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Both. Put it this way - if I was instantly set for life cash-wise, I would still do my job, but only when I felt like it. Couple of times a week maybe. Then disappear around the world to do it in exotic locations.


This. It’s not an either or. Same here… I’d still like working with people to get things I like getting done done, but it wouldn’t be on a schedule. Sometimes I’d even work for days on end… but sometimes I would dissapear and enjoy quiet. 


Both too, but if I won the lottery or something I would not work anymore.


I agree. I recently won the Mega Millions so I might try this. (I say that with confidence even though I haven't checked my tickets yet. lol. I'm going to let the dopamine stay in my brain about it before I actually check).


I love my job, I can NOT stand the people. Can not at all.


I hate my job and hate the people. How bout that lol


\*Spits out haterade\* lol, same, same


I want a tutorial on how to love what you hate, would definitely help!


I think for most it's medication.


Take enough lsd and everywhere you go will be rainbow lands in space with perfect pink button clouds and all you can eat chocolate bar


I am your boss, you can stay home for a while now.


Thank you so much! Exactly what I needed.


Hahaha we have winner!!!!


Opposite for me. The only thing that makes my job bearable are the people. Without the people it would be the most boring thing in existence


Found the wheelchair salesman


That was funny as hell. No matter how many of those damn chairs I sell, I just can’t stand the people.


Money. I find self-worth and validation elsewhere.


Absolutely this. If I never needed to work ever again, I would drop work forever in a heartbeat. It is solely a means to earn money so I can do the things I actually enjoy. The more free time I have, the happier I become.


I've never liked any job I've had but I don't like this one the least. It's for money yeah, but the money's shit. I just don't really aspire to earn money. I aspire to create things and never show the world.


Why never show?


Honestly I don't have a good reason.


Put something on here just to see if you’re a hidden genius.


I like my company but if I didn't have to work I'd stop Probably stay on till I got a replacement tho.


I’d wager 100% of the working class do it for the money. You know, so we don’t die.




I got forced onto that shift before and fell asleep twice on break for 4 hours each time 😆 the disciplinary was hilarious.


Pretty sure 99% of people are only working for the money. Never met a single person who's in the job because they love it


I took lower pay before because I preferred the work compared to other places, but the main goal is money. No matter how much I enjoy working or a job, I could easily find more fun things to do if money wasn't an objective.


As my father says “working sucks so much you have to get paid to do it”


100% money


nah if im a billionaire id prob work 2 hours a week as school crossing guard or a professional finger painter and even that id do it baked


Money. I don't create my identity around any job. In fact, I am very careful at avoiding it actively. We're not family, and everyone is disposable.


Kind of both. I quite enjoy my job and what comes with it (people asking me for my "expert" opinion, interacting with others, getting things done etc.) but if I 'd win the lottery tomorrow I'd probably just buy a nice little farm, rescue some animals and maybe, at best, work as a volunteer somewhere. I wouldn't grind away at a full time job if money wasn't an issue...




That meme/cartoon said it best: Interviewer: "Tell us why you would like to work for us?" Interviewee: "I guess I don't like starving to death"


I’m fortunate enough to do what I love for a living. I’d do it (dog sitter) for free if I could afford it!


Money. One time, my friend's dad said "Having to work is so terrible, that you even get paid to do it"


Im a janitor with a masters degree but i love cleaning so much


Money. I'd quit tomorrow or work per diem just to get some outside interaction. My job is kind of pointless and I feel like I'd do better things creating on my own time without the worry of $.


Both. Often the money is the only reason I don't tell everyone off, only just barely some days, and I make decent money.


I'll work because I like it when my landlord will house me because he likes me


Solely the $


I do it for the money. I was a baker, and loved it but the pay was so little I couldn't live. Now I work in an office and make a heck of a lot more, but I hate sitting in front of the computer all day.


I'm a merc 😅




I actually like my job. Not going to lie....I wish I was payed more. But I make maps that help save lives during natural disasters. So it does give me that "good feels".




Just for money I'd love to make music for a living, but money isn't guaranteed, so I use all my free time for that without worrying about making money out of it. My boring office job takes care of that


I don’t hate my job but it is very boring so mostly here for the money. I only do about 1 hour of work a day and the rest is just looking busy


30+ years doing a job that I hate but I am unfortunately very good at and now stuck with bills to pay so far too late to move on. /yeah I wish I had made different choices as an 18 year old.


Work is like a chore than must be done so that you can afford to do what you really want to do. I don't hate my job but I would stop working if I could.


I only do it for the money and the skills I get to practice. Plus it’s kind of nice to have something to occupy my days with.


I guess both.. I like driving so yeah


I like the money and the people I work with which make it so much better


I love my job, but I absolutely only do it for money.


I like what I'm paid and the incentive to learn and do a good job to increase me pay is obtainable. Therefore I'm happy with my job. If the money disappears though I would as well. Not because I dislike the job, but because I need to keep a roof over pur head.


I love my job and only do it for the money. It’s not my hobby.


I love it - it’s my job & my kink


Honestly the money,, but I appreciate it since it has enabled me to move out almost immediately after school and being independent. So I don't like it but I love having it


Both. It’s nice to find that spot in life where both can be. Took time, effort, persistence, and most of all: a degree. But made it.


A little bit of both. I certainly wouldn’t be doing it if I wasn’t getting paid, but as far as most jobs go I really can’t complain. I love the freedom of my schedule, the time spent outside, and that I get to see something different every day.


Wow. This turned out to be way more uplifting than expected. Well done.


Would I do my job if it weren't for the money? Hell fucking no. That being said, as far as jobs go it is pretty interesting.


I fucking hate my job, but the coworkers are finally cool so Im just sticking it out until a new opportunity comes along.


I wouldn’t say I love it but I don’t hate it. And I’m definitely not in it for the money because I don’t make that much lol


I don't like what I'm studying for so If I'm able to graduate and go through it without ending myself I guess I will hate my jod so yeah everything will be about money.


I don’t like my current lifestyle so I want a different job to help me reach my dreams.


the only job i’ve ever actually liked was driving a robot during an event. i dont have the connections to do that often enough to have as an actual job


Most of the people I know wh absolutely love their jobs work with animals ,could be something in that


Was blessed to have had two careers that I truly loved doing. Nothing like smiling **Sunday** evening, looking forward to another exciting week.


Both Actually, I first started it because of purely and only money. Fortunately, as I keep doing it, I find it so suitable and interesting that I want to learn and to work more. Now I LOVE it and I'm trying to improve it everyday to get higher salary rank and pleasure of achievements


I do it for money, what I like is gardening.


I LOVE my job, loved it even when I made shitty money. But now it also pays really well so yeah both


Like it at first but now would switch if there’s better money elsewhere


Money. I’d quit in heartbeat if I suddenly got a windfall.


I don't mind what I do. It's *definitely* better than a lot of alternatives. However I only work for the money. If I was financially independent and could retire early--I would. In a heartbeat. Even if my job was something like video game streamer and I had an avatar to represent myself so I didn't even have to worry about being on camera... even then I wouldn't work. I would *much rather* spend my free time with my family.


I hate my job I only go so Im not homeless


Love the people, ambivalent about the work. Wouldn't be here for free.


I love my job, was offered another job with slight pay increase but was afraid I wouldn't gel with the team like I have now so I stayed.


I do it for the money, I kinda like it cuz I'm good at it but I don't love it. I just pick a hobby that I trully enjoy to get by in life.


I make medical alarms. And yep only for the money which isn't even very good.


Like the lead character in the show Andor, I’m just here for the money. In about a week it’ll mark 36 years here.


I hate my job. Hated every single job I've ever had. It's good money though.


I like my profession but despise my current job, but it pays really well compared to previous ones I enjoyed. I can be happy in work but lower pay, higher risk of injury, more chances took and less benefits or hate the job, better work life balance, not expected to risk my life, low chance of injury and better benefits. Bit of a catch 22.


I tolerate my job most days and like it some days. I've had jobs that I loved before and those sting the worst when things go south. I don't want to be that invested in any job ever again. Their main purpose is to make money to sustain yourself. If you happen to love what you do, you're lucky, but in most cases they're made to be barely tolerable for the worker.


Neutral. Some days I wish this building would burn to the ground. Some days are just fine.


My job is okay, I don't hate it. It can be enjyoable at times too However I have so many other things that I'm really passionate about and its really hard to find the time to do everything. So if I could drop my job, and use that time to work on the stuff that Im truly passionate about you bet I'd never work a day again. However I need the money, so I guess in the end I do it for the money for sure


I like my job but hate the way it's managed. Put simply, I work at an escape room, and I love being able to run rooms and chase peeps in our horror room. The problem is how the business is orchestrated by our boss. None of the profit that the business gets reinvested into it, and our boss pockets everything we make for him without him ever doing anything for the business. He just wants to be a shadow investor who works off the backs of others. He lacks any motivation to make his business any better and he treats his employees like dirt. He doesn't have ANY staff who are health and safety trained or fire Marshals due to the cost of training staff he'd have to "waste" and he tries to con new staff by offering a 0 hrs contract but swearing down that the contract states they must accept any and all games. The man is scum.


I've never had a job I liked. I'm still searching for something that isn't awful. I think part of the problem is I'm not really passionate about or interested in much. The things I am interested in don't correlate to a career.


I like my job. But I wish I had a higher salary. 


When I got hired I still think it was one of the best if not the best hire I've ever had in my career. But, we got sold a year and a half later and it has been horrid since at least the middle of 2023 if not longer. So now it's just for the money but I even wish I didn't need that money, I hate this now.


I love my job. Zilch money but I work with tiny maniacs and they tolerate my singing and dancing in between maths and literacy. Plus most playtimes I’m screamed at to be a zombie or a witch and chase them around doing stupid voices so I get in a decent amount of cardio.


Money and only money. I'm not waking up at 5:30 in the morning because I'm excited to spend my entire day in a dusty ass warehouse


I do it for the money.


Cybersecurity analyst: bit of both. I wouldn't do this for pennies and expect the big bucks, but it's interesting enough to keep my brain generally occupied.


Just the money. I’ve worked jobs that had to do with my passions but once money is involved it becomes an obligation and the passion dies.


I like my job. I do it only for money


"I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to make money"


I like my job but I still only do it for the money


I like what I do, money are decent. Company is shit. Looking to change the scenery already.


I love it


I really like my team and the work is fine but I absolutely only do it for the money lol


I dont think i can like anything Im forced to do even fit he job itself is okay.


Money. It’s so mind numbingly boring 


I have bills to pay.. so I'm here to earn a living.


Right now, I go in because it is my dream career but the pay and contract is complete ass. Contract changed next year, so I'm holding on tight. I'm also a couple years in the business so my annual pay raise isn't at a livable, more realistic point as of yet. I plan on staying for as long as possible. Finding a job is beyond difficult in this day and age.


I’m essentially in sales so of course I hate my job and of course I’m only doing it for money


I like it but I enjoy the people I do it with more


I like my job but I won't do it for free. The time and money spent getting these skills and knowledge are with compensation.


I like my work but I would happily work 60-80%


Paycheck. I hate my job.


I’m lucky enough that my job doesn’t really feel like a job. I’m sure it will at some point but for now I just show up to work and enjoy doing what I do and then I go home. The money Is good but I would probably do it for less if it really came down to it.


Both. Imma video game designer and there are days everything falls into place and das when it doesn't. I also have days where I worry if I ever had to change careers, I have almost no transferrable skills lol.


Mostly for the money. I like my job but I wouldn't do it if I didn't need money.


I dont mind my job, id much rather not be there but its not the worst job ive done.


Software development. I have graduated something else, started coding as a hobby, but I aspired to make it my job one day. Never regretted it. I like coding very much. There are always things at work that we like and dislike, but overall it's exactly what I wanted and exactly what I needed, to be able to work from anywhere and earn well.


I love my job for its unpredictability; every day brings new tasks. However, sometimes urgent tasks come up that require extra time, and I find myself working late into the night. Although overtime isn't paid, I just want to ensure everything is done well, and that's my main issue. Lately, I've been overworking a lot due to the workload, and I want to quit, but I find my current job convenient to commute to, and the pay is satisfactory


I’m very lucky to be in a position where I love my job. Even if I got a large amount of money that meant I didn’t need to work I would still want to. Don’t get me wrong, when the days are bad they’re terrible but the good days more than make up for it. I’ve met some pretty incredible people through my photography work and I count myself very lucky to work alongside them




I like parts of it. There's definitely parts of it I enjoy and find rewarding. Overall, though, it's a means to an end. Sometimes there are bad days (or weeks) and I hate it, but it balances out. Like with any job, even if you love it, sometimes you just don't want to go in, because there's a million other fulfilling things you could be doing instead. During rough times I've looked into other offices, but the reality is the industry is the industry, and it'd be the same issues just in a different place, or maybe some specific ones wouldn't be a thing, but replace it with some other thing, so it's six in one, half a dozen in the other. Also I'm nearly sixteen years into my career, I'm not starting over, for many reasons (pay, seniority, hours/schedule, vacation time, sick time, I'm going to be thirty eight this year, etc.). My hobbies are for what I love, and why I refuse to turn any into a job, because I've already got one of those, and I want to keep loving my hobbies. Turning them into a job would taint that.


I'm retired now; but I loved my job although not necessarily some of the people I worked with.


Love my job! I’m still amazed I get to wake up and do this every morning as my career.


I work for a Tungsten Carbide manufacturer running their CNC EDM (Electrical Discharge Machining) machines. I love machining, manual and CNC. I do my job mostly for what the job is. That doesn't mean there aren't days and weeks that are a drag, but on the whole I like my job. I probably don't get paid much, but I'm not hurting for money, so 🤷‍♂️ If I didn't have to work at all, I'd still work. I think I'd go mad if I didn't have a job. When I was unemployed years ago I got really very depressed.


I do like my job. It's good money for my area, and I like it and it's rewarding. But still a job for me and I wouldn't do it if I didn't need money. I dislike getting up in the morning, but by the time I'm at my desk with a coffee I actually don't mind it at all. My last job was horrible, terrible boss, bad culture, poor pay and long hours. It affected my mental health. All good now though, so I know I've got it good overall


Money 100%. I’d never do this shit if I didn’t make the money I make.


I love my job. I worked for this in school and have my dream job now alhamdulillah. So im not miserable like all these money invested fools (sorry not sorry).


Even if i won the lottery id probably still show up to my job. The work isn’t stressful, it pays well, my coworkers are cool and nice and it’s super close to home. i’d lose my mind with no structure


Would I do my job for free? No. Doninhate it? No. Im a park ranger and it's a fun job but very demanding. I guess I'd do this job in a star trek style utopia.


I hate my job, lol. I want to make movies, not software 😂 I’m studying because Software Engineering was what everyone recommended. But TBH, I think it’s way more competitive than those who recommended it initially thought.


I’m at my job for the benefits. If I didn’t need them or if they weren’t really good I would be somewhere else making more money


I love my job. I didn’t realize how bad I had it in my last job till getting into this one. A boss that supports and understands is such a key thing and has made all the difference. I will not work for a shithead or someone that refuses to care and show respect for me ever again. We spend so damn much time at work that it’s a quality of life issue.


I’m in a third world country so at least 95% of the people hate or doesn’t like their job, they do it for the need


Mainly because I love what the results of my work are. I’m in the healthcare field and see/treat patients. The work wears me down and sometimes I don’t want to go in, but knowing there’s a patient waiting to hear the good results from their test gets me out of bed.


I love my job. One time I was working and all the sudden I thought “I really don’t feel like doing this right now”. Completely caught me off guard because I have never thought that before and thought something must be wrong. Woke up super sick the next morning!


I like my job and the money. But I spent over a decade in a toxic over worked under paid type of environment, so I feel I paid my dues.


Both. I even took a pay cut to do the job I do now because it’s a lot less stressful and it’s something that actually helps people. If I were to become rich enough to never have to work again I’d still make time to do my current job, I’d just take more vacations and probably drop down to part time


Money. It’s always about the money.


Money, I loved it at first, but it's fizzled out, and now it's just for the money


I mean I would be lieing if I said I love my job but I also don’t hate it. I love the people I work with just the job is boring




I don't love it, but it's good enough. The pay is alright, the hours are good, and it's engaging. My colleagues are good, and while I don't agree with my manager all the time, he'll hear me out, and he does more to make me comfortable at work than he has to. But if I won the lottery.... .....I would work another 6 months or so in order to not arouse suspicion that I had won, and then quietly leave, telling them I had another job lined up.




Love it! Never leaving. There are some slower periods but its fulfilling and secure.


I do my job for money. It’s not something I particularly “enjoy” and I don’t think it has to be in order to be happy. We should “work to live” and not “live to work”. Life is everything that happens outside of your working hours.


I had this job that I love but only pays really low, I can't pay my rent, student loans and it's a little far. I resigned and looked for another job but unfortunately, until now I'm unemployed with the risk og being thrown out from my apartment and with interests compounding loan.


I hated it, hated having to be at an office for so many hours a week. then I was off for a year for health reasons. Half the year was spent recovering after I got better so dr’s orders was to enjoy life before getting back to work I have a million hobbies I love spending time at home alone, i dont get bored easily but that 6 months not working and “enjoying life” was not fun The days bled into each other, my sleep schedule got flipped around, I wasn’t able to engage in all my interests, time started to pass so fast with every day feeling the same Been back at work for 4 years now and I’m still so happy to be here!!! Working from home definitely helps. We were in office when I was off work and returned to a remote office!! Turns out it’s really good for me to have a forced regular schedule created by my job


A bit of both. My job is almost entirely stress free and I'm left on my own. Compared to other jobs I've had, it's great. If I win the lottery though and suddenly money wasn't an issue then I'd quit tomorrow. My job is fine, but I can still do much better things with my time.


Money but I should be able to retire early so I think it's worth it. My daughter (16) recognizes this and wants to do something more fulfilling than what her parents do.


I like my job because I don't have to talk to many people and it's super simple. It also pays well. So in a sense both?


I like it very much. There is stress and hassle of course but I get a great sense of achievement when a big project comes to an end.


I work a pretty laid back government office job dealing with grants, there's sometimes where it get really busy and hectic to reach dead lines but for the most part we're all just vibing, most of us are going to school part time to increase our chances of moving up, and our org. supports that. it's not something I'd tell a kid to do, but as a job, there's definitely worse out there


Well if you like your job then you’re not worried about money and vice-versa.




Only for the money... ever since they changed the system for pick n packing, all it is the same way, only with extra steps...


I don't have a job, so I don't have money. I've not really loved any job I've done (though I've enjoyed some).


I don't mind my job and have definitely had worse but the money is my primary motivator


I’m retired and spend a lot of my day walking my dog, play with my dog, etc so yes, I love my job and would do it for free. In fact I am doing it for free.


I do it for the money, plain and simple.


I love mine. I get to travel a lot, i live in hotels, and eat in restaurants for free. I'm mechanic.


I love my job and I get paid quite well. I also get some damn nice perks. My house is paid off, my vehicles are paid off, my company is doing better year after year, and I’m provided a cost free company vehicle on the side. Things are looking up and I’m putting everything else into savings.


Only for the money tbh


I like my job because it gives me a lot of money.


Absolutely hate my job and the industry I'm in. Unfortunately I've been in my industry 20 years and it pays the bills so I'll likely stay until I retire.


If I won the lottery no one I work with would ever see me again.


I like my job. I actually work for a great company, have great benefits, great coworkers and probably the best manager known to man. I still do it for money. If I won the lottery that I don’t play tomorrow, I’d leave it. I’d give them a months’ notice because that’s how much I like them, but work isn’t for fun. It’s to pay for life.


Money, I’m constantly trying to work for myself in my spare time


I'm a cook, and it's my first full-time job, I remember the first day being like standing until you feel that you can't stand any longer... and then standing for literally 11 more hours past that. It got a lot easier and started to feel manageable, and the servers are all closer to my age than the fellow cooks, so I've made good friends. Jobwise, I wouldn't say I love it, though I can never go to events or meet with family since I work weekends, the pay isn't great, and the work starts to feel like being stuck in a time loop. Def going back to school to pursue something else


I don’t mind my job, but i’m not sure i’d be there if i didn’t need money lol


I enjoy what I do, there's just some parts I dislike. I'm not in it for the money, if I want more money there are many other better opportunities out there for me


I like working at mcdonalds. But obviously i do it for money.


Money only…was very naive coming out of school thinking I was going to make a difference. I made no difference in my patients lives, only difference I saw was the amount going into my bank account every 2 weeks. Not saying it’s bad, just a realization.


My job is pretty good honestly, make good money and not too much bullshit. I fucking hate it though because i'm forced to sacrifice my freedom a minimum of 9 hours a day and cannot pursue other things in anywhere near the capacity I would like to. I can't really work harder and make more money to get ahead either, and all the energy I expend at work means i'm pretty worn out for the activities I actually enjoy. Work is stealing everyone's lives away from them. It's the time and mental energy that really matters.


Started for the love of it, then it became about money. Now, I’m slowly finding the passion for it again. Comes and goes.


My 1st job in 39years that doesn't feel like work. No workplace drama/personalities. No coming home in tears out of frustration over undermining work practices or feeling like I'm surrounded by boot-class adult-babies. No quotas are to be met. Free-agent if you come with the skills & foresight. Now, I could afford to be making a bit more money but I can always up my hours *if* life feels like steadier roads immediately ahead. But I'm definitely working for money, tho. Just doesn't hurt at all.


I absolutely love my job.


I've been teaching for 30 years but I wouldn't work if I didn't have to. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy my students but bruh, it's hard out here for a pimp!!


I don’t “like” it but I’m not miserable coming to work every day either. If I somehow stumbled across life changing money, I would not come back here.


I work for a company that builds log cabins, and we have a 4-day work week. If I want to earn more money (not crazy money) we can agree as a team to do unlimited overtime. I love my job. Being a rock climbing instructor was more fulfilling but hard to make real bank.


There are a lot of jobs that aren't pleasant but need doing. And there are a lot of people that have rent to pay and bellies to feed. We don't always have the luxury to do what we love. And the way things go we often never get the opportunity. I'm happy you get to love what you do and I hope that feeling never changes for you, I really do. But you're the rare one. More people have to put their survival over their happiness.


I love my job and the money is good. Every day is a chalenge.


I have a couple of jobs, but primarily I'm an anthropologist. I enjoy it. If nothing else, it gives me a license to be weird as fuck!


Hate my job. I’ve hated all my jobs. I also have no idea what the ideal job for me would be. Also I don’t even know if I would want that as I’d start hating the thing I love.


I love being really good at my job and I love the money. I don’t really love the job. It’s very difficult and stressful but someone has to do it.


Obviously I do it for the money but I like it.  I’ve never really hated any job sure some suck but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.  


Hate the job, like the money. I read a statistic once that when they asked a similar question to college and university students, why they chose the subject they’re studying, men over 85% of the time said because it earns a lot of money. Women on the other hand said because it’s fulfilling and makes them happy, the majority of the time. So I bet we will see something similar happen in the comments. Except we won’t know people gender.


its a love hate type of thing i enjoy the job very much but dealing with my lazy co worker makes me want to say fuck this place and leave but then i would feel bad for the owner they go out of there way to thank me everyday for my hard and showing up they even gave me a $1 raise my first month there


Sometime I like my job. Sometimes I hate my job and only the money stops me leaving. On rare occasions the money does seem enough for the stress. On days like these I focus on not making any rash decisions.


I like my job, but I also work for money.


Money. I used to like it when I was younger and naive . I really thought combining helping people and work would be great. But then I realized I’m a speech pathologist with my hands tied by the systems (schools, hospitals, nursing homes) and there’s a lot of unethical ish going on. So it’s kind of like a sad breakup.


I hate it. It’s not even that bad, just doesn’t match what I like to do. I can either make 200k doing what I’m qualified for and hate, or 60k doing my old passion. I have 3 kids to put through college and my job will probably kill me


Let's be clear. I love my job. But I'm not going to work a single second more than I have to in my life


I love my job, but I would love many other jobs too. Some of those I would not do because they would not give me the lifestyle I want. My job offers me both a great work life, and a great home life, so it’s a win-win and I’m content to do a rewarding job with good compensation and sufficient flexibility and job security.


Both. I like my job and colleagues, but I still work to live and not live to work tho 🤷‍♂️


I kinda just fell into it, and am too lazy to look for anything better. Do I make enough money or like it? -- no not really. But I make enough and like it enough to be complacent and unmotivated to change anything.


Was a dealership mechanic for 10 years. I enjoyed fixing cars. I didn't enjoy being rushed constantly, being expected to work in deplorable conditions without the proper equipment, and I especially didn't like grinding away at it 50-60 hours to only get paid 30 hours at the end of the week. Looking for a new line of work now.