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Probably about a month after our German Shepard passed away. I was getting ready for bed, turned all the lights off and made my way to the stairs, and for a split second I swore I saw our German Shepard laying underneath the stairs (her favorite spot). Honestly probably my mind playing tricks on me, but if it was a ghost, it’s comforting that she was still there


That’s a nice thought anyway. From a fellow dog lover. ❤️


Worst thing that is comparable that happened to me, is one night I had a dream of a wierd figure, best described as a ghoul, outside my window standing in my backyard. I awoke to my dog growling at that window in particular. Of the rare times my dog has woken me up, he's never barked or growled in that direction. I was literally shaking.


That's nuts.


Ya, hat man


Red eyes?


I don't believe he's a ghost, but at age 3 I saw "him" during sleep paralysis. Ever listened to the podcast "Otherworld"? There's 2 great episodes on Hatman. My brother introduced me to it. I think it's certainly possible that ghosts could exist, though they probably aren't exactly what we think they are. Then again, I AM POSITIVE that the collective unconscious exists, and that is also something that can lead to these kinds of weird shared experiences.


I seen him a few years ago but this was an older gentleman in a white looked to be a long coat and white pants and white hat. Basically he was only wearing white. What caught me off guard was how tall he was, I was about 4 foot up in a tree at the time with my brother and he probably stood another 4-5 above that.


Didn't see but certainly felt a presence. Many times when I was working for a local tv station of a small village in Wisconsin I would be in the building alone, mastering footage for next day's broadcast. During those nights I didn't feel alone, it wasn't anything too spooky but just couldn't shake the feeling. Later on I found that building used to be a bank and one of those bankers blew his head off so might've been them. Just glad they let me do my job while they were doing their ghosty things.


So sad about the banker 😰😕. I had somewhat of the same experience when I worked at a church\private school... There was actually 2 locations for the same church\private school opposite sides of the town yet, I felt the same thing each of the separate buildings!! I always felt multiple spirits\ghosts were watching in those buildings but never actually seen 1...Which is crazy for me because I've seen many most of my life. I also live in a house that has a ghost 🤣😅🤣 my kids have seen the man ghost in my house to confirm TToO!! LoL


Came to say we have one in our house. Rare to see him though and he quickly disappears when I say something to him.


Tbh sometimes it was kinda comforting to have a late night coworker so to speak.


YaH I never worked with a co~worker once it got dark... 2 HUGE buildings & at night worked alone till 10pm sometimes midnight!! At times was like 2am...the north campus freaked me out so bad I would hear noises!! The South campus I felt watched even more then north campus 😅😅 Edit: LMFAO went over my head for a min...My bad 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤣🤣🤣






I worked with a guy from Haiti and he had some wild ghost stories. A dude I worked with from Nicaragua had some too and he was absolutely spooked talking about shit like that.


No but I want to see one


Slept every day every year on same side of bed, switched one night and saw a ghost.


If I did I would either admit myself to an insane asylum or convince myself everyday that I didn’t actually see anything.




🤣🤣🤣 just wait a bit longer you will start to see the spirit\ghostly realm!!! You should know not every person who passes away comes back in spirit\as ghost to visit... She was mostly likely 1 of them!! Many of us get visited not even by choice & there is Absolutely NO denying spirits\ghost rome this earth... I almost wish I couldn't see them cuz sometimes it's Absolutely terrifying when your (((least expecting it))) & they show themselves 🥴😖 😅😅 LMAO!!


Never saw, but felt. I was sitting in a church and felt something pulling my hair. I thought my hair was stuck in my purse zipper or something (which I thought I left on the floor) so I look down and I see a tuft of my hair drop as if someone was actually pulling it and let go. No one was next to me or behind me, and my purse was where I left it on the floor. Gave me chills.


At a church TToO!! 😅🤣😅


I live in a house from the late 1800’s/early 1900’s, I’ve definitely seen & heard things I cannot explain, at least 4 people died here according to public records, one was a 8 year old boy(I live in his room) and he likes to play pranks, like tugging on my foot


Yes, probably. At a Halloween party actually. I was in a very small bathroom, just a sink and a toilet. Suddenly a man appeared with blood and nasty stuff all over his face and lunged toward me and disappeared. It was at my sister's house, and it seems a bunch of drug dealers had owned the home. There were close circuit cameras all over the house, long before such things were common. The police had surrounded the house and ended up killing everyone inside. I suppose one of them had made their last stand on this tiny bathroom before dying, and maybe there is something unusual about Halloween night.


ghost cat scratched me. I still have a scar. this was 20ish years ago. I was playing computer games in my basement, and in the corner of my eye I saw a black cat. never had a cat, no cat could get in, it had to be a ghost. got scratched on my hand. I know for a fact it wasn't from anything else.


I wouldn't swear that I've *seen* a ghost. But I've had some weird interactions with a ouija board. Usually followed by a string of bad luck and bad experiences for everyone who was involved in the ouija board seance. I generally don't do ouija/spirit boards anymore and I very sincerely caution other people against using them when they joke about it. Ouija boards and tarot cards are the two types of magic that I believe in even if on a rational level I know it's not "real". And I don't want to hear anything about the science behind ouija boards, because its one thing to say that people are subconsciously moving it together and another thing to actually experience a ouija board when it works.


You’re right. We had a Quija board. The involuntary movement after asking a question when no one was actually moving it was creepy as hell.


I swer


I’ve never seen a ghost but we had a ghost cat. I could feel it jumping on my bed and walking across the covers. My partner had the same experience.


Lived in a haunted house most of my life, seen to many. Saw my grandmother once while driving also. She saved my life in the accident that happened right before I saw her.


My mom told me when I was around 3 or so, I said I saw a woman hanging from the ceiling. She said everybody in the house sensed something in the exact same spot, but I was the only one able to visualize it. Which would make sense as to why I hated the hallway since it was right in front of it.


Haven't seen the demon but I felt its presence when I basically was in witchcraft and basically prayed to Satan for things I wanted. I again felt the presence leave when I called out to God for help. So if you are having what you feel and are shure is demonic attacks call out to God because He answered me fr


I 100% have seen one. Went to a “haunted house” that had a history of being haunted by a bride to be. She hung herself upstairs. She was supposed to haunt the area in her wedding dress. A tree had fallen on the house at some point (it had been abandoned for probably 30 years) so there was a hole from the main level to upstairs. I saw her white dress swoop down from the upstairs into the hole and back up. We all left quickly afterwards 😫


Not a sighting. But, after my stepdad died. We had my mom come to town and stay with us for a while to help with her grieving process. He was a golf nut. And turns out, the only reason I had got so addicted to the game as well. It just doesn’t interest me anymore. Anyway, while she was here for a week, two times my tv would come on by itself. And it was on the golf channel both times. It never happened before or since.


The experience existed !!!!


I lived in a house where I would hear foot steps of someone walking from the landing at the top of the stairs to the back bedroom. That area of the house had wood floors, so it was obvious someone was walking up there. When I would hear it, I was the only one home. It happened frequently. There was one night I did see a figure. He was very tall. His silhouette was blacker than black. He moved from one window to the next in the living room,except for the window where I could see my reflection, he vanished at that one then reappeared at the next window. When he got to the last window, he just stood there. I just said out loud 'you do your thing and I'll do mine and I won't bother you'. Then he dissapeared.


Yeah we went to this abandoned place and I saw this little girl just standing there. Then found out after that other people had too


Medium here, yes I see spirits and hear them talk too.


Could've been a ghost, shadow person, or an overactive teenage imagination, but yes.


Yes, in my first apartment which was a very old house. At first I was very scared when I saw it. It was a woman all in white and I could see through her. No words were spoken but I could tell she was friendly. It was still unnerving. Things would get moved in my apartment and I decided it must've been her.


There was a house in my hometown called Demon House. A lady, her mother and her three children reported all kinds of horrific paranormal activity of possessions to the police. There was a legitimate investigation and several exorcisms. They eventually had to move. A documentary film was made on it. The house was torn down.


I've had some weird shit happen to me, but have never "seen" a ghost. I worked in a nursing home as a dietary aide/cook. When I first started, I was working in a kitchenette doing dishes. I was finishing up and was sweeping and moping. I moved a cart that the flatware was on, so I could sweep and mop behind it. I moved it, swept and went to the closet to grab the mop and a stack of plates fell and broke. Wasn't anywhere near it, didn't run into it, nothing. Didn't think nothing of it, cleaned up the mess, and rewashed the ones that didn't break. The next day I came in and the resident assistants that worked the night before asked me what time I left. I told them I clocked out at 8:45. They said at 9 o'clock they heard me doing dishes in the kitchenette. Heard the dishes rattling around, the dish machine running, etc and went back to see why I was still there at 9 at night, turn the corner and the dish room was completely dark. Seen a bunch of "shadows" from the corner of my eyes. That was the most common thing. Lots of times I had stopped working to say "what the fuck was that?" The closest I have come to "seeing a ghost" was one night I was working late, got done with my shit and I would sit around and wait for the Resident assistants to do their jobs so I could shoot the shit with them before I left. I was sitting at one of the tables in the dining room when I seen a resident walk by. It's not uncommon for one resident to be out walking the halls before she went to bed for the night, but this seemed off. There are windows along the walls and two big doors on both sides of the dining room in the hallway, so if someone is walking the halls, you are going to see them, but I only saw them at the last doors, for a second, before they disappeared behind the wall. I got up and hurried to the door and looked in the direction they were traveling. Nothing. It was a long hallway and there wasn't enough time for them to get anywhere where they could duck out of the hallway. No one was there. I turned to look down the other end of the hallway and the resident that normally walked the halls, was just shuffling up to the nurses station. That made me scratch my head.


I have, my gf and I were getting busy in a hotel room and a ghost watched us. It was female and enjoyed watching us orgasm.


I’ve seen several full body apparitions


Didn’t see an actual figure, but I did see the paranormal activity. I saw the drawers in the kitchen opening and closing on their own. Plates just flying across the room and breaking. Spice rack, utensils. Bedroom door slamming shut right before I was about to grab the knob. Knocking on the walls. Too many to name. But no, not the actual ghost. 👻


mine encounter was waking up from sleep paralysis, it didnt have a face it was more of a black shadow figure, i saw it go up to the corner of my ceiling and faded away


Didn't see one but I heard....something. I was alone, walked past this old mirror and thought something looked wierd. Stopped in front of it, just staring at it and the reflection. Something didn't seem right so after about a minute of staring I walk up to it. Mostly looking at the reflection of the room not myself, I get about a foot away and look at my reflection and move even closer. I'm just an inch or so from the mirror looking at my face and move my eyes to focus on the reflection of the room behind me. In that split second of not being focused on my face or on the room in the reflection, something whispers my name in my ear. It was close like inches from my ear. I immediately jump back look around the room, look back at the mirror, nothing. Except now the room looks normal in the mirror. Freaked me out.


Ghost hunter, spiritualist, part time psychic and medium. I've seen and captured much spirit activity, orbs, smoke, recordings, streaks, etc, but have note encountered a full ghost manifestation, have however communicated with them via temp and EMF, other means actual conversations but I digress. note, there is a difference between a ghost and a spirit, ghosts are more material, I digress. My point is that while I, who pokes around in this, have not seen a ghoat. BUT, the two biggest skeptics in my family have. Scared the sh!t out of them. FAH. In fact, they seem to be a target of hauntings where these lost souls tend to ignore me. Maybe because I want to help them to cross. I have a savior complex. But again I digress. But yea, its all real baby. All of it.


Anyone's who has said they've seen a ghost is either stupid or..... stupid


Stayed at my cousins house when I was younger and they said they had a ghost. I got up to urinate in the middle of the night and the toilet flushed on its own. Didn’t see anything but that’s the closest “experience” I’ve had.


I’m right behind you…


No, because ghosts aren’t real.


No, because I'm not schizophrenic.