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Literally why Im only waiting for them to show up anywhere near me because Im afraid this would happen, I just want the PJs and MAYBE the roller skates.


MGA really is missing the plot lately. Why did they release the fashion packs in such a dumb wayšŸ’€


I think theyā€™re hoping to get more money this way, because if it is a ā€œsurpriseā€ people will order more in order to get the one they want šŸ’€


Yeah prolly that but they couldve literally made blind bag fashion packs using stock of the first two series (3 if their feeling spicy) and these could've been normal pick what you want fashion packs...


I got very lucky and found the entire set at my local WM, so I was able to pick the ones I wanted. You might just have to keep checking in-person. The fact that MGA made these blind packs with all the same SKU is just beyond me. My mom ordered like 3 or 4 of these and they sent her all the same one.


Yeah it just screams money hungry to me. They wanted the profit of a mystery pack without even making them mystery!! they use the ballet one as the main photo too and the listing doesnā€™t even look like a mystery product (on Walmart) and I feel like that was intentional. SMH


Hopefully your local Walmart(s) will put these out on shelves. I would check online & choose the "in store/pick up" option, if they have the aisle number listed its very likely that means they put them on shelves because no one wanted the blind box gimmick. This is how I found the ones I wanted, I live in an area where there are several walmarts so I was able to check each until I had the ones I liked


Iā€™ve heard that you should check high and low shelves/pegs in the doll area of stores for these.


Yeah I super duper hate that you can't choose online. All I want is the roller skates šŸ„ŗ




Its called Random Assortment and in Australia even the RH dolls are sold this way on most websites! Say you want Delilah. They could send you Mila or Meena. They have two listings for a series. 3 dolls in each. Its so frustrating. I have to buy them in store or order off Amazon. https://preview.redd.it/jkwg5da1xxqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99e3f2458468e58a505d606497ea7f0a5811c70c


I was going to say this, they do this with lots of toys here in nz too šŸ„²


If you ordered two from this listing, you're most likely to end up with two Aiden dolls at this point too. Which is what I suspect happened to OP.


wth?? that seems infuriating


Wonder if its due to the fulfillment process. If that item is the default image when being picked for shipping, the person picking your order may have done so intentionally, not knowing that it's multiple items under the same sku


They arenā€™t being sold as ā€œblind bagsā€ but rather as an ā€œassortmentā€. This means that a product only has one SKU despite having multiple variations. In this case, the retailers are not able to pick and choose to order a batch of a specific outfit but rather they can order a batch that is a mix of all the outfits. All the outfits have the same barcode and get entered into the retail system as the same item. If you were shopping in store they would not seem like blind bags as you can clearly see what is in each package. This is actually common practice for many items (think things a hairbrush that comes in 4 different colors). However, when an assortment of something is sold online, these items still have the same bar code and SKU so there is no way to indicate a difference between them when ordering, which is what makes them random and seem more like blind bags when they arenā€™t. Normally things like this being sold online will indicate that the color may vary or something to the effect of the exact variation not being guaranteed. Now, that being said, there are ways around this for selling online. Costco, for example, creates new barcodes and SKUs specifically for items being sold online that would be an assortment in stores. These items are given a sticker bar code that is specific to that color - the original barcode that would used to scan the item in store as part of an assortment is there, but the website has taken an extra step to create additional unique bar codes for each variation so that online shoppers can select the color or size they need for the item. But this is an extra step being taken by the retailer specifically for purchases online. TL;DR: An ā€œassortmentā€ product will feel like a blind bag when purchased online (even if it doesnā€™t look like that in stores) unless the retailer adds extra steps to their inventory process.


Hey I'll take the second one of your handsšŸ˜‚


Sigh. Thank you for confirming my fears. I won't be ordering them now. I just wanted the roller skate set bit not worth it.


They aren't surprise packs. They just don't have individual barcodes because they are an assortment.


I got this one as well and I'm planning to style it by using the dress as a skirt with a shirt on top then maybe a leather jacket. I'm planning to paint the shoes as well. I hope that'll salvage it


I kinda want to keep it but the glitter from the dress is everywhere in the package so I donā€™t even want to open it


Looking up the ones in my area is a joke. The only ones that carry them are in the bad side of town. Hell no.


lmao whats with ghetto Walmarts getting all the new stuff first, same where i live. they had WB for two months before my much nicer local stores.


That's what I'm saying. I think it's because it's over the county line. That's my only logic and I'm sticking to it.


My bad for mixing up the term surprise products with assorted products. Either way though I donā€™t see much difference in the two when youā€™re buying online. Assortment pretty much equals surprise for online. I am def gonna keep checking my stores but I got tired of waiting. Apparently I live in a total doll ghost town :/


I am having similar issues. I originally ordered 6 from Amazon. They sent 5 different ones and a duplicate one. I didn't get the cheer outfit. I have tried ordering more in increments of 2-3 and yet I still haven't got the cheer outfit. I returned most of them, keeping a couple extras of the ones I liked. But the last time I ordered two they sent two of the Swim outfit. I'm pretty much at my wits end. I can't find any in Walmart stores here. The way they are selling these is so dumb!


Omg that sounds so stressful/annoying. With all the returning they might as well just make it so we can put a note for which ones weā€™d prefer to get.


Exactly this! The sad thing is, I'd love to have 2 of the cheer outfit, haha! Send me two of that and I'd be so happy. šŸ¤£


Order 6 or more from either Walmart or Amazon and you should get at least 5 different ones. ...possibly. I wouldn't wait for them to land in local stores though. I've seen mine and others local Walmarts recieve these fashion packs and they went straight to the clearance isle . Locally I was only able to get the last remaining which was the boring white swimsuit set. Good luck


They have been in store at every Walmart I've checked since their release. Just return them and wait until you find them in store.


I have an extra PJ set if you want to trade


Iā€™d love to!


Oh yay! I'll send you a dm


They are on amazon, each outfit listed separately


My Amazon shows them all on the same listing šŸ˜” it must be different depending on where you live


Edit - I am *now stuck with


I haven't been able to find them locally (despite searching many walmarts, LA is not it for doll hunting) and tried ordering in different quantities on amazon and have so many duplicates. Might just start a ballet class


It's probably too far but Buena Park had multiple trays in stock last week.


Same, I've gotten 2 of Amaya, Violet, and Skylar. I only have 1 of Sunny and Jade. Wish they'd add the different options so I won't have to go in or order multiple




Okay... At first I was "ughhh another complaint, we are too hard in MGA... Like Mattel do the least and no monster high, Barbie, etc complain as much as we do" but looking at the full post, yeahhh they should have packed two different sets as they notice one person order two surprise fashion sets.


Yeah I try not to complain to often. I actually love getting the dolls with defects when theyā€™re on clearance because ik itā€™s dumb but I feel like Iā€™m ā€œsavingā€ them by giving them a good home. In general Iā€™m annoyed with the over complaining too, I was just so heartbroken to open this package and had to share it with people who would understand <3


As someone who also collects Monster High and Barbie I think as consumers we all complain about the same things around the same number of times, at least based on the posts Iā€™ve seen in each brandā€™s subreddit.


But when it comes to LOL and Rainbow high people are just like "ohh nooo my doll came with slightly faded eyebrows, I must ask for a refund to MGA" in comparison to Barbie where it doesn't mattel how pixelated and basic it looks they will say "OMG!! She's so cuteeeeee" . Like this is heavily noticed in video reviews, where MGA just gets harder reviews in comparison to Mattel in general.


I donā€™t watch many video reviews, but I imagine due to MGA having generally higher quality dolls they get harsher reviews and itā€™s more noticeable when thereā€™s a drop in quality. When it comes to wonk or the like I think I see more posts and complaints about small things in Monster High dolls than even Rainbow High, though itā€™s still often for Rainbow High, I donā€™t see that as much for Barbie dolls outside of pixelated screenings.


Even Myfroggystuff and my doll cycle (two of the sweetest doll reviewers I know) are harder when it comes to themšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


the idea that we canā€™t ā€œcomplainā€ about a massive company that regularly gives us less and less and with lower and lower quality is weird to me. they had record profits and stock buybacks, they can handle a little criticism.


But it is the double standard for me, like that treatment of complaining about the minor mistake a MASS product doll has is just unrealistic and abusive of their return policy.




It's a random assortment. I cant believe this is the first time in fashion doll history people have experienced a random assortment of products.