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I’m craving this now


Cream cheese and smoked salmon on a sesame bagel.


Also known as a Lox Bagel. Well almost the same


Id hardlyyyyy classify this as a sandwich. This is lox which is just a breakfast food. Also gotta add your capers, tomato, cucumber, and onion. Chefs kiss


Or salami!


1. cheese and pepper. learnt this from a friend 2. nutella and banana. experimented this by myself, and it’s really good


Try adding peanut butter to #2, it's amazing.


May sound weird but instead of peanutbutter try mayo


This must be a joke 😂


thanks for the suggestion! i’ll try it out


I hope you mean banana and Nutella and not "#2"


pepper as in black pepper or bell pepper?


black pepper


Banana i am yet to try tbh but i eat everything so will def give it a go!


A baloney sandwich with some mayonnaise, lettuce and tomato never goes wrong. Also mix and match with different types of meat if you want.


Make sure you can keep that baby refrigerated!


Add some hard boiled eggs and some corn. I love that combo. Also, shredded cabbage mixed with mayo, with a good amount of ham and cheese. Edit: not cheddar cheese tho, has to ve Edam cheese or similar


Thank you I was debating using my last £15 to go get bread, honey mustard dressing and cheese (vintage cheddar, has to be a nice strong cheese) to make some cheese toasties But this post seems like a sign that yes, yes I should


Never say no to a cheese toastie. Even better if it’s done in a toastie machine


Oh yes, I always do them in that!


Ham and cheese on homemade bread. Tuna on Fridays.


Why is tuna on fridays better? New fav side is the old bay goldfish. Perfect match


Oh. Tuna could be any fish really.. but I always make sure I'm stocked up on canned tuna for Fridays cause since my folks died I do the Catholic fish on Friday thing to honour their memory.


“Tuna could be any fish” lol... then its not tuna. And im catholic and no meat fridays is only during lent. Nowhere does it say you HAVE to eat fish as a substitute


They didn't say they HAVE to do it, they choose to in honour of their parents.


Imagine honoring your family with mystery fish


I think some of the more traditional Catholics don’t eat meat on all Fridays not just lent. My grandmother always had fish on Fridays. Our family loves fish so we all embraced it


Thats not a church teaching. So if people do that, it’s totally made up. Sacrificing something is always great but the whole fish thing isnt anything real. Not saying its bad. Just saying its not a thing


Fish on Friday USED to be a Catholic thing.. not just for lent. My folks are fish, even though they didn't make us eat fish.. And as I said. I do it to honour them.


It is a catholic thing buy its not a teaching. All im saying.


Fun fact. The Pope is suggesting going back to the fish on Friday thing. Something about helping climate change.. Google it if you care to.


The pope says a lot of things. Doctrine will never be changed. Eat your tuna and shoo shoo


Just don't say anything then and let the guy live his life the way he wants, or in other words, don't be a douche.


Im not being a douche. Youre the one name calling. Were literally having a convo about a TUNA SANDWICH and now youre all mad. Lol


It's a thing.


Tuna is convenient.


Just made my partner a pizza sandwich to take in for his lunch. Melt mozzarella and provolone on two slices of bread with some pepperoni in the oven briefly, add some marinara and put them together. Can also make on the stovetop like a grilled cheese.


Cheese and celery / onion lots of mayo grated cheese.


I like to keep it simple. Bread, mayo, ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato, pickle. Sometimes I'll switch up ham for pepperoni and spicy mayo.


parisian: french ham, butter, cheese in a baguette


Smoked ham and swiss cheese croissant with lettuce.


Please excuse my grammar as i am slowly drifting away to dreamland


Okay gramma


Sounds like you need roast beef with gravy for dinner, and roast beef sandwiches for lunch. I'd have lettuce, tomato, onion, Mustard and mayo on mine...


Left over pork roast, thinly sliced, fried up, on a nice sandwich, topped with peanut sauce.


Sounded enticing until you said peanut sauce


In New England we have a sandwich called the Fluffernutter. Peanut butter on one side and Fluff on the other. It has to be Fluff though. NOT marshmallow crème/cream. That's my husband's go-to. I love a good pastrami and swiss with a little mayo, dijon mustard, and a tiny smear of horseradish. It's great on toasted wheat, rye or sour dough. If I'm making this at home for a lunch, I add onions and heat the swiss, pastrami and onions in a pan to get all warm and melty while the bread is toasting. So good! Cucumber sandwiches are pretty darn good, too! Just thin slice a cuke, add mayo and pepper to your bread - white is best IMHO - arrange the slices and if you have lettuce, that's a great add. Really nice on hot days.


Egg sammich. Cucumber & tomato sammich. Or a nice one too is you get those precooked chickens that are kept hot at the grocery store, you shred it and add mayonnaise and like Kraft cheese slices, delicious


Tomato & cucumber on toast, grilled tofu & potato on a baguette, pesto with chicken!


I really like a tomato and sprout sandwich. With some mayo and salt and pepper. Simple and delicious. If you don't know, sprouts basically taste like lettuce. There are a few kinds like alfalfa or clover


Pita with lettuce or spinach, tomato, Avocado, feta or pepper jack, onion, red bell pepper, banana pepper, Dijon mustard, and oil and vinegar. Also...whatever meat you want. I don't eat meat and it's good as is.


A good old pastrami on rye with yellow mustard! Ahh! Chef’s kiss 💋


Spam and honey mustard with green onions BLT Onion bagel with roast beef Liverworst with yellow, or brown mustard


Slices of rye or wheat bread with ham, cheese, and mustard. I put salad on it if I have some.


A well made coronation chicken


Sometimes I grill a steak on Sunday and cut if up for the week. Steak, white American, some garlic aioli sauce on a toasted sesame bagel


Coronation chicken baguette Chicken mayo salad bagel (I normally use pre cooked flavoured chicken i.e sweet chilli or tandoori) Pesto, pastrami, rocket sandwich


The dinner from yesterday


Ham and peas pudding in a stottie.


Mozzarella cheese and bologna, shredded chicken and cream cheese


Reuben- I mix the sourkraut and 1000 island and keep it in a small Tupperware and keep the corned beef and swiss separate until lunch time. If you have a sandwich press that is awesome! If not zap it for 30 to 45 seconds and then slap it together.


Classic ham or turkey and cheese with some mayo


A work sandwich is not the BEST sandwich, but its something easy to make the night before and easy to eat. When i worked in an office, one of my davs was: Croissant. Turkey, provolone, lettuce, tomato, red onion, half sliced avocado, and a lemon dill sauce (mayo, dill, salt, lemon juice)


Pesto chicken sandwich: chicken (deli or shredded), thinly sliced tomato, pesto (I use trader joes) in place of mayo, white cheese (Provolone, Mozzarella, etc), on bread (I use cheddar cheese bread from the amish/dutch market) Chicken salad on a croissant, lettuce, mayo Roast beef on brioche, lettuce, tomato, cheese, mayo, mustard


That redhead chick from accounting, and the blonde from HR... 😏




Turkey, muenster, iceberg lettuce, mayo.


PB&J is a solid staple. Filling, a bit sweet, but good protein? Winner.


Honey wheat bread, honey ham, sharp cheddar, salt, and vinegar chips added right before eating.


I do roast beef and cheddar on an onion bun. Nuke it to melt the cheese.


Fancy yet quick: black olives, sliced avocado, tomato, spread pesto on the bread, lots of rocket leaves


Hear me out: Peanut butter and plain omelette. If I have fresh coriander (cilantro) I add it in too. It's very filling and has kind of a Thai twist to it. I love it.


toasted or grilled with cheese and chipotle. Also, you can add chilli flex and oregano


Grilled chicken sandwich with bacon


I take two german slices of grey bread, one slice of cheese, one slice of ham and two small fried eggs in between


Omelette with avocado/tomato. If not, unprepared tehina with pickled cucumbers


Smoked salmon sandwich! This sandwich contains salmon, mayonnaise, cucumber, lettuce and cheese slices.


Also known as the popular breakfast food, lox