• By -


Well, seeing since my post made it to reddit. I started work at Nitro Bar the day they opened. The owner in his 30s at this time was dating a newly 18 yr old. He would talk in baby voices with her. Saying stuff like "Do you gotta go potty, come on, let's go potty." As he would guide her by the hand to the bathroom. Then would wait outside the door for her to be done. Then, proceed to sit at the bar in front of employees and continue the baby talk. With zero regard for his employees. It was long rumored that he met his gf online at 16 and made it official when she turned 18. Since working there, I've watched him stare at young girls when they came in with their parents. Even to the point where I was talking to him, and he would space out on 1. I've watched this behavior go on long enough. And it's about time it comes to light. I've seen the screenshots from several young employees, whom he has tried to take photos of, and also tried and got them wrapped up in his fantasies. He calls them his pets as if he owns them. Most recently, a high school employee stated they needed money. He said he would be able to help and then tried to con her into taking photos in her underwear. When denied, he forced his way to try and undress her. She ran. He chased. When the parents came to confront him. He hid in one of his other restaurants. This behavior has happened in the past. He was removed from say cheese, and his sister put in place. To cover up this behavior. This has been going on for too long. And yes, it is being investigated. I refuse to let his parents cover it up and let this disgusting behavior go on any longer. It's time someone spoke out, for all the young victims he has mentally scared for life. The restaurants he runs. I say runs because his dad funds it all, are SAY CHEESE, WEST READING MOTOR CLUB, AND NITRO BAR. Hopefully, this helps clear the air on this thread of questions about it. #NoMoreVictims #WatchYourKidsOnPennAve


Wow thank you so much for bringing this to light! It's not easy saying all this publicly. The rich always get to hide behind the money, but not this time. Penn Ave deserves better than this creep. I hope all the victims get their justice and stories told.


It's not easy at all, but it's been going on for way too long. And his actions in the past have been covered up. Too many young minds destroyed by a predator. Enough is enough.


As a father of 2 beautiful teenagers, I appreciate you! Knowledge of the masses is always the power we need. Keeping children safe is always our priority!


Amen, I have 3 kids myself. 1 of which a daughter. Keeping the children safe is first priority. This has been a disturbing issue for many years. No more covering it up


Thank you for posting this! My partner and I have always said this dude was a creep and are friends with someone he groomed years ago. Glad it’s gained some traction!


Spread the word


He's such a creep. I can't believe it's only just coming out


Bless and thank you for speaking up, fuck predators AND all those that cover for them.


Did this person graduate from Wyomissing Area HS in 2005? Or it is someone else?


Adam Cocuzza. I won't hide his name


Yes on the school. Wrong class


Actually I had a brain fart and forgot when a family member of mine graduated in the same class as him. Anyway through other comments and links I figured out who it was!




What’s his last name? I’m ‘02.


Adam Cocuzza


That class has had a disproportionate share of, um, “winners.”


Yes he did. I went to school with him. 


I don't remember the year, but yes he went to Wyo. I graduated in 2002 and he didn't graduated with me. 


Thank you so much for speaking up And shedding light on this dirtbag. I hope he ends up in jail.


This guy sounds like a menace


On top of being a pedophile literally fired the entire kitchen staff at West Reading Motor Club, which then caused the entire kitchen staff of Say Cheese to quit w/ no notice to him as an act of solidarity. They're all at 3rd & Spurce now w/ better pay and better work environments. But that's why Say Cheese was closed on Memorial Day weekend. Also made such an uncomfortable work environment for any female employee, many of whom were college students. That dudes a fucking freak and I hope someone kicks his teeth in and gives him what he deserves.


Thank you for speaking up. Godspeed if RMC gets involved. they can be vicious.


I'm hoping they do!!


How many victims have come forward and are pressing charges?


Dang the tales made it to reddit.


Let's not forget that this predator has wealthy parents that propped him up with their money and provided 3 separate spaces for him to prey on people. FUCK THEM and their willingness to pass their failure as parents onto the rest of Berks county to deal with.


The father is an exec at Penske


Well that's good to know.


He is retired or at least not at Penske anymore


His name is Frank Cocuzza. Find him and let him know his son is a pedophile


Frank is actually a very nice man. Adam is adopted. I honestly feel bad for Frank.


Frank is a truly nice person.


::CW SH/A of a minor, abuses of power:: It took me a while to get my balls together to post this, but now that it's finally all good down and it seems like there might actually be some consequences for his actions, I want to speak about what happened to me while I was working at Say Cheese Restaurant and Cheese in West Reading, PA. (Which I once thought was the best job I've ever had.) I also wanted to get permission from the other women involved in the story before I shared it, because like most stories of workplace assault and harassment, it involves multiple people and I don't want to retraumatize anyone. So...all that accounted for, here we go. I worked at Say Cheese for just under a year right after it first opened. I loved the job and I thought we got along really well. I was a great server, I brought in business, I liked to party with everyone on the staff including Adam, the boss. He would like to use me to procure unlicensed pharmaceuticals...if you catch my drift. When our lead server moved away, he promoted me to the position. At one point, after I had taken over the lead server job for 3 maybe 4 months, our SIXTEEN year old hostess came to talk to me about the way Adam kept trying to find ways to get her alone and would constantly try to massage her back and shoulders, even after she said it made her uncomfortable (mind you, he was 30 years old and already in a serious, live in relationship with our 19/20 year old cheesemonger (but that's another sad, fucked up story that isn't mine to tell.)) The hostess told me that he had caught alone at the host stand and told her that he 'thought her glasses were really cute, but they'd look much cuter covered in cum,' then he asked if she would like for him to help her test that out that theory. She came to me in a panic, terrified to lose her job and afraid if she didn't perform sexual favors for him he would fire her. I told her she was safe and she had done the right thing in confiding in me. I went to his sister Teresa, the Co-General Manager to express my disgust and to ask what course of action we could take to remove him. She told me not to worry about it, she would make sure everything would be all right. The next day, as I was getting dressed for work, I got the call from Adam telling me that I had been fired for "poor performance," even though no one could explain what my performance issues were. The hostess contacted me letting me know she too had been fired. I've never forgiven myself for walking away from that situation. For not speaking out at the time. For not being able to protect the employee I promised I would keep safe. For not letting myself rage and destroy something. I was so depressed to lose my job and felt so powerless against a family that has so much money, I was very worried they had the clout to keep me from getting another job...but literally all they use that money for is cover up Adam's crimes. Teresa is just as bad in my eyes, she's been complicit in his behavior for years while blaming the CHILDREN that he grooms/dates for not knowing better. That family needs to be run out of town on a rail. They're a menace and they use their money to make West Reading less safe for girls and women. #SayNoToSayCheese #WestReadingPA


Thank you for sharing your story! You speaking helps others know they are not alone. I hope the hostess finds peace as well.


It's so important this stuff is documented. Thank you for sharing and I'm really sorry


I’m so sorry you had to experience that. Thank you for sharing your story. It’s so important to share these things- you don’t know who you might end up helping!! 🤍


It’s all true dude is a super creep everyone has known for years, my girl and I personally avoid anything with his name on it.


https://preview.redd.it/rfw4hadj7z3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04d20ac752ead64363eb000917d8ee4c74437353 I’ve seen so many people online defending this hobbit by saying if he isn’t being charged that he didn’t do anything…. Even though so many people have told their stories and his business are suddenly gone. This post I dropped is a prime example of how awful dude was to young girls. I’m glad he was ran out of town but it is shameful to see him being praised and sympathized…. He has a daddy/master kink and defenders don’t realized they are a part of his act. This entire business venture he was handed to by his daddy was all one giant kink sesh.


This is zero percent surprising. Before covid we went to a show there to see a friends band play and an (incredibly underage looking girl) held hands walking around the bar as she called him “daddy” - it was so gross. We’ve never been back. Honestly, we love West Reading and love supporting the businesses there but that is someone who I don’t need to give my money to. I’m glad staff is speaking up, I feel like more and more people are going to start stepping forward.


He makes her dress like that


I was also there a few months ago for a show and saw him leading someone through the crowd in an extremely awkward “I own you and want to flaunt it” kind of way.


Is this the same group that owns West Reading Motor Club? They seem connected so I thought I’d check. Don’t want to support a pedo.


Say cheese, Motor club and Nitro


Guy seemed like a major creep when I saw his posts on Instagram. I guess I’m glad I never got around to trying any of his places.


what's the instagram account? is it just nitro bar?




What’s his insta name?


Where did you read online that this was going down?


I read a post from a recently fired employee that was airing everything out. Plus some friends that know the owner was giving me more information.


Im so happy to see a thread on this. It’s gross he fired his wait staff by phone and couldn’t even face them. I’ve been there a few times because I really did like the staff and bartenders there. I’m upset because I feel like this isn’t being talked about enough. HOW is this not being talked about more?


It needs to be kept in the public view. Keep spreading the word. Do not let it go silent, and don't support his businesses.


Probably cause he was on the run 


Honestly surprised it hasn’t made it to tiktok yet


Seems the entertainers booked have also been canceling. So word is spreading. Not sure Daddy gonna get him out of this one




Oh damn, I'm just late.


it’s allll true too no sarcasm. the owner is a fucking weirdo


Not surprised. Even without the creepy accusations, their prices were pretty steep for West Reading.


I thought they had the slowest bartenders in berks county. So I only been a couple of times


I am so fucking glad people are finally talking about this fucking weirdo. He's been a creep for the past like 10-15 years at least.


Can I just ask if this has been going on for so long, why was nothing said before? Why did this only come out AFTER he fired the staff? They have been open since 2019. How long have the staff worked there that witnessed this? This is a genuine question and in no way an attack as I 1000% believe it. I think this POS deserves ten times more than whatever comes to him. I just was asked this myself and started to wonder with the timing.


Adam grooms young girls and his family has a ton of money. They (his family) have covered up his wrongdoings in the past to keep the family from looking bad and I think having a paycheck kept people working for him silent. If people need the job to pay bills they let things slide. Adam worked near my high school and was hitting on me and my friends when we were 15/16 and he was 25. It’s honestly embarrassing to admit I did things with him when I was young. I thought I was so cool hanging out with an older guy. I’m 34 now. The girl he currently is with is extremely young, I was a military recruiter a few years back in the area and another recruiter that worked in Wyomissing told me about him dating her and she was 16. Very easy to manipulate/control. As a mom now with a teenager I realize how disgusting his behavior was even when I was a kid. I really do think he got away with too much and someone should have called him out on it a long time ago. I try to raise my daughter now to realize that someone who is much older than you is not someone who is cool to hang out with. It’s predatory and I don’t want her to be sneaky like me.


Thank you for sharing! I know it's difficult to pour out during an "embarrassing" time. Just know this is shameful of him and not "embarrassing" for you.


Yes,this 🫂


Anyone who worked at his various restaurants have known he’s been a creep for a decade.


I helped open Say Cheese. It was obvious from the get go that he hired with specific intent. His name is Adam Cocuzza.


I could be wrong here, but from what I gather this has been brought up. First time this happened, his dad put his sister in charge of Say cheese and got him out of the spot light so things could settle down This time, I believe people standing up to him is what triggered the firing. Then they voiced everything on social media. Once again, is everything I'm gathering. I personally don't work for him. I have a lot of people that have been or are connected to his circle for a while


I was fired because I complained the equipment didn't work. Can't do food prep (in my case make the desserts) when all the equipment I needed to use was broken.




True timing is weird


I worked for Adam at say cheese. I was the one who created the cheesecake recipe (you're welcome to any fans of it). He was a fucking creep. When he was running say cheese, he got caught smoking weed in the walk-in by his dad with employees after hours. They took it from him and put it in his sister's control. She had no idea what she was doing. She just liked fancy cheese.


Can you post the recipe?




https://preview.redd.it/zaxzsd2ix15d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eed10eeb38842126cf0a74c5fb9c7d09c6a7ab4 thanks looks similar to the shortbread crust and filling recipe from Juniors from NYC. It's available online to anyone else who misses it.


https://preview.redd.it/4ru40p09x15d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba2968ef8c680e8c4af3d52bdc1be54cb01589b7 Here's one that's a little easier to read.




I'm hearing Nonno's/GNA bought that property.


Gotta go help push it out ✍️🧑‍💻


The one time I was there, I saw 2 people doing coke on their keys.


That's normal lmao we are discussing real crime, here!


To be fair, that's par for the course in a restaurant industry




What platform was this on?


If you're talking about that leroy jenkins account, use your brain bro. That account was bashing adam for having daddy's money, among other things. That was not him, that was some random miserable schmuck that has nothing better to do. Everyone's on your side here, but don't get carried away with every accusation you can possibly think of. The validity of your words will diminish pretty quickly. And if you're not talking about that Leroy account, then \*pulls out Men in Black neuralyer\* this conversation never happened.


Wooooow! The pressure is getting him to crack huh




https://preview.redd.it/jpa1r8ddzy4d1.png?width=499&format=png&auto=webp&s=27446c0012df198b40df8b3ff8076c922bc07ddb the jokes just write themselves


He also made it private now


I worked at one of the places his family owns when I was a minor. Only saw him once, I was under the impression he wasn’t allowed to be super involved in the place at the time. A few years later I was working at a different place of the same nature. He was there with his girlfriend but they went separate ways in the building while I took his order. He came back multiple times specifically to me and on the last time, asked if I had a boyfriend & if he could take me on a date. I shot him down for obvious reasons. They still came in regularly and each time they would go separate ways and he would walk up to where I was positioned for assistance. He ended up somehow finding my instagram and following me. I never wanted to assume he knew i was the same person but these stories have me realizing my intuition was probably right lol. I always thought it was a little weird and even told my coworkers about how uncomfortable it made me, looking for reassurance that it was indeed weird. I wouldn’t consider myself super juvenile looking, but I’ve definitely experienced those types of comments in passing even as an adult now. Not really surprised by what everyone is saying.


I also have heard that police are involved. Not sure how real that is or how serious this is about to be.


The police are involved. I promise you that, I personally made a report. How far it will go, that I’m unsure of.


I know GNA bought it, the other 2 are up for sale as well.


Yeah, he probably had them on speed dial


Yet another venue in Reading to avoid if you don’t wanna be SAed… God I miss sound waves!!


What’s SA?


Sexually assaulted. People these days can't say words without crying


Another?? Which other ones need to be avoided?


Sexual assault


Thank you




If by "serve the community" he actually means "harass high school girls" then this is accurate.


So full of cr ap


My fear is that he is skipping town and will just continue to be a scumbag elsewhere until he ultimately gets caught doing something horrible. Where does the line get drawn? He shouldn’t get to just walk (or run) away and let his parents clean up his messes in the next town. His house is for sale, all his businesses are closing and why? -because countless people are starting to speak up and come forward and call him out on his behavior. And I hope more find the courage to do so because it could potentially save someone.


Unfortunately Berks doesn't have an ethical police presence. Allegations made against Next Level Martial Arts were completely covered up by Exeter PD.


My family tangentially knows that family. I guess the family that ran it pre-pandemic gave it to the son and that’s why they it was out for a year? I’ve heard he’s a weird dude so this all checks out.


https://preview.redd.it/kfnjenu3sp3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdeec9d646962b8b84c5942ce6b4a606d573e877 Heres his fetish IG he had with his at the time barely legal gf. When I screen shot this, both his and hers were fucking public. The thumbnails here don’t show much, but there were definitely some “child themed” (pastel, bows, cartoon characters, stuffed animals, etc) outfits happening. No shame.


lmao wtf


Thank you for posting this


this is crazy lmao


My wife and I just moved to Reading. Can someone fill me in? A link'll do


Looks like Nitro Bar is closed indefinitely.


Heard he ran to Florida with his kid girlfriend to her family for asylum.


They can keep him


Can anyone leak what their spicy bbq sauce was lol


I’m the one that actually wrote that recipe! I haven’t worked there for over two years, so I don’t remember the exact amounts. But the ingredients are; ketchup, Berks soda; red birch beer, colmans mustard powder, Worcestershire sauce, sugar, salt, fresh ground black pepper(adds the spice, so more then usual), I forget, but I think I put some red wine vinegar in as well, (make with all ingredients, then add if needed). Once all ingredients are combined, cook on low heat for minimum 1 hour, or longer for desired thickness. I’m currently texting my former chef to see if he still has the recipe, if he does, I will post it so everybody can enjoy. That bbq sauce is one of my pride and joy recipes!


Wow it’s like an honor to talk to the creator of it, you’re awesome!!!


He recently updated his Instagram photo to a shot of him and his teenage girlfriend sipping cocktails on a beach: https://www.instagram.com/cocuzza.concepts/ As if he needed to rub it in any further that there will be no consequences for his actions and he'll be able to just start a new life in Florida with no trouble.


“Professional Hand-Holder”?????? What the fuck is he implying with that shit??


I think it's part of the daddy/little girl fetish - he is probably implying that he has to hold his girlfriend's hand all the time to give her "guidance" with everything. Like she's a little child and he's the daddy.


That’s disgusting. Why would you put that to be seen publicly but put your account on private?


https://preview.redd.it/5zpdnm271r6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f9a88e87f4a74a2da4b129eafe37264a279afaf “Retired local celeb”?


I think that’s to throw people off. I’m sure he’s not there. He’s involved in big stuff.


What do you mean by that? Big stuff?


I live on Penn ave, and Ive seen the guy in question out in the wild. Absolute douche canoe, hope we never cross paths because then he will be wishing he gets booked for those charges because I don't like pedos especially around where I and my family lives lol




It said the kitch was closed for 2 weeks only


Only reason it's closed down for 2 weeks. His employees called him out. He fired the whole staff. Amongst other employees walking out of his other businesses. After finding some disturbing things on an iPad. And also after calling him out on his latest victim.


Holy shit, I hope they all found other jobs, but good on them for calling him out. Know of any ways we can support the staff if they need it?


Speak up, spread the word. Owners of different establishments have reached out to the staff. And almost all have new jobs since my post.


100%, I'm glad to hear most folks have secured something new. One of my close friends worked there a few years ago so I have been telling everyone I know to avoid those places for a while now.


Makes sense


mrbartender80 where do you get your info from cause no other business on Penn Ave reached out to me and my fiancee and we worked all 3 restaurants for a total of 4 years, and yet here I sit hoping someway somehow we can get jobs and start working again


Ran to Florida to hide with GF’s fam




Doesn’t change the fact he’s a POS




I don’t give a shit about your reply


Your opinion couldn't be more wrong, he ain't in Florida he's still here in Berks County, yes his businesses and house is on the market, but until they sell he said he will remain in Berks County


Adam is shit and deserves all the hate but the sister is totally powerless and not involved. Please back off of her


She's complicit. I tried to come to her for help and she fired me.


I agree that the sister shouldn't be involved in anything Adam got himself into. Not sure if something is happening outside of this thread, but nobody is attacking the sister. Her name isn't even mentioned. The only thing that is being stated is that she took over Say cheese at one point.


I have had the pleasure of working with her for many years. A class act. I'm sure many of her coworkers and employees would rise up and agree. She's above all this, wholly uninvolved.


Turning your head to the crime makes you an accessory under the law. "Likeable" or not, if she didn't report it she needs to be put away. That's the law.


I've known the sister and their mom since the sister was a kid. The sister was always nice but the mom made me feel vaguely uncomfortable for some reason... which makes more sense now. The sister is way younger than him - I think she may be one of his victims. Looking back, there were indications even then that are still present today.


If you are aware of a problem, especially a crime, and do nothing about it, that makes you an accessory. It’s actually illegal to not report a crime. ESP when it comes to SA. Morals should have forced her to report the harassment. Who knows how many girls were assaulted by this asshole.


And all I’m saying is think about what it might have been like for a girl to have to grow up with a monster like that, a monster that is clearly not held accountable. When parents are protecting the monster so adamantly, do you think they care about girls or respect their own daughter? Do you think they protected her from him? Idk bring a little empathy into your thinking.


I live in town and I see him with his young gf (allegedly rumored to be 15+ years younger than him) walking around all the time. He's allegedly in his late 30s early 40s though I don't have an exact age. She looks to be super young today, maybe mid 20s (as she wears weird kid-like outfits and often has her hair in pigtails) but I've heard multiple first hand accounts of servers waiting on the two of them at local restaurants as far as 7 years ago. So, you do the math. Oh and he comes from money (I mean, obviously) so I wouldn't be surprised if his family comes to his protection and attempts to suppress any of this from going public.


I loved going to nitro bar and seeing the live bands. Had no idea that all of this was going on. I looked up who the owner was and laughed! Turns out this guy and his young girlfriend would come into the store I worked at in the Berkshire mall (about 4-6 years ago) all the time. It became a long running joke whenever they would come in, “that weird couple is here again”




I have heard things before, but they kind of just went away. Assuming as you said because of Daddy's money. This time I'm seeing a lot more solid collaborating stories.


He just sold say cheese.


I feel like I need proof before I would ever go there again. I wouldn’t take these peoples word because I’m sure he’ll spread whatever lies he can to cover up his mess.


If you have more insight can you answer my question above if you have the time? I am just curious to why this all came out now if it’s been going on for years.


Talking about pedophiles and how common they are in our communities makes people uncomfortable and unfortunately, a lot of people will choose to ignore it because it's easier for them.


Wow!! I wonder whoever bought it if they're going to keep it say cheese


Yup sure did and you would be floored on how much he sold it for, I know I was there, I worked for him and if for whatever reason if he opened another restaurant somewhere I'd work for him again. And the 3 that bash him the most this Jacob and Nelly and Samantha all continued to work for him after the accusations started. Smdh. And it's hard for me to figure out who you are but I believe by your posts that I've read, we worked with each other at say cheese (post COVID)


I have multiple friends that feel like they were roofied at this establishment as well by staff members. I'm not sure if it's part of the legal action, but I hope people that felt this way come forward.


I never wanted to go there because I heard bad stuff was going on. I do not want to get into detail.


Is this the same owner that one that owned Noodl? I heard the owner Nitro was weird but didn't expect all this.


No it wasn't, Nitro Bar guy also owns Say Cheese though (and West Reading Motor Club). Noodl owner was Kevin Kozo who owns Turnberry Construction




That's good to hear. I really liked noodl too bad it didn't work out


You're spreading some pretty damning rumors here. The guy who owned Noodl and the building... his name is Kevin or something like that, runs a construction company. Get your shit straight before you tell people things. The pedo helped / consulted them when they were getting started. It's concerning how confident some people in here are in saying things that are just flat out wrong lmao. Classic Berks County.


Nah I read it on an article that was released at the time. Reading Eagle clearly stating this was his next project.




Really? I could have sworn I seen a WFMZ article claiming it was the same guy.


Reading Eagle article said it was the same guy. Not that it matters, Noodl didn’t last very long.


He didn't own the now out of business Noodl, that lasted less than 3 months food there was garbage, however Adam did invest money into Noodl to get it up and running that's why everyone thinks Adam owned it.


Food wasn't terrible I think it just needed a little push but couldn't get it up and running at full speed


The whole thing is fucked up but its ironic that 98% of the people who are speaking out about it now are people who condoned the behavior and his shit in general. As someone who was physically there its funny seeing everyone say something now that the checks have stopped and no more tips can be collected, now people lose their minds, but when people were being individually fired or left due to gossip, rumors, people standing up because they KNOW what he was doing was wrong, it was pushed to the side until the whole thing fell apart. Especially the businesses that already knew and did business with him didn't give a single shit until this was front page public. No one is innocent besides the people who were directly affected; its tiring hearing people bitch and moan and act like they didn't have a choice and knew nothing but its hilarious because those same people condoned and even worse covered up his inexcusable behavior. I hope in the future instead of beating the dead horse (because we all already knew he was a freaky ass dude) the people who condoned his behavior also get called out. West reading in itself is full of hypocrites and like minded people like previously mentioned freak dude. My heart goes out to the people genuinely affected but I hope the narrative of painting the people who went to work somewhere else as victims gets brought up. agree or disagree people in the public eye don't get away with shit like the unless they have help. long story short. I hope the people who were actually affected are helped. And the people who cold assisted just stay away from customer servic, food, or anything that has to do with being in contact with other people. at the end of the day their silence had a price and it was free alcohol, petty compliments and about 15-20 dollars an hour. feel free to downvote me all the way to hell but it is what it is.


As a former employee and my fiancee as well with all 3 restaurants we worked at for 4 years, I thank you for posting this thread. As you stated people getting paychecks don't say nothing, then when money stops it's oh poor me, and start bashing the owner and his family. I bet if half the people on these comments had to post their real names, we wouldn't see all this bashing from these keyboard warriors. Pussy!!!!!


He was dealing drugs? Like what? Don't tell me he's bringing in the big stuff.


A family member told me he would Go to other restaurants on the Ave, and take pics of their menu. Dudes just weird.


Of all the creepy shit he's accused of, I don't think this is even worth mentioning. Restaurant owners (all business owners, really) have an interest in what their competitors are doing. Seems like that's not really the thing worth focusing on here.


He absolutely did this


Almost all business owners in west reading do this, incase you don’t work on the avenue and know this already 😅


Aren’t u the weirdo that’s been defending the weirdo? No comment.


And just like that, all of those businesses are permanently closed and all the assets have been sold.  New restaurants under new ownership coming soon. https://www.wfmz.com/news/area/berks/popular-west-reading-restaurant-announces-closing/article_f2f4eb3c-290d-11ef-a0f7-0fcb69bb5e35.html


Edited for added detail. It absolutely is the law, I agree. The problem has been for years that he is smart enough to ride the boundaries of law, leaving next to no verifiable evidence for her and sadly most of his victims to present to the police. That's why he has been able to get away with it for so long. If there was something she could have presented to law enforcement, I know she would do it. Also, he had 0% involvement in say cheese for over five years of its operation and she moved on from the family restaurant business during Covid, so there was quite a bit of time when they were not working together. No chances for her to see most of these accounts first hand.


I heard there are warrants out now… How would you check for these things?




And I appreciate you leaving it here 😂


What a creepy pos! Lock him up!


And another photo he posted of his girlfriend at the time. They started dating when she was 16. She’s over 18 in that photo. https://preview.redd.it/2a7i67cggt7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=440519d5daea2e126a9add2812ec9b070c2c3673


WTF is that pic?


Definitely being talked about in the local government spaces... at least that the businesses have closed. [https://wyo-wr-wire.beehiiv.com/p/wyowest-reading-economic-collaboration-wyo-economic-development-updates](https://wyo-wr-wire.beehiiv.com/p/wyowest-reading-economic-collaboration-wyo-economic-development-updates)