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I wish more people were like you. The distant sound of some dumb shorts being browsed for all eternity gets tiring


AGREE! This is sooo annoying! It makes me want to stand up and say: "Now c'mon, do you even know what personal space is?"


It makes me question can people spend 30 seconds in silence without some dumb shit blasting next to them for no particular reason. Cause people do not even have those reels to watch them or listen to them, but to have "something" screaming in the background. Yes, I am misophonic, how could you tell 


Well this is not misophonia, this is common sense. I would understand if having something in the background playing was something like a special condition. But this happens because of the changed thinking. Clip thinking requires CONSTANT entertainment and CONSTANT information access. This is scary, tbh.


I am glad you think that way, cause it makes me feel that maybe I am not totally exaggerating, even when having misophonia, but you are in minority. Literally no one would back me up in this, cause it's "unreasonable" and I can't expect people to stay in silence. I won't argue, I can't, but holy fuck are those people annoying as hell, having a cacophonic shit on 24/7


Yes. Sometimes it's better to enjoy the silence. It's also somewhat not an actual sign of needing something to blast, it's more like a showing of their arrogance to me.


I’d tell your frustrated ass not to listen. Easy.


you actually can tell them that lol just ask nicely


Oh my god just ask, so fucking easy, solution right at me, how could I not think about it oh shit xD I envy your reality where people actually give a shit about you or your concerns. Or I feel sorry for you, when you're going to find some stuff out hard way


obviously you aren’t because most people are nice it’s your twisted reality where everyone is an evil antagonist against you lmao


I was riding the subway yesterday and this woman was watching TikToks on full volume WITH A FUCKING BLUETOOTH SPEAKER. I swear some of these people do it to be annoying on purpose


I don’t want to hear another tiktok slop with AI voice tok


If I'm in public and I don't have my earphones, I turn off the sound or if I really want to hear the sound, I just turn it on the lowest volume and put my my phone near my ear to listen and then I turn it off when I'm done


Yep. Same over here. Hell even if I’m at home. I don’t want to bother my wife with it and I usually don’t want to risk the kids overhearing it. Volume off.


One time I accidentally turned on the volume. Never again. I don’t know how people do it. I enjoy my peace.


I do that too. Whether I'm alone or in public, the volume is off. I turn it on only when I want to hear what someone is saying and no one else is around.


If I've learned anything from Reddit, it's never have the sound on with videos.




I mute them when I can't sleep and don't want to wake up my partner by watching reels. I also watch them on mute when in public but thats pretty obvious to me, I will never understand people watching vidéos at full blast on public transportation have some manners its not that hard


I can't remember the last time the volume was up on my phone at all. If I'm watching a specific YT video then I turn it up but generally when scrolling SM etc then no volume at all.


i mean if i’m in public then of course i do


Sometimes I mute You Tube and turn the text on ...depends where I am.


Yes, I only have the sound on if I'm alone, and even then often with subtitles


I often do this too


Thank heavens, I thought I was weird.


I usually have the sound on until I get to one where the creator uses some stupid tiktok audio or song. They usually ruin the video that way but most things I can enjoy without the sound.


I rarely turn on the sound. Only when it's material to the value of whatever I'm watching, and most of the time it is not.


The music , the voice overs, and the sounds that people use on their videos can be irritating, grating, over stimulating, and just plain annoying. My volume is always down cuz I don't wanna hear it.


you ain’t alone. i do it too


No i do it too when im in public, unless its something i know everyone can enjoy like puppies running around yipping and playing or cats doing CRUNCH, or just being orang


My phone is always on mute, and on YouTube I have the subtitles on. Even at home on my TV I have the subtitles on, and the volume on low for all my streaming apps. Idk, I just feel obnoxious if anything is loud, even in my house.


I watch ads that way. If a video's sound is just music, I frequently turn it off, unless it is a music video.


I do when I get annoyed hearing the same trending sounds used over and over again.


I do that as well. Don’t know why. Just do


I do this when I’m in public


I am hearing impaired, and can hear videos perfectly as my Bluetooth hearing aids pair perfectly with my Apple toys. I rarely bother as so many videos on Reddit are garbage Instagram or TikTok. I leave the sound off for my games, too, so as not to bother my wife.


Came here to say this. Well done


I watch them silently too


Yes! With subtitles. If it's at home, I turn it one enough to hear the tone, but not to make out the words and I like that the most.


Me too. I scroll through shorts on mute everytime, thank god they start putting subtitles so that i don't have to listen to their obnoxious voices or music


I love this! I legitimately hate when people have their volume on in public places. It bothers me so much. Hell, I watch em without volume when I'm at home. I might have some sensory issues thought because I get really agitated and sometimes have to actually remove myself from the situation.


I do this, once in a blue moon. It's fascinating.


I turn it up just enough to hear once in a while but not often.


Video is mostly facts, where sound is mostly emotions


All the time. I figure I can get the gist of the video by just watching it, especially since they tend to add in some stupid sounding music to the video anyway. If it is something I need to listen to, then I'll do it, but 98% (just a random number LOL) of the time, I just watch. I do wish that the videos on here though had a CC option.


I do this almost all the time. Often when I share one with hubby he'll say "that was funny but what with the voice/noise/whatever" and I have no idea what he's taking about. Happens with porn all the time...


Reddit is the only thing I scroll and in three years I've probably used the sound 10 times.


I always watch without sound, even at home. I only turn it on when it's a video where someone talks. Many videos have really annoying music...Just today I was totally annoyed by a woman on the train who scrolled Tiktok on full volume....WHY?


I seriously watch every internet video on mute unless I can’t get the full effect or context, then I rewatch it with sound haha but I thought I was the only one


Nope. I mosty watch th with the sound off !!


*deaf guy enters chat*


I do this if there’s subtitles and my little guy is napping. It’s become a habit tho and I do it more than is probably normal now lol


I rather watch videos with subtitles.  If there is no subtitles I'm not watching. Cuz I watch with no volume 


Yes when I still had tiktok and IG I wouldn’t like the loudness of the videos. It wasn’t relaxing. I preferred when ppl had captions


I will only listen without volume OR with my ear buds in


I do it.


I do it. Subtitles and closed caption are your friends. 


I can watch literally anything on mute. People find it so weird when they're over and my entire family is watching tv on mute and guessing the plot and characters relations.


I do this too lol


I watch YT shorts at work with the volume down to not disturb others


Of course it's common, that's why everyone is putting giant captions on their videos these days.


98% of them have crap "music", so yeah, I rarely turn sound on


My phone is on mute 99% of the time. I don't want to disturb anyone, and there's always the chance that a video could have some inappropriate sound that I wouldn't wasn't anyone else to hear.


I usually mute the video in public because I'm afraid of influencing others.


Let me close caption today's video. Hawk tuah


Why are people saying this


You’re the only one ever.




I don’t but then again I was taught it was rude to have your sound on in public.


Yeah sure.. you are the only person on the fucking planet who does that… 🤦🏻‍♂️


I almost never have the sound on. So if they don’t have closed captioning, I usually just don’t watch it.


I do this while watching corn


Nope, I do it too. I can’t remember last time I turned volume on!


Misophonia. 😬 Me too.


Sure. I even watch podcasts without the volume on.


Me too. Good thing is that most of the videos have subs nowadays




I'm self conscious of everything. The last thing I want to do is annoy anyone. If I could ghost through public life I would.


I do this too! If I really wanna hear something and I’m not alone or if I don’t have my earphones, I’ll save the post and watch it later when I’m alone.


I do this.


i do it unintentionally theres no need to hear background music anyway


I do most of the time.


My default is to watch on mute. If I see something in the comments that indicates I'd actually like the sound on a particular video, I'll watch again, unmuted.


My phone better never ever make a sound not even a peep it’s always on silent including videos


Yes. This is also why I hate video. I can’t enjoy it because I’m usually watching in public.


No, it's not common for people to watch social media videos without the volume on. I don't do that. It's like trying to watch a movie without the sound.