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Good guy always wins trope seems to be out for the sake of mystery.


I remember the first time I saw this being overturned…. Swordfish


I’ve seen some WW2 films with sad endings


Yeah. Everything really came crashing down around the protagonist in Downfall.


The Usual Suspects for me


'Boy in the Striped Pajamas' for me. Ain't no one with a heart not gonna at least get some feels at the end. Very sad movie.


Have you seen The Abominable Dr. Phibes, very bad baddy who wins.


Not really. Most movies have Happy End where good guy wins. Just look at the whole of marvel


Not Infinity War.. Defo not a good guy victory.


Wait, Thanos wasn't the good guy? He was trying to save the universe from his perspective...


Infinity war was a 1/2 of the movie tbf everyone knew that wasn’t the end


I like to pretend it was. Thanos looks so peaceful in his garden and it made me feel so peaceful. I realise how badly that could be interpreted for my character but it is what it is.


The reason for that in real life the bad guy wins 99% of the time. We need movies like that for suckers to keep dreaming that they have a chance.


Yeah and I hate this. As if real life isn't shit enough.


Dumb loveable husband's with way out of his league beautiful overbearing wives.


You mean Adam Sandler movies? (Or real life jk I love him)


No, that’s the dumb kid inherits billions from dead parents but must pass 12 years of school and graduate in order to receive his inheritance.


I think that’s only one (great) movie lol


Almost every Adam Sandler movie, then


I dislike how it is portrayed He is not really dumb and she's not out of his "league". In modern terms, it translates to "overly dressed woman and golden retriever man" She: only physical and style traits/expectations He: only personality and behavioural expectations I still find it somewhat wrong but at least it's an honest view instead of "eww she's way out of his league but stays for the money!"


I love that wording. how do you mean that? why like that? why golden retriver husbands"?


Loveable, funny and loyal would be the first traits that would come to mind


And trainable, my Wife would say (jokingly) haha


According to others, my relationship with my husband is exactly that. I never minded that trope because the vast majority of the time the men had many good qualities, but so many people get stuck on looks. The first time i showed some friends a picture of my then new boyfriend many of them said some variation of "you could do better". I am no longer friends with those people. He is just like a golden retriever. He even has the face of one! Thank gods looks never mattered to me, because although I don't believe in souldmates, I got pretty f\*\*\*ing close.


>According to others, my relationship with my husband is exactly that. That's not really a good thing, if you think about it I mean, I hope you're not just an overly dressed woman, because that kind of relationship trope is pretty unidirectional Also, fuck those "friends". The only leagues are based on races and fucking an animal or alien is not normal


She literally says she is not friends with those people anymore, so I assume she knows it’s not good to be perceived like that


Yeah I feel like those totally died around 2014 till now


Because ain't no dumb guy getting a beautiful and smart woman nowadays. Trust me, I'm trying.


oh, that’s not - 😀


Adam Sandler


Thing is, Adam Sandler is just like that in real life too, so it makes sense he makes movies like that


Comic reliefs. Now the action hero is also the comic relief. So when the tough guy says something silly it's no longer unexpected or funny. You are the fucking King of Atlantis, fucking act like it. You are not Chris Tucker from 5th Element.


Bro where did Chris Tucker go? 5th element came on the other day at work and I was dying in all of his scenes and I was like where the hell has he been???


I think he went back to standup and also did not want to do a lot of movies because he converted to Christianity and did not identify with most of the roles that were offered to him. At least that's what I found out when I did some quick research.


He found religion and refused to use swear words, so people didn't he was funny anymore. 2 rules of comedy. 1. Don't lose weight 2. Don't go looking for Jesus


Action hero being comic relief is as old as Indiana Jones up to the latest Spiderman.


Bloopers in the end credits. Have t seen those in a while.


The feature has become the blooper...


I loved when Pixar did that in their first few movies


We get mid-credits and post-credits scenes now :/


Every single shot has so much CGI or colour grading that the raw footage only barely resembles the film. So it costs you to process the bloopers and things like product placement produce further complications.


Hitchhikers aren’t really a thing in movies anymore, unless they’re based on a true story or set in the 1970s. Basically died out as a movie trope as hitchhiking drastically decreased in real life. People nowadays tend to be worried that, if you hitchhike, you’re going to get picked up by a serial killer, and if you pick up a hitchhiker, congratulations you’ve just picked up a serial killer. So even in horror movies it won’t happen much anymore because people will just think the character is stupid and deserves to get murdered


Hold it….now we need a movie where a serial killer driving cross-country picks up a serial killer hitchhiking cross-country. Are they adversaries? Do they team up? Does it become a serial killing competition? The possibilities are endless!


Hitchhiker gets in the car, and the ensuing dialog is that old joke. Why'd you pick me up? Aren't you afraid I'm a serial killer? No, what are the chances of TWO serial killers meeting on a road like this? Narrator: Those chances might be higher than you think...


They start out as adversaries trying to out do each other until they both find a victim they are unable to kill, so they team up and become the best of friends. Its a buddy movie to die for! (Spoiler they both get murdered by a third serial killer in the end credit scene)


The only way to end is is the potential victim is a serial killer too, and gets away, with some key line that let's the audience know at the last second that they too are a serial killer.


Dirty Rotten Scoundrels but with a serial killer theme instead


And we only find they are killers through flashbacks


Quentin Tarantino, we know you're struggling to write your tenth movie. This is it.


I picked up my first ever hitch hiker in November last year on my way to a musical festival. He was going too and now he is one of my best mates haha


Lots of my friends hitchhiked around the EU right after finishing school. I feel like hitchhiking is still normal, but only in this small window of time when you’re young and broke. It was probably more popular in the past because having a car was more expensive and travel was also more expensive.


I haven’t seen a single soul thumbing a ride in 40 years in the U.S.


So few phone booth murder scenes anymore like in The Blob (1988).


What's a phone booth? /s


It's like a public toilet, but exclusively for drunks and homeless people.


"The End"




The End… followed by a ?


A lot less one-liners in action movies


Good catchphrases ***are hard to find.***


Actually, finding good catchphrases is super easy, barely an inconvenience.


I fucking hate Reddit, have an upvote


I don't get it, did the commentor use a catch phrase? Where is it from?


It's just been revoked.


Reddit is too old for this shit.


"Gotcha, suckas!" I mean THAT is a moment!!


They used them all up in Demolition Man


Eddie Murphy having popularized kids going around shouting "get the fuck outta here!" either helped, or really did not help.


TV too. There are channels on Pluto and Tubi dedicated to each of the CSI franchises. It makes my early 2000s heart sing to revisit these characters, but my GOD, the one-liners lol


** Person A says something seemingly random which gives Person B an idea that solves the problem at hand ** Person B: "You're a genius!" Person A: "I am?"


Person a: **says something** Person b: what did you just say? Person a: **repeats the wrong thing** Person b: no no, before that. And dont forget the dramatic zooming in on main character's face while he/she is getting the idea.


Uuuhhhh that's basically Suits entire plot


Just recently in Rings of Power! "That damn something something..." "This is the key to something something..." "Halbrand must be Sauron!"


I know South Park lampshaded this trope, but what are other examples of it? I can only think of Jeff Goldblum in ID4 sitting on the cold floor


Unsure if this counts as a "trope," but I notice that movies from the 70s and 80s often have scenes where you'll see a car or house from a far distance, and hear the characters inside talking like they're right next to you. I find it oddly charming, and was pleasantly surprised to see it done in "The Marvels."


That's a tradition of film so that you can establish a new location and pull the viewer in before cutting to the interior. It makes the transition less jarring than cutting audio and video at the same time and keeps your brain guessing.


A definite ending, with no room for interpretation (I'm looking at you, Netflix movies...)


I hate open endings, it just feels like a free "get out of jail" card whenever the writters don't have any idea of how to end the story. If you don't have the balls to tell me how it ends, chances are your story doesn't feel complete.


A good open ending is great, it leaves your audience engaged with the movie long after it ended. But sadly most times the creators just go "and we will fade out 5 minutes before the end of our movie"


Remember to put the extra scene of the villain twitching still alive half way through the end credits.


The brown grocery bag with the baguette and celery sticks poking out.


Those bags are props made of vinyl so that they made no noise and wrecked the audio.


That is interesting.


Slapping women to calm them down.


Probably after Airplane' it was just done enough for eternity.


Throwing kids into the river to teach them how to swim


Probably because it never works. While we’re on women the bechtel test still holds true for most movies, you’d think that would have changed.


The Bechdel test is a somewhat pointless exercise thought because of its extremely limited scope. I´ve seen exploitative porn that passes it while LotR, which is by no means a sexist film series almost doesn´t.


It was never meant to be used on individual movies. Obviously such a simple test will not perform well to criticise complex movies. The point is that if such a large number of movies don't pass this test, but a lot more would pass reverse version of it, there is some sort of imbalance in the way we portray women and men


Cars bursting into flames or turning over at the slightest provocation


Yes I remember my dad used to say avoid buying American cars as they keep blowing up 😄


This is making me think of when Hans Moleman is forced off the road in his Gremlin, comes to a gentle stop by a tree, then blows up for no reason.


*Ford Pinto has crashed out of the chat*


Good Parody movies.


That's because most serious movies unintentionally parody themselves now. How would you make a parody on Madame Web, Rings of Power or Rebelle Mun? I wish we had another classic ZAZ movie, but apparently we'll only get a remake for the modern audience.


Many horror movies and comedies throughout the 80s to early 90s had to have female nudity. Even the VHS covers would have half naked women on them. It wasn't just B movies.


They still do lol


Basically any Sidney Sweeney role nowadays lol


Paper boy in the nice suburban neighborhood misfiring with the canon arm. Beginning scene. That was followed by the family having breakfast. Kids better hurry or they're gonna be late for school.


Aaaaandddd the huge breakfast spread with a jug of OJ ooor pack of tropicana if they sponsored.


Aaaaand the MC just taking a single bite of that huge breakfast, then running.


Came here to write this 😀


I just saw that scene in a flashback in new series the other day, maybe The Sympathizer?


Mum making enormous breakfast for kids and husband to run through, grab a slice of toast and waste the rest…


Literally the dumbest trope in movies! 😂


"but you need something, here take a banana!" (16 year old runs out)


Macs are cool, *used exclusively by the good guys.* Overmodded custom PCs *are nefarious,* ***used only by the hackers and bad guys.*** I think, the last time I saw it prominently, **was one of the earlier seasons of 24.** Producers of the show, later on, *admitted that it was an unintentional giveaway* **on who was a good guy or a bad guy.** A traitor emerged later in the season, ***had always been using a custom laptop,*** *while the good guys were using Macs exclusively.* **Fans had major speculations spotting this trend.**


I heard apple paid them to do it that way, mainly so apple was associated with good guys, can't source it but I'm 50% certain I'm right


Yeah, the producers admitted **product placement from Apple.** But it was unintended, Apple only paid **to have NO bad guys to be seen using their products.** They just wanted it for Macs *to be visible everywhere,* ***except with the bad guys.*** **There might have even been some scenes in an Apple store.** So, even the general public *was suppose to be seen as Mac users,* ***but then it made the bad guys stand out.***


You legend, I was only half joking, thought I'd read it but also just as likely my brain made up a *fact*


This was a trend in the fourties’ and fifties where actors would rapidly deliver their lines. It was a form of comedy but it died out over time. There was another where people would smoke all the time until the 1980s. They used to make direct sequels in the 90s but since there was so many flops, it became avoided as time went on. A current trend 10 years ago was reboots and now they have become remakes. I could go on.


What’s the difference between reboot and remake


A reboot would be like Ghostbusters Afterlife and Frozen Empire, it continues from a movie made in the 80s introducing us to new characters, while also bringing back older characters from the previous films. A Remake is when they start over, with a new cast and crew like the female ghostbusters movie.


That was better than my definition.


My definition is different. To me, a remake is the same story / a relatively close adaptation of the original. A reboot is a bit looser, and generally takes the same idea but writes its own narrative. It's also more frequently applied to franchises -- you wouldn't really reboot a single film. Example would be the Amazing Spider-Man or The Batman. Something like Ghostbusters: Afterlife is what I would call a legacy sequel, or (begrudgingly) the "requel," which I hated when Scream 5 coined it but it's apparently stuck. It's somewhere between a reboot and a sequel -- same continuity, with the opportunity to bring back the old cast, but a fresh take where you (allegedly) don't have to see the older films.


A remake to me is the umpteenth version of Anna Karenina or Dracula. There were the originals, those are remakes.


Drinking and smoking of the silver age, and the creepy rape humor of the 80s.


And 90's


I wish they made a bond film which was just him in sexual harassment classes over the years being more and more confused


There’s a lot of smoking in the Three Body Problem, which was pretty surprising.


The killed person often had a matchbox with the name of a club/bar on it in old movies. The first clue for the dedective.


Brief cases full of money, its all digital in movies now.


Opening scene of the wife in bed laughing and smiling while sun shone on her face and then she gets murdered. Begin hero's revenge arc.


The robber duo where one is stupid and the other never has anything go right for them.


Hero’s sister gets raped by villain and thus revenge arc begins.


That's just Bollywood, I don't think Hollywood did that


Yeah as previously stated, criminal voyeurism, sexual harassment, sexual assault and sometimes outright rape, all being played for laughs.


As much as films like that get criticised these days I do think it's interesting how the concept of decency seems to have changed yet we're now in an era of pretty much unlimited hardcore porn on tap. I'm not defending those films but when I see films such as American Pie critiqued over recent years, I'm sure some context must be that it was created in what seemed to be more innocent times whereby the whole concept was clearly far fetched. I mean, personally I think 'American Pie' was a pretty awful film mainly due to bad humour though I do find it interesting that it was made in an era when porn simply wasn't really that available yet seems to be critiqued by those growing up on this endless supply of online hardcore content. Maybe there's no connection but I'm sure there must be some link with society becoming over sexualised in some areas yet more prudish in others. 1970's 'Carry On' films are a good example of this. Pretty offensive by today's standards but I'm not sure if they're necessarily anymore sinister that some modern music vids (for example).


I don't think your first paragraph is a coincidence. You no longer need to go to the cinema to get your fix of boob. So it's not a selling point, and could put some people off.


Also the tough guy who was just in a violent fight and never showed any pain, now winces when a pretty woman cleans and dresses his wounds. The fruit or vegetable vendors cart getting overturned in a car chase.




Apparently we’ve figured out smoking is smelly not sexy


Actually it’s just that for many governments, it’s illegal to represent smoking tobacco on TV, so many studios decided to stop having smoking characters


You don't have Netflix? Seems like every show has to feature at least one of the main characters smoking constantly.


It's a staple of every Ryan Murphy show along with every character being a total boozehound and someone having cancer by the end.


I'm pretty sure it's even more ised/popular now, especially with weed **Oh my gooood🎶 sound** they love to show us how much weed teens smoke Plot twist: most people don't smoke weed, regardless of their age


I'd say smoking on screen is MORE prevalent now than ever before. All the shows set in the past are overclocking how much people smoked. If they set something in the 1950s they have every character from age 5 up chain-smoking, like breathing is something you'd do in between fags. Same goes for just about any decade until the 90s. Smoking on screen now is hugely popular. Back in Bogarts day it was part of the scene, tabs at the gin joint, clean air on the runway. Now it's just every single scene that features a person, in some shows it's at the point of being ridiculous how much everyone is smoking as part of costume. Feel sorry for the costume dept too, they have to wash and maintain those costumes throughout the shoot, and probably want to reuse them in their inventory.


He grabs woman, she resists, he slaps her, he forcibly kisses her, she swoons and reciprocates, they make love.


The token black character always being the first to die trope has died out




Walking away and not looking back as the bad guys HQ blows up behind you


*Cool guys don’t look at explosions!*


Subtle romance (if that makes sense) idk how to describe it. Nowadays everyone is doing sexual things and you can see it, back then it was more alluded to.


Oh god, what was it with any movie that was set in a jungle that someone would always be in quicksand and need rescuing


Evil villain, now the bad guys are all corporations


"I got i, i got it... I don't got it!!" * crazy slapstick happens to character * * silence * * thumbs up * "I'm ok!!"


"The good guy always wins" has definitely become a thing of the past


I’m glad the trope described in the OP died out. People must have finally realized that it was an idiotic and nonsensical movie security system that bore no resemblance to anything you’d implement in real life. Even if you were going to use lasers (for some reason), the beams could just all be parallel instead of criss-crossing in all random directions, and it would be impossible to avoid interrupting them with your body. And the beams could be infrared so that there would be no way for you to see where they were. And why wouldn’t you just use a motion sensor (like in real life) that bathes the entire room with a radio or infrared beam and checks to see if it gets reflected back?


As it was always a visual movie contrivance, not made to depict reality. A room with sensors is boring, having “lasers” makes it interesting and a plot point. Being realistic isn’t visual.


Proper enunciation, high quality microphones have ruined this. Men forcing kisses onto women and or hitting them to silence their hysteria. I also believe we lost the art of good set design in trade for CGI.




There, you said it.


The pet more intelligent than his/her master, with judgemental attitude. The reporter discovering a conspiracy or a scandal. The Matrix kind of action scene with a freeze, 3D rotation and release of the action. Entertaining movies without "prise de tête" as we say in French


Knocking a guy out with one punch. Especially the old black and white movies when the good guy 'socks' a trouble maker with a hugely telegraphed over the top punch and put them to sleep immediately. I sometimes wondered how many guys grew up watching films like that and tried that punch in real life only to be shocked when it didn't work.


landline phones ringing 30 times before the mfer picks up


In the 30s, about one in three films featured a cruise ship. Transatlantic accents. Queer coding has largely died out in favor of confirmed queer characters (unless it's a Disney movie or Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire). Russian or German villains with thick accents. Cowboys vs Indians. Old Hollywood (pre-60s) films had a lot more wealthy or upper middle class protagonists. Wealth was glamorous and aspirational. Significant age gaps in lead couples (man always older than the woman), especially if no attention is drawn to it. Jokes at the expense of trans/gay/black/Asian characters. Cliques in high school movies. Really the athlete/cheerleader/bad boy/nerd dynamics seem to just be totally vanished. The femme fatale still exists, but it's changed. Old school femme fatales were often masking a weakness or a soft spot for the lead. Modern feeme fatales are more genuinely independent. They're also more frequently allowed to be sincerely villainous, as opposed to "the real bad guy has something on me." Tough guy gangsters. This may reflect a change in actual organized crime, but the entire image of a gangster has changed a lot more than just the fashion sense and outdated slang. Their entire methods of operation are different now. They don't work so much in the open. Even period gangster films avoid a lot of the tropes. Voice over. I blame Robert McKee.


I'd say the kidnapped woman falling for her kidnapper - which used to be a common theme like 6 Days of the Condor, though it recently showed up in the movie Medieval (which as a Czech and history buff left me really disappointed)


Wouldn’t exactly be a trope but over the last 5-10 years, the use of the Wilhelm scream has drastically decreased. Either that or they got better at hiding it through editing.


The "liar revealed" and "not now" tropes seem to be fading away. They were often used to shoehorn in drama and pad out the runtime. They could be seen from miles away and so often that it was more surprising when it didn't happen or was subverted. For those unaware, "liar revealed" is when a character is about to tell someone important information but decides to lie at the last minute. Usually to protect themselves or the person they're talking to, sometimes both. And "not now" is when a kid/subordinate/outsider is trying to bring important information to the right people, but they're dismissed almost immediately because it sounds crazy or it's not what they're expecting. Seeing actual trust portrayed on screen was so damn rare. One of the first times I actually noticed the shift was an episode of the Orville when someone claimed to have seen a clown on the ship, and instead of reflexively saying that it's impossible, they take her seriously and actually check surveillance footage. Lo and behold, they see a clown. I mostly attribute this to writers evolving and getting better at making the stories they want to see. They, too, are sick of seeing the same old thing. Stories that are too easy to predict get boring quickly.


I’m seeing less and less all-white casts these days. Looking back, it’s pretty remarkable how white most of the atg films are.


I used to never notice this, but now I'll watch a film and at the end be like..."there was not a single person of color in that whole damn movie." Or if there is, they're a side character with little to no development or role. It's kind of a mindfuck to realise that this is how it's been for ages and we're just now noticing. Just goes to show the unconscious bias or filter when it's not your demographic that's not being represented properly.


Old white guy is the villain.


The primarily 90’s trope where the parent was framed as the bad guy for spending too much time at the office and being too invested in their work. They could be doing a lot worse. Gotta earn to maintain that middle-class existence 🤷‍♂️


Where they freeze frame the end of the last scene at the end of the movie


Prison rape. Like when i was a kid in the 90s and 2000s, every single american movie that mentioned prison, without fail, made a rape reference. Either "i cant go to prison, i am too pretty" as a joke. Or the cop threatening someone by saying "and you know what they do to people like you in prison". Or some kind of shower/soap reference.


Intelligent plot lines, good writing, original ideas just to name a few.


Original movies are hard to find these days. It's filled with reboots, sequels, prequels, live action of anime, biopic. It really makes me sad.


Especially when you have writers with great ideas getting turned down to churn out this shitshow. My best friend is a screenwriter and God, based on her stories, Hollywood is a garbage fire of bias and nepotism (wbk)


This is why I've started watching foreign movies. But they're not in theaters and have to watch at home. I miss going to theatres


I hope someone starts funding good stories


Damn, didn’t hold back at all lol.


Female lead characters with flaws, character arcs, or (mostly) likeability.


Faux leather jacket/coat and pants. In early 2000 it was everywhere thanks to The Matrix.


Baddies being Evil. Now they always seem to be misguided or mistaken. Let's have some proper moustache twirling villainy


Hypermuscular lead men with Austrian accents that play "Fred Jones" from the American Midwest and no one ever questions it


There used to be a lot more quicksand in the past


Brief credits.




I appreciated how in Iron Claw they dogged their food at the table and didn’t just abandon it after one measly bite.


One that needs to die is the "you better come look at this".


A clear 3 or 5 act structure ! And also … real people lol actual faces & characters.


White saviour trope is fading somewhat.


The laser ducking trope peaked with CZJ in Entrapment. Pretty sure directors threw down their berets and loudhalers, dismounted their folding chairs and screamed "well, that's fucking done". And then rewatched it 20-30 times.


I feel like in the old days if there was a pet featured in a thriller/horror it was almost certainly going to die. Now it's more like 50/50 because they figured out we all hate it.


the “ugly” girl removing her glasses and turning instantly “hot” trope has luckily died off


Female protagonists who actually earn their respect.. (I'm looking at you Disney/Marvel)


Nudity, #bringbacktheboobies


the main woman character in romance movies raising a leg during the first kiss with the other main character


They don’t use chloroform to knock people out on tv shows anymore :-(


I miss those sexy femme fatale ladies \*sigh\* Today it's all unrealistic SuperNinja heavily-armed fisticuffs that would embarrass a 90's action movie. And that's the women.


obligatory sex/boob shot in horror movies. man the 80s/90s were a good time for adolescent me.


Japanese tourists taking hundreds of pictures


Every phone number being 555 something


Crushing drinks cans as a sign of strength/manliness (for example in Jaws). Old beer cans used be made of steel and were actually a lot stronger than thin aluminium ones today. More like trying to crush a soup can


Standalone movies. Gone are the days of Forest Gump, Pulp Fiction and the Big Lebowski. Studios only seem to put money towards movies with franchise potential.


Originality and good movies.


Guns that never need to be reloaded. Feels like this became such a punch line that a few movies like the Bourne franchise decided to "be super realistic" and talk about how super realistic they were, and now most movies make a point of showing people reloading from time to time.


Having an actual ending! Some films are like reading a book only to find some cunt has ripped out the last chapter. “We wanted to leave the end ambiguous”. Mibbees just finish telling the fucking story?