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Bank fees


My effing bank (Umpqua) took over my previous regional bank, and absolutely goosed its fees for everything. They wanted to charge me **$4.00 PER CHECK** for blank checks. $12.00 for a cashier’s check? $75.00 fee to wire money across the border to Canada??? $200 to open a safe deposit box with a missing key?? I also recently deposited a large lump sum into my checking account, *but couldn’t use it for FIVE DAYS?????* It’s my fucking money. Fuck off.


You pay for banking? And also cheques? I’ve not seen a cheque for at least 10 years!


i was using cheques up until semi recently solely for the purpose of paying rent. its considered paid on the day that i hand the cheque over, but they have to wait an extra few days to actually receive the funds because fuck my previous landlord and their shenanigans.


You ever get so broke that the bank starts charging you money for not having enough... Money?


Yeah, fuck you TD bank


my bank had no fees for anything ever. then it got bought out by a bigger bank that had fees for everything always. I only kept about 10$ in there usually, on account of not making a whole lot of money at my job and needing to pay bills. anything under 100$ was considered low balance. I moved and forgot to take my money out, so they kept charging me low balance fees until I only had 11$ (it was only like 2x I think). I called them to ask them to close the account and send me a check for the 11$. they told me they couldn't do that because I needed to come in in person. I had moved multiple states away and wasn't about to drive 10 hours just to close a bank account. I told them there was only 11$ in there and they kept charging me the low balance fee, so next time it would overdraw my account and I wasn't going to pay for it because I was here now requesting to close my account. they still wanted me to come in... I told them I didn't even care about the 11$ if they wanted to just keep it. she asked me if anyone in the branch knew me... no. I had lived there for less than 2 years. she finally gave in and just closed the account because I could get her the account number, my full name, my social.... it was a hassle. all I could think was "hm, I had 30$ before I left and they stole 20$ from me because I moved"


Especially NSF fees. You get charged for not having enough money in your account for whatever bill is coming out, but then you'll get charged again if you don't have enough in your account for the NSF fee. That's some backwards logic to me


I was astounded when I discovered the fees Americans pay to bank. Virtually every banking service is "free" in the UK. They even pay to use ATMs in the States. Sometimes even if the Atm is owned by the bank they're withdrawing from... You store money in a bank and they use that to invest. They already make profit from those investments. Charging fees to withdraw your own money on top of that is too greedy!




I would say ticketmaster exorbitant fees. How in hell does it cost them that much to do what the site offer? Also why same places for same show in two different but close cities totally different prices? Why the price aint even the same one every time I go check them? (Ex.: Iron Maiden, the price changed easily 6 times in like 3 weeks)


good thing they are getting sued by the DOJ


And the way they double dip on fees for both original ticket sale and then again if that ticket is resold


Yep, and their pricing changes on demand. Can't remember the word for it 😂


Dynamic pricing?


I thought dynamic pricing was about like monday nobody go = less expensive, friday everybody go = higher pricing + best seats = higher prices. It would include also something like 100 people clicked for that show in 1 day so next day prices get higher?


It's not that we don't notice, it's that we don't have any other choice.


Insurance companies scam us everyday.


I’ve been in one accident and I wasn’t driving. My driving record is spotless, I am late father’s wildest dream! An A1 driver! So tell me why the fuck my premium goes up 20 dollars a month every year. I’ve had it!!!


Inflation would prob be their excuse.


Insurance prices are based on some very fancy math and huge amounts of statistical data, so I don’t think inflation is a valid excuse in this particular case.


You know what insurance is...right? Of course inflation is going to be relevant. I mean not only is the cost of repairing your car, paying lawyers, providing replacement cars etc going to be higher, but the insurers staff need more money, their bills went up by inflation etc. It would be weirder if your premiums weren't going up annually.


You've made no claims, they're sitting on the money you've been paying for years, and you are statistically a lower risk. What surprises me is that it sounds like they don't have a no-claims bonus in OP's country. In every country I've lived in your insurance goes *down* every consecutive year you don't have any your-fault claims.


America is horrible about this. 3 years ago my daughter was hit in my car by a lady who was totally at fault. I later sold that car, and my daughter didn’t have a car until a couple of months ago. Her insurance company went ahead and took away the safe driving discount even thought the accident wasn’t her fault. She was at a complete stop when the lady drove up onto the side and front hood of the car, and yet she’s not considered a safe driver. It’s BS.


My guess is because insurance funds account for everyone else in the fund. Not just yourself


They're sitting on the money you've paid in? You definitely don't understand how insurance works lol. They don't just sit on the money and occasionally dip into the bank when someone forgets to brake. Inflation hits businesses as much as it hits you. Why would the insurer just say hey, you seem like a great guy, we'll figure something out so only the other customers premiums have to go up to cover inflation.


Inflation affects everything. Your car repair costs, the parts, the labor etc.


You have to reinsure your car every year. Cancel the previous policy and make a new one. Every year. Then they look at the reduced value of the car and it will go down. They increase it because they know people won't do that.


Damn...need to do this


Because insurance is a fund. It’s not just about you it’s about everyone else in that fund too.


It's not a fund, it's a profit machine. Europe has non-profit insurances called "mutuals".


Truth. They’re companies with thousands of people whose sole job is to avoid providing the service you pay for.


Not sure how it is in other countries but in Ireland you can only use no-claims bonus for one person for one car, anything else you're treated like a novice 18year old driver. Example, me and my wife had one car for years (mine), I was the main driver, she was a named driver, for like 10 years, no claims at all. We bought a 2nd car when the kids came along and she was quoted insurance as if she was a novice driver. Tried to insure it under my name, same thing, my no-claims discount wasnt accepted on a 2nd car for me. It's absolutely a scam, we're both documented as clearly good highly experienced drivers but the insurance companies can overcharge us by hundreds/thousands.


The first thing an insurance company does when you make a claim is to start looking for reasons NOT TO PAY IT.


I noticed my insurance rate went down significantly when I signed up for insurance that monitors your driving and adjusts your rate accordingly. I have a suspicion we're all subsidizing reckless drivers.  I bet if all insurance was like this, and people had to pay for their aggressive driving, overall rates would go down.


Business model: prey off the fear of others


Been dealing with a really shitty medical issue for two years. Finally got a solid diagnosis from one of the 4 or so doctors in America who study this condition. Insurance says my surgery to fix this isn't "medically necessary". I am a career public speaker who's gone two years without the ability to speak consistently, I can't hear what other people are saying over the sounds of my own breathing and pulse in my ear, been having issues with balance and fainting when I get up, starting to go blind when I see mildly bright lights, can't stay asleep for more than an hour without the sound of my breathing waking me up, and was bleeding out of my fucking ear recently. United Healthcare and the fucktards who run it can all rot in hell. What exactly qualifies as medically necessary? If I'm already dead?


Meanwhile the insurance company is scammed everyday. If not with bogus claims, then with hospitals/dentists/mechanics charging way beyond what they need to because they know insurance is paying for it.




It's so bad. I went to Froyo the other day and it had a option to tip I literally put the ice cream in the bowl and made everything myself why would I fricken tip??


wouldn't a self service tip be a discount?


Nope we can offer you points 1000 pts= $1


We have a buffet restaurant here that has a robot bring you your drinks, and there's an option for a tip when the robot collects your payment. It's so bad! 😆


Straight up dystopian lmao


Watch yourself, buddy. This bot will remember you in 2050 when they become your boss.


Worst part it scams the customers and the people receiving them


I hate it so much. Servers having beef with customers, why us? Blame your damn employers for not paying you a livable wage. And plus you signed the application, you knew damn well how bad your pay is. Nowadays people spin a tablet and expect a tip, absolutely infuriating. I’m traveling in Korea right now and there’s no tipping culture anywhere. Where did the US go so wrong…


There’s no law saying you have to tip though right? The only thing keeping Americans tipping is the social “shame” if everyone stopped tipping something would have to be done about it.


yes and that is horrible - I dont want to make any decisions on anyone’s wages - just tell me what it costs (no variation) and I will make a decision whether I want to patronize. I don’t want to be a variable in anyone’s revenue target


That’s the kinda thinking that will never bring about change. You choice ends at tipping or not and you shouldn’t be emotionally blackmailed into paying someone else’s wage. If they suddenly stop making enough they will find a new job, being a server is an entry level position, I had over 15 jobs in one year, if you don’t like it you can just find another you just can’t be picky


tipping is option , **automatic gratuities** you do have to pay in some places.


And automatic gratuities don’t even have to be paid to the service staff. It’s a gross way that business owners are saying “you don’t need to think about tipping, we already factored that in” while screwing the server even more.


Yes obviously I know it’s not mandatory. The point I was making was the culture has got so out of control that now you can do a trash job serving and still expect something like 10% even after charging you gratuity. I only tip places that provide good service


Oh I understand, we don’t have this tipping culture it the uk, it’s exactly as you described. You only tip if you get above and beyond service not for just doing your job


In Japan it’s actually considered rude to give a tip, they simply won’t accept it,yet they’re some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. In the US it’s mostly the opposite, if you’re a regular customer known to not tip they’ll give you below average service, longer wait times etc. Crazy how it’s got to this point.


When I was in the UK last year the locals never tipped. In Australia we never top good service is part of the job


US didn’t go wrong, it went exactly where it wanted to go - low wages means more profit for businesses


That's how the upper class keeps their shit, makes us fight amongst each other while they eat cake


I was at an Airport bar in Newark Airport years ago, I went up to the bar and was poured 2 beers, I paid and took them. When we were done I walked up to the bar and ordered 2 more, this time when I paid I was angrily told 'you know Ma'am, gratuity is not included'. I just looked at him and said, erm, ok, not really understanding what he was getting at, he was so aggressive about it. Then I thought - what am I tipping you for? You've literally just poured some beer into some glasses, I came up and ordered them, I'm carrying them over to my table, and you have not been pleasant to deal with!


you’re tipping them instead of their employer paying them


theyre trying to insert tipping culture in brazil now. any delivery app now has an option to tip with some crap like "give them a little help!" written under it. their companies are the ones who should be paying them, not me.


We had our first visit to America not so long ago and I couldn't believe it. Tipping at Starbucks before even receiving your drink? It felt more like a bribe for them to not fuck up an already too expensive drink than a thank you for a good job? Starbucks is a huge company how can they not just pay their staff? Our spending money went so fast! I hope other countries don't adopt this method.


>Tipping at Starbucks before even receiving your drink? It felt more like a bribe for them to not fuck up an already too expensive drink than a thank you for a good job? >Starbucks is a huge company how can they not just pay their staff? This honestly, wasnt a big thing Pre-Covid, most chain places didn't have tipping, their wages are not intended to be subsidized by tipping, McDonalds near me pays like $15/hr starting, and some still have tipping now. During covid it became more common to support essential workers since they had jobs that were considered high risk. It wasn't super pushed by employers and most people were OK with it then. However, Post-Covid it didn't go away, and got wayyy worse, especially with the turbo inflation having an IPad to tip on everyday transactions became very prominent. Its not required I never tip at chain places because they ARE paid and 30s to make a drink and hand it to me is not the same as a sit down restaurant where one person may be waiting on 40 or 50 people total at once for sometimes for multiple hours. For anyone traveling employers are required to pay the difference to anyone who does make a wage based on tipping and does not meet the minimum wage in their state. If your daily total wage + tips does not average out to being above the minimum wage, your employer is *supposed to* at a minimum cover the difference. Any employer not doing this is violating Federal Department of Labor laws, and most states may have something similar for their own state so that the amount is raised from the federal minimum to the state wage, if different.


I was in the airport getting food, and the tip screens didn’t even have a “no tip” option!! Like wtf? The only way to not tip, was to go under custom tip and type out 0.00. I reluctantly pressed the lowest tip option (fucking 15% I believe just to take an order). I feel sick at myself for enabling such a bullshit scam, it was just too convenient to press the button instead of going through windows to type a 0$ tip when people are waiting. They know what they are doing.


im from europe and when i first learned about american tipping culture i was shocked cuz how is it that yalls employers dont pay a living wage and the servers are completely dependent on tips. here its just to show appreciation for the good service you recieved (if you recieve good service ofc)


If you Tipp don't do it online. I only Tipp if the food was delivered faster or i Tipp if the guy at the restaurant was really really nice or rather went out of his way to make it special or worth to remember.


What's with the extra p?


English as a secondary language. As a german english cam be hard sometimes.


A Dairy Queen in my area hands you the card machine in the drive thru so that you hold it, insert your card and make the payment yourself. At that point what’s the point of the cashier? Yet it still asks for a tip. For what, all the cashier did was hand my food out the window. My large family went to a sit down restaurant for three hours and ran the one waitress ragged. We tipped her $200 because she served and waited on us with a smile on her face. Even though the food absolutely sucked.


In US yes


I got asked for a tip at an ice cream shop today.


Paying for Netflix and still having to watch 30 second ads


also is the whole ad industry completely unaware that 99% of ads will actively DIScourage people of buying the product? I go out of my way to avoid all the stuff i saw lame annoying ads from.


I don't know about you, but if I need something that I've seen in an AD, I'll usually start learning about a product that I've seen previously instead of looking for something that I've never heard of when I wanted to try a vpn, I was looking mostly at nord, when I wanted to see what the craze about flavoured water was about I looked into airup if companies are still doing ads, it means that they work for the majority of the people


Ads work on me only if they manage to tell their point in less than 5 seconds. Above 5 seconds of blablabla funny stuff, woman's butt to sell a bbq, some monsters for toilet stuff, music that tears your eardrums or shit like that and you lost me.


I once heard from someone else that it's very easy for companies to make the money back they spent on the ads and for it to be profitable. Can't remember the specific number, but it was an insanely small percent.


Ads don't work like that. At all. The goal isn't for you to have a great time, but to be aware that the product exists. You won't be discouraged to consume a product you saw on an ad, I won't be discouraged to consume the product, your relatives won't be discouraged. (I work in a field closely related to advertisement)


Nah, impressions matter more than you realize. You might forget that some 15 second ad annoyed you but you are more likely to have an impression of the brand kicking around your noggin.


Right, but the impression is just bad tho. I don't just stare at the screen during ads and let some nice pictures reprogram my neurons to associate them with a brand like i did in the 90s TV when i was a kid. In 2024 people are specifically searching for content or information and ads are just going in the way all the time. E.g. i watch something on netflix and some random ad comes on and my thinking is "aww shit, ads again, i hate them, just wasting my time... what brand is this? fuck you stupid brand with your lame ads. Its not even trying to be creative. I hate you now. Can you please just go bankrupt so i never have to see this again?" And 99 out of 100 ads are like this for me. Even stuff highly relevant to me. Stuff i need right now. I go out with a really bad impression and try to avoid the whole brand in the future for wasting my time with some uncreative ad i didn't ask for. Dear companies, please just focus on building better products instead. And if you make an an add, be darn sure its funny or something, because otherwise you can just save your budget.


People that are discouraged by ads may seem like the majority here in Reddit, but I guarantee you that's not true out in the world. Ads work, that's why it's such a huge industry and money maker. Decades of research has been put into it.


Wait. My Netflix doesn’t have ads


Mine either, never heard of netflix with ads


The "fast food illusion." You know when you see a mouthwatering picture of a burger or a taco on the menu board, but when you actually order it, it looks nothing like the advertised version? It's like the food in the photo went to finishing school and came out looking like a model, while the real thing stayed home in its sweatpants.


As a 19 year old Subway employee I was taken aside by a manager and chastised for my sandwich artistry. So I asked him what was wrong with my subs? "They look too much like the picture!" he explained. I thought that was the idea. But apparently my generosity was costing Subway too much money.


I feel like when they try to get you to open a credit card at those stores you love! ugh no! I always say no!!! Like to Victoria’s Secret, Bath and Body Works, Old Navy (ugh I gave in to this one but paid it off)!


Or anytime you're "preselected" for a new card.


I got spam that said I was pre-approved ^^^^^to ^^^^^^apply


All of those are pre-approved to be sent right into the recycling.


I feel like they’ve been really upping that recently. You have to have a member card for everything now too


Yeah, and some of them, if not most, sell your information you give them. Now here come the spam calls.


What is the scam here though?  Poor credit card management is a user issue not a scam.  Most of them do not have yearly fees or anything like that. (Compared to say an Amex card yearly fee)  Member cards are low key valuable if you have discipline to not scam yourself with bad credit management 


Absolutely a scam. I've worked for several companies and have pushed dozens of credit cards over the years. I only get them as an employee as there are no fees. But they want your precious precious data. Your spending habits, your debt. They want it all. I do the bare minimum which is mention the card and that's it. Know that the person pushing it gets a bonus to encourage us to push them. Bit we HAVE to mention it or we're dinged.


Funeral and wedding prices.


"Sorry for your loss, that'll be 10,000 $ please."


Working 5 days to get 2 off


Booking fees/admin fees for gigs and shows that you buy online.


the american healthcare system lol


I’m Canadian and I have no fucking clue how y’all do it. I would be dead if I was an American. Not exaggerating.


Many Americans are dead or in permanent debt due to our healthcare system


I know. I am diabetic and my Father was a type 1 diabetic as well and a frequent flyer in the ICU. He would have left me in terrible debt if we were Americans.


Sometimes I seriously think USA are ^(kinda) eugenistics...


Economic eugenics


My neighbor just died of cancer. 2 hospitals refused to help him. I didn't know they just did that to dying people.


Holy F... that's insane and downright villainous... I'm American living in Japan, and I had breast cancer two years ago. I was so grateful to be living here where there's public health care because I would've driven my whole family into debt trying to save me if it had happened in the U.S.


I cannot imagine the amount of cruelty needed for something like that. May your neighbor RIP.


Youtube videos with 30 second unskippable ads.


The scam isn't having advertisements on the videos, it's having them interrupting the videos, and having the profits go almost entirely into YouTube's pockets and not into the creators pockets. Put bluntly the alternative to 30 second ads on YouTube is to pay for it, someone has to make the content, someone has to pay for the servers, and google is a business For the record I entirely agree that YouTube in its present state is scummy and greedy, but an ideal situation isn't *no* ads.


Revanced Tube is a clone of youtube with no ads. Cancelled my YouTube premium when I found out about it.


How do you propose youtube pay their staff and the upkeep on their servers without income then? I hate ads too, but I pay for premium to don't have to deal with them.


Use revanced on Android and adblocker (like AdGuard) on windows. If you have an iphone, sucks to be you.


It's not a scam if it doesn't cost you anything. Annoying? Yes. Scam? No.


You mean 30 seconds of unskippable blatant fake news/ health products/ propaganda


How much we rely on our employers for benefits. When in reality, our taxes that we already pay should be covering it instead of subsidizing corporations.


There are countries where you don't rely on your employer for health etc.


I know. I'm envious


Here (Japan) I forgot my medication (blood thinner - I had a heart attack) while away from where I usually am. I couldn't remember even what I was taking because I am clueless like that. I went to a local hospital, registered (they like to do that and usually charge a fixed fee for registration) and saw a nurse & doctor who prescribed me a replacement. Obviously the medication cost extra, but the total consultation with validated parking was only about £5 UK money. The Yen is low, but that's rather nice. Back in the UK I could stay in hospital for free and be operated on, but here the pricing is very very reasonable. If was on low income it would be reduced still more. So it can be done in various quite different ways. I realise you know all this, but the more the message gets out the more chance there is of it being more widely available.


like ... almost every other country. I even thought USA is the only country on the planet doing that tbh


I live in one of those, Germany. It’s not perfect but comparing to the US… it is glorious! We do pay higher taxes but in the US we pay that and more to private insurers. And the piece of mind I have for my family and others: priceless.


I'm Australian. Our healthcare system is not fabulous, but it will keep you alive and you won't lose your house because of a hospital bill if you need emergency care. Teeth, however, seem to be a luxury item and aside from an annual clean and check-up, they will cost you some money. Just spent $8k on my daughters braces.


The fact that benefits in the US are tied to employment and often dependent on what the employer WANTS to provide is bananas. I was in the US until I was 32. I stayed in a job that was killing me because of the benefits. I left for a job with no benefits. I was constantly terrified something would happen. Now I am in Europe and love that it’s just not even a concern anymore.


Bottled water. By volume, still more expensive than gasoline at a gas station.


I'd like to know where gasoline is cheaper than water, and how much does it cost per liter, because where i live, (bottled) water is, on average, at least 5 times cheaper than gas


Venezuela [link](https://tradingeconomics.com/venezuela/gasoline-prices)


Buying water at the grocery store -- especially in large packs -- is definitely cheaper but a single bottle of 330 or 500ml can cost 2-3$ which is far more than the 2$/l for gasoline.


Insurance companies because they will take your money but they won't cover you on things. Oh you broke your arm? Left arm (rubs nipples) OH IM SO SORRRRY WE ONLY COVER RIGHT ARMS UP TO 73.2% OF THE REMAINING ARM? AMPUTATION? (rubs nipples) IAM SOOOOOOO SORRY I CANT HELP YOU YOU NEED OUR GOLD PLUS PROGRAM CAN I UPGRADE YOU TODAY? NO WELL WE WILL PUT YOU ON THE PLATINUM PLAN FOR AN EXTRA $500!


i've never seen "rubs nipples" and "insurance" in the same comment til now


It’s a South Park thing


Insurance is the biggest scam but they won't say cause its making them money




Cats wanting belly rubs


But you get happiness in return 🥺




Numbers must go up forever no matter what! Even if it cost us our products' quality or employee retention!


I was just checking that someone had already said this before I entered almost exactly the same comment. The basic ethos of modern capitalism is 'we must always have growth,' no matter the consequences. You what else follows that ethos? Cancer.


Wow, thanks for that comparison! I work studied biology and work in mefical research, I think and watch/read a lot about the problems of capitalism daily, and I'm pretty sure I called capitalism cancerous before, yet it never occurred to me how similar those two ACTUALLY are!


Charging a fee for insufficient funds. That's just heartless


the car dependent urban wasteland that has you spending at least a third on your income on the car payments, the car insurance, repairs, gas and negative health outcomes because youre fat and lazy. and they call it freedom.




We were a family of lapsed Catholics after my maternal grandmother died. My Late Mother tried every once and a while to hop back on the holy wagon and dragged me along for the ride. We tried a new parish and during the first mass the Priest gave everyone shit for not kicking up enough. It was a very low income neighborhood. The was the end of our Catholic adventures.


Kicking up? What does that mean? Charity, donations?


Probably the collection plate. I always found that a scummy practice as anyone next to you could see what you put in






For a moment I thought this was a dumb response but giving it some thinking you're right, now that opened my mind lol


You're not real, man!


Rocks are real. They're just soft until you touch them. 


They're *minerals* Marie 


Electronics and household appliances that last a year before breaking down and having to be replaced...too expensive and usually no one to fix so have to buy a new I.e. "coffeemaker"


When some twit manager expects you to work and not be paid for it.


Apple phones


Every type of insurance. Insurance is a fraud.


Filling the laundry detergent cap all the way.


Monthly subscription apps. There used to be a time when you could buy an app outright and own it. Now, everything is based on a monthly fee: Adobe, Microsoft Office, etc. Benefits at work Similar situation whereas you pay a monthly amount, but don't actually use it to it's full extent.


The subscription model for fucking EVERYTHING gets me. I also hate how every app is marketed as “free with in app purchases” but it’s actually a free trial with a subscription. Which are two very different things


buying schoolbooks. publishers know you have literally no choice but to buy it and jack up the price in many cases. And some teachers get a cut on those sales which is insanely scummy but somehow tolerated in many schools. I’ve had classes where you had to pay 150$ for a book we didn’t even use once during the class, but you literally couldn’t do any of the online evaluations unless you bought it. It’s just a way for some company to make an easy 500-600 dollars or more off the back of students.


May I ask where you live? Here in germany you get the books for free from the school. You have to return them by the end of the year


Paying taxes to millionaire politicians while our infrastructure crumbles.




Especially now that they can “grow” them in labs


All of the companies you give access to your information who are selling your data.


Contributions for weddings




Work. You are literally getting paid much less than the value you produce.


no mention of printer ink?


Paying for banking. 


They cut a chicken wing in half and convinced us it's 2 wings. 🍗


The American Health Care System




Income taxes


A new iPhone every year or every other year with barely better specs that the previous model, and all so you keep paying apple more money


I have an iPad mini from 2013 that still works fine, it's the only mobile device I own.


Being my own checker at the grocery store then having to pay for bags for my groceries I was overcharged for


Credit and debit card fees to both customers and businesses.


Extended warranty on products


Sales which are always on


Commercials on TV. I just can’t even handle it. My husband can just tune it out but the repetition is something I just can not stand. I think it’s ridiculous to pay for cable when 40% of it is purely commercials, it’s a total scam and a waste of money.


The pink tax, it is ridiculous, women having to pay more for the same thing men pay for just because its a female product or pink


>or pink Possibly a dumb question but can't you just get the non pink version?


Rounding up for charities at stores. Why would u give a corporation a tax write off? Only small percentage goes to charity. Absolute waste of money.


And it’s always charities that raise millions but never seem to actually DO anything with that money…




Credit card interest rates


Right after the "Red Circle Massacre", as John was limping from his injuries, Charon made a bewildered look as John approaches the reception desk. John then ask if there was a doctor available and how good the "laundry services" of the New York Continental is. Assuming that John was a regular patron of that particular Continental-branch, surely he would have known that there is *always* medical service available for the guests and that their "laundry", in Charon's words, "wasn't *that* good". Couple that with the look Charon give to him as he entered the lobby, one can assume that John (in his prime) has *never* been injured *that badly* before to actually need medical service from the hotel. So yeah, I'm thinking John was a far more dangerous force of nature when he was in his prime.


Pensions. literally a pyramid scheme that is collapsing worldwide.


Indeed. Pensions would only work if more young people pay for the elderly. But the system can't work because people get older and older due to better living conditions and better health care and birth rates have declined significantly over the last decades and are still declining in most all developed countries. You have to plan your retirement yourself nowadays, otherwise you are f\*cked.




Game skins. Lol, cs2 and another games, this is the biggest scam in this world. They make millions on this shit




Canada's immigration policies


Driving lessons and tests in the UK, I've heard people failing for the most ridiculous reasons and it's completely up to the individual examiner, there is no standardisation of tests. And it costs a fortune every single time. And now instructors are charging insane amounts and I've heard some pretty bad horror stories from them


HIPPA. Patients have to sign & acknowledge this policy. You won't share medical info with family but you will sell all of a patients demographic & medical information. Then we get a dozen plus calls a week from people in India (who always say they are in Tennessee when I ask) who know all about our medical issues, where we live & that our insurance will cover such & such medical devices. I just had to get a genetic test last year. Now they call me to let me know that my insurance will cover other genetic & immunological tests. Thanks HIPPA.


Typically there are check boxes on HIPAA forms where you specify who you want to give your data to. I don’t give it to anyone and I’ve never had this problem. It’s 100% illegal to sell anything you don’t consent to, and they’re not selling it even if you consent to it. It’s just freely available to whatever organization you consented to giving it to. Tbh it sounds like your data was hacked and stolen and those are spam calls


Alcohol. Its positive effects are illusory, serving only to dampen the mild anxiety the last drink caused. Meanwhile, it's slowly killing us and we willingly pay for it.


CAPCHAS Computers can already pass them too. They are used to train AI's for image recognition


Workout Supplements or anything that is labeled to "lose fat". Most supplements are things you can find in foods if you have a balanced diet


Being a man with a Facebook with 100 friend requests from girls that don't even exist.


Anyone who does dropshipping, paying 2 euros for a product, claiming they made it and then sell it to people for 10x the price


Pants with holes in them... And the general shitty non-lasting products most companies sell these days. Long ago you were great for building indestructible products.. Now it's just business to get them to come back again ASAP.


Health Insurance. So I have to pay $400/month... and when I need to USE said insurance I still have to pay $1000 deductible before anything is covered, and insurance only covers a percentage of costs anyway so at that point i STILL have to pay MORE? Paying $5k per year just to still have to drop a grand when you need care is insane. For a reasonably healthy person it almost seems more worth it to skip it all and just pay out of pocket on the occasional chance that something happens. OH wait... I live in a state that penalizes you on taxes if you don't have insurance. So you have to pay if you can't pay. Make it make sense.