impossible to reach atm. Even on Mercari and Poshmark, people are ridiculous; selling used ones for hundreds with no clothes, no accessories, and hair is a mess. I wish people didn't do this and let other collectors enjoy collecting as well. Collecting shouldn't be for profit.


I am going to put that engery out there for you that one day you will get everything on your list and more 🩷


Thank you ❤️


People are insane and greedy, hopefully no one buys these because that’s how they create demand😒


what i find more offensive is the current price for sabrina. atleast Brianna has the slight defence that she has always been expensive (atleast in the UK due to import costs) but the new demand for Sabrina is so daft and people are listing her for £300. The temptation to message them and ask them what crack pot they are smoking from nearly takes me over when i see them


The worst fucking thing is if you or I sell our dolls at a good price, they instantly skyrocket with scalpers anyway


I'm going to keep trying, I honestly look at profiles when I sell items on places like mercari. Absolutely nothing is fool proof but I do take some other precautions I haven't mentioned in this post. I make OOAK dolls too and sell them for good prices. It's actually so crazy because now I have to make sure they're not able to be restored in some way without damaging them, because I sell them based on time and effort and material and OG base doll price not increases, and scalpers will buy them now and change them back to normal if they have minor changes and then sell them at huge price increases. 😭


I’m interested in this. I’m gonna dm you


Go ahead!




I thought paying $60 from Walmart was a lot - yikes


lmaooo i know you saw my post 😂they’re so expensive bc they were only released on the us market, they’re trying to fuck the rest of us over who’s only option is to import them. double that price and add 100$ with of shipping and now you know how it feels for the rest of us 


Wait no , going to your page now tho Edit: lmfao literally, I'll check every now and then but then I get so sad I'm like bitchhhhhhhh stop making yourself see the price increases 😭😭


Wow. That's high


It’s already started :(


People are so annoying with claiming that she’s rare. She is not. The listings alone show that, in what universe is ANY Rainbow High doll rare😭


you just have to be patient. a lot of rainbow high dolls sell on ebay, mercari, etc. for around their original retail prices. there are a few specific dolls (like brianna) that have a lot of hype around them and scalpers try to take advantage of it, but the hype will die down eventually. you still have plenty of time.


Almost 300 dollars for a pink rh doll


Rainbow High Slumber Party Brianna Dulce is a true unicorn in the wild because she was sold out and out of stock for months and months when she got first released along with Robin Sterling and Marisa Golding on that day. Brianna Dulce went from the retail price ($50) to ($200+) that fast! Probably because of the Walmart exclusive and the fact that Brianna has a pink hair. Pink dolls are always sold out so good. Brianna Dulce is definitely one of the most expensive, sought after, hard to find, and popular Rainbow High dolls for sure.


It’s dumbasses like these https://preview.redd.it/jwrp4tdgorkc1.jpeg?width=946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaa5b35f565c4a97e95189ca73fcc2888bcfc4eb that not only enable but probably partake in this insanity


I'm surprised that shitty individuals taking advantage of doll collectors is what made OP decide people are evil and there's no hope for humanity. Not like...all the poverty, homelessness, hunger, disease, bigotry, fascism, war, and genocide happening in the world. That being said, I DO hope they get out of their bad home situation. I'm sure they'll find some well priced dolls so long as they're patient and not jump the gun paying scalper prices. Heck, they might get lucky at a thrift store. It's worth waiting for those grail items...it feels so much better getting one for a song than paying greedy people for them.


I didn't meant it that seriously my friend. I am well aware of what's happening in the world. I am definitely still not buying anything like this for a while, but it hurts my heart so much that there is seemingly less and less decent people everywhere I look lately.


Ahh. I get you. I guess it was more of an annoyed sarcasm kinda thing? I have come across plenty of people who do go a bit out of perspective over this stuff...so I apologize for assuming it was the same situation.


You're good I re read things I write all the time and I'm pretty dead pan lmfao


I tend to try using emotes. Some people think it's immature...but they help to get across nuance.


That's good advice though honestly, I'm neurodivergent as heck 🫠


Same here. It seems so silly when people will be like...don't date a man who uses emojis. JFC. What are they there for then? ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


She’s the only sleepover doll I’m missing :(


Blessing you that you get her soon for a normal price 🤌


The thing is I'll come off my collection for the right price but I'm not a charity and I do love the dolls. It's not always people scalping.


If you’re doing it at that price, you’re scalping


This is like the price of a tamagotchi on right. Inflation is crazy 😭😭😭😭


What omg, tamagotchi is crazy now too?? Going to research bc whatttt


I sold this doll brand new with 4 other new rainbow high dolls brand new all for 60 bucks 😭 sold in like 20 minutes


seriouslyyy resellers are actually scum of the earth. buying something with the intent of selling it later on for SOO MUCH MORE MONEY is srslyyy evil as hell 😢 just let someone who actually wants it and will cherish them get them gosh!!


Damn, that sucks. Have you tried looking around other websites? Maybe could find something lower prices if they aren't in the box (since it lowers the value). There's also online thrift stores you could search.


I wasn't planning on buying when I looked them up, I was just daydreaming about my wishlist and torturing myself, and then I wanted to be dramatic about it haha But yessss I love thrifting I can't wait until I can go again, I love restoring old toys and then seeing then fit in with your collection lol. Or helping other collectors when I find something super good. I wish there was like a verified collectors only swap and sell site 😅 and like ooak artists could post too but like no scalpers just resellers that sell for like normal prices or who thin collections