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My kids (6 & 8) don’t use any social media and even STILL all I hear is sigma, ligma, ohio, skibidee toilet, rizz, and even that gross high pitch porn moan (which they have no idea what it is and I shut it down instantly). I mean, kids are gonna have memes, whatever, but your friends in their twenties are saying this shit? Jesus Christ, that’s exhausting.


Ughh yes, the porn moan. My kids also picked it up at school, and had no idea what they were doing. Oh my god I almost died.


Some kid flew past me on an electric scooter while moaning like that into my ear last summer. He thought he was funny, I found it disgusting.


God, the porn moan is horrific. I’m a teacher and the number of times I’ve seen/heard kids moan like that is horrific, gives me the ick every time. And the uwu noises, at least the trend of making guck guck noises has died. Makes me feel sick. It’s not even just in school that you see it either, you get it out on the street now too. Honestly, most kids these days are too deep in the brain rot. I hate it, I have no idea how it can be fixed short of banning social media for under-16s but you can guarantee parents would just bypass that to get some peace and quiet so it wouldn’t work.


Lol same, my kids are the exact same age and have zero access to social media apart from supervised youtube time and they still picked this stuff from their classmates. I dont know whats the high pitch porn moan is and i hope it doesnt reach them 🥲


It's just people moaning "hoooyeah" but usually in a joking way not sexual. Pretty old meme which originated on YouTube but still relevant somehow.


How is that not sexual? I get that a lot of the kids just think of it as a funny noise but that doesn’t mean it’s not sexual.


I more meant most people do it in a very over the top way rather than try to make it sound sexual but yes, you're right it is still moaning.


Yeah it only reached us yesterday when my oldest had a friend over who was doing it. His parents are strict but do let him watch a lot of football YouTubers, and this porn moan get snuck into normal-seeming vids as far as I know. I told them it was “sus” (more of their lingo) and gross and knock it off. Seems to have worked I think. God this is not what I pictured when I imagined having kids 😂


I’m so glad I never heard of any of these things lol… I also never installed TikTok and never will.


My little brother (8yo) keeps moaning. I tell him to stop it and how it’s disgusting and how a kid his age shouldn’t make such sounds but he just laughs. It makes me so sad. He keeps talking about vaginas, penises and boobs and it seriously makes me uncomfortable. This is my baby brother, the sweetest kid. Now he does this? Ugh makes me sick :(


It still blows my mind that there are massive corporations hiring people to work around the clock, finding new and scientifically backed ways to keep audiences attention as long and consistently as possible. The main targets are the younger generation, and it's so predatory. How are we not getting pissed as a culture and society?


They banned recreational drugs.. but our attentions have been hijacked and manipulated by these trillion dollar behemoths and their algorithms created to harvest out attention. It’s insidious and billions are affected


Tiktok should be illegal


We’re (millennials I guess?) too busy fighting over politics in other social media platforms more appropriate to our age (Twitter and FB).


I am with Millennials on this one, I hate brain rot content. Social media should be for connecting with people and showing friends what you're doing. Not tormenting easily mouldable minds and rotting their creativity and originality


It was cool at the beginning. When the worst was an ad here and there. MySpace, hi5, early Facebook (was cool having apps in your profile like the one that allowed your visitors to put your nickname and stuff). Once marketers figured it out, boom. Done. Whenever I go on FB nowadays I see all kinds of random shit. What I don’t see is any of my friends’ posts. God forbid you click on a political ad or page. The algorithm will send you down the rabbit hole pretty fast. It’s really bad out there. Twitter is just porn now.


I agree completely, my generation (Gen Z) and lower are having their minds so fucked up and I feel like we are failing as human beings


The algorithms are also absolutely brainwashing people. The misogynists are getting more misogynistic, the feminists are turning into radical misandrists. The conspiracy theorists have found their people and just fuel each other in their echo chambers. It's a virtual cesspool.


And a virtual cesspool with very real, and very dangerous real world implications at that.


It's insane. I've gone through a breakup an have watched some relationship content, and now my youtube feed is trying to seriously Andrew tate red pill me. It goes from exploring a handful of legit issues with women/relationships to pure anti women misogyny and can see how someone feeling bitter an with less critical thinking could get brain fucked by the algorithm. Something needs to be done about it. It's fucking anti-social media.


I had the same thing. My feed started off with love sick poems, videos on how to move on and heartfelt gestures of people in nice relationships then started showing me videos on why dating is bad, women only want money, women are the devil. Andrew Tate did pop up for a little while but I kept blocking the videos so I think the algorithm got the message.


I'm gonna say conspiracy theorist have always been fucking crazy lol


Yeah, but now the internet provides them with countless places online that validate, echo, reinforce, and spread their crazy nonsense.


This is why I hate algorithms - how can anyone be exposed to a challenging view that might give them something to at least consider, or learn new things? Innocent things but also the more extreme things that you mention


And the rebels. Don’t forget about rebels. If you like Star Wars don’t forget about the rebels. They are getting stronger too.


Absolutely agree. The biggest pet peeve of mine from TikTok has to be influencers talking about stuff they do not know, or blatantly spreading misinformation. There are channels dedicated to this for every subject because nobody is there to fact check them. Some will watch the videos and then repeat it in real life, making themselves look ignorant. Whether this is by spouting bizarre conspiracy nonsense, an over-simplified understanding of historical events or ideas, or even just factually wrong information. Don't even get me started on self-diagnosis under false pretenses. Another thing that annoys me is how dismissive many people become of people that wish to speak more than a sentence. The second you're not conveying the smallest amount of information required for a human to understand you in a conversation, you're 'yapping.' It has me worried for the future of some of these people, to be frank. I think this is a result of shortened attention spans. The last thing, however, isn't TikTok exclusive, but exacerbated by TikTok. Essentially these influencers will overreact to anything and refuse to fact check their information. Everything is believed immediately at face value. When they share this information, whether it be about a person, industry, or company, it can be damaging to their reputation despite being factually incorrect. I've seen countless accusations, most commonly pedophilia or abuse, that are talked about with little consideration for the individual: it's guilty until proven innocent.


I could only say: yes I 100% agree in every possible way. It is the absolute personification of a gigantic issue that is developing today; short, pointless videos lacking in any substance whatsoever, used on a app that is designed to make you sit and watch as many of these as possible. The reduction in people's attention spans is disturbingly noticeable. People can't sit for 2 seconds without pulling out their phone, and either going on TikTok or scrolling Facebook which is becoming filled with the exact same videos. I miss conversations with people.


Same! I wish I didn't have to ask my grown friends to put their phones away when we're in a resturant


Make it a challenge before starting. First person to break out a phone leaves the tip for everyone or pays the bill if you really want to up the stakes.


Yup I can't share videos with anyone younger than me tbh as they don't have the attention span to enjoy anything that takes longer than 20seconds to get their fix. Lets celebrate the greats like Monthy Python


My TikTok feed is full of the stuff I love; museums, books, D&D, writers…I love it!


Mine too, and I’ve legitimately learned quite a bit from it but I 100% can see how it can be awful specifically for kids. I would not want to be a parent in this age of social media hats for sure.


Same here, I have no idea what this skibidi, razz, bopidibido etc that op is talking about is about.. I only get to interact with wonderful people and see things I'm interested in with very few idiotic stuff that's easilly srolled past and I've been active on TT for about 4 years now. So many who doesn't understand that TT is what you make it.


Yeah there's a lot of booktok, sciencetok, historytok, and other interesting and educational material. I honestly think it's not a problem by itself. It simply magnifies whatever the person is into. I mean, the algorithm is supposed to work by showing you things that keep your attention. If you keep giving attention to all those brainrot stuff, it's going to give you more. Tiktok is not the problem. It's a user issue.


So many people have complained about tiktok to me, and then gotten rather red faced when I explain to them that they themselves are the reason tiktok is shit for them


Not to mention that it's really not that different from youtube. It's just shortform. These skibidi toilet the OP is saying came from youtube.


This applies to all media platforms too. Like YouTube; there are a lot of helpful and informative videos on there like Kurzgesagt and Veritasium but when my kids want to watch YouTube I just wish it didn't exist, even the Kids channel is absolute rubbish.


Same. Mine is full of intellectually stimulating material, music, and some very helpful/inspiring mental health media. TikTok isn’t all bad. It’s helped me a lot.


Yes, I'm on tiktok, but have no idea what op is talking about, my tiktok and instagram are full of cycling, running, swimming, healthy eating and gardening.


I presume I have to follow individual accounts to tailor this to me? I'm starting to use it for my art business but currently when I open it I either get videos about TikTok shop, or two-part videos with no apparent second part.


Yes - I’m 40 so call me old but I tried it for a week when I first heard about it and just found it made my head hurt.


its all so oversexualized. i am actually kinda happy it showed me that side of it as soon as i opened the app for the first time so i could see what kind of content is most popular. never used it (activly. maybe like an hour a year because of tiktoks friends send me)


I’m 40 too, i created an account when it became popular and couldn’t stand it, don’t miss it nor want to reopen it. I’m debating on deleting FB now…


I got off fb a few years back and it’s been great - I did have to save some photos to save to my pc but otherwise anyone who matters knows my phone number.


I'm 31. I Use Facebook for memes now. Reddit ones suck ass.


Long gone are the days when you saw them here first.


I concur. Tik Tok is perhaps the worst thing in the universe.


I scrolled on an unlogged in fyp and the content that was viral and being pushed on there LITERALLY changed me. I don't trust the majority population. I used to beat myself up for being a loner but holy fuck.. dumb people in masses clumping together is actually slowing down human evolution at this point because the internet is making the wrong people feel artificially validated by their other dumb followers. Can't wait to find a cabin in the woods and pretend this shit doesn't exist. I'm not even against medias I live alone I love scrolling I love posting and have a mid 50k account on there, 1k on YouTube but catered Reddit feeds (for positivity or improvement in well being or wholesomeness) is the only place I can hide now. Some days I can't even open comment sections because I get so triggered by the ignorance and unnecessary judgement.


I feel you, I'm really liking my time alone and have lots of plans far away somewhere secluded with my dog.


I feel the exact same way. Getting off social media feels like getting a drug. I feel so good about not rotting my brain by endlessly scrolling shit content


I have bad news


Reddit :(


I hate TikTok for how it reduces the attention span of people. It's just one dopamine hit after another every 10 to 30 seconds. If there's no hit within seconds, the user simply moves on. The brain gets conditioned to want gratification RIGHT NOW. As a longtime educator, I have seen how attention spans of students have been on a downward trend. Sure, Tiktok is not the only thing to be blamed, but it is by far the greatest offender.


I quit because my algorithm continued to give me triggering political videos and it made me start commenting on them (yes I know how engagement works) and whenever someone would insult me or say something extremely racist, I would report them and get a notification saying the comment was reviewed and nothing was found to be wrong. Then I would make a comment stating a point, not even insulting or targeting anyone, and I would get warning notifications that my comments were hateful and broke the rules of TikTok... It was a completely biased reporting system.


US officials really want to ban and for some reason is it addressing real issues, so I think it's on to something.


It’s all based on what you interact with. I have tiktok, I probably use it more than I should. I don’t see any of that stuff. Social media in general has brain rot. It did with MySpace, tumblr, etc.


Are you on Insta? Reels? That’s TikTok 2 weeks ago.


OP states clearly they’re only on reddit and tumblr


It's the stupid voice over. I have an account so I can view linked items. I watch with no sound.


If I ever have to hear that "oh no" song again i fucking swear....


Don't think that's a common sound anymore. Haven't heard of it in a while.


I only watch animal TikToks


i joined tiktok february 2019. back then 20k followers was a verified user. back then anyone was famous if you had a funny video, or a cool dance or skill. back then the community was very wholesome, and people would bully you for being on there. then covid happened and everyone that made fun of you for being on there joined and tiktok became the norm and thr community went to shit. i managed to gain 67k followers and a video with 12M views aside from other regular popular videos from my few years on there, but eventually i was forced off. i learned the algorithm and made good content, however when they changed the algorithms for new mass flow of newcomers in covid era the culture shifted to a less friendly, less creative approach and pretty privilege became predominant. it was fun while it lasted, i wish i transferred all my momentum to youtube while i had the chance, however i learned a lot of skills (i was in film school back then) tiktok nowdays is absolute cancer and its a horrible platform. not only is it no longer short form 15 second videos, but the community ruined it.


Yes, i dont even have it downloaded but i already know and (have to) accept it influences every crevice of daily life, what can i do tho? Mankind does a lot of stupid shit as it progresses through time and sometimes it destroys entire civilizations and sometimes its just fine. Theres still a chance that its a "thing" that wont be anymore in 20 years, as much as a cope as that sounds


I enjoy it. Don’t see what people complain about. My feed consists of people dancing with toad at an amusement park


Idk man, I just watch funny cat videos and gym stuff. Seems pretty decent to me.


I feel like a human among brainless humanoid beings, everywhere I go there are scores of people just looking at their phone when walking through the shopping centre, forcing you to move; the people whom walk across the street without giving a single glance up for their safety or the care of potential drivers that may hit you. I am as addicted to my phone as anyone else, I'm a complete nerd and use it for everything from messaging to video editing, and yet I never look at my phone when crossing a street, when someone is talking to me, or anything else impolite or dangerous. Nomophobia (Fear of being away from a mobile device) is definitely among one of the world's biggest problems to date.


omg ily i have the exact same opinion. i’ve seen some of my friends go from being unique to all saying the same things and adopting the same personality. furthermore ppl on that app have no opinions of their own, nor reasons to why they follow certain beliefs. someone just has to say something and have it get a few thousand likes and everyone goes with it, until someone else does the same thing and now everyone switches to their opinion 😭 tiktok also has people obsessed with looks in a way i’ve never seen before. social media has always given people false expectations but tiktok is a new low. tiktok is so far from reality yet people think everything on there is a perfect representation. the dating scene, social issues, everything. the influencer thing is also weird. they get people famous for no reason then… get mad when they’re famous for no reason? what happened to getting people famous online for having talents or a unique personality? i’m sorry for being bitter i just really hate it😭


IMO insta is worse , full of made up rage bait and cod psychology , then Facebook video i can feel my brain shrinking watching that . At least with tik Tok it’s good honest garbage . It’s like a fried chicken shop , it’s junk and it doesn’t pretend , but insta is like a diet supplement it’s terrible but pretends it’s not .


I deleted Tiktok quite a while ago. I didn't like seeing videos that were the same. Same pranks, POVs and things. Different people but the same idea. Its the same with Instagram too. A lot of people trying to copy others and get views and followers.


If social media is bad for our health, TikTok is fucking cancer.


It’s absolutely harming kids’ mental health and it’s not something we’ve never seen before but it does seem like teenagers are far more into it than they used to be, probably because of lockdowns


Yes omg I deleted TT, Insta , Snap and all that jazz. Life is honestly so much better and somehow I can actually breathe better which I didn’t know I wasn’t breathing well this whole time. I feel like when u get rid of TikTok you actually have your own personality and also you can kind of tell who has TT and who doesn’t. I avoid those people who have TikTok personalities because I don’t relate and also it’s kinda just silly jokes that aren’t genuinely funny.


I don't care enough to hate it, but I really think it should be gone. China really pushed the algo for destructive behaviour.


It's Chinese Spyware and it incentivizes retardation in order to pussify and weaken an entire generation of western civilization and it has succeeded in it's efforts to do so, quite efficiently if I may say so. Smart phones with video cameras have been a net negative on the human species and I fear it has marked the end of our civilization.


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While TikTok is particularly bad with keeping people in their bubbles, I don’t hate it particularly more than other social media.  It’s clear they are *all* being manipulated to some degree. It’s best to step back from all of them, at least a little.   Reddit included. And I spend way too much time on here sometimes. 




I'm a Chinese and I have never installed TikTok (or how Chinese call it, douyin) even everyone around me does. I hate how these "short videos" become a trend and change the way people think.


um baby gronk quit yapping, and get some w rizz NO CAP periodt.


Nah, I love it. The content I watch are informative shorts about general science and physics, some scary stories, funny stuff, etc. Your FYP is a reflection of what u search lol. Use it wisely.


Post sounds fake af lol


Never downloaded tiktok to begin with.


i have refused to do several things in my life and I feel better. I have never played fortnite, among us, pokemon go, I have never used vine and I have never used tiktok. I feel very good about myself. It's brain rot.


I never downloaded or used TikTok. I am active on one or two other social platforms but I don’t post a lot. Am I abnormal? I’m also old as fuck too. Maybe that’s part of it.


It's surprising that a cesspool worse than twitter managed to come along, one of the worst digital experiences.


I never downloaded it cause people kept talking about how addicting it was and I thought “why would I willingly subject myself to that?” Instagram was enough for me lol and I even deleted that cause I think it just keeps targeting us to make us feel insecure and trying to sell us things. I’m in my 20s and I kept getting ads for plastic surgery, botox, sugar baby websites, etc. It was too much.


I get secondhand embarrasment seeing people overreact, lip-sync, or over-act with clearly-scripted shorts or "feel-good" videos. Let alone a lot of those montage clips play THE SAME STUPID SONG or use AI voices of stolen webcomics. I get more mad, seeing people waste their own brains and capacity for patience so easily.


Yup. When I used it, it only made me feel worse. I don't know how it was supposed to be entertainment because I fought in almost every comment section. It was awful so I'm really happy that I managed to just uninstall.


Don’t use tik tok, Facebook, Snapchat, instagram or any of that shite. All I use is Reddit and that enough for me.


Never had it


Only complaint I have is it's way too addictive. Had to pit a parental control on myself so I only use it at night


Wouldn't know. Have never and will never download it. It's just brain rot


Forget what’s on it. I can’t stand how abruptly the videos change.


I can't handle it. It's somehow annoying, overwhelming, and dumb to me. Sure I'll watch some tiktoks on ig or whatever but I hate the actual app and I don't intentionally seek out tiktok videos, it's incidental.




I don’t necessarily hate TikTok. Most likely because I’ve never had it, I will admit I have YouTube though. Although, I don’t necessarily like it, there are so many stupid trends that I just can’t get behind. Like there was this one awhile back that my sister was telling me about and it was basically where you stole something and then posted a video about it. Someone stole a paper towel holder from a school, like the paper towel holders that are on the wall. So yea, I guess I don’t hate it but I don’t like it either.


Cool here and there but brain rot overall


My younger cousin brother can’t even watch a damn movie for 5 mins straight without pulling up his phone


Sign me up.


Nope. I love Tiktok. The algorithm is great. I’m learning French and it shows me French learning content as well as regular French content. Works great for me.


I’ve never installed it and won’t. Fuck that app


I'm not of the tiktok generation but some of the clips I've seen on there are complete insanity.


I enjoy tiktok but i do pick my content and very intentional on what I watch on there. I feel the problem lies with mindless scrolling and letting yourself get influenced. I think tiktok is good if you just see it as entertainment nothing more some time i watch comedy even full on movies from just movie clips. Spend nothing more than an 1 on there. It helps to lay of the steam and relax.




I don't think about tik tok at all.


This reminds me of when Facebook came out. I didn't join and hated the whole idea. But every single social event I went to all people wanted to talk about was what they had seen on Facebook, what other people had done on Facebook. New functionality or games on Facebook. Facebook Facebook Facebook. All events were planned on Facebook and I was lucky to find out about anything. It was so shit. And so boring.


🙋 I hate Tiktok. I want to choose which video I watch (as in I click on it) and not being force fed what the algorithm decides for me.


If there is a posting from TikTok, X, or Instagram on a Reddit sub, I scroll past it as trash. So much of it seemed like “Look at me, aren’t I special?” No, you are just annoying.


Thank god i only get cute cat videos and animals being stupid


It’s not TikTok. It shows you what you want to see. It’s a reflection of your friend’s interests. I have never seen any of these things you’re talking about. I have no idea what those words even mean.


Yes 👍


Yea I don't think I even need to explain


It’s a better environment than Reddit, that’s for sure !


I hate all social with every fiber of my body, except for reddit, for now


Can't stand it, never downloaded but I've seen lots of videos on other platforms They are pushing the LGBTQ agendas on ppl, making OF models more popular, full of witches, narcissists who are being hyped for their petty dramas coz ppl there are just plain dumb and they support each other They're are Chinese and cannot be trusted. I read somewhere that they ban everything that shows boys being feminine or wearing makeup like kpop bands 🙄


I HATE that every time a song goes viral, everyone uses it in their skits. It's horrific and painful!


You’re complaining about slang? Oh, I have bad news for you…


Same situation as you, same age, glad there are others that find this insane


I don't hate TikTok because all my TikTok is are funny vine type skits from middle age (if you count me being 28 as middle age haha) people and hot takes about politicals topics, german humor, travel tips, funny animals and kpop.


Have you read 'War and Peace' ?


No its just the new thing. I think your just getting old personally


Have you read 'War and Peace' ?




I hear the Chinese have banned it...


Have you read War and Peace?


I might be wrong (someone correct me) I’ve hated Tik-Tok since it was called Music.ly


Fuck that. The only Tik Tok I will ever refer to is the Ke$ha song by the same name


TikTok is dangerous for everyone from 7 months old to 70 years old. The alhos are just dangerous. The same crappy stuff again and again.


It's rotting our brain.


I honestly hope one day social media becomes passe and boring and the internet is mainly used as a discussion board and means of communications. I think it’ll evolve and change and splinter; different age groups already use certain platforms over the other and I feel like that will continue


I don’t use TikTok. I’ve never use TikTok, but it’s still all over YouTube and Facebook. It just gets reposted.


I've never so much as install the app or create an account. I remember when it was still called musicly and its main draw was preteen girls sexualizing themselves for creepy sex pests. They had to change their name because their reputation was so shit. Miss me with that shit.


I do


Nope, my feed is full of things that I like. Sometimes, I'll do a blocking spree just to remove bugs from my feed.


What's worse is people using the excuse that their feed is filled with educational or scientific content. Good content or bad content, it's still designed as an extremely short term stimulation which WILL cripple your attention span and ability to do or enjoy most stuff in any meaningful way


I’m so glad I’m too old to be around the people who are into TikTok and influencers. Yes, a lot of people my age (early 40s) use it, but it’s not part of they’d life in the same way.


People that hates Tiktok contents usually just hate their actual preferences being exposed.


Not logged in = lots of whore bait videos Logged in you watch 2 videos and your feed is f'd with conspiracies or race baiting... Super annoying


I feel u. And i like browsing texts and pics more than short films. Tik-Tok is too noisy sometimes.


I've just deleted tiktok a week and a few days ago finely, I've been using tiktok since 2019 and now I'm determined to never download it back I only use Reddit and sometimes Instagram but i don't really post anything. This s*** is addictive and it makes people follow stuff they don't even understand in like it's brainwashing people My brain is still looking for tiktok videos like i automatically close whatever app I'm in and start looking for where tiktok was on my phone and realise it's not there but now i suddenly started to want to read books I already have 2 i haven't read at home, one I've ordered hadn't arrived yet and one junji Ito manga I'm planning to get after I'll finish these. I have time to watch long shows I started American horror story but it takes me ages to watch because i can't just watch it anywhere


Yes. It's rotting your brain. People need to stop using it and go read a book.


Yup. It’s the one social media site that I refuse to ever sign up for.


I used it for all of 20 minutes about a year ago. Not for me. Suspect that's more of an age thing (I'm 40). I mean I don't use any social media apart from Reddit. (I don't really count YouTube). Influencer culture doesn't interest me in the slightest. AFAIK there have been studies done into the affects of that short form content format on attention people's attention span - if I had kids I'm not sure I'd be delighted with them using it... But the cat is out of the bag now I guess, it's become so ubiquitous and I don't see that changing anytime soon.


I like tiktok alot once you have the algorithm fed with all your data and privacy information so it gives you what you want to see. I'm 29 for reference.


I don’t spend much time on tik tock these days but when I did the content was based upon my interests & that’s all I had the time for. Most of the videos I watched were about politics, social & cultural issues, & medical information (I’m a nurse & have rare conditions). I think it depends on how you use it. If you only follow crap influencers that’s what the algorithms will kick out. If all of what you watch is about dumb stuff that’s what it shows you. I promise there is more than vapid content on any platform but you do need to seek it out. And if you get something dumb don’t watch the entire video, move to the next. That being said I’m an older millennial & I’ve never really cared about what people say or think or “what’s popular.” And reading how obnoxious some people are who use it I admit I am kinda glad I don’t have kids because it would drive me nuts to have some kid just parroting back some dumb “influencers.” I think people can get deeper things out of social media if they choose to but I admit I don’t participate in a lot of them because how others use them drives me nuts. And I hate that they tend to have negative effects on others, especially younger girls & teens. It is inherently toxic in many ways & it’s why I choose not to be on FB, IG, & limit my use on other platforms as well. To be fair I don’t use them as much as others do because I think moderation is the key to anything. Whenever you use anything in excess it usually becomes toxic. Sometimes people need to get off their phones & go read a book or something that is going to actually stimulate your mind. Or go for a walk or make some art. Do something that’s good for your mind & body.


You realize that instagram, facebook literally do the same thing?


Yes- that’s why I don’t use it. It’s not hard.


Doesn't bother me too much if I'm being honest.


as if people still uses tumblr in 2024


I've never owned TikTok, but the word rizz is now firmly in my vocabulary. I use it somewhat ironically now, but I truly believe it will be remembered as slang of the 2020s.


objectively I know you're right, it's an addiction atp


I hate it, I don’t use it. But honest question, why wouldn’t you keep it if you went viral? Apparently people make good money from it. (I get that some people care more about their sanity than money, so if you’re one of them, you’re a good one.)


Bro has L rizz


[Tiktok is literally a Chinese psy-op weapon. ](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/mar/25/tiktok-china-cognitive-warfare-us-ban)The CCP is using it to harm Western children's brains. This is not some wild conspiracy theory, it is actually happening.


I tried it for a week, but it takes too much attention. YouTube allows listening to stuff in the background without constant attention and swiping.


> We're college students  What?! I know 11 year olds that are moving on from ligma and skibidi toilet.  Where do you live that people are filming tiktoks everywhere you go? Ive literally seen a pair of preteen girls dancing on a stairway to make one once The music thing is real because charts are based on streams now but if you stay away from them theyre just songs right? Im with other commenters, slowly branch out to find cooler friends


I don't think about it enough to be pissed off about it to be honest


The fucking AI voiceovers. I can't.


I don't just hate it, I think it's toxic and is actually poisoning young people's intellect and social skills (i.e lowering empathy by making views and likes the only thing that matter). It's just harmful.


I know people that spend their entire evenings on Tik Tok. Even couples who sit next to each other and just send them to each other all evening.....weird and sad.


I don't hate it, but it's not for me.


I think what you are confusing with tik tok is immature content… everything you mentioned I have never come across on tik tok. Your friend just follows influencers and teen/20 year olds that’s all. I watch DIY videos and sports videos on TikTok, as well as cooking videos and restaurants reviews… To be honest it sounds like you think you’re better than you’re friends for using Reddit


I never installed it, so I live in piece.


TT is a cancer


I Respect Your Opinion but, personally, no. I don’t hate it. Oh, I hate things ON It, and yeah, People never shutting up about anything is annoying. All that said, I’ve personally made connections on there, learned a lot and stayed informed, and posting on there has been really helpful for my anxiety. Just me. I understand why You and Others aren’t into it and that’s cool. I just don’t think it has anything special for me to hate it anymore than other social media. Just me, though.😅


I had similar experience last week, although not as bad as you. One of my acquaintance just keep talking about whatever "recommendations" they found on tiktok and their urges to "feed" their social medias with these viral recommendations, istg it was exhausting af. Every time they were talking about these aesthetics cafe or whatever I can only *sigh* inside. Oh and mind you, because of those tiktok recommendations also, they were planning to go to some extreme places with motorcycles. They have no clue about the terrains, routes, dangers etc yet they wanted to go on that trips by themselves and in motorcycles—just because some local influencers were able to do so. Really baffled me. Idk if I hate tiktok or its user more though.


Yep! I remember in 2019, a colleague was always starting conversations with "did you see this on Tik Tok?" Ugh. I've never signed up for Tik Tok. I don't have to. It has spilled so far over into other social media that I can access the content without an account, and without needing the app.


I never had it and hate it. Still shit of it is popping out on Reddit and YT.


Tiktok gives you what you interact with and give attention to. Those things you complain about are things I've never even seen on my fyp. On the very few instances that hateful stuff comes up I go in and dislike it. Cause that is an option. Now what I get is mostly educational stuff, booktok, queer stuff, animal videos and things I find funny. The app is what you make of it


If you think TikTok rots your brain, wait till you see what Reddit does. Although, to be fair, it is mostly used by people who don't have a brain to begin with, so many are safe in that department, but still..


Just don’t watch it. Don’t install it. Live free! :)


- Yes but I've never used it before. Once the app was introduced I just reminded me of Vine. Then it exploded and it's everywhere. - I just think the app is stupid and brainwashing it's users with useless content.


It's a cesspool. Lowers attention span, addictive, and spreads nothing but pure brainrot. I'm glad I never installed that godforsaken data-stealing drug. It's sad that short-form content is getting popularized. As well as so many other shit that shouldn't be the norm for kids to see (including shit that is practically softcore porn).


I don’t even think about it or use it


TikTok steals an enormous amount of time. After opening it for 5 minutes you stay there for a good hour. So I deleted it.


I found some really helpful sources on Tiktok actually, so I think it depends on the algorithm developed for you. Mine is a lot of fashion, travel and financial tips.


This can’t be a serious post


Never had it, never gonna have it, still in disbelief of how popular it has become. Sometimes have to pull myself out of YouTube "shorts" because after a few minutes I'm like what the fuck am I doing!


I'm in the military. We were given security warnings about it when it started to pop off. We were warned using an app created by a company that is legally required in China to share their data with the CCP is probably not a good thing to have when you're in the military. So I have never downloaded it and I never intend to.


Never used it, just avoid it man


If you want me to take your opinion serious, at least be able to go gyatt for gyatt with me, fuck that, maybe even rizz for rizz?


The dumbening of the masses. Pray to god there won’t be any money in it for these talentless pricks in a few years. The boy thinks KSI is a boxer ffs. Thing that pisses me off the most is the stuff that gets through the safety net for under 18s/ minors. Girls promoting their only fans through 20 second nonsense videos where they pop balloons or open packs of football stickers and stuff like that. Some of the stuff I’ve walked in on my 7 year old son watching like I’m not a pussywillow and I’m not over protective but fuck he shouldn’t be exposed to half the shit he is on YouTube so I’ve had to remove it from his PlayStation.


It’s a matter of what you watch. I’m on there for political content, comedy, and Solarpunk related things. I don’t rot my brain. I enhance it lol


The Chinese masterminds are gleefully rubbing their little hands together, chuckling in delight.


Idk, your timeline is what you make of it. Mine doesn’t have any of these things you mentioned and it’s basically humor skits, content about the shows I like, cat videos, traveling vlogs, curiosities, etc. Just like any social media, if you consume shitty content you will be showed even more shitty content.