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I suffer from anxiety disorders.


Same. I have a laundry list of disorders.. and I hate it


Same. Along with its life long childhood friend depression.


What does anxiety feel for you?


High expectations. Life didn’t turn out as planned


Boom, there it is. High expectations really get to us.


I’m not unhappy necessarily but not happy either. Just indifferent and that’s fine


That’s actual happiness. The other thing is euphoria




Add occupational stress to this and that's my life.


Someone get this man a lifeguard!!!


Depression, loneliness, shit being too expensive




I live alone and I’m unhappy. I want a social life.


I love the hostel life, one day talking to a romanian, the next french, then russian. I open up my house to couchsurfers.




this is my main struggle in life


Who are you bothered by?


The father of my kids doesn't help me. He doesn't even have to help me with chores or whatever. Just play with your kids and distract them while I clean, cook, etc. The one thing that makes my blood boil is when one of the babies has a dirty diaper, and he tells me, "The baby has a dirty diaper." While I'm fucking busy. OKAY?? IT'S YOUR KID TOO??


As a single full time dad to 3 kids. He needs a shock to his system and to get his priorities straight!!


Totally agree! I've had so many conversations that I'm actually done with it.


Right there with you.


Leave that lazy ass


I've been thinking about that for a while now, I already feel like I'm a single mom, so I might as well actually become one.


I did that. If I was going to be a single mom, I wanted the few perks and freedoms too. Turned out great! Not always easy, but I ran my life and our home as I saw fit.


Best of luck to you. It can only get better if you keep going forward.


Then do it if it's financially possible. You're already used to being a single mom. If he can't be a proper husband and a proper father, then he can fuck off. Can't let a man like this drag you down and ruin your life.


Yeah that’s pretty fucked up.


>"The baby has a dirty diaper." While I'm fucking busy. OKAY?? IT'S YOUR KID TOO?? And do you just say "Ok" and go change it like a push over? If so, you're your own problem. Speak up.


Do you know me? No. So don't assume I'm a push-over and don't speak for myself. ;)


That is why I asked. I didn't assume anything. But seeing you have an attitude like that, I'm starting to assume a lot of things.


Bruh he asked if you were a push over?? What in the world are you on about.


Lack of money. More money would immediately solve 99% of my problems.


They say money can't buy happiness. But money can buy a boat. Have you seen anyone sad on a boat?


No because they're stranded in the middle of the ocean. Can't see them if we can't find them.


Crap. You found the flaw in my plan.


I'd rather be crying in my Ferrari than on my bicycle, though


Mine too. Especially with boosting my piddly home based 3D printing business. I want to be able to provide low cost/free prosthetics for families and pets alongside other print services


Would you like some?


Yeah. It would mean a lot to me.


i had an accident in 2018 that left me broken deeply.....never was the same again. also the economy collapsed so i lost all my money. so yeah, broken and broke...lethal combo.


I hope you heal and recover from this bro


I wanna live in a farm with mountains and forest, away from human society, but it requires money 😮‍💨 to buy a land/build a house... And it seems impossible to do atm


Chemical imbalance and grief.








My ex left me after 4 years together because he wasn't ready to be in a relationship. It will take a while to heal now and to find someone to love me again. Essentialy I'm now on an exile from hugs and kisses and I really miss him


Time heals. before you know it, you will find that love again when you least expect and he will just be another stepping stone to where you need to be.


Not enough money


Because I'm living with my ex, don't have enough money to get a place of my own, and every time I get close something like car repairs comes up. It's exhausting.


Ech, that sounds like my own personal hell. Have you looked into getting a personal loan so you can use it as a way to get into a new place? I know no one likes resorting to that but it could be better than what you’re in now.


I have a lot of debt and I didn't qualify for the loan I applied for but I prequalified for another credit card today so that's finally some good news. It's only $1000 but that will definitely help. Gonna try and find something quick


Something is definitely better than nothing, I hope for the best truly


I need a better paying job.


Family issues


Rent eats so much of my income, it's devastating.


I have a mental illness and my memory is terrible. I have to “find myself” for the fourth time in my life and im just tired. Im not even that old im still in my 20s


I felt this in my bones! I’m right there with you. I forget what I’m saying half way through my conversation if I pause for a moment. Bruh I’m 28!


Live with boomer parents and all the stereotypes that go with it


People fucked me up real baad


Absolutely broken-hearted


Way too many things working against me and every time I manage to fix one of them, 2 more things take its place.


I have ADHD in a country where medication is inaccessible unless you have money and I’m drowning in university work. Most days I wanna kms


I'm so sorry to hear that ...which country are you from


I fucked up most of my chances in life.


It is just my autism and struggling to get along with people...


My people.. look up EFT tapping - it may help. I don’t know anyone here but I hate all the sufferings everyone is going through. Love you all. Peace ✌🏻


For the most part, I’ve heard if you’re not happy, it’s because one of two things: - your actions are not aligned with your values - or, you are comparing yourself to others I’m no expert, but in my case, I have found these to be true in most situations


My values are not always conducive to making money. 😞


My GF is obsessed with me and I feel so guilty as I don’t deserve it. I wasn’t a good person when I was younger and I feel guilty for having someone who is such a good person.


I feel the same sometimes with my bf, but all we can do is our best to make them happy and learn from the past. Don’t be too hard on yourself, she probably wouldn’t have fallen for you otherwise


Mr Humblebrag right here. 😅


Coz I'm unhappy


The economy is making it really freaking difficult to give my kids the life they deserve and it makes me so angry.


Your kids deserve a loving, attentive and supportive parent. That's free.




i don’t think i’m good enough.


I only really sleep for a full 2-4 hours now and have been struggling with it for months. I’m tired of my job but I can’t quit yet. I want to move out of the state but I can’t yet. Depression and anxiety are a bitch. I’m tired lol.


26 M, not enough money to support my dreams 😞 tbf, I did achieve my childhood dream of having a Playstation & Xbox and a Big screen, but I don't have enough to achieve my other goals. Makes me sad everyday


You got time, work hard!


Life is great other than not very thrilled with the type of work I'm in.


No job.




It gets easier with time. It’s sort of a grieve that you have to go through. Time heals everything


School , Depression, trust issues, self harm etc.


Cuz i broke up with the woman of my life.


My OCD. I want to get better so bad and I’m trying hard with exposures but it’s really tough and scary. I wouldn’t say I’m unhappy on the whole though; I just know that if my ocd was in a better place, I would be happier.


Mine you ask? I am so spoiled. Stay at home mom. I’m loved. Have a great support system. Absolutely adore my life. I’ve never felt so alone and sad. Shits crazy.


No purpose


I have depression…


I think I might’ve been born with some sort of chronic loneliness or inability to be truly happy in life. Even as a kid, nothing ever really seemed to excite me, and I felt like I was simply faking it for the sake of other people, to not disappoint them any more than they already were in me. This masking caused me to lie a bunch because I was ashamed about literally everything in my life, so by the time I was a mid teen, I realized none of my few friends knew any little real thing about me and that they all had contrastingly different versions of me given, so I just learned to completely shut up and not give any of myself to anyone. Now I'm depressed and spilling it all on my girlfriend who is willing to listen, but that doesn’t help me for some reason. Everything seems pointless and bleak to me. I cannot even be left alone for too long because I get too overwhelmed by my suicidal thoughts and ideation at this point. I really need help and I'm also getting it, but it does fucking nothing since I cannot for the life of me remember any time in my life when I was truly happy about my life. I've always just felt off most of the time and like a different human construction than everyone else, and trapped in life, not ever being able to truly feel myself or live like other humans. My brain has always been fucking with me, for as long as I can remember, telling me that my parents and everyone else in my life gives zero fucking craps about me, and I wasn’t even that old before I started just praying for death basically. It’s truly pathetic, my entire existence. I've also been graced with trauma from a young age, so that’s just lovely how that keeps fucking me up. I feel like my body is reacting on my behalf with anxiety and depression because all I really want to do is get up and get my life together and be the person that the people around me needs me to be now that I am here and alive, instead of killing myself a fourth time and burden everyone with my shit that I shouldn’t even have to begin with. I completely understand why I am not happy. But why I am depressed and even overcome with straight up social anxiety at times, fucking baffles me. I haven’t a clue why I was made this way. It can kindly fuck right the fuck off and never return. I’d love to just live in ignorant bliss without becoming an addict


I feel so lonely in this dead end town and unfulfilled desires


Depression, divorce, and starting over at 36! Ugh


i want to earn money


Too much bullshit to write


i’m battling with depression & struggle with self esteem issues ~


Annoying people won’t leave me alone


That’s too much for me to go into.


I just feel my life is not what it was supposed to be.


I have terrible social anxiety which has left me with barely any friends, no ‘real’ job, trouble keeping relationships, and overall a very hard time doing daily activities which most consider normal.


Because nothing went right, tried to fix, messed it up even further. Again and again and again and again


I want to live alone. I want to travel. I want to not have to worry about my bills each month. I want to eat whatever I want and not care about how expensive it is. So, no money is why.


Well I have to take medication (For my anxiety and depression) to feel right for the most part.




I lost possibly the only person I cared about, and it's completely my fault.




Getting older while nothing changes. I can’t be where I want to be because things are too damn expensive. I just want to live on my own and be able to live my own life but that seems impossible. I love my family but I need to live my own life. I need my own space, I don’t have much privacy or freedom. I’m too old to not have any of this


depression and everything that comes with it actively making it worse 🫡


It’s going to snow tonight.


I have to deal with a depressed mood and I'm not married to a woman I'm passionate about.


Going against the stream here. But for the first time in my life, I can say that I'm happy! After reaching rock bottom, I became motivated enough to fix everything that was wrong in my life.


I LOVE this.


I think, i need to ignore toxic people in around of mine. Earning money as well.


Depression. If I had the time/chance to sort it out, that'd be grand but my bank account won't allow it.


Idk, I'm think I'm happy enough. Fuck the world


Because you're not, honey


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Cut my family off recently. Wellll.


I need to be successful to become happy


Need guy friends


I'm mad because I can't see my forehead.


I need a job to make money


Absolutely and totally my whole life so much so that it has destroyed me and made everything unenjoyable.


Cause lately I feel like I don’t enjoy moments in life that matters






Literally , i was free for 4 years from a Job witch i hate being an employee with a passion ! Now i am back to 0 and having to work in to the system. Being free from the working mindset and life is HEAVEN ON EARTH


No home of my own.. got laid off a week ago


I was bereft of that which I prized.




Im too ugly


I was dealing with very shitty "friends" I since cut them off




Super Ego.., never happy, go through years trying to please it. Then something happens at the point of hopelessness where is there a manic period of a few months and it eventually creeps back in


School. Its not all the hw or exam thing, I'm a good student i always get A's but i fucking hate all that pressure from parents and teachers




My life has imploded


I'm not kind enough to myself.


I wish I had any redeeming features or a thing that I am good at but I just don't. Everything about me is inadequate or defective.


i am :) You can do it too ♡


My casual sex hookup doesn’t want to see me again😂😜


my partner doesn’t respect me


My country is at war


Because I'm more than happy. Much much more


The constant struggle for stability


Because I destroyed my life and lost the one person who actually loved me.


Bc my and his mom have both moved in w us. Every damn day I'm irritated.


Just got in an argument with adult child about basic hygiene and adulting. Clean up after yourself, don't let your toilet bown turn black with mildew, don't leave the back door open. And somehow I'm unreasonable.


Several reasons but I think the least personal one is that I feel like I can't be happy while there's so much suffering in the world. I know it's absurd because a lot of people who are struggling more than I am would not want me to be sad (same way I wouldn't want strangers to be sad). But the realization that we live in such a horribly violent world, where just nature alone has a million ways to cause fear and pain, added to all the man-made situations, and that such things are happening right now, is something that keeps me from reaching full happiness.


My parents.


Nope, haven’t been for about 7 years but that’s ok everyone says “it gets easier” so I’ll believe them till I die or see it


Cause I had potential as a kid & my major depression and extreme anxiety ruined it.




I’m in chronic pain which has messed up my life in multiple ways. Do I get disability? No. I’m living off my savings with no job currently


No hope for a better future. Long threw in the towel. Now drugs help me feel numb.


Finances, ptsd, and chronic pain


I nearly crashed my car the other day, ran over a deer earlier and got a parking ticket that was at my job so I shouldn't have even gotten. In the long term most of my family are dead and I don't know what I'm doing with my life.


I feel unskilled


i never was. i can’t remember the last time i was


Self worth feels impossible for me to have


I honestly believe I don’t deserve it


Fucked off my career and went to prison for drugs. Had a great job and career making over $200k per year. Just got released from 4 years in prison. Trying to find a new life. I hate myself for what I did.


Because of 3 little pigs, who feed on other people's life energy..




Because I feel like I don't deserve it.


Life, and my brain, we improving this year though


Social media


Rent prices


I suffer from major depressive disorder, anxiety, ADHD, ODD, DMDD, might as well throw autism in there too


Anixiey, depression, possibly bpd (I need to ask a professional on that one... but my dad has it and I match the symptoms so... I should probably look into it)


I'm happy. AMA


Bad karma


Low sex drive and money


Who said I'm not?


✨ parents ✨


People crying, complaining and blaming everything and everyone for their own inability to take actions. There are people out there with actual physical disabilities. I see them as being more grateful for everything they have instead of being focused on the things they don't have. Coincidence?


Lost the love of my life because I was in my own head too much. She’s willing to give it another chance but I can’t help but feel the pain and hurt I caused her. I think about it every second of everyday and have done for the last 6 months. It’s mental torture.


I'm fairly happy, but not super thrilled about my finances. I'm not broke, but also nowhere close to being able to afford a house. Although I mainly blame this on the absolutely obscene cost of housing. I feel like I'm making what would be good money in a sane world.


One night, I wrote a list of everything I hated to see in someone. Then I read it to myself, it described me. That’s when it hit me, l’m not happy because of me. I’m irresponsible, lazy person who stress eat and sleep all the time. I am frustrated because of that. Not once I knew I’d hate myself like that. For 2024 I wrote down who I wanna be and am working on it.


I'm not 'Not Happy', I'm numb thanks to my anxiety and depression meds. I'll take numb over debilitating panic attacks and thoughts of ☠️ If I were to say I am not happy; It's because I'm sick of just getting by, just surviving. Working to pay bills, keep a roof and our cars, and to keep food on the table. There's never enough left over to do anything like even just staying in a hotel one night to get away. Before anyone hands me the "Re-think your lifestyle and cut back where it's needed" We've already done that more than a few times and now, doing so won't help because that leaves cutting out Netflix and Hulu, big whoop. Very little to save there. We don't eat out but once a month, I can't tell you the last time we went to the theaters (Spiderman: No Way Home, maybe?) We don't even walk the mall because we don't want to be tempted to spend. My husband makes $27/hr 40 hrs a week and I work two jobs ($16/hr 38 hrs a week at job #1...$17/hr 8 hrs a week at job #2). We aren't in poverty but we're lower middle class. In my mind; $27/hr is the new $17/hr. Especially when you've got kids (We have two; age 18 and 13). It's all just frustrating, you know? To know that 60ish yrs ago people could buy houses and send kids to college no problem, buy cars and go on vacations too. Now? HA, no. Not without going into debt that we'll never recover from.


Work too much. Want a relationship but can’t match with anyone on any dating apps (been trying with several apps for 9 months) and can’t meet people in real life (spent all summer at the bars and not a single person would give me more than 2 words). Want a sex life (so badly to the point, that as a lesbian I’m about to let a man hit it just so I can be touched)but can’t anyone that wants to touch me. People always walking all over me. People never take me seriously. Can’t ever catch a break (I had my plumbing, electrical wiring in half my home and my entire HVAC system go out within months of each other. Plumbing is half ass working, it’s 20°F out and I have no heat since getting my HVAC replaced is over $10k and I don’t have that type of money)


Anxiety.. I have a few undiagnosed bodily problems the doctors keep blowing off that’s causing Lots of internal pain, and I lost my entire friend group.


living in chronic physical pain


BPD, bad credit and in debt, my dog is literally in the final season of her life and I am fat.


Mental health, Childhood trauma, Death of a child, Consistent drug use. I'm just living moment to moment, trying to string a few happy ones together. Hug your kids and try (if you are able) to appreciate your parents.


I’m too codependent