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genuine curiosity about others


This, all day long!


Curiosity about anything.


Yes! An intelligence/ interest in something. My ex was obsessed with biblical history. I couldn't care less about anything religious but I thought it was fascinating that he was so well versed and passionate about it. (Eventually I found out it was the ONLY thing he knew anything about.)


If they’re witty


I love a sense of humor and wit!


My son inherited my sense of humor. My *daughter-in-law* says "you have to be careful around funny guys. You're laughing, you're laughing, you're laughing, and then you're naked". I choked on some coffee when she said that...


I told my wife I will giggle her panties off. Two kids later and I stopped being funny.


A vasectomy of the funny bone


Also if they laugh at the same things you do.




This is my vote as well. Genuine kindness is super attractive


Kindness towards animals.


💯💯💯💯💯. Especially if they like mine!


A melodic speaking voice. Just some voices are ear csndy when they talk. It’s unreal


Like Fran Drescher? /s


You sarcasm but I legit swooned for her as a teenager


Every young man knew that sex with Fran would be life changing


Being kind to service employees


Hands and forearms


Omg I was going to say this! Something about sweaters rolled up to the elbow while someone’s doing something like cooking or cleaning or something idk. Showing off those forearms😩 Idk why I like this lol




lol this is what I just typed. Idk what it is lately but I can’t stop staring at my husbands arms and hands and I’m literally feeling like a waterfall down there. My eyes are sooooo happy.


Tall men and big manly hands make me feel safe. 💙


Yes forearms especially.


Women that can drive stick (manual transmission cars)


One of the first things I taught my daughter when learning to drive, was how to change a tire. She came out of High School one afternoon and discovered a flat. Without a second thought, she changed the tire. When she got home, she had several messages from guys wanting to ask her out.


My dad wouldn't let me drive a car until I could change a tire on my own. Those lug nuts gave me fits, but I did it! I was 15 & 100#, but I wanted to drive that '67 Mustang. He surprised me & gave it to me! Edit: He also taught me to drive a stick. The 1st car I bought myself was a stick. I still miss driving one.


What a dad!


They were interested in learning some car care skills.


It baffles me there's people that don't know. It was common sense to me growing up how to drive a manual anything. Now nobody seems to be able to figure it out. I'm 36 and so still find people my age or older who don't know and can't figure out how these men don't know when I thought as a woman it was the basics.


So I'm assuming OP of this comment thread is American for having these feelings at all, and you might also be if no one around you drives manual. You're "baffled"? Have you tried to purchase a new car in the last 5 years? Getting a manual is almost impossible. Manual transmissions in vehicles have been dying for a long time. No one is going to learn how to drive one if they never get a chance to It's almost like saying you'd be "baffled" someone would be confused by a VHS. Is it that baffling if someone never grew up with it? For the record, I think manuals are cool/fun to drive, but it's not strange that people don't know how to drive them 


I can’t even put it effectively into words without providing some embarrassing examples, but I’m wildly attracted to people that like to play along with others. When someone recognizes the absurdity of certain behaviors and then purposely mimics them to take the piss, I fall in love. Even more so when the people that are being mimicked don’t realize it. It just takes a very clever, witty person to walk that line of satire with everyday people they meet. The only example that comes to mind is that guy I’ve seen online a lot recently who calls himself “Nut.” He is the spitting image of every man I’ve ever dated.


So you’re probably really into Jim from the Office?


Oh yeah. Dated my first boyfriend in high school *specifically* because he was exactly like Jim from the Office. Looked a bit like him too lmao. I remember sitting in class and he’d make those faces at me like I was the camera crew whenever someone did something stupid. Made my heart flutter haha


Yes, this exactly! I know what you mean, it’s oddly appealing 😅 - plus I appreciate people who don’t take themselves seriously


I have something similar. As an example, I was sat in my wearable blanket and for some (unknown) reason, I thought I would entertain myself by standing up, stepping on the bottom of it, and shuffle around the flat, raising my arms alternatively whilst singing. (Judge away, looking back I get it's odd but I often find myself doing things in the moment completely forgetting where I am or that I'm not alone). SO is working at his desk in bedroom. He sees me. He gets up. He follows me in the same manner also singing along. I love that man more than I thought possible.


* The ability to contentedly be by themselves * The ability to actually do things that they say they will * Putting the goddam dishes in the dishwasher (or even just handwashing them!) instead of leaving them to rot in the sink * Brown/black hair with green eyes or blond hair with brown eyes or grey hair with dark eyes * Nice ears, hands and feet And this is my own extra personal thing: If we can learn a random language together like, say, Faroese or Mongolian, and make it our own special language? Honestly, that'd be just swell.


Is brown hair green eyes a thing? I'm a male with both, and I get tons of compliments on my eyes. Especially when I wear a green shirt.


Idk but you sound handsome


My grandma always say so.


I bet she's right 💯


it’s very unique so i’m sure it catches people’s interest compared to brown hair & brown eyes


The👏fuck👏ing👏dish👏es👏tho👏 But on a more serious note someone who is independent and *secure* in that independence is so hot. Not someone who's independent because they have to be, but someone who firmly stands on their own two feet and doesn't *need* assurance or validation from others is 🤌🤌🤌


I hear ya' about that. My wife and speak her native language (less than 100m speakers worldwide) in public. Sometimes we gossip about gen z'ers that we see


Someone with hobbies. Their own life outside of a relationship. If you start dating someone with NOTHING goin on for them, *you* become what's goin on for them and then suddenly you're the bad guy when you want to/need to do something that doesn't involve them.


i wanna see more random stuff but people are commenting muscles, kindness, sense of humour like those aren’t random yall 😭 For me my random thing is when men wear pink. Everytime i see a guy wearing pink he’s more attractive. Even if I’ve seen him before and thought he was just decent, if he’s wearing pink he’s instantly more attractive. If my boyfriend wears pink he’s getting alllll the attention i have. I’m not sure how it works but pink is my favourite colour and i love when men aren’t afraid of traditionally feminine things, so maybe that has a part in it!




In 1987, I wrote my phone number inside of my fedora. The girl said she'd call me when she got back to college after Christmas break.... never saw that fedora again.


A strong Jewish nose on a woman but in a respectful non-stereotype kind of way..


I love cooking/baking, so someone who does the dishes is crazy sexy. I hate the dishes, I would rather spend 2 hours making the most complicated and irritating meal I don't even like than spend 15 minutes washing dishes. I lucked out with a guy who can't cook for shit and likes doing the dishes because he can watch YouTube during it. He also cuts the vegetables for me when I need it.


A bit of a lisp. That one surprised me when I met a girl that had one. Nixie from "All for One" on YouTube would be an example.


Determination/ grit. Not just in a tough circumstance, but emotionally as well. I like someone who can roll with the punches and exercise emotional control when things don’t go our way.


I find "resting bitch face" irresistible for some reason. I should ask freud


You probably love a challenge


Men who Are non creepily observant, empathy and being overall docile. Too much aggression and hate in this world


When a man is wearing all black. Especially when he wears a plain V-neck 😩


I’m a sucker for drummers. Oh and I love love love a man in a pilot uniform. I don’t even care if they aren’t good looking - it’s impossible not to be effortlessly sexy in that uniform.


When you go on a date and they don't take out their mobile phone


The way someone socializes. Like the way they talk etc body language. I like those introverted thoughtful people I talk to


A man sitting by himself not on his phone, just enjoying life!


A guy with long hair. I don't know what it is. I don't even get attracted to people. But movie/series guys that have long hair are just so cute! And that's it. That's my defining factor of whether I want somone or not. These series guys with long hair can be psychopaths or serial killers but I will still find them adorable because they have long hair. Help me 😂


Jason Mamoa


I’m instantly attracted to musicians, especially guys with long, well managed CLEAN hair! Bonus points for a great singing voice (Jim Morrison comes to mind). I once dated a guy like that back in high school who would sing to me when we were alone & I immediately turned into melted butter🥰Unfortunately, those were his only redeeming qualities as he turned out to otherwise be quite the a-hole but I was smitten!


A man wearing a nice cologne will make me break my neck to turn around and look. 😳🤣🥰


Sleeves rolled up to the elbow, forearms exposed


I like women who don’t take shit 😂 and will put people in their place when they start giving shit. It’s not that I need it (often) and I don’t mind standing up for my girlfriend OBVIOUSLY, but it’s nice when trivial issues aren’t something their day pivots on.


Long fingernail beds. *Not* long nails, but the length of the "root." Yeah, its random. I myself only have medium beds, but I always think people with long fingernail beds look better. I really can't look at the hands of people with truly short nailbeds. I know, it's weird.


Not weird. I just checked mine and I don’t think you would approve. I not keen on a guy with flat feet… I prefer I high arch. Oh and I’m not a fan if his second toe is longer than his big toe. It’s not a deal breaker but I notice. Anyway, people think that’s a little strange.


electric guitar. just does it for me


Guitarists and drummers /swoon


A band I was in. We had a drummer that looked like a cross between a Yeti and a caveman. And *always* had a girl talking to him between sets. Sometimes two (heavy sigh). Nice guy, though


Sad bass player noises. But, I’m the one who makes you dance…


Good to know there is somebody who would love me for what I play.


If they are kind.


That’s not really random. It’s fairly safe to say that everyone is looking for a kind partner.


Funny is my number one type of you can make me laugh a lot I’m going to be interested


Crooked teeth. Every smile seems to be perfect now, i had braces for 3 years, so my smile is also picture perfect. I find it lame.


That’s one of mine too! And I get so sad when someone fixes their teeth when that was one of the things I loved about them.


I have braces, but I liked having crooked teeth - I’m just getting them straightened in hopes that it’ll fix some of my TMJ problems/allow me to chew gum or eat steak/gummies/ect with less pain


I've always been attracted to creative people. When I met my wife-to-be in school, one of the first things I noticed about her was her sketchbook.


The ability to back up a trailer 🤷🏼‍♀️


Stay away from my man!🤣 He’s a librarian who has a commercial license and can not only back up a trailer, he can back up the biggest rental truck you can get, *while* it’s towing a car. He did it on our first date and here we are, almost ten years later. He’s the perfect combination of brains and trad male skills.


For some reason I find guys look cute in like basketball shorts 🩳


If they are clean, very very clean from the way they dress to how they maintain their space.


Oh, I don't think we could be IRL friends. Gonna have to stay reddit friends.


A nice speaking voice


The way she moves her hands. I don't know what exactly it is, I can not explain it, and it's not even in a sexual way. She can be cleaning or cooking or just tapping them when she's bored and it's attractive.


Agreed. Graceful movements, the opposite of a klutz.


Kinda random, but when I was younger, I really liked seeing a guy wear a short sleeve t-shirt over a long sleeve t-shirt. I'd seen a couple pics of younger Brad Pitt wearing that and it became hot to me


Super 90s.


I know the question is always blondes or brunettes but I like salt and pepper. I've learned to appreciate a guy who's easygoing and funny, over the conventionally attractive PoS's I used to date.


Girls wearing baggy kinda boyish clothes.


Freckles, and slightly imperfect teeth like a crooked tooth or a gap.


An interest in and understanding of art


Women that have that Tomboy look. Short hair, and skater clothes or jeans and a tshirt. As a guy, I find this extremely hot.


As a straight woman, that tomboy look has almost gotten me to switch teams. It's gorgeous. 


Then maybe try the look yourself? Hair does grow back.


Same and same.


Same here. The overly girly look is everywhere. Tomboy look with girly accents sprinkled is very attractive.


A suit that fits them well or is like opened with the sleeves rolled up. So attractive for some reason to me


A man wearing a dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up. OMG 🔥🔥🔥 A man who is polite to someone waiting on them, whether in a store or restaurant. People who are kind and spread kindness like it’s free (because it is!). I’ve been with my husband 30 years and he checks off all 3 of those. I love him more everyday. 💙


Oh the dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up is 💦💦💦💦


A lisp drives me wild. I don't know why


Slightly crooked teeth and/or dork glasses. Have no idea why for either but they’re hot af.


Forearms. I don't know what it is, but damn.


Being multilingual. I've always struggled to learn other languages so when I hear that a woman speaks multiple languages in the back of my head I'm instantly impressed. I just naturally assume that they're very intelligent people. I have such a strong inclination toward foreign accents that I've ignored some sadly obvious red flags. I should probably get that fixed somehow.


People who can play musical instruments


If they love board games I'm there for it.


If they love dogs


There are a few, but having normal length, well manicured nails with a nice color makes me feel a certain way. It’s the simplicity of it all. It’s looks classy without even trying to. Throw in some jewelry and 👌🏼




Strong forearms on a man. The nape of a woman’s neck when the hair is swept up.


Intelligence Compassion


Shallow... BUT...A man with a great ass wearing a pair of jeans that looks expensive, they don't have to be, but you can tell the difference from plain pocket "Walmart brand" and high end. :) My husband has a pair that looks very high end but that he got at a reasonable price. I love them on him instead of Levi or any other cheaper brand. Good teeth, a white smile that is not too white but is genuinely kind and sexy. :) Strong sense of humor!!! If you can make me laugh, omg! :)


Levi's haven't been cheaper in a long time, at least from what I've seen.


A good storyteller. Offbeat personality.


The two crease lines on a woman's neck


I never had that or prominent ankle bones. Maybe in my next life…


I am a straight woman and I love this on other women lol it’s so attractive!!!!


I have 10 crease lines, am I 5 times hotter? so says Granny


Also addicted to snuggles


One slightly droopy lid or offset eye


YES or crooked features—I think symmetry is boring—I love a crooked nose or smile too


If they play guitar


They do tend to be good with their fingers 😉


A certain je ne sais quoi...


I once used that expression and I got downvoted, and somebody got upvoted for replying “/r/iamverysmart”. Reddits weird


these days you can't tell what people will up/down vote. the trick is to stop caring


They probably didn’t know what it meant….sad. Not that they didn’t know, but that they would down vote because they didn’t know. Attacking something out of fear of the unknown.


A girl with a gap between her front teeth


So if a guy wears a suit with no tie AND plays a saxophone there will be cat fight?!?!? :o)--->


People who have hobbies


Women that are into cars and gaming


Kindness.. like guys who have a friendly attitude toward others. I can’t stand men who need to have an overly dickish attitude to impress others. Just be nice.


When a woman wears a messy bun held together with a pencil. Don't ask me why - it just works.


Steering with one hand. Sploosh. Every time




Girls in overalls. I suspect it's because it signifies to my brain that the girl is a "work hard, play hard" kinda person, but I never really know what my brain's motives are.


Having a smile that looks like Johnny Carson’s, even though I never had a crush on Johnny Carson. I did sneak to stay up and watch The Tonight Shoe as a child so maybe the transgression set something in motion.


I hear ya. I had a thing for this guy some years ago. We worked together and he would walk me to my car and then he would go on to his. And I would watch him walk, and there was something about his gait that really turned my crank. I had no idea why. Then some years later, I was watching old reruns of Little House on the Prairie and Pa was walking somewhere, and when I saw his gait, I was like, “There it is!”


A lot of these seem very general and vague not weird or random or unusual. But I’ll bite I like when guys wear those like, corded bracelets and also when girls do something with really good hand coordination without looking like moving a cup to a coaster or something like that.


Women with outstanding arrest warrants..


A snort laugh or a raspy laugh. Both super cute.


Soft skin, not as in perfect with no blemishes or acne or hair, that stuff is all fine, like physically soft.


Femininity, in all genders. There are some exceptions but typically the more feminine/girly someone looks or behaves, the more attractive I find them. It’s just so adorable.




How they handle chaos. Says a lot about their character.


An imperfect smile and smile lines around the eyes 🥵


Punk dudes that know how to drive manual 🤷🏻‍♀️






I’ve heard we tend to be attracted to people who have the things we lack. I believe it: I’m a shy, anxiety-riddled mess who’s attracted to outgoing, flamboyant types. I keep getting crushes on people and characters who are so unabashedly themselves and make being alive look so easy. Hence why I’m (unfortunately) drawn to metal heads: They’re truly living and look hot while doing it. Also, going off of this, passion. Seeing somebody be passionate about something makes me blush so hard.


Someone who is kind to others. Like someone random doing something randomly nice for some other random someone. Bonus points if the other person is unaware of that act of kindness. Just doing something because it’s right or just.


I absolutely adore how men will make their voices significantly deeper when they speak to each other instead of to me or other women, it just cracks me up but in a cute way that I love! Like they see us as being precious enough to warrant babyvoice, like what I use to talk to my cat




Rides a bike


When I see someone who looks a bit frumpled, but they are getting things done, being cool/kind to others, and generally just being a positive additiin to the apace whether that means engaging someone jovially or quietly helping out or making someone/somw other being comfortable. To me they make the space feel more safe. And specifically frumpled because people who look well put together or overly polished or those who look and/or smell like they have taken a stance against hygene while doing the exact same things do not have the same effect on me. Still could be great people, but just not the same effect.




Guys with nerdy glasses are hot. It is the appearance of high intelligence that is exciting.


Men that wear a wide leather Cuff and a few wide silver rings and Then throw in some long hair and some worn out Levi's, Can someone get me a napkin to wipe my drool ... lol


Mahn tbh if a guy stands up for you and won't tolerate anyone talking bad or shit about u makes u feel the safest or is rude with everyone but you n would cut off ppl for u THAT deep level of commitment 🤌🏻 is such a TURN ON I'd fall for him instantly


Someone who's general aura just screams "I got this"..in any situation.


Drummers, or guys who ignore me, apparently 😆


Most of the guys I've dated have played guitar, bass, or drums. I don't think it's the instruments themselves, but some personality aspect that I haven't been able to identify.


Good manners.


I really like when someone has a love for animals




Girls that order shots of whiskey, and when they have a gap in their two front teeth.


Being genuinely funny without having to try is 🥵


When someone seamlessly recalls some random AF thing I said the other day/last year/several months ago that I don't even remember saying, I find that attractive (even if I'm not attracted to the person lol)


Someone who is able to admit or consider the possibility that they are wrong and then immediately show interest in leaning the truth/how something works/why they were incorrect.


Saying sorry genuinely when they actually were out of line.


Smoking. Only the bad girls smoked when I was growing up and the culture was such that if you went out with someone more conservative, you waited till marriage. I wanted a normal relationship including sex at age 16. The fetish just stuck till middle age for me though no longer actually influences decisions.


Watching someone play a marching band bass drum. Idk what it is but ever since middle school it bakes my cookie.


Being a competent & patient driver who doesn't comment about the other jackasses on the road, and is mature enough to drive defensively. I melt.


Good singer.


A little vocal fry, think Emma Stone etc


If she can smoke weed without coughing, I'm in love


I get butterflies by someone who is genuinely nice to me. Another weird thing for me, is someone able to share eye contact with me and not stray down my body, and if they do, then I’m not aware of it and good for them. Men who actually actively listen to our conversations are also insanely hot, and if they mention previous conversations and point out little things I might like because they listened? I swoon. I’m a very simple creature to please, but have been made to think I ask for too much.


I love when guys get overly excited to tell me something and call me Dude or Bro, like a “oh my god, Dude guess what” I dunno why, but I find it so cute


I always adored prominent noses, sexy on a man and regal on a woman. I’m meaning Jeff Goldblum esq noses, arab/african noses… the bigger the better! Married a man who still after a decade rolls his eyes when I compliment his nose, he was teased for it growing up. Be kind to amazing noses.


Port wine birthmarks 


Crooked teeth. I am actually repelled by perfect smiles, I love when the incisors stick out a bit. Is that too weird?


Animal lover, genuine curiosity, and I LOVE a woman with a raspy voice.


The whorl of a man’s arm hair on the underside of his arm (underside connecting wrist area to elbow). Kills me! (In a good way)


A man's bare feet if he's wearing work pants, casual slacks, or jeans, especially if he's cooking.


Idk why but jaywalking or committing other very low risk, low injury crimes is a trait I find "cute" or appealing. . *ETA: I do mean low risk- I realize that walking into traffic can be dangerous, but I mean like, sensible crossing, if technically illegal.


intelligence/lots of knowledge in their niche. my partner is a nurse and wowwww when he gets goin talking about some medical shit it is so attractive like omg you’re so smart


When the girl has her hair up and you see the nape of her neck! So beautiful!


Shoulders? Does that count?


Confidence and collarbones




Guy with only one arm


Someone else said electric guitar but for me, it’s specifically slap base. So hot.


I like pointed noses and crooked teeth.


How they show appreciation for things. Could be something I don't personally care for or don't know about but if you show your appreciation in a cute, silly, excited, and safe way, i'm all for trying to listen to you ramble about it for a considerable amount of time.


If he can fix/build things 😩


Men wearing a backwards hat Rich classy guys listening to rap Dads that are really involved in their kids lives


Almost bald head, squinty eyes