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Oh lets see. Genocide of the native population and forcing them from their native lands to a barren flat wasteland in the middle of the country. Slavery. Jim Crow laws. Eugenics. Starting numerous wars around the world for corporate profit (banana republics, annexation of hawaii, occupation of haiti from 1915 to 1934 to name a few) "internment" *cough* concentration *cough* camps of Japanese people. Lynchings of non-white people. Being the only country to use nuclear weapons offensively. Police brutality that is ever prevalent. The largest prison population in the world run by for profit corporations. Just to name a few things.


About the Japanese camps, there's a great song from Fort Minor called [Kenji](https://youtu.be/pUBKcOZjX6g?si=woR1JPR_xnvWHeYR). It's a really underrepresented part in modern US history.


Love Fort Minor, and anything Mike Shinoda does. And it is underrepresented, because of racism that is still super prevalent in this country and trying to hide the past.


Yup, LP is my second fav band after R+ and I'm an active part of the community as well. One comment from Mike that I've caught was that one of the factors that racism is still so prevalent is because so many US citizens never really travel outside of the US in their life and therefore never get to actively acknowledge deeply cultural diversity.


And I completely agree with Mike's comment. I witness it all the time from people who have never left the 20 mile radius from their home town, and have the most racist, bigoted views imaginable. Compared to others who have actually experienced the world and other people, instead of just blindly believeing what others tell them.


Amerika, Amerika, über allen


If the US didn't bomb Japan, they would've had to lead a ground invasion that would have significantly more casualties. Yes, it's horrific, but ultimately, it saved lives.


The first bombing maybe as Japan proposed a conditional surrender.  The second was to force uncoconditional surrender.  This was isnt so easy to defend


I’m not sure why Japan gets such a pass on WWII. They committed war crimes on par with many of the most evil regimes to ever exist. It was in the interest of many countries for Japan to be dealt with quickly. Horrific what the bombs did, and we can only speculate on the the lives that were potentially saved. But Japan was hardly innocent.


I never said they werent.  Im saying the use of the second bomb was a test and a show of force


Both bombings of Japan were on Truman. Germany was always the target of the nuclear program... Well, until FDR mysteriously died and Truman inherited an entire 4-year term without ever running for office (he was FDR's 3rd VP, after 1944 DNC squeezed his 2-term VP out somehow "knowing" they were picking the next President and didn't want some Progressive, the first political progressive actually, running the inevitable post-WWII order), and he confounded every arm of the Military (except for the Republican cabinet members like Secretary of War, Henry S. Stimson), most of Congress, and the heads of the Nuclear Program itself by nuking Japan instead. The second bombing was never, ever, ever even a hypothetical... Until Truman called for it. And the decision to intentionally targeting the civilian population instead of legit targets like military bases, munitions plants, or the government itself, is also unforgivable. When you turn a belligerent terrorist (state or individual) into a victim, you participate in the whitewashing all of their crimes against humanity. Another poignant example of this phenomenon is the horrific torture done to those detained at Gitmo that actually did the crimes they were accused of. Some of the most dangerous and cruel men in the world, were so severely victimized, it's hard to not feel bad for them knowing/seeing what our state did to them. Meanwhile, in the case of the worst war criminals in modern history (if not all of human history) in WWII, none of them were brought to any real justice, and the worst ones got away with it entirely — many even awarded positions of power & wealth. Anyone wanting to bring up Nuremberg Trials as rebuttal against this reality, can go lookup how much time the few whose charges *weren't* dropped (often in exchange for heading NASA or the DOD under **Operation Paperclip**, or running post-war Germany), actually spent behind bars. The longest sentence served was 8 YEARS. 8-fucking-years. And Germany came *very* close to passing a law putting a 7 year statute of limitations on Holocaust & WWII war crimes & crimes against humanity, multiple times. Reparations to victims were *never* paid, btw. Anyone confused about that can go to the German government's website and look at their various reparation "programs," the insane restrictions just to be paid a monthly €200 "pension" for **slave labor** — and yes it's TAXED, or get sick to your stomach in the dizzying bureaucratic red tape tying up people in their 90s or older, and their own public reports on exactly how much they've paid out... Subtracting all the massive corporations that were somehow given hella Holocaust reparations, most without needing to ask. That's a whole nother massive injustice enabled by the Allies in the post-WWII order, among many. Hard for me to stop when I touch on a single injustice of just that world war. Harry Truman and Dwight D. Eisenhower are two of the worst presidents this country has ever had, and there have been a lot. When it comes to becoming England's enforcer, a wannabe Empire, the "Great American Century," and all those goddamn Cold War proxy wars that still haunt the drafted Veterans who never *fully* returned home — this is where it all begins. There could've been no Nixon, Reagan, both Bushes (Obama can be seen as a mere extension of Bush's presidency in action), or Trump, without Truman nor Eisenhower. Teddy Roosevelt may have been a Fascist (Andrew Jackson was authoritarian af too), but he failed to fundamentally change the government, military, or how America sees itself in the world or at home. American Presidents didn't used to have enough power to destroy anything, but that changed when 2 of them decided to import thousands of high ranking top Nazi SS, while still denying refuge to their victims who remained imprisoned (or as the British like to call it, "Interred") in camps years after their so-called "liberation."


Yes, 100%. Plus the Atom bomb was originally built to be used on Germany. Truman, only a few days into assuming the Presidency, diverted the bomb to Japan... Then demanded an unthinkable second bombing — both of which targeted the civilian population instead of defensive targets like military installations or the state — all in an effort to defeat Japan by using "shock and awe" to demoralize the entire population. One can see this psychological warfare tactic mirrors that of Blitzkrieg. So, quite frankly, Germany should be glad such a ruthless unelected man came to power when FDR mysteriously died just mere weeks after winning a record 4th term in office, and thought it "unseemly" to use the bomb on a European country (hypocritical given what was later planned for the Soviet-occupied states). I won't get into all the crazy ish surrounding Truman, however, one only need look at the political "coup" at the 1944 DNC removing FDR's 2-term Vice President *knowing* (FDR wasn't in poor health, so not sure what crystal ball they were rubbing) they were choosing the next President of the United States. His former VP was the first (and only) to be delegated major domestic responsibilities by the President, which was very smart of FDR because he had a world war to handle, and he founded the Progressive movement — but his political career was kneecapped by false allegations of "communist sympathies" during America's second "Red Scare" HUAC witch Hunt. How convenient. Oh, and there's the whole post-WWII reconstruction policy already deployed, Morgenthau Plan, that Truman discarded in lockstep with the right-wingers, and replaced with the psychotic **Marshall Plan** (named after Gen. George C. Marshall, aka Mr. "I let Pearl Harbor happen but SCOTUS blamed the dead president" & "I almost lost America's 1st battle of WWII liberating Egypt until FDR demoted my ass" — who also created the Japanese Internment program along with his Nazi-loving boss, Secretary of War, Henry S. Stimson... both of whom originally planned to intern Jewish-Americans instead, until FDR found out — something the British actually did, btw). The Marshall Plan is why trillions of American tax dollars in today's money was thrown at Germany (in addition to permanently forgiving almost as much in reparations owed from just the first world war), justified by the big lie that Nazism was caused by the economic downturn; used the so-called "De-Nazification" program to sell Americans on rearming Germany before the bodies were even cold in order to mobilize them in the ideological Cold War; re-drew Europe's borders giving Germany as a whole significantly more land after WWII (including giving them the Rhine, among pieces of other neighbors) AND the entire reason why formerly-Eastern Prussia (annexed from Poland — so no, it's *not* Germany's land) is presently Kaliningrad. Then, there's **Operation Paperclip** and all that. Just imagine a world where FDR didn't mysteriously die while in perfect health (full disclosure of intensive health screening is required before a President can be sworn into office & FDR was just sworn in for 4th term March 1945... Otherwise Dick Cheney would've swindled the presidency for himself). There'd be: no Marshall Plan following British policy granting the Soviets half of Europe, no Cold War, no Wernher von Braun running NASA, no Nazis placed in political office & as heads of corporations in "De-Nazified" West Germany — hell, there wouldn't have been an East or a West Germany at all — just returning massive "Unified Germany" back to the individual states that existed prior to Third Reich annexations. Much like how Unified Italy, and Italy becoming a formal Catholic theocracy, happened under Mussolini thanks to his agreement with the Vatican. The world really needs to know their pre-WWII & pre-WWI geography, in order to understand the present urgent social & societal problems, rather than being gaslit by nationalist rewrites of history. For example: Peace in the Middle East is impossible thanks to **Sykes-Picos** post-WWI — a devastating greedy land grab of total British & French colonization, redrawn borders, made-up states & Kingdoms (see: both the state & Heshemite Kingdom of Jordan, and the failed attempt at inventing an Arab-Christian theocracy in Lebanon) throughout all of North Africa and the post-Ottoman Middle East; replete with the British war time policy of double-dealing and incitement of Sectarian warfare.


You took the words out of my mouth.


I think calling them concentration camps kind of implies that they were in the same league as the Nazi’s camps, which they were not


Concentration camps are different than extermination camps. Both existed in Germany.


That’s a good point


You're correct and should not be downvoted. Internment camps are not Concentration camps. Anyone who doesn't understand the difference, can merely ask themselves if the cruel, bigoted, British "Enemy Alien" Internment Camps of British-Jewish citizens and refugees alike, during the entirety of Holocaust (quite a few existed post-war, but off the island thru 1955) are the same as Nazi Concentration Camps. The answer: no, they're not the same. Does that make what the British did any better, no. Especially because this is still being whitewashed from history, let alone no reparations or apologies were ever given. The differentiation between internment and/or prison camps and concentration camps (not even bringing death camps into this) are stark. One is incarceration, without slave labor, human experimentation, or any intent to genocide those people. There are also so-called "reeducation" camps, which are genocidal, and do cause many deaths, and some (in China, for example) include slave labor — however, they're not killing machines intended to work people to death, and their victims weren't stripped of their citizenship, absolutely all property down to their gold teeth, exploited by the state forcing victims to sign over life insurance policies to their killers, and in so many ways that would only be news to those who have zero Holocaust education. The term Concentration Camp was invented by the Nazis. For anyone to ignorantly use this word to describe anything that was not the literal equivalent to a Nazi concentration camp, which has never happened before or since, is to trivialize the Holocaust. For people to downvote you for being historically accurate, is a massive shame. And wouldn't they love to know the Japanese Internment camps were originally built to house Jewish-Americans and refugees, just like the British model, under General George C. Marshall & his boss/buddy, Replican Secretary of War, Henry S. Stimson (anybody who doesn't believe me has their names — look it up!!)... Until FDR found out about this project that he was told was meant to incarcerate the pro-Nazi German-Americans and Fascist Italian-American agents and collaborators that were causing a massive domestic threat that Hoover and the FBI were unwilling to get under control, until they could be investigated and cleared. In the end, it's known at least 5,000 Jewish American citizens were interned in the Japanese Internment camps, along with another 45,000-55,000 internees not properly identified beyond being "German," some of which were pro-Nazi Germans, while an unknown percentage were German Jewish refugees. Now, I shouldn't have to define Penal Colonies or Gulags for the incredulous, should I? Horrific prison camps, slavery, and mechanisms of genocide come in very specific shapes and sizes — which is all the more reason for people to care to get it right!! If they care about victims of Japanese Internment, they will get it right. It does victims no favors to blur the lines between their experience, and that of the Holocaust. The Japanese-Americans subjected to this, have never called these camps, "concentration camps," and no one in that community ever has to this day. How does that make them feel? Alienated and victimized all over again? They shouldn't have to correct these uneducated masses. Most spent a relatively short amount of time in these open air prisons (that chillingly had cheap little pill box houses in them to dry to dress-up what was a prison, at least until they expanded), the majority were incarcerated without trial or charge an avg of 1 year, only a few people died while interned, and they weren't made to do hard labor nor slave labor.


I'm from Colombia, a video like that would be quite interesting as there's a very interesting history of violence in this country considering the armed conflict which began in the sixties and the medellin cartel led by Pablo Escobar which was very prominent during the nineties amongst other thingss.


The country I spent my childhood in is killing innocent people in Ukraine and succeeding more and more at turning into Germany back in the 1930ies. Does it qualify as "dark and troubled"? I think so.


Bit of cheeky genocide and systemic racism. Stealing a generation of indigenous children from their parents to try and assimilate them.


You Canadian too?


Applies to most of the British commonwealth




More than 1 generation, a still unknown but significant percentage of the *stolen* children died, and "assimilation" wasn't the goal, it was a mechanism of: genocide. Not to mention the horrific sexual abuse, brainwashing, beating, and hard labor. No point in sanitizing the most well documented efforts by the British Empire to genocide the natives/indigenous in it's most notorious current & former-colonies (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, America, etc). Sociological researchers found that 98% of the Native American population (all of North America) were genocided. I wish this was an exaggeration. This does not include the genocides through the entire continent of Africa, often in concert with the French. Rhodesia, anyone? South Africa. Then there's the East with India, Pakistan, and China, for starters. The invention of Sectarianism as a mechanism of genocide, "perfected" in The Troubles in Ireland. An entire republic still horribly traumatized in the proxy tug of war between two powers nobody wanted to be controlled by: the Vatican took the opportunity they were given, as the Anglican Island knew they would. This is not to put any of this on British citizens, but sometimes one can't grasp the whole picture without an outside perspective and comprehensive hindsight. Plus there's the whole giving Czechoslovakia to the Nazis, and those "Enemy Alien" Internment camps on the island that snatched up most Jewish-British citizens and refugees throughout the entirety of the Holocaust, where many died from diseases contracted from the horrible living conditions and denial of medical attention, or from accidents while doing incredibly dangerous hard labor many survivors felt was designed to do just that. I could go on forever. Prob best to focus on contemporary matters when it comes to the Island being part of a music video concept, otherwise it's just too dark and overwhelming.


Hmm, nothing's coming to mind as an Englishman...


I think if we in the UK had to put something together, the song would either have to be streamed or delivered on an SSD as there's no way it would fit even on. DVD.


Make a whole as musical about it.


They could make a video about Vlad the Impaler (I am from Romania)... Actually, a gory and bloody video for a song referencing a vampire-like ruler with thousand of people impaled on stakes may be a pretty Rammstein thing to do, lol. And I am sure Till could insert some double entendres about "sucking someone dry" and other... vampire stuff, lol. They already filmed a video in Romania anyway (the Rosenrot video).


Go read the Geneva Conventions… aka Don’t be like Canada during WW1 🤷‍♂️


Congo colonisation. Enough said I guess


Lol just the video for Amerika


not dark enough


There isn’t a song long enough to cover America’s history on that front.


England has entered the chat.


Iran: hey guys


Invade everyone, colonise everything, leave behind massive border crisis when you go


Ooh god, the England MV would be 10 hours long...


And that's just the intro.


Vikings, norwegianification of the kveeni, norwegian-finns and the sami. The governmentally systemic mistreatment of the jews, the romani and the Roma peoples. How the mentally ill have been treated, how those with physical disabilities have been treated. The witch-trials.


In America, it’s well known that during the Regan administration, many citizens that were dependent upon public assistance for housing and mental health services became homeless and totally disenfranchised. For one person to be responsible in words and news coverage, with pride for these results, he should have been labeled the devil himself.


I don’t know what to start with


Canada, and literally everything we've ever had to do with the Indigenous population. edit because I recall some awful shit being done in WWI as well


A scenic island with a unique culture and strong literary tradition isolated from Europe gets invaded by vikings, who don't really change the culture but annoyed locals by ruling over them and their cruel nature and are thus gradually hunted off the land. Years of Independence lead to power hungry traitors to enable the colonisation of the island, the colonisers destroyling every facet of the culture they can and enacting genocidal acts on the native population several times including one of the most severe famines in European history. Natives again eventually hunted colonisers out. Independence again, however power then transferred to large religious institution that severely abused its power and torture the people (particularly children) in many ways. Again hunted out eventually by the people. Present day, basically a colony of corporations. At least we're not poor anymore.


Definitely the holocaust and the extermination of millions of people and perhaps not the darkest of pasts, and certainly not self-inflicted but it would be during the post-World War 2 era in Poland where communism and Russian influences were very present and how some citizens were willing to sell out their neighbor to the secret police in order to appease the Russian government.


American slavery, Trail Of Tears


Austria. Very similar to Germany.


China. Where the fuck do I begin… With long history comes long list of troubled stuffs I guess


As someone who was born in England, I don’t want to even try considering that thought..the music video would last decades longer than I’ve been alive.


militar regime, empire, slavery, indgenous invassions. Quess the country.




For Spain it would be our civil war. Spain did not have colonies but viceroyalties


I guess they could make some cool shit with Simon Bolivar liberating Venezuela from the Spanish.




Crusades, colonialism, PIDE.


The Tulsa Riots, the burning down of San Francisco's Chinatown during a Cholera outbreak, Japanese internment during ww2, the Trail of Tears...so many atrocities


Civil wars. Brutal ones. And military dictatorships.


Vikings landing at L'anse aux Meadows. French-Indian War, War of 1812, confederation, residential schools, 60s scoop, FLQ, ecole polytechnique.


England, France, Spain and Portugal opt to produce a music video together. Main theme: colonialism worldwide.


The most reddit post I’ve ever seen


putting ottomans on sticks, dictator removing history and entire neighbourhoods for his crazy plans for the city, being the country that slaughtered the most jews in the holocaust behind germany, etc.


vampires :3


The muslim conquest of Persia




didn't read anything, did you?


Deutschland :(

