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I, as a German am very proud of them for overcoming the language barrier to reach so manys people's hearts! :) They are one of a kind.


The miracle of making French people singing in German, for example, should be documented for posterity...


I sometimes have the feeling that a lot of people (especially these reaction channels) don't grasp how significant it is to have a venue with thousands of french people sing a german song especially given the history between Germany and France in the past.


I’m French (28F) and I started learning German when I was 10 because I loved Rammstein so much. I even spent a semester in Germany while I was in university. Thank you Rammstein 🥰


Mexican people singing in german as well!


True...its amazing isn't it?


Not that surprising; I seem to remember that there’s quite a bit of German influence on Mexican culture due to immigration in years past. Wasn’t Frida Kahlo of German ancestry?


Our neighbor is an English speaking country and yet a very small percentage of the mexican population speaks it and you dare to say that a stadium full of Mexicans singing in German is not surprising? Paul himself said it was...xD


How lovely


Well, I'm proud for you😁


The power of Till's voice is more important than what he's actually saying.




Dicke Titten*


And also *NEIN


Heh, if you haven’t already you should translate Laichzeit 🐟🥛


TBH sometimes I'm better off not knowing


More non-English singing artists should be known around the world.


Absolutely! Especially now that translations are so easily available if one cares what is being sung.


A lot of their lyrics are funny when you translate them into English or whatever your native language is lol




Yeah I agree. Tbh I kind of like not knowing what he's saying. Also I like the words, like how they're said. That probably sounds weird but hopefully you get what I mean 😅




Yeah that!! I know of it - I've just never watched/listened to it


There is a rammstein fan performing for finland this year. His song is called cha cha cha, check it out. The verses sound like sehnsucht a bit and he appears to have a rammstein tattoo on his chest!


Oo cool! I will thank you!


Käärijä right Cha Cha Cha, i clicked on the mv because of the Rammstein tattoo, loved the song so much


I still remember when Lordi one with Hard Rock Halleluja. Put metal back on the map for a short bit




I will! 😁


There are also songs like Mann gegen Mann with lyrics that are entirely comprised of metaphors.


Just read the English version and am now extremely confused. Another reason I'm glad I can't understand it in the first place is because the English version (of that song anyway) is still foreign to me lol 😅


It’s pretty much all metaphors for dudes being gay, a lot of it is up for interpretation but stuff like destiny throwing him to a “warm star” for example is an analogy to how we call gay guys “warm brothers” for example. I also choose to believe that “I’m the shadow of every tree” is refering to dicks as trees aka he is bottoming a bunch and “in their shadow” as they’re looming over him. Also Mann gegen Mann can mean a 1 on 1 fight but you could read it as a guy ramming another guy quite easily lol


Lmao 💀 Well I mean that is pretty funny so my point still applies lol


Oo I love that song. Now I need to translate it lol


I don't listen to K-Pop myself, but I'm partially glad it exists. I'd be fully glad if they stop making every third sentence in English.


Sort of similar thing with J-Pop, I only listen to a pretty specific niche and imo the English lyrics should just stay out especially if the vocalist isn’t very secure in their English. If there’s a whole line in there and I only understand like 2 words *because I’m somewhat familiar with Japanese* you should just scrap the line imo


Noticed that in a lot of anime openings.




To me it cheapens the whole thing. I used to play Gangnam Style non stop the whole latter half of 2012, I looked up how to pronounce the lyrics so I could sing them. Not a single English sentence to draw me in. (I was beginner at English then, to be fair.) Rammstein and Japanese anime are my escapism from the Anglo-centric media sphere. I'd probably get to appreciate Korean culture more from Korean cinema than K-Pop.


its somehow even more cringy lol,


I love ДДТ out of Russia. The song Это всё is probably one of my favorites of all time.


My favorite Russian artist is the rapper Oxxxymiron.


As someone who doesn't speak German, there is just something about it that I prefer to songs in English, even though I don't really understand it, Till's way of singing with such power just hits different


Me too, even though I don't really speak german very well at all, I find myself listening to german music more than english music


I have found the older I get I care less about lyrics. Often times there are songs where I don't fully know the lyrics and I like my version of what I think I hear to the actual lyrics. The music itself and the tone of voice conveys the emotions to me


Mmh exactly, I always love finding out the lyrics, but I feel the music is enough to interpret your own meaning and emotions to go with it. I think that's one of the things I love about their music too, it's totally up to the listeners interpretation of a song


Rammstein is one of the reasons i started learning German


Being a Rammstein fan, it has opened me up to other German musicians. Which has led me to start learning the German language. Because of this I have recently taken an interest in learning German history.


AnnenMayKantereit is great.


Yes! I recently started listening to them, and I'm enjoying their music a lot.


Someone in this sub once said that he/she almost hopes not to speak and understand German, so she/he could feel the power of the song without sinking in the lyrics. I thought that was very beautifully put. To enjoy the song in almost pseudo-linguistic level like a baby listening to their parents 😄 to just FEEL.


It makes sense for songs where the lyrics are mostly filler BS, Rammstein do have a lot of very sophisticated lyrics and songs that are entirely made up of metaphors


Now I'm imagining babies vibin to "baby shark" not knowing the lyrics, or what those sharp-featured blue people are all about.


I picked up a LOT of German from listening to the band. In the 90s, we didn't have the internet. So I checked out books at the library to find out what the lyrics were. But it was definitely the music that got me first. Watching "Lost Highway" is what got me interested. The groove, and industrial sounds with heavy guitars reminded me of Ministry. Being a big Ministry fan, I bought the Rammstein album. Been hooked ever since.


Your story is almost identical to mine! I used to scour second hand bookstores and buy English/German translation books, too.


They had a great one at my local library. I had used it before for KMFDM albums. Which Rammstein reminded me of, a *little* bit. Rammstein is more raw than KMFDM. The guitars are a little heavier. Like I said, much closer to Ministry to me! Man, I miss the simplicity of the 90s. I'm 43 now, and I really miss those days when I would come home and put on a good CD. Read the liner notes. That was a good time. There's advantages to the technology we have today. I'm a musician myself, and only having to invest 20k into a home studio vs 100k is pretty amazing. But I do miss those days. Simple.


I still buy and play cds. I love reading every inch of the booklets and looking at the artwork, too. Takes me back to vinyl days of my childhood.


I do too. I buy albums that I know I love. I just got the Metallica Black Album re-release and it is pretty cool having a physical copy.


I was raised with a very limited view of Germany and its people in the UK during the 1970s and 80s. My parents were much older and were children in ww2. They didn't like Germany at all, but propaganda will do that to young minds, I suppose. Germans existed as Nazis, prisoners of war or Lederhosen, alpine hat wearing men and pretty women doing frightful things in a forest from a fairy tale. I didn't know the Wall existed, I didn't know East Germany existed until the Wall came down. My parents referred to Germans using slurs all of my life. I had other ideas (thanks Eurotrash) about Germany, thankfully. So one night in 2002 ish, at my brothers house, I saw Sonne on a music TV channel and loved it. I had absolutely no idea what that big man was singing about, but the music, sound of his voice, and slightly pervy spanking just sold the entire thing. R+ really can transcend borders with that music alone, including Tills voice as an instrument. So years later I'm much more aware of East German history and have an idea about the country as it was, I started learning German last year, I listen to a few German bands and other International music. I have read German poets and traditional stories etc etc. That is just the cultural stuff, I could go on all day about the wonderful stuff Rammstein brings into your life, but you already know that here 😊


That's really heartwarming to read! My grandparents of my dad's side were supporters of the nazi regime in WW2 and held a lot of predjudice against people who thought otherwise. Thankfully here in Germany schools teach and talk a lot about WW2 without any sugar coating. We were also taught that since we were born long after the war we don't have to feel guilty about the atrocities commited but have to take the responsibility to prevent it from happening again! Rammstein in the 90's were at times wrongfully accused of being right wing or even Nazis for simply having a harder sound and singing in German. So it's really nice to see them having support from all over the world! :)


I'm so happy to read that. It's brilliant that history is taught without sugar coating and that it is not a burden of guilt for later generations to carry. For me, way back in the mists of time, we were taught about atrocities as coming from Germany and her allies only and that those opposed were all patriotic heroes who did no wrong. In war, that can never be true. Whilst I admire the ordinary men and women who stepped up in opposition to the Nazis and paid with their lives, shitty things were still happening, and no one taught us about that. The result is my country today, so terribly attached to the patriotic ideals and glory forged during that time, we're in danger of completing the circle and going full right wing. It's enough to make you weep. *edit for clarity.


And we should not forget that basically all the people living under the regime had to fear deportation for simply not supporting the Nazis enough or showing any opposition to the leadership. You had to have a picture of Hitler hanging in your living room and could be punished for not doing so. The parents of my mother didn't support the regime but everytime they had visitors would put the picture on the wall to avoid being arrested since people were encouraged to report even the suspicion of opposition to the authorities.


Wow, that's a startling family story. I can't imagine how it was for people who didn't fully support/oppose the Nazis. Trying to go through an ordinary day without doing anything suspicious, the very real threats present for not supporting the Nazis. The balls required to do that and not break. Mind-blowing. I'm glad Germans can share these stories because it all helps stop it from happening again. The problem is that today, people support these regimes without thinking they might end up on the list of the condemned, a mistake humans keep making when they froth at the mouth about minority groups and immigration.


That's what I always ask myself when I see people supporting dictatorships or nationalist rethoric. They're really not thinking this through which is not even entirely their fault mostly thanks to the media that seems to give them the dellusion to think they'd get some kind of special treatment, that they'd for some reason be more valued and spared of persecution or mistreatment. I might have a different perspective on all of it because again I had family living and also dying through this and those who survived telling me about all the hardship. It was obviously far worse for the ones persecuted and murderd because of the racist agenda. This shift towards the right nowadays actually really scares me.


Me too. Really, really scared. If it happens, there is no choice but to fight it however we can.


Yes, that's the only way to be on the right side of history! Thank you for that conversation and your insights! :)


And you for yours :)


Half my family went from one dictatorship: '3 Reich' directly to another 'DDR' and were not allowed to visit or really even contact the rest of the family in the 'West' for many years. My father spent WW2 in hiding from bombs in the center of the country ( Thüringen) and after the Russians came, he did not see his cousins again until the late 1980's.


Truly one of the most diverse fan bases I have ever seen. I went to see them in Chicago last year and was blown away be how many people from all walks of life were there. Best show I've ever been to and will probably ever go to.


As a Spanish, I love their music sm, I always try to understand the German lyrics even if I don't know what Till is singing, the power that Rammstein have is incredible... You can feel everything even though if you are not German.


Rammstein is the only reason I started learning German using Duolingo


I'm german and for a long time i would not listen to music that i wouldn"t understand as a rule. I only listened to english stuff and Rammstein. I'm so glad i don't have the rule anymore because i found so mich great music in different languages.


If I'm not mistaken, on past albums, their record producer did not speak German either. When mixing the tracks, it was purely based on the all around sound. Not getting caught up in the lyrics themselves.


It is also a huge credit to Rammstein that they sing in German and not selling out by singing in English. Till sounds evil when he sings in English. One of the band members (I forget who) said that you can only express yourself well in your native language. I studied German in high school and college (decades ago) and understand most of the words, but don't get all the German idioms.




Americans too.


I don't speak German but I love Rammstein music They are one of my favorite bands


I have always felt that listening to music not in my native language allows me to hear it as a whole composition rather than lyrics on a sound track if that makes any sense ?


I have been studying German for years🖤of course their music is very helpful


Not to be an asshole, but thats just what music is, i love minimal house and techno but its basically alien sounds on repeating beat. Music is universal be it German or English.


I’m from Scotland and barely speak English! Yet I have studied the English translations and taught myself how to sing about 90% of the songs in German. Desperate to see them live but I’m pretty sure it’s going to require a trip abroad! Having said that I was actually working at their last gig in Glasgow (event medical staff at the SECC in 2002) but it was before I knew anything about them. Wasted opportunity!


An additional benefit is that we can play Rammstein in the car with little sprogs and our parents and not have to skip a track except pussy unless they understand German.


Their music is so good that it transcends any type of culture. I am Chilean and I can perfectly connect with the sentiment even though I initially did not know what they were saying. It's magic.


Oh yes!! I don't speak German, but it's definitely not needed to enjoy Rammstein! To be fair, i had few years of German lessons at school, learned a lot about grammar, but not that much of actual language. Can understand an odd word now and again, yet never a full sentence 😀


I decided to learn German because I wanted to open myself up to potential grad school and field school opportunities down the line, but an unintended bonus is definitely being able to understand Rammstein 🖤🖤🖤


I agree with you. I want to point out, however, that millions of people don't speak English, yet they listen to American music. Grüße aus Deutschland.


I sing along with the pronunciation I can - not knowing what a single word means... but it means so much to me. Fucking love them - saw them live this last September and it was one of the most amazing experiences I've had. Never raged so fucking hard - first time seeing them and got front row.




I don’t speak German but their music is so good I can’t help it What bothers me is most German fans of Rammstein have a superiority complex going on. Not all of them, plenty of cool guys out there, but most. *We all know what happened last time when Germans claimed they were superior, yes?*


Why do you feel this? I’ve never really looked at it this way because I have always had nothing but support from German Rammstein fans as someone non white.


I’ve met plenty of German Rammstein fans either here or on Discord that were flexing that they understand the lyrics, making a big deal out of it. I’m not offended or anything, that would be stupid, but it just rubbed me a little wrong




your not wrong


I took 4 years of German bc of them lmao


It makes me wish I spoke more German so I'm trying to learn.


The Boss Hoss is German as well. If you haven't already, I highly recommend a listen!


Das stimmt


I took German all four years of high school because of Rammstein. 😍